Mission Slimpossible - April 2021 Team Chat



  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Annie, 54, a Brit who has been living in the US since I got married in 1991. We have 2 sons, our 23 yr old lives in Asia & the 21 yr old is away at college, so we are also empty nesters. I joined this group at the beginning of last year to help lose the 15-20 pounds that I have somehow seemed to have accumulated over the last few years. There have been ups and downs but I'm slowly progressing...
    I don't post too many comments but do read them all. We have some very entertaining writers in this group. I am in the middle of tax season at the moment, so will probably go sinker for the next few weeks, except for weekly weigh-ins....

    Sorry @broncobuddee I missed last week's weigh-in. Tax Season is a s**tshow this year.... :s

    CW: 165.1
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy Good Friday! Today has been mostly me sitting at my desk doing a bunch of different computer work for the church and home. I did do a workout this morning, but my body was tired from the cleaning job I did yesterday. I was happy to lose 1.3 lbs. With dinner today and what I have planned for this weekend, I am a little concerned about the scale, but I know what to do to get it to go back down and it’s Easter weekend, so I plan to enjoy it! Right now I need to go watch my church’s Good Friday service online. :)

    Track using Carb Manager Yup!
    Stay under 30 total grams of Carbs 45.2 grams. I couldn’t say no to the pasta salad! ;)
    Clean Fast 19+ hours 19 hrs. 10 min.
    Exercise 45+ minutes 80 Day Obession, booty day
    Post on the Habit Tracker Daily I sure did!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @Jypsy1 I'm so glad this week is better than normal for you!

    @Jactop I can't believe we're 100 days into this year, that's nuts!

    @Firefly743 Hope your new scale works out better! I remember when that happened to me I was scared I'd be 10lbs more on the new one.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @gwamajtw91 Good luck, I have a friend who does taxes and I'm barely hearing from her right now, hang in there, it's almost over!

    @TeresaW1020 I totally forgot about church online tonight, thank you! I've been bad, I don't care for the new music director so I mute the music or just log on 20 minutes late for the sermon and totally forgot today. I think I've posted this, I've "crashed" the old music director's church just so I could hear GOOD Christian music! I don't get how she can destroy beautiful songs but apparently some people like it. She's really nice but I just don't care for how she changes it. If I'm ever able to go in person I may go to Classic for the organ then run over to Contemporary for the sermon. Oh yeah, I can't run anymore, LOL! Seriously, I'm going to post then watch the recorded service. When I went to church without my brother's family I went to Classical to see if anyone really played the organ. OK, now that I put my foot in my mouth I'll do my check-in, hope you had a great service!

    The leash came, yay! It had directions on getting cats used to it so it's laying by the food bowl for them to sniff and get used to. My boyfriend wanted to put Abby on it right away just like how I studied the "perfect" way to introduce our cats last year and he drove over and let her loose as soon as he came in the door instead of following all the expert advice I'd read. One of them has to like it! Asher wouldn't let me measure his chest but the other two boys did so I know it's a good size. I have to be at the food bank early for gardening. I wish I could post my picture of my adventures today, I went to one house and picked up cactus for my dad, another house where the owner left me tomato plants, and then a third to trade stuff. I had plants in my cup holders and now there's dirt all over my car.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    edited April 2021

    Eeep! What a busy day! Here it is midnight, and I am just sitting down at the computer to check in.

    Today went pretty well, though this will have to be my cardio rest day this week. On the plus side, I did do resistance work and martial arts practice, so I did get in movement. And I had a good food day - yippee!
    ✔️Food on plan (Dr F) (7xwk)
    ✔️Breathing practice (7x wk)
    ❌Cardio (6/wk)
    ✔️Meditation practice
    ✔️No food after 8/9 pm (added "/9" with /9 being Tuesday only)

    More catchup in the morning!
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    User: RYcare
    Weigh Day: Saturday
    PW: 340
    CW: 234.8
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Sorry typo on PW weight. Should be 234.
    I wish I lost that much pounds
  • frankfindshomes
    frankfindshomes Posts: 3 Member

    Sw-226.8 i think.
    Weigh in Saturday
    Cw- 225.4
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71 Oh that is too bad that you don’t care for the music director’s style. Is your church big or small? Smaller churches often have a tough time finding people. Our music director is a young man who is also our youth pastor. He has decided to step down from being the music director and since this is a part-time job, we are having a difficult time finding a replacement and we are all worried that we will end up settling for someone. Lots of prayer going on in staff right now for this new person to be awesome. o:) I think you need to take a pic of you walking those cats! :grin:

    @AustinRuadhain Good job on getting most of your green checkmarks! How long have you been doing martial arts? Did you go to classes to learn? :)

    @mlhopp93 Wahooo on reaching your 95 pounds lost!! I just know that with your determination you are going to rock this month and reach that 100 lb. mark for sure. We are going to have to throw you a party!! B)

    @trooworld Girl, I sometimes think we are twins separated at birth! :grin: I also had an amazing loss on the scale this morning, which is great but then I thought about the meals I will be eating the next two days and what that will do on the scale. But you know what? We KNOW what to do and to lose that gain and we will do it!! What a timely graphic! Thanks…I think! :D

    @digger61 Yup, you know exactly what to do to get the scale moving again. Don’t beat yourself up and just do the work. :)

    @Jypsy1, @cailingfry, @frankfindshomes, & @fierce1alicia Good work this week!! Keep it up. B)

    Hi Team!! I was super happy to step on the scale this morning and see a really nice whoosh. I do wonder why those always seem to happen the day before my weigh-in. But that’s ok, I’ll take the scale going down any day I can get it. However, the next two days I’m eating way off my Keto plan and I’m not sure what that will do to the scale. The family wanted me to make my beef stew for Easter, which has turned into two days because I have to be at church tomorrow at 9:30 and won’t be home until after 1 pm. So I made it today and we will eat it for both meals. I will also have red wine and yeast rolls. <3 However, I will only have the strawberry shortcake tomorrow, which was me exercising restraint. But then hubby gave mom and me a little chocolate Russel Stover Easter bunny. Well, what's a girl to do now!!:D I did a good workout, fasted a little longer than normal, and did a bunch of housework so maybe that will help out a little bit. :grin:

    Track using Carb Manager I did and it wasn’t pretty, but it sure was tasty!
    Stay under 30 total grams of Carbs NOT even close!!! :D
    Clean Fast 19+ hours 21 hrs. 15 min.
    Exercise 45+ minutes 80 Day Obsession, AAA (Abs, Arms, and A**)
    Post on the Habit Tracker Daily I sure did!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,168 Member
    @AustinRuadhain   Thank you for thinking of me. TOM has been visiting, so I think that had a lot to do with my emotions and gain.

    I can't remember who in our group is doing WW, but I took the plunge and signed up today. I'm doing the Green plan. I decided I absolutely HAD to do something different to get out of this rut.

    2021 Motto: WITH PURPOSE
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member

    Hey there, Slimsters!

    Quick check-in here. It has been a super busy day, but I stayed on track food-wise, and got in 2 walks and some weight lifting. Woohoo!

    ✔️Food on plan (Dr F) (7xwk)
    ✔️Breathing practice (7x wk)
    ✔️Cardio (6/wk)
    ⚪Meditation practice -- off to do this now!
    ✔️No food after 8/9 pm (added "/9" with /9 being Tuesday only)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
This discussion has been closed.