Downsizers - April 2021 Team Chat



  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    edited April 2021
    Check in for April 5
    Logging - yes
    Exercise - not really - just a short walk to the park
    Steps - 4320
  • missysave0612
    missysave0612 Posts: 31 Member
    4/6 steps 2533

    My energy level has been very low this last week or so. I have been feeling so tired. I've taken naps during the day but still feel like I'm not getting enough sleep. I know its do to stressing over the purchase of a new house. Of course I'm a stress eater too so my weight will definitely be up this week. So ready to close on the house & get started with the updates it needs!
    On a good note...our snowy weather from last week has now changed to high 60s low 70s this week! :smile:
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,557 Member
    So sorry about your dog. It is great that the vet can come to your house. Lots of hugs to you and your family.

    Nice steps! Cheat meals are ok every now and then.

    Maybe you could share that recipe. Congrats on your vaccine appointment.

    Sorry your stomach is off. Have you started any new meds? I felt awful last week and it turned out to be the antibiotics I was taking. M&M’s are one of my biggest downfalls. I personally don’t keep them in the house or I will eat them all. Maybe you can bag them and the nuts into single size servings. That way you know exactly how much is in each bag. You could weigh them and write the amount on the bags. Then you know exactly how many calories you had in your snack.

    Keep trying until you get there!

    I never pass on dessert at special occasions. I imagine this something you don’t have very often. Go back to your regular eating the next day. I am sure your weekly calorie average balanced out.

    You should map out your biking. Pick a destination and pedal until you get there. There as to be an app for that.

    How are your studies going?

    A walk is a good walk no matter how short it is! Great job!

    I hope your house purchase comes together soon. I can relate to your stress eating. Maybe you can plan some activities that you can do when you feel stressed and want to eat.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,557 Member

    Just a reminder on the weigh in format. It makes it a lot easier for me to find.

    Weigh in Day
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,557 Member

    For those of you with a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit, how do you use it to help on your weight loss journey?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,526 Member
    edited April 2021
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    255 messages since the last time I got in. Wow. You people are amazing ;)
    Im doing a quick step in to give my info and go back to study. It's so bad that I can not spend time with you like before :(
    But to be honest, I am also not seeing my friends. And my family more than 2 years already!

    My weight is going up and down, but I must admit I forked up with the chocolate eggs.
    My current weight is 130.8 kg =288.3 lbs
    My steps
    29/03/2021 8.933 steps
    30/03/2021 9.035 steps
    31/03/2021 19.258 steps
    1/04/2021 9.553 steps
    2/04/2021 8.306 steps
    3/04/2021 21.314 steps
    4/04/2021 8.432 steps
    5/04/2021 18.384 steps

    I managed to do every day more than 8000 steps :)@Megan_smartiepants1970

    Great steps ...but unfortunately I zero-ed out your steps last night and I already posted the results... I am so sorry
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,526 Member

    For those of you with a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit, how do you use it to help on your weight loss journey?

    It is a great motivator to get me up and moving ...With out it I don't think I would move much .... I gave my old garmin to my daughter so we have a competition to see who can get the most steps in a day :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    For those of you with a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit, how do you use it to help on your weight loss journey?

    I love my Apple watch <3 I use it to track water, exercise and steps. There is also a MFP app but I never really explored it. The health app on my phone keeps track of all my data and shows me my trends including cardio fitness. There are three rings on the watch that you should close each day and I try to do that. The rings are activity (general calories), exercise (active minutes which only track if you meet a minimum effort of 'brisk walk') and stand (tracks whether you get up and move each hour for a goal of standing once in 10 separate hours). It buzzes if I don't stand which then cues me to walk at least 500 steps.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 886 Member
    Steps 4/5: 21,005
    Daily mini-workout ✔️
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    edited April 2021
    I have been reading Atomic Habits and it has been resonating with me. I thought I would share some things since I know some are on a waiting list for it.

    The book suggests two different strategies to starting a successful habit. The first is 'implementation intention'. This is were you set a very specific plan that you make before starting the habit:

    I will[BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]

    The idea around this is that by setting the specific intention, you are more likely to complete the habit. For example, here is my implement intention-- I will walk for a minimum of 30 minutes (behavior) on Monday's during my daughters dance class (time) around the shopping center (location).

    The other strategy is 'habit stacking'. This strategy encourages you to pair a new habit with an existing habit.

    After I [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]

    My example for this is, after I weigh myself (current habit), I will get dressed into my exercise clothing and put on my walking shoes (new habit), go down stairs (current habit) and go out the door for a minimum of a 20 minute walk (new habit). I really like this one as it becomes more routine over time by adding onto your current habits.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    255 messages since the last time I got in. Wow. You people are amazing ;)
    Im doing a quick step in to give my info and go back to study. It's so bad that I can not spend time with you like before :(
    But to be honest, I am also not seeing my friends. And my family more than 2 years already!

    My weight is going up and down, but I must admit I forked up with the chocolate eggs.
    My current weight is 130.8 kg =288.3 lbs
    My steps
    29/03/2021 8.933 steps
    30/03/2021 9.035 steps
    31/03/2021 19.258 steps
    1/04/2021 9.553 steps
    2/04/2021 8.306 steps
    3/04/2021 21.314 steps
    4/04/2021 8.432 steps
    5/04/2021 18.384 steps

    I managed to do every day more than 8000 steps :)@Megan_smartiepants1970

    Great steps ...but unfortunately I zero-ed out your steps last night and I already posted the results... I am so sorry

    I would love please please If it would be able to put them. That's the way I show to my doctors my steps. My dietist, my psicologyst etc they look via that spreadsheet
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,526 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    255 messages since the last time I got in. Wow. You people are amazing ;)
    Im doing a quick step in to give my info and go back to study. It's so bad that I can not spend time with you like before :(
    But to be honest, I am also not seeing my friends. And my family more than 2 years already!

    My weight is going up and down, but I must admit I forked up with the chocolate eggs.
    My current weight is 130.8 kg =288.3 lbs
    My steps
    29/03/2021 8.933 steps
    30/03/2021 9.035 steps
    31/03/2021 19.258 steps
    1/04/2021 9.553 steps
    2/04/2021 8.306 steps
    3/04/2021 21.314 steps
    4/04/2021 8.432 steps
    5/04/2021 18.384 steps

    I managed to do every day more than 8000 steps :)@Megan_smartiepants1970

    Great steps ...but unfortunately I zero-ed out your steps last night and I already posted the results... I am so sorry

    I would love please please If it would be able to put them. That's the way I show to my doctors my steps. My dietist, my psicologyst etc they look via that spreadsheet

    I will add them to the spreadsheet ... But they will not count in our week 1 April results but they will count towards the end of the month
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post April 5
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 82oz
    Steps 9011
    Exercise Jogging in place 15 mins

    Mondays are always busy with watching my neices. Yesterday they were here and I also worked on consignment sale stuff so it was extra busy haha. My drop off for the sale is this Friday so I'm just getting as much done as I can until then. It just took me 15 mins at the end of the night to get the rest of my steps in.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 12,535

    I was home yesterday looking for jobs and did a different workout which focused on both arms and legs. Had to figure out a new dinner on the fly since I didn’t realize I need to do a step in advance for my planned meal.
    Our renovations are coming along, we are finishing our basement and renovating what was a playroom/office upstairs into a sitting room. We are almost a week into the painters being here and we are almost done. Only things left are flooring, staining the stairs, plumber and the baseboard moldings.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Today has been a tough one. My daughter has state mandated standardized testing all week and they have mandated the tests must be in person but they aren’t providing transportation. That means having to figure out transportation to and from school for half days while still working. I thought I could work from home this week but things are pulling me into the facility in person so it’s a juggling act.

    The scale was up a whole lb today. I went to change the batteries and it would not go back on. I tried 12 different batteries to no avail. So, I ordered the Renpho. I’m not looking forward to starting with a new scale. I just hope it’s not too far off from my old scale.

    By far the worst part of the day was deciding to end my almost 14 yr old, miniature schnauzer’s suffering. He has been on the steep decline since being diagnosed with liver cancer in February and it’s reached that time. We will be having a vet come to the house tomorrow afternoon so that he go peacefully in his own bed and not anxious and scared in a vet’s office.

    For goals today, my calories are a little low but macros are on track. I got 26 minutes of exercise in but I won’t hit my 10K steps.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    1. Wake up early and get in a 30 minute walk before I have to take my daughter in for her testing.
    2. Take 2 walking breaks
    3. Eat what I pre-plan

    I wish they would cxl the testing for the kids after the year they have had. What grade is your daughter in?

    Let me know how you like the renpho! I like it.

    Sorry about your pup so hard to lose a fur baby! I have a 15 yr old guy and I get sad thinking about the day that will come soon when he isn’t here.

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    azkunk wrote: »
    Today has been a tough one. My daughter has state mandated standardized testing all week and they have mandated the tests must be in person but they aren’t providing transportation. That means having to figure out transportation to and from school for half days while still working. I thought I could work from home this week but things are pulling me into the facility in person so it’s a juggling act.

    The scale was up a whole lb today. I went to change the batteries and it would not go back on. I tried 12 different batteries to no avail. So, I ordered the Renpho. I’m not looking forward to starting with a new scale. I just hope it’s not too far off from my old scale.

    By far the worst part of the day was deciding to end my almost 14 yr old, miniature schnauzer’s suffering. He has been on the steep decline since being diagnosed with liver cancer in February and it’s reached that time. We will be having a vet come to the house tomorrow afternoon so that he go peacefully in his own bed and not anxious and scared in a vet’s office.

    For goals today, my calories are a little low but macros are on track. I got 26 minutes of exercise in but I won’t hit my 10K steps.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    1. Wake up early and get in a 30 minute walk before I have to take my daughter in for her testing.
    2. Take 2 walking breaks
    3. Eat what I pre-plan

    I wish they would cxl the testing for the kids after the year they have had. What grade is your daughter in?

    Let me know how you like the renpho! I like it.

    Sorry about your pup so hard to lose a fur baby! I have a 15 yr old guy and I get sad thinking about the day that will come soon when he isn’t here.

    This week is my daughter, she is in 5th grade and next week I have to do the same for my son, he is in 8th grade. They canceled testing last year. It would be nice if they would provide transportation or let them stay at school for the full day. This half day business for 2 full weeks is tough to juggle now that I am back in the office.

    The scale should be here today. I just hope theres not a major difference in the wrong direction.

    Thanks for the the empathy for my pup. We lost our “youngest” dog who was 11 in August, she was also the biggest dog so we weren’t surprised that she went first. Our oldest dog is 14.5 and still feisty, just a little slower from arthritis and too many lbs. She has put on some extra weight with Max not eating much these past few weeks.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    Thank you Megan for calculating the step challenge, you're awesome! Congratulations everyone 🎉

    Bike 35 minutes, 9 miles, moderate effort
    Steps 4,000

    I am so terribly sorry to hear that, I'm sure that decision has been weighing heavily on you. You being with him will give him comfort and he will feel your love.

    That's absurd to hear that the school district is mandating that the kids who are eLearning at home are required to take the exam. As a former teacher, there are other assessments that can be used in lieu of state assessments- especially during this time.

    A new scale, maybe it will be more accurate and you'll be pleasantly surprised. Keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for you.

    Love your plan. Solid. Specific. Successful!
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    8,822 steps
    under calories
    logged food and drink
    slept 8 hrs.

    @missysave0612 congratulations on your upcoming purchase of a new home. The closing process must be very stressful.
    @rlaskey2 you must be looking forward to finishing the renovations and enjoying your new spaces.
    @azkunk So sorry for the loss of your dog. With all that is going on it must be a stressful time for your entire family.
    @Z10Rtza wishing you success on your studies and eating plan.
    @888Angie888 great steps!
    @lindamtuck2018 you are so blessed that your granddaughter wants to share so much with you. Great job resisting the tea biscuit.
    @Tazaria87 wishing you success on the consignment sale. And I second the request to post the squash casserole recipe when you have time.
    @rwood566 hope bowling was fun. It must be great to share activities with your children.

    Was really brave and ordered some white pants for summer. I have not worn any for the last ten years since I have always been so self conscious about my size. We will see how this goes. Fortunately, they are returnable.
This discussion has been closed.