Mission Slimpossible - April 2021 Team Chat



  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @TwistedSassette thanks for thd hugs 😁
    @apple852hk Sorry you had a tough night. It sounds like you know what your triggers are, now you just need to find an alternative thing that soothes them. Sending hugs.

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - Apr 2021 Sunday
    PW 138.2lbs (62.7kg)
    CW 134.4llbs (61.8kg)
    LTD about 37lbs (16.8 kg)
    GOAL weight 121lbs (55kg)

    Lost - not sure how, as I ate lots of chocolate at the beginning of the week. Also it might be water weight as last week ate big carb meals.

    I do notice if I don't eat sweets, that I don't put on weight. This week I stopped myself eating endless amount of chocolate near the end of the week, as I remembered it really adds on weight noticeably.

    Have a good week ahead.

    1. Go for walk daily for only 30mins
    2. Eat meat once a day

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,135 Member
    PW: 199.2
    CW: 196.2

    Super happy with my first WW weight in week! Feeling so motivated! Time to get ready for church, so I'll chat more later. Hugs!

    2021 Motto: WITH PURPOSE
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @Jactop That's great that you already have a journal and have listed your "WHYS". NSVs will fit in well there!

    @caitlingfry Oh god, you sound miserable, you poor gal! Like @Jactop, I've been thinking of you as well. I hope this is the worst it gets and you start feeling better soon. <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on an excellent weigh-in, way to go! Yes he is! By the way, we call him the Million Dollar Dog because he's always going to the vet's for something or another. ;) Yes you make sense. If I understand you correctly, you are having trouble meeting your daily points allotment because you eat mostly zero points foods. How about throwing some vegan cheese on your steamed broccoli for 3 pts for an ounce? Maybe saute your veggies in 1 Tbsp of olive oil for 4 pts. Eat some almond butter or peanut butter at 6 pts for 2 Tablespoons. Just jack up the points with those types of things, you can do it. Thanks for the hugs, right back at you! Her nails are gorgeous, I wish you could do mine! <3 That must be hard to have your son so far away from you.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad you had a better day yesterday. Yikes to your sister, that's terrible. I'll have to try out that podcast.

    @apple852hk Congrats on the great weigh-in! I get that. Listening to a song to stop and take notice is a great idea! Hugs to you.

    @19shmoo69 Nice weigh-in! And congrats on your success going from 312 to 255, well done!

    Hi all. I got terrible sleep last night, the pup was having bathroom issues. I am going to be worthless today. :( Last night for dinner, I enjoyed filet mignon tacos. I worked very hard yesterday to balance out my WW points for the day so it wouldn't affect me to eat those tacos: I ate yogurt and berries for breakfast, and then cottage cheese and berries for lunch. It can be done to enjoy your journey!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    apple852hk wrote: »
    @TeresaW1020 thanks for reassuring me sugar addiction is real. It is so hard to combat amd overcome. What helped you get out of a sugar addiction habit? Beyond eating something healthy instead.

    Sugar addiction is definitely real. Substituting for something healthy is the logical answer but not a helpful one as it doesn't consider the pull of your addiction. Eating something healthy when you want chocolate is like telling an alcoholic to drink water instead. Sometimes it might fly but it's not always sustainable.

    I'm still addicted to sugar. Today is day 55 with no sugar and I don't feel like I would have any more control now than I did on day 1. I wrote a 2 page list of all the crappy things that happen to my body when I eat it which should deter me but doesn't.

    For several years I've given up sugar for lent which I managed by looking forward to Easter when I thought I could treat myself to my favorites and then go to a reduced sugar diet after a short binge. Not. As soon as I start back on sugar the pull is as strong as always.

    This time what made the difference is that I admitted to myself that I have an addiction and sugar is just something I can't have. Not the easiest addiction to have when you work in a chocolate store that makes the best chocolates ever 😋

    Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you but these are the things I found helpful.

    First I focused on No Sugar and nothing else. Other than sugar I ate what I wanted for a while and as much as I wanted. Surprisingly I didnt gain weight. I bought chocolate with sweetener to get over the humps and allowed myself to eat as much fruit, raisins, chips, white bread, etc. until it got easier. I don't eat alot of the unhealthy stuff anymore because I don't want it not because I can't have it.

    After the first few days the cravings eased and after 2 weeks they were pretty much gone except for visual cues. I also found it helpful that @Teresa1020 was posting the beck solution questions daily. I started labeling my cravings as visual, environmental or thirst which made them easier to deal with.

    Be kind to yourself while you focus on your addiction. Be selfish enough to take time for yourself without guilt and reward yourself often with anything other than sugar.

    Good luck. You can do this
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    @19schmoo69 Wow!!! Your progress is impressive.

    @apple852hk You said you ate so many carrots you had a stomachache ache but imagine how much worse you would've felt if that had been chocolate 🤢
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012: what an awesome post! Those baked chickpea tacos sound really good. Also so happy for you to hear from your son, it must have been a good time for all of you guys. Thank him (and you both) for all of the commitments for our collective safety. And the nails look so fabulous.

    @TeresaW1020: It’s not fun or always easy to learn through other people but boy does it save us a little bit of the trouble. I’m sorry to hear about your sisters health problems. Sounds like you’re as motivated as ever to keep up the hard work. 💪

    @apple852hk : sugar addiction is so real. (Tw: substance abuse) My graduate internship was an outpatient drug and alcohol facility where we did group therapy every day for adults in recovery from substance abuse. So beyond even like just direct sugar addiction, once humans become abstinent from their DOC, they often CRAVE sugar like they never have before. It’s the same receptors that need the sugar to release happytime chemicals in the brain. So when we would play therapeutic games/feel like our group had been lagging for a week or so, we’d bust out the candy and it was like all new people.
    So! I’m saying this because knowledge is power. Your brain will send you cravings and your impulse may follow through, but awareness can help you stop the cycle. My crutch in slowing the sugar has been water, breathing, and walking. I went from soda and sweets (and booze) every day to an emotional support water bottle and internalizing serving sizes as they are proportionate to my goals and realistic human body. For me it came down to a massive lifestyle change. I cut out (and put up boundaries around) my bad influences (who are still drinking & bingeing), and focused on trying to listen to myself and find balance. The first changes when modifying behavior from an addiction are “people, places, and things” (that trigger you to use or think about the substance - sugar). Also I just read @jactop s post about the beck solution questions and labeling triggers which is super cool and I love that!! Awareness is key.
    I am CRACKING UP over your “mad chomping” and WILL be adding that to my skills for the next week as I’m like Rapunzel in my tower waiting to be set free HAHA

    @trooworld : Million Dollar Dog!!! Lol also your dinner last night sounds to die for! Yum

    @Jactop : super interested in that labeling system, so much easier to be mindful (especially around foods) when you can identify what’s going on within you!


    So much insight in here this morning I love it! Feeling ok today, but it’s early so we’ll see what happens. I had to bring my yoga mat upstairs yesterday and do some stretches on the hard floor. My lower back was absolutely raging and this is not something I’m TOO used to. A sciatic issue in 2018 and some coccyx fractures when I was a kiddo but this is other worldly. “Doctor said I need a backiotomy” type stuff. (If you get this quote, you get my way of life 😂) Anyway the back pain was putting me in my feels so if it’s returned today I’m slinking onto the floor and doing some exercises.

    Today is my Moms birthday so I’m sad I’m locked up for it. And I’ve been so scared all week that my parents got sick too so I am asking them every time they eat if they can taste and smell. So far so good. But this is literally what I was scared of this whole time. We’ve been so careful and then I bring it home from work UGH 😩 gonna mad chomp my first feeding. I can’t even call them meals because I can’t taste them 😂

    Last night though my parents made stuffed pork chops (pork chops are my LEAST favorite cut of pork and I typically decline - texture thing I think) so I ordered udon. Since my mom got lo mein the first day I was up here and it really hit the spot texturally I figured I’d just ride this thing out on noodles. And right in time I got 3 50% coupons for Uber eats so it’s basically like no fees until 4/15. The noodles last night made me feel really good and happy which feels lame but it’s the little things right now. And the leftovers will slap.

    Based on the length of this it looks like I’m bored and/or feeling a little better 😂 Happy Sunday folks 👍
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @broncobuddee -- you did NOT miss my weigh in, sorry I'm late:

    Friday weigh in
    PW: 178.5
    CW: 175.7


    LTD: 15.4
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Oooh, haven't ready posts since Thursday night, and you lovely people have made 3 pages of them for me to read! It was enjoyable catching up today.

    Friday we moved the kids home. Just barely fit everything in! Now we are cleaning and repacking everything for next fall. Laundry, laundry, laundry!

    My body has been torturing me lately. Last week I was up a pound or so. I was mad. This week, a big loss. Next week, I'll probably be up a bit again. I'll try to be keep a better attitude about this and just see it as an expected thing. I am making progress and that's what counts!

    Happy Sunday!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @apple852hk Well, I am not free from being a sugar addict and I just had binge last week that started with a chocolate Easter bunny and ended with Easter candy at work. Knowing that I’m a sugar addict and how it affects my brain is important. I have to stay vigilant, or I will cave into the temptation. Much of the time I can say no and keep away from those foods that trigger a binge. Because once I do give in it’s like an alien takes over my brain and it’s so hard to stop until I’m sick and full of self-loathing at my weakness. Do you feel those same kinds of feelings when you binge on chocolate? What helps me the most is going Keto and eating enough fat and protein seems to help the best. When I’m doing good, I don’t eat carbs other than veggies. I don’t eat bread, rice, or even fruit because it all turns to sugar in my body and will trigger me to binge. What also helps the most is learning all I can about food addiction and how I can overcome it. You can too!! <3

    @19shmoo69 Nice loss this week!! Keep it up! B)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Wow what a great week you had!! You just keep at it and that weight is going to fall off you. :)

    @trooworld Awe your pup and your poor sleep. I hope will be better tonight. Yum to those tacos!! You are right that you can make adjustments so that you get to enjoy your meals without making the scale cry. :)

    @Jactop Great advice to Apple! It’s interesting that you allowed yourself all the fruit and other carby foods to help you adjust to no sugar. I think it’s very helpful to be realistic with ourselves and sometimes easing into it is much better than when we try the cold turkey approach. :)

    @caitlingfry I’m so glad that you are feeling better. That is a bummer that you can’t celebrate your mom’s b-day with her, but keeping her safe from the virus is a must and you can do a belated celebration when you are free from your room and have your taste buds back. I say that if noodles make you feel better then eat those noodles!! AND…I Googled backiotomy and got the YouTube video “Doctor said I need a backiotomy.” Hilarious!!! :D:D

    @Cornanda Wahhoooo look at you losing 2.8 lbs this week. Way to go, girlfriend!! <3 You have to focus on the overall downward trend of weight loss and not those ups and downs that drive us all crazy. How long are the kids coming home? Are you glad they will be back?

    Hello Slimpossibles!! Today has been a super fun day. After church and lunch, hubby and I had to run to Sams and go pick up an RX for my mom at Walmart. Afterward, we went to Chicos. If you don’t know what that it is, it’s a clothing store for women that sells really nice clothes that are geared toward the more mature yet stylish woman. That’s me!!! :grin: Anyway, I have never gone into Chico’s because I never felt like they would have stuff to fit me. Plus, I wasn’t going to pay those prices on clothes when I've always been losing weight. I tried on a pair of sized 12 jeans and they were too big, so the lady gave me a 10 and they fit!! The sales lady was super nice and kept giving me fun things to try on. She said that after losing 80 lbs. I needed to figure out what my style was. She also understood when I told her that I wasn’t going to buy a lot of stuff until I reach my goal. And once I did Chico’s was for sure going to be one of my go-to stores. Ohhh I did buy those size 10 jeans and one super cute top that was on sale. ;)

    Track using Carb Manager I tracked it all.
    Stay under 30 total grams of Carbs Total carbs was 26.3 grams. Stir fry for dinner so lots of veggies!
    Clean Fast 19+ hours 20 hrs. 22 min.
    Exercise 45+ minutes Day off.
    Post on the Habit Tracker Daily I sure did!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,642 Member
    Wow you guys are super active on here on the weekends lol, I have a lot to catch up on!

    @caitlingfry Sorry to hear about your positive result. Take care xx

    @Katmary71 I'm so glad that you are finally making some progress in the system to get your pain managed! It's funny the things that you don't realise will flag on a drug test. I work at a gold mine, so I am subject to random drug & alcohol and hydration testing. People always thought it was an urban myth that poppyseeds can flag on your drug test until it actually happened to someone here! He'd eaten an orange & poppyseed muffin the day before and it flagged - they didn't want to believe him but the lab confirmed that the levels were consistent with that! But even some medications that don't contain the drugs they screen for can show a false result - like diabetes medications can show as barbiturates sometimes! And mouthwash can make you fail the alcohol breath test even if it's been half an hour since you used it!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ohhh I just got an air fryer a few weeks ago, I will have to try the chick peas! I used to buy them as a snack pre-packaged sometimes, but they were expensive so I stopped getting them after a while, but I loved the crunch factor!
    Also - fantastic loss! I guess maybe the zero-point foods on the green plan are ok after all!

    @fierce1alicia Great loss this week!

    @mlhopp93 I like to experiment to see what works as well. Sounds like you learned a little more about yourself and that's always a good thing. Good on you for not letting yourself give up completely - we all have times where we slip into old habits (I've been doing this the last couple of weeks too) but it's getting ourselves back on track that matters. Great NSVs too!!

    @Firefly743 Congrats on your loss!

    @Jactop I love your ideas for measuring your success off the scale. You are making such great progress!

    @TeresaW1020 Glad to hear you're back on track, as I knew you would be soon enough! That's amazing fitting into the size 10 jeans and that sales lady is right, your style will be different after losing so much weight.

    @apple852hk Great loss - even if it is water weight, it means your body is working as it's meant to! Also great job on stopping yourself from eating endless amounts of chocolate. I know it can be so hard to stop.

    @Cornanda Wow, great loss this week! I wish that weight loss was linear too, but alas it is not!
    I had a pretty busy weekend that definitely involved eating too much. My sister came over for board games a couple of nights, I volunteered as timekeeper for my local Parkrun, met up with my cousins for coffee as one of them is in town for a few days and we haven't seen her for about a year, had a play date with my friend and her little boy (we love seeing our boys playing together now they're old enough to actually interact), and did a whole bunch of housework!
    I didn't track until yesterday, when I ate too many doughnuts but I own that. They're all gone now and I'm back in the saddle today. I treated myself to a massage yesterday, and she did a lot of work on my foot & calf to relieve my plantar fasciitis. We even did acupuncture and she hooked the needles up to a tens machine (electric pulses). I'm not sure how much any of this helped, as it hurts more today than normal, but I guess it may take some time for the inflammation to ease. I did read an interesting article from a massage therapist who says that the majority of her clients who have plantar fasciitis tend to wrap their feet around their chair leg at work - and I do this! So I am making a conscious effort to stop that and hope that it will also help it to heal.
    I was feeling quite sore after the massage (I swear I am bruised in places) but I did a nice restorative yoga session and then meditated before bed with the Plum Village app and a beautiful candle burning.

    This week, the Hogwarts challenge I'm in on MFP starts, so that always helps to keep me on track. I have plans to do more exercise and keep my eating under control. I have Friday off work and we'll be doing a day trip for some shopping (need to replace my laptop!) so I will need to be extra vigilant the rest of the week!
    Goals for April:
  • Jypsy1
    Jypsy1 Posts: 19 Member
    @broncobuddee Sorry I missed posting yesterday

    Username. Jypsy1
    PW 142.3
    CW. 141.2
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @kirsten11872 2.12 %
    2nd @bumpbreakcar 1.81%
    3rd @kerdil08 1.79 %

    1st @rwood566 4.2 Lbs
    2nd @davidji82 4.0 Lbs
    3rd @kirsten11872 3.7 Lbs
    3rd @lelbarou 3.7 Lbs



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @19shmoo69 Don't look back, just keep heading forward, I'm glad you're back! It's weird, I tend to sit back and observe for a long time before jumping in, I score tied with introvert and extrovert, I'm more outgoing through typed/written than I am in person especially when I first meet people. If I think of how many people are reading what I write on MFP I wouldn't post at all, I'd have performance anxiety! Just be you.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I don't know if they still had it but Amazon had a Joe Hill compilation of 5 novels for $3.99, I still like Heart-Shaped box the best which @Trooworld recommended first, she said it was the scariest book she's read so I HAD to read it! I liked both NOS4A2 and Horns but I wouldn't pay full-price for them. I'm on the last now. I'm like you, I'm powering through all of them without a break, I'm very all-or-nothing too but my pain issues make it hard to do that now so this last year has been calming down and doing what I can instead of letting myself full-on pig out or eat strictly, etc. I feel for your mom, I've heard a lot of issues with people having screwed up stimulators in them and having trouble getting coverage to get them removed. When you're a certain age like your mom who really cares if she's dependent on meds and they're hard to come off of if she's going to need treatment for life?! I was at the point where I'd need two stimulators or a morphine pump and went the drug route instead until a few years ago, now I'm not sure what I'll do because it seems a combo of things I'm doing on my own and actual medical care would be the best combination but I can't get into the pain clinic to even talk to a doctor if I don't pass the drug test (even though marijuana is legal here). I can rant about this forever because I follow all the politics with the opioid crisis and how it affects pain patients, it's very frustrating and even animals aren't getting proper treatment because they're cracking down on vets giving pain medication. Love those nails, you're talented!

    @apple852hk Huge hug, I can relate, it's hard getting used to not overdoing things when you make a decision to try something new! I've done that too, I still laugh because I had serious sweet cravings one night and ate a bunch of apples, when I closed my diary someone commented that I eat huge apples! It was 300-400 grams of apple, I think I ate five and that's after pigging out on vegetables! Every once and awhile I bring that up on my feed here because I don't know if that person was being sarcastic or thought I really ate 1 apple the size of a watermelon! I love your origami cubes, they're really cool! Do you like painting at all? Some people in my town paint rocks then leave them places, people comment on how they've made their day. Just thinking that would be a fun hobby plus you're spreading joy to other people. I've been wanting to do that but I'm not very artistic.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @Cornanda Are your kids home from school or moving back home?

    @trooworld hope your dog AND you get some sleep tonight! I'm worthless without sleep too.

    @TeresaW1020 Love to hear about you at Chico's, they have cute clothes, it must've felt amazing! I love that you were a smaller size too, party in the dressing room!

    @TwistedSassette I'm so lucky it was before the opioid crisis, I'd barely flagged too so she asked if I'd eaten baked goods. I told her of course not, I'm being healthy eating two huge salads a day! It wasn't until the end of the appointment that it dawned on me I pour poppy seed dressing on those salads! A lot of us have air fryers, I love finding new recipes for it. Lean Pockets are really good in it because they get real crisp. I don't like fatty meat so I never tried that stuff but I still want to try pizza rolls and tater tots in it, I only think of that when I'm at Costco and I don't need 10lbs of pizza rolls!

    Sunday check-in
    OK, I missed a bunch of posts but there were 48 posts so I'm way behind! I was doing bad the last few days so I bowed out of planting oak trees and spent the last two days in bed aside of watering and working out. Today's been pretty mellow too, just been doing some online shopping trying to pick out gifts. My SIL, nephew, then Mother's Day are all next month so I'm trying to take some pressure off and pick out my SILs gifts now which will probably have something to do with yoga. I'm stupid about gifts, they have to be "perfect" so by the time I give a gift I've spent so long looking feeling anxious I just want to get it over with. I've been trying to just jump in and do things instead of over-analyzing everything but old habits die hard!

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    edited April 2021
    @davidji82 Way to go! You're becoming a permanent feature on the leader board

    @vegan4lyfe2012 you really had a good first week...A nice loss AND made it onto the leaderboard. WW has so many nice features and support. So glad the program is working for you.

    @Katmary71 sending ((pain relief)) vibes. I hope you get what you need soon.

    @Cornanda nice loss. That's not easy to accomplish when life gets busy or when travelling.

    Monday morning check in
    I had a lazy weekend. Just couldnt seem to get myself moving but maybe I needed the downtime as i still had a loss for my weigh in this morning. My progress has been slow but consistent which has never happened to me before so it still feels too good to be true. I'm not going to make any changes to my current plan until I have to which isn't so bad as what I'm doing now is sustainable for me.

    I messed up the count on my 100 workouts in 100 days challenge. April 10 was the 100th day of the year and not the 11th. I was short 3 workouts thinking I had one more day to make them up. That should teach me to leave things until the last minute. But it won't lol.

    I'm happy with 97% which was up from 85%. And just to clarify it's not like I'm getting my sweat on every time. Some workouts are more intense but I also count steady walking or biking of 30 min or more as it still raises my heart rate. It's helped me get into the habit of daily exercise so I plan to keep it going. Next marker...150 workouts by May 30 (150th day of the year).

    Be healthy peeps. Stay safe.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @caitlingfry Dinner was delicious! I'm sorry about the back problems, I hope the yoga helps. That's great about the noodles...I love noodles!

    @Cornanda Great loss! I'm glad everything went well with moving the kids home.

    @TeresaW1020 I did sleep better last night, thanks! Very good NSV.

    @TwistedSassette I'm glad you had a good weekend.

    @Katmary71 I got better sleep last night, he is finally improving!

    @Jactop What a great loss, congrats! And the 97% is fabulous and shows great dedication!

    Congratulations to all that made the leader board! Well done!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
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