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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A crazy wind blowing again that leaves me feeling I’m being constantly pushed about by a bully. At least the washing I hung out was dry in no time. Still struggling with pain under my arm first thing but paracetamol does help. Neighbour Louise popped round about 11 and suggested we walk the dogs together round the small woodland next to our access.. An ideal way to stretch my legs too as I hate sitting for long and must say I felt human by the time we got back. She’s now gone off for her first haircut since Christmas... me next week!

    Well Anne, I think you sort of guessed Harry was on his way but hopefully he’ll sell to a family that doesn’t want to build a millionaire’s mansion next door. Exciting times but I imagine a bit unsettling too. Poor old St George is close to being banned in little old England as some sort of unpleasant patriotic symbol.... on, on you noblest English. Cry Harry....!

    Connie, that’s a stunning view from your kitchen window. Do you have to cut all that grass? Yes, I’m across the pond in the county of Cornwall, England. I do feel for you as you discover lost weight coming back on. Working in old weights of stones and pounds I’m not too far from a number of stones I don’t want to pass and so far it has acted as a barrier, except over Christmas and New Year! When I was weighed and measured this past week at the hospital I was shown to be just inside my healthy BMI and the cardiologist said just in was good enough so although I feel I’d like to lose an inch or more on my waistline I’m not fretting. As we know, it’s so much easier to gain than lose but MFP is always a good reminder!
    Your local accident reminded me of a section of road on the way to our city of Plymouth that seems to attract accidents and unfortunately 2 women were killed Tuesday afternoon and the police are still trying to figure out what happened. It’s usually speed on the winding section. The term Lookie Louies made me smile! We call it rubber necking!

    Bob, a Dust Buster sounds like something I’m in need of although finally the builders have coated most of the walls with a stabiliser. I’m definitely thinking professional cleaning help once I wave goodbye to them! As ever, your baked haddock looks scrumptious and I can’t wait to get back to more imaginative meals once my sling has been tossed in the ocean (figuratively, or maybe not!).

    I keep hearing items rattling round in a gust of wind so better go and investigate because when we got back from walking the dogs I found a huge bag used for transporting large amounts of gravel or sand blowing along the footpath and about to take off. There would be reports of UFO sightings in the night sky!

    Have a safe weekend everyone.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Jackie -- yes, indeed we spend hours mowing every week. The picture I posted shows only about a third of our property. We have a total of three acres - about 0.1102 km. We have two tractors - a larger one with a 60" mower and a smaller one with a 42" mower. This time of year, we mow twice a week. When it gets hot in the summer, we don't have to mow as often.

    Here's a picture of the front of the house and the garden that takes up a lot of my time. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to keep this up. It gets harder and harder each year. I had planned to do some weeding today but it is raining (again). We need the rain to make things grow but sadly, the weeds grow right along with everything else.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    edited April 2021
    I've just spent some time reading through some of the posts on other threads in this group. The one with pictures of pets brought a tear as the two beautiful Afghan Hounds I shared there have been gone just over five years.

    I can't help but wonder where everyone is and how they are doing. I hope they are no longer participating because they've met their goals, and are living active, healthy lives.

    I know we lost Marie and Buzz (frequent posters and great women) and that's heartbreaking but not surprising. Both were elderly (like me) and had health issues that complicated things. Death is inevitable as we've discovered in 2020. Covid-19 has robbed several of my non-MFP friends of loved ones. My friend Lin lost her husband to Covid. Another lost both of his parents. Its been a hard year and from the looks of things, it isn't over.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,551 Member
    Lovely acreage Connie.

    The sun has just popped out and tomorrow we may see warmer temperatures. That would be fine. The lows are still in the 30’s so will sit on my hands again.

    Back to a card that I am working on. I am cutting out little pieces for some flowers.

    Jackie, take care of yourself as you heal. I hope your weather stops tossing you around.

    Anne, it will be a time to bite nails as you see what happens next door. From what you’ve said, a tear down and a new mansion is certainly a distinct possibility.

    Stay safe everyone.



    I love strawberries.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,551 Member
    Connie, several other members still stop by from time to time and I see them on Facebook as well. Maybe you do too?

    Shirley and her husband sold their boat but like to travel to warmer islands, when possible.

    I don’t want to repeat things you already know so I will stop.

    Hopefully everyone is thriving.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,457 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Movie day/night, it is cloudy but warm. I still want to ride my bike as we are having pizza before the movie. Did I tell you that my kids are trying to arrange an all-inclusive Jamaican vacation for my 80th birthday next March? It is something I have wanted to do for a long time so hopefully it all falls into place, especially that it will be safe to travel and not worry about Covid. Rob and Lisa will not be able to afford it, nor would Lisa leave the kids for a week, but the other three and their spouses are coming. The place I like is a couples place so I need a roommate since they do not have single rooms. I asked my niece today and she seems very interested so I hope she can go. Something to look forward as long as my health holds out.

    Lin, sorry about my name change of Facebook, I felt the other was too long but now I wish I would have kept it. Once you change your name you have to keep it for 60 days. Did you figure out your problem? We are supposed to hit 80 on Monday and Tuesday.

    Connie, your property is beautiful and I love your garden in front. Lot of work, but worth it. Jeri and Diane pop in occasionally and I see Ellie on Facebook along with some other like Judy from New Zealand. This small group has been together for quite a while and we enjoy each other's posts. I remember your Afghans,
    they were beautiful. Daisy is still with us but I haven't seen her in over a year since she lives with Babe at his son's house. My son and his wife have a mixed husky who is adorable, wild but adorable. He is really good if the kids leave him alone but he is loved.

    Jackie, I am glad you have a pain pill to help with the pain. Each day should get better and better, how long do you have to wear the sling? Are George and Betty confused with the sling on your arm?? I bet they are more comforting to you.

    Anne, that poinsettia is amazing considering how it was when you bought it. I like you idea with Patsy but I don't think they will be leaving Portland any time soon. You could get lucky and have a mature couple move in and become best friends. Think positive. Or wait maybe your grandson Derek could buy it, he could take care of you from afar.

    Bob, actually I would love a new microwave because mine is very loud compared to the new ones. I already have an office chair on my Amazon gift list, maybe I will add a quiet microwave, thanks for the suggestion. My husband and I never bought gifts for each other as like you, we bought what we wanted when we needed it. I do give cards though, I am a big card giver like Lin.

    Patsy, when I think of grooming Daisy I have to admire your skills. It was hard enough just brushing her let along grooming her. Thus she went to the groomer every two weeks to keep from getting matted. I don't know if they still do that I think they cut her really short so they didn't have to.

    Well, I better get moving and ride that bike. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Harry spent the morning spreading pebbles over his weedy dirt drive. Mike came over and whilst he entertained the Bean I did a bit of gardening. 2 paper gardening bags full to the top! Got to stay smart now we have a house emerging like the sleeping beauty next door.

    Both Mike and myself think it will be torn down and a great big mansion built overshadowing my little place on either side. I wouldn't want Derek buying it even if he could afford to SANDY. Who knows what's lurking in them thar walls! I was joking with Patsy of course, but seriously would love having her live next door. We could splash paint together and I could rescue all her spiders! It's now a pricey neighbourhood I live in these days and mainly for the land hence we think it will be torn down.
    Who knows what will happen but you can be sure I will be boring you all in the near future.

    Maria is finally going to get vaccinated on Monday after reading the horrifying news from India.
    Did too much, I feel a nap coming on!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and a very wet and cold dark day here. However, it is Saturday and I still love to celebrate weekends just like we used to when we were still working. Yea for the weekend. I confess to diving into Amazon etc. and going on a small shopping trip via internet. I actually love internet shopping better than in the old days, trudging around malls etc. bargains are great but finding exactly what I want is even better! Agree?

    All you gardeners would be appalled at my flower beds etc these days. I fear we have lost interest and energy to keep them up. I do love pretty flower beds. I keep hunting for a lawn care service to handle this. We also have about three acres of old growth forest. Abundant wildlife make it their home. We love that! We even have the occasional small elk herd that stomps through our yard and neighbors veggie garden. They are like gangsters. Nothing scares them, they wade through fences and tear up flowers by the roots. But they are magnificent animals. We still kind of like them.

    Anne: believe me when I say, your plan sounds perfect. I would love living right next door. Actually Damon is multi-cultural. He loves Latin culture. He speaks rudimentary French, and conversational Spanish and Italian. Not sure how that happened. I barely speak English! He would enjoy living in a large cosmopolitan city like Toronto. He isn’t as thrilled with Portland because recent political unrest has destroyed much of the PNW charm. Downtown looks like a war zone.

    Jackie: I am impressed that you can carry on with your activities with arm in a sling. I know I would have dropped something heavy and broken dishes, cups and made things so much worse. I would be like a wounded bird failing about with a broken wing. I know life is exhausting while favoring your arm. I hope you can feel comfortable finding and accepting help.

    Connie: your grounds are a lovely park. If you can keep up with the work, it is so satisfying and healthy. Our grounds used to be quite lovely. They are wild now and we keep trying to manage things. We are a bit older than you and we can’t seem to keep everything up. Thus.....John and I practice that art of soft focus. We don’t let our eyes focus sharply on things we can’t attend to at the moment. It is a method that keeps me from from going berserk.

    Lin: the strawberry teapot is a new favorite. I seem to be drawn to funny and cute. Elegant and refined teapots take my breath away. I seem to envision myself tripping and breaking those lovely pieces.

    Sandy: enjoy the movie night with the family. We are hunting down a movie for tonight as well. Knowing John it will involve car chases and explosions. Arrrrrrgh! Oh well! Saw the academy award nominations and most are not my cup of tea. We are all going to be watching kid movies.

    Shrimp paella tonight with tossed salad. Spicy with a bit of KICK!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Toronto like all big cities has its problems but it also has its charms PATSY. Trips to the offshore islands, trips to the art gallery housing the group of seven paintings, the theatre and opera, Hyde park with its cherry blossom trees, the science centre to name a few, but most of all I like living out here in our downtown. Many the day I would walk to the harbour, ice cream dripping to watch the yachts returning home early evening. It's expanded and grown our town since I arrived but downtown remains the same with its old houses which I once photographed.

    Meanwhile uphill here Harry's house is beginning to look remarkably posh apart from a window opposite me with peeling paint. He and Joyce worked all afternoon shovelling the pebbles onto the drive from the back of their truck. I think it will have cost them quite a bit to spruce things up. This all started when Joyce retired on April 1st and got Harry moving. Despite all this activity I still think privately it will be torn down by developers.

    The batteries went in my heat control unit so Mike is popping over to replace with two of his own. It was HOT yesterday but it's cooled down today and I'd like the heat to come on, early morning, a little longer.

    Hope everyone is well and JACKIES arm is feeling less painful.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After another sleepless night I decided first thing to remove the pressure bandage on my arm and oh, the relief! My arm looked like one of those strange crinkly dogs but thank goodness, I was able to gently rub life back into places it belonged. Don’t worry, the notes brought home from the hospital suggested I keep that bandage on only as long as I could stand it so they knew how it drives you mad in the end feeling a million spiders crawling underneath. That done I’ve been able to enjoy a splash of a wash before walking the pooches with neighbour Louise in our local woodland.

    Patsy, no real chance of dropping dishes because as soon as a meal or drink was consumed they piled up in the kitchen sink until this morning when I couldn’t stand to look at them even one more minute. All washed up! I’m rudely independent so struggle to ask for help even from my lovely neighbours but they have worked this out over the years so don’t ask, just do what’s needed! Debbie brought me a bunch of tulips along with a couple of items I’d asked her to pick up at the local store and did make me laugh when I said she didn’t have to and her response was she’d bought a bunch for her partner and they were buy one, get one free!!

    A beautiful garden Connie and I agree with Patsy, it is a healthy pastime so long as you can manage. Mine is more a cottage garden so the weeds that love our climate can hide away until I’m ready to be mercenary. There’s that saying about a weed being a plant in the wrong place so that’s my philosophy. Oh yes, I remember your beautiful Afghans and understand your tears. What a story about your rescue of Sadie. She’s adorable and definitely a smiler so of course you were never going to give her up after fostering!

    Wow Anne, your poinsettia has recovered in an amazing way. My poor thing didn’t last 5 minutes! Unless a new buyer wants the plot next door for development I think Harry’s attempts to hide weeds and rough areas won’t work for long. I wonder if that’s how he works as a builder. 🤭

    Sandy, little information was given about the sling so I only wear it now if walking or I feel discomfort under my arm. Poor George is terribly stressed about the destruction of the cottage indoors and general upheaval so my operation was another thing to worry him as he reads my mind so well. These 3 days without the builders and me being home all day has settled him a bit and both get tons of TLC so we’ll get there. Jamaica for a holiday next year is a brilliant idea and definitely something to look forward to.... rum and sunshine! What more could you wish for on a special birthday? 😆

    I could eat that teapot Lin, it’s wonderful!

    I’m going to my greenhouse where I can stay out of the blustery wind and pot on desperate seedlings. Aubergines, sweet red peppers and red Russian kale requiring attention. The sun continues to shine so I must also fill a few containers dotted round the garden for the birds.

    Have a safe Sunday.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    That's exactly how he worked JACKIE. People forever on his doorstep yelling at him. J confided she is the breadwinner yesterday. Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,345 Member
    Wow – not sure where the morning went. Stopped at Wegmans after gym…picked up some flowers for Jean, along with the butter I knew she was out of. Noticed they had rearranged some areas for deck/patio furniture etc. Another sign of summer.


    Anne – What great memories you have. Like your direct approach…must say I am pretty much the same and don’t beat around the bush, if I want to know something. I have had both good and bad neighbors – Right now I am fortunate to have all great neighbors and just the right amount of pleasantries. Hope your new neighbors are good ones --- as Forrest Gump would say --- Life is like a box of…etc.

    Your last sentence: “I've had quite an exciting life all told these past 40 years!” shows a great appreciation and recognition of the good and bad we all experience while realizing how quickly time goes by. Hope you have many more years of great experiences. (Jean still has her Christmas poinsettia going too).

    Connie – I think we could share some of our meds… my cardiologist has had me on vitamin D for over a decade, along with beta blocker like you and now have a couple days of magnesium under my belt to go with Eliquis, methotrexate etc. Funny how some things are cheaper OTC – my rheumatologist has me taking Folic acid but the pharmacist told me it was cheaper for me just to buy it on my own OTC. LOVE the view from your kitchen! Looks like you could make a mini golf course. LOL

    Jackie – Jean actually wore the last Duster Buster out. Thanks on the haddock/scallop comment. I really need to be very strict this coming week. I definitely was eating too much the last 7-10 days…things I hadn’t had in over a year….back on track as of now! I do love creating meals and hope you get to toss that sling sooner rather than later.

    Sandy – Hope you get that micro (and office chair). Our old micro was “making sounds” for a few months and I am very careful when it comes to anything gas or electric. I started shopping online yesterday for my daughter as her birthday in 6 wks. I had been eyeing some “fun” sneakers as one present and ordered now to be safe. It’s different for her (normally black Adidas or The North Face) but what the heck…


    Jean – is done with her shower and fully dressed so I better go see what the plans are for this afternoon.

    Skipping my sisters again, as she has the next 3 weeks planned including a “Taco Sunday” and my old brother-in-law is coming up from Florida (was married to my sister that passed in 2007 at 69.). Tomorrow morning both are cars get serviced at the dealership. FUN – ok not really.

    Enjoy the day! Bob

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,457 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Mass and zoom call both done. It is sunny but chilly so staying in and will ride my bike as I never did yesterday. I have so many shows to catch up with I am not sure there is enough time in a day. I will watch the academy awards although I doubt I saw any of the movies. Just like to see what they are wearing.
    I have to prepare a grocery list for my son and dil, as mentioned she has so many allergies I have to be careful what I order. I think Bryanna is coming to clean my house tomorrow but if not I will do it Wednesday and wash all the bedding for the guest bedroom. I also promised Joe lunch and/or dinner tomorrow so busy few days ahead of me.

    Bob, love the shoes, I wear a size 9 please. What a nice husband to bring Jean flowers, I will admit my husband also did that occasionally. I am not really expecting such expensive gifts from my kids, but will eventually buy both items for myself. My son and his wife will take me to Wild Fire for dinner next Saturday for Mother's Day early since they will be back home for her mother on the actual day.

    Jackie, when I donated blood they put a band aid on and then wrap it in a tight wrap and tell you to leave it on for a couple of hours. That thing was so annoying and hurt so when I took it off my arm was black and blue from being to tight and wrinkled my skin just like you described. Poor pups, I am glad you give them extra attention until things are back to normal for all of you.

    Anne, I really hope they don't knock down Harry's house but that seems to be the new norm with old houses. When I lived with Babe the house next door caught on fire and unfortunately the lady in it along with her dog both died. The house was torn down and a big beautiful house made our house look like a dwarf. Great young couple moved in though and I became good friends with them so all was good.

    Patsy, our movie was Zookeeper and I had never seen it so really enjoyed it. The kids not so much but most of the time it is more for me and Lisa to relax. lol

    Middle of the afternoon already, time to get on that bike. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Harry's house was only built and actually finished 27 years ago SANDY, but you'd never guess. Mines almost 100 years old. Anyway, I know for sure they are leaving because they've taken down the Christmas decorations they put up over 20 years ago. They don't make flashing icicles to last like that anymore in China !!!!!

    Did a bit more weeding but then a cold wind put a stop to that. Joyce came home with big urns of flowers to grace the front step and Harry is now welding something in his almost empty garage. What am I going to talk about when my most interesting neighbours EVER are gone !!!!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,551 Member
    Hello. I have been working steadily to get things sorted for an electronics take back next Saturday. Glad I started yesterday. Sorting through and checking things. I have some things in the bin (in the back of my car) now. Also a bag of paper to shred. I checked with the library and they still have a drop off for old glasses so I put that on my list as well.

    I did watch church online. Having been fussing with all things electronic. Amazing how much time that eats away. And you know, it really is not lots of fun.

    Tomorrow morning the service man is to show up early to fix my water filter system that is leaking. I hope it is an easy fix.

    My SUV goes in for service first thing Wednesday morning.

    And I go for an eye exam early Friday morning.

    Saturday morning is the drop off downtown at the main credit union branch.

    Warm weather on tap for tomorrow. It is a bit chilly and windy today.

    I saw this lovely photo today and once again had a twinge to visit something further away than 10 or 20 miles. 😂

    “St.Just in Roseland, Cornwall🌴

    The village is best known for the 13th century church of St Just the Martyr.

    Photo: Instagram.com/sophies.snapshot”


    Teapot of the day.


    Happy day to all.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and occasional showers. I heard on news that another big front with lots of rain, even some snow for higher elevation . April’s is a crazy month when it comes to weather. It never behaves as it should.

    Oh I am over the moon happy! Our son will be coming the weekend after Mother’s Day. He will not come on Mother’s Day because he would have just received his second shot.. he was told to wait the full two weeks after before visiting us. They said at our age he has to be very careful not to put us at risk. So we are really looking forward to that visit! Our daughter still has not had a shot. While she did have Covid, a mild case. She still has symptoms a full 5 months afterwards. Her son has not had any shots yet. Her husband has had one shot. I fear things will just grind to a halt there. But there is little I can do. John says we cannot visit with any of them until they have been fully vaccinated.

    Anne: I think it is great that you get some much fun watching and speculating about your next door neighbors. It is harmless fun and it tickles your active imagination. I don’t see anything wrong with it. In truth you are keeping an eye on your neighborhood. We all need to care and watch out for each other.

    Jackie: my dear independent friend. I see you are going to try to do as much and as often as you can. I think that will work to advance your healing process. As long as you don’t injure yourself or stress the stitches, I feel sure you are going to be fine. Thank goodness you have your pooches to require cuddling and reassuring. Makes you sit and talk to them about all the things that have been happening. They both need to know you are going to be all right.

    Sandy: I think you know how much we miss our kids. I know you will love the visit with your daughter and hubby. It feels wonderful to be able to plan and look forward to a visit and your birthday trip. I am so happy for you.

    Bob: good for you! Buying carnations for your sweetheart! And groovy tennies for your daughter.! John recently bought me Costco roses. The best bargain ever. I miss buying gifts for family. Right now our grandson wants only money to do own shopping. The same is true of our daughter. Our son is house hunting and is renting a small house. He has little room for anything much. So gifts are a challenge. Mainly consumable items. Subscription to food and drink services etc. good option but not as much fun to give.
    Thinking of you all. Be safe!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,472 Member
    :)Anne, I have enjoyed reading the saga of your neighbour and think your observations are a fabulous pastime. Every morning and evening I walk around my neighbourhood and notice what is going on at the homes of all my neighbours. There are more than 200 houses here so there is a lot to notice. My dog walking friend and I comment to each other about everything we see. We notice the flowers and new landscaping as well as the messy yards. We have opinions about who should pull their weeds or paint their houses. We just talk to each other and never say anything that's not kind to anyone else. It is a pleasant way to fill the time as we walk. In the last year we've seen several new owners build tall fences around their property and we call them "hostile fences" and speculate about why they don't want us to see in their yards (are they growing dope, gardening naked, or having orgies?} We'll never know but we have a good laugh.

    :) We continue to stay home and venture out for such simple adventures as curbside pickup at the library or the grocery store.

    <3 Barbie

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    That's so sweet BARBIE and PATSY, thank you! I hope I don't come across as unkind to my neighbours because in all honesty I truly like them as people, it's just that I've never lived so close to folk who don't seem to notice that they sort of stand out in a street full of people who are much tidier, lol. And it was so unusual to see everything disappearing for the last 2-3 weeks. Actually I'm a little concerned now because J told me today she is rather worried because if they sell quickly they haven't found anything yet in the northern town they are moving to and she doesn't know where they will stay.

    To be honest I've been blessed with people I've liked wherever I've lived. In Derbyshire I was friendly with Sylvia and we had coffee every day except weekends for twelve years. We made friends with the window cleaner who was a source of great entertainment in his comments about other neighbours when he cleaned their windows! Like you and your friend, me and Sylvia had a quiet giggle but never disclosed with anyone else what we learned.

    I think if Maria on my other side wasn't so tied with Tony she and I would do something similar, share a coffee or as she often says it would be so nice to go out for a coffee but she simply can't leave her poor husband alone. We content ourselves with phone calls.

    Anyway Sneakers I'm truly not so bad and you guys live so far away that in a lonesome lockdown my imagination has run rather wild!! My sons are absolutely super but it's not like having a close friend to share a laugh with. Tall fences Barbie, my guess would be nudist colonies. My Aunt lived next door to nudists and she said the village locals used to peer through the cracks in the fence but that's another story!

    Going to be good......yet again.
    Contritely, Anne!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,457 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Bedding from guest room is being done. I have ordered lunch for Joe and I to eat in his garage at 1:00. Healthy low carb plates, his tuna, mine chicken. Bryanna coming later this afternoon to clean my house under my supervision. lol Will order groceries for pick up on Wednesday and should be ready for my son and dil on Thursday. I sit earlier tomorrow as Lisa is getting her second vaccine. She has filled the kids pool since it will be in the 80's. I might even bring my suit to get some sun but really have to think about that, wouldn't want to scar the kids for life. lol
    Starting watching the Oscars and got bored so caught up on more of my taped shows. I taped the Oscars so skimmed through them later but still was bored.
    Will have dinner here Thursday with Bryanna and then game night. Friday Laurie wants to go to two fabric stores so I will drive her while my son goes visits his dad and helps him with computer problems. Saturday dinner for early Mother's Day and then Sunday to Rob and Lisa's. Not sure about Monday but they leave on Tuesday so maybe just a rest day. Wednesday I will just stay in and regroup.

    Better get those groceries ordered and take my shower. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,551 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello friends. I just finished putting items in my tote for Saturday’s electronic items recycling/drop off. I ended up with a lot more than I thought I had!

    A very old Kindle with a failing battery. I cleaned off all of my items and deregistered it with Amazon. A slightly newer Kindle Fire which isn’t updating or charging well. I was able to do a factory reset on it and double checked that it was deregistered. It was.

    The biggest time eater was an old Windows laptop. I tried to wipe it but it had lots of problems, and could not get it to complete any task. I found the reset function and set it to work last night. Went to bed and got up this morning to find it spinning it’s wheels again. I tried a couple of other things and finally gave up. Unplugged it backed up a couple of screws and and removed the hard drive. They said they would shred up to 3 hard drives for each person.

    An old Virgin Mobile hot spot from heaven knows how long ago and a non functioning B&W laser printer, wired, not wireless. A tiny old DVD player that I traveled with years ago. An ancient iPhone which charged enough to do a factory reset. Oh, and an old modem. I sort of hope I will not find anything else.

    Well, wasn’t that boring. I felt I accomplished something.

    My little plants are putting on a growth surge and I am going to have to get them in pots very soon. And it is now too warm and windy to put them outdoors. Maybe this weekend I can work on something for them.

    And the service person was right on time this morning. He seemed to know the exact problem. Installed a replacement part and told me to watch it for a couple of days. If a problem develops, give the office a call.

    Did my online banking and do have one check to write. That can wait a day or so.

    Anne and Barbie, I like the idea of enjoying everything that goes on in the neighborhood but I do have a neighbor who is distressed if everything isn’t up to his standards. I think I mentioned him before. He’s the one who comes over when I am not home in the summer and sprays any dandelions he can see. He stopped that thankfully. He was creating dead spots in the grass. I wonder what he was spraying?

    Sandy, what a busy week on tap for you. But lots of enjoyment. Hope you are enjoying lunch with Joe. 🌞

    Anne, we did notice you have a delightful and creative imagination. I enjoy it! We have all benefitted from it I think. 💐💐Hello to Jilly!

    Patsy, how wonderful. Your son is coming to visit. I am sure you will be counting the days. A friend’s family has booked a trip to Greece (original was postponed last year). The trip is NEXT year but she has a countdown timer running already. 🤗 I am sorry your daughter is still suffering from Covid symptoms. That is what they call a long haul case right? She really has many complex health problems.

    Bob, I must say those shoes are stylish (in my opinion). I hope they will be much appreciated. And once again, your store has a lovely seasonal display! I think I would want to visit often. And wow, Jean wore out the last dust buster. What a neat and tidy person.

    Jackie, I am speechless at the description of everything you are doing. I join Patsy in hoping you do not hurt your stitches. They wrap things tight to guard against swelling? Yes? Thinking of you and George and Betty and all. Did your girls ever have any eggs hatched?

    Best wishes all around. And temperature currently stands at 77 degrees F. Wow!


    Anyone like flamingos?


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello. We have high thin clouds, maybe they will burn off soon. Some sun would be welcome indeed. I know things are really coming to life. Trees are leafing out and pollen is drifting and coating everything. It does make for a doozy of a headache and hey fever. But at the same time I love to see things coming back to life. I have dealt with seasonal allergies all my life. I normally do not medicate for it. Just sniff, cough, sneeze and press on!

    I got my new Bob’s slippers. I try to buy from the Bob line at Sketchers because of their commitment to animals. They partner with Petco to help sheltered animals as well as donate thousands of pairs of shoes to children in need. How great is that? It is not unlike Newman’s Own products. Wow! Did you see the big super moon? I saw it late last night. It was supposed to be pink but I saw only the normal big yellow full moon. But it was large and spectacular.

    The academy awards were.......puzzling. The winners? The way things were presented? The winners? I thought Frances was graceless and abrupt. The styles were lackluster at best. This might be the last academy award I ever watch. The winning movie is sort of interesting but certainly not thrilling or amazing in any sort of way for me. The pandemic has forced us to accept marginal enterprises as award-worthy. In my humble opinion, of course.

    Lin: getting rid of old electronics reminds me of getting rid of a bumper crop of zucchini or baby kittens. We love them but we just cannot handle so many. Flamingos always make me giggle. Every flower garden needs a discreet pink plastic flamingo hiding among the leaves. Now a flamingo teapot, okay I can see that.

    Sandy: well dear lady! You are in a social whirl. Enjoy and then put your feet up, smile and take a nap.
    The week begins, much to do and I know it will not all get done.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The first granite lintels are in over a window and looking very grand. Lots of heavy lifting, cutting and yes, DUST! I did manage to walk the pooches to the wooded area, on my own this time, without incident but can’t wait to feel comfortable enough to walk much further and stretch my leg muscles. Our cold easterly wind finally dropped around midday so I did spend time outdoors enjoying fresh air. A friend dropped in to tell me not only did they take their beautiful dog Ollie to the vet Friday to be put to sleep because his back legs kept collapsing but on Saturday they found one of their cats, a huge friendly ginger boy, lying almost comatose outside and the vet suggested he also be put to sleep. Her husband is wondering if their farmer neighbour has been putting poison down but I said surely he wouldn’t be so indiscriminate when he has a young family. I think just one of those awful coincidences.
    I’m now going to wrap myself in cling film in order to shower and wash dust out of my hair. It worked to protect a dressing after hip surgery so should be ok this evening.

    Lin, yes, the bandage did it’s job to keep some swelling at bay but in the end lost the battle! Yesterday’s teapot looks like a shrivelled pear with 2 birds but is wonderfully eye catching. Goodness you are having a clear out of electrical items which is encouraging me to throw out one or two items buried under all sorts in my spare room once I can get back in without falling through floorboards.
    St Just in Roseland isn’t far from me but best visited out of visitor season! Here’s its famous 13th century church. Didn’t they pick a perfect spot to build!
    Never say never if you want to visit Cornwall!!

    I didn’t watch the Academy Awards as it was the wrong timeline for me but the ceremony got scathing reviews this morning. Perhaps they would have done better to let it pass considering what everyone has been through.

    So much going on Sandy and it all sounds a wonderful social whirl. I know you will continue to be careful but I’ll still say please stay safe!

    Anne, I love that you watch what’s going on at Harry’s because it’s far too interesting to ignore and you have always been good humoured even when the mosquitoes appear. There’s a very nice couple living in a bungalow at the far end of our access track who know everything about everyone, especially the man who asks all the questions and apparently this evening he asked Debs next door if my daughter was visiting and walking my dogs last week. She mentioned to him it was a dog walker because I’d had an operation on my arm then did her best to deflect the why’s and wherefores so I will no doubt be nabbed the next time I walk by! We both said it’s good to know he watches everything passing their window because he would be the person to ask if we were ever burgled! He’d tell us descriptions and vehicle registrations!

    I can’t say anything about Line of Duty although everyone is buzzing about last night’s episode. I mustn’t give anything away!

    Time to wrap the cling film.
    Stay safe
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Nothing from me as I'm behaving myself on the H front.

    Mark and Mary Jo came over to prune the apple tree (they said) and they did.

    I expect life will be awfully boring in the future and you wouldn't believe what happened today but I'm not telling because I'm behaving myself. Lol.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,457 Member
    No, No, No, you can't do that, lead us on and then leave us hanging?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here’s my new kitten slippers...from Bob’s Sketchers brand. The company that donates to shelter pet care and children in need. Great company...comfy slippers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Love the kitty slippers Patsy. Make sure you talk to them every day!

    Look what showed it’s little self this morning!

    No sign of life in remaining eggs but I’ll leave them where they are for now.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, with all the junk lining my fence gone my living room actually looks lighter and prettier with a nice view. Before I would close the blinds to block the mess out.
    I was teasing SANDY so here's the last report (unless it doesn't sell of course - groan). A large truck rolled up and all the old furniture went into storage I guess. Didn't see that but was told..
    Then another van came with two young women who carried into the house easy chairs, coffee tables, table lamps, huge framed artwork, cushions, rugs well you name it. After that a photographer. The furniture is the sort you'd find in a New England cape cod house. Sort of covered in a light coloured brocade fabric. So whoever views the place their eyes will be drawn to olde world charm and not the house structure itself I would guess. The finishing touch, two urns gracing the friont doorstep and two smaller pots containing flowers plus a weed free drive. It's actually lovely! As MJ said "why couldn't they have done this years ago (since 1989!)
    I LOVE the new view and everything comes to she who waits!

    My front apple tree is pruned, some saplings at the side cut down to ground level, but the spindly lilac left alone in the hope she will rally to her former glory.
    I cut back all the ivy growing on my side of the fence and "himself" cut it all back off the log pile which still remains on his side.
    I feel like a very old sleeping beauty with no elderly Prince in sight but waking up anyway!

    Very cute slippers PATSY.

    Full of gardening enthusiasm now before the rain comes tomorrow.
    Happy hugs to you all,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,457 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have to be at the kiddos early so Lisa can get her second vaccine so only have a short time to post and eat breakfast before showering.
    I am bringing my suit in case I decide I want some sun while kids play in pool. It is going to be in the 80's today. Bryanna did a good job on cleaning my house so she is hired. lol Groceries are ordered and bedding is done so I am ready for my company. Joe and I had lunch in his garage and I can tell he is sad to be leaving his home he shared with his wife. He moves Saturday so I will get out there Friday to say good bye but will visit him in his new place after he is settled.

    Anne, that is what is called staging and making a house looked great for selling, the less clutter the better. I can't wait to see who your new neighbors will be.

    Jackie, how cute is that chick? Will the older chickens take her under their wings, so to speak??

    Patsy, love your slippers.

    Have a wonderful day but stay safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, the older hens are teaching the chick how to scratch about for food and where the perimeter of their run is then they snuggle with it to keep it warm!

    If I was Harry’s wife I’d let him follow his old junk and stay with the new furniture!

    Last night’s super moon!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh, a dear little chick. JACKIE!
    Harry has just taken his first pile of rotten logs to......where?
    I know it's called staging SANDY, but to me it's called CHEATING leading the eye from other things. The furniture is only on loan from the house agent Jackie until the house is sold or off the market. I guess J is stuck with the old stuff and Harry.
    Whatever, here's the first load of rotten logs going where?