Introduce Yourself



  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I have started my weight loss journey on March 8, 2021 weighing 371 pounds at 6'3". Only 9 years ago, I enjoyed running and was in the 265 pound range. I let life (stressful job/kid, etc) get in the way of running and went back to making really bad eating decisions. I am currently at 338 pounds and am looking to get to under 250 pounds. So far I have mainly only changed eating habits. Just starting to get back into exercising.

    Hi! I lost my first 50 with diet alone, and am just now adding exercise myself. These are wonderful supportive people here.
  • pamelar25
    pamelar25 Posts: 197 Member
    New to mfp. Looking for friends to help me. I want to motivate and to help you too.
  • angelaonens
    angelaonens Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2021
    I first joined this group ages ago and didn't post, didn't read and didn't diet. I am now 296lb and I feel lost. I have always had a great new weight loss plan to try or rehashed one I have tried before, but this time I have nothing. I will be reading more of the posts for inspiration and motivation.
    I am 42 with two beautiful children under 5 I need to be healthy for them. Any hints and tips are welcome and very much needed. Oh and I promise I am not as miserable as this post has made me sound lol
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I first joined this group ages ago and didn't post, didn't read and didn't diet. I am now 296lb and I feel lost. I have always had a great new weight loss plan to try or rehashed one I have tried before, but this time I have nothing. I will be reading more of the posts for inspiration and motivation.
    I am 42 with two beautiful children under 5 I need to be healthy for them. Any hints and tips are welcome and very much needed. Oh and I promise I am not as miserable as this post has made me sound lol

    You are exactly the weight I was when I started this, and yesterday I weighed 246. I believe in you, and know that you can do it so you can be the type of mom you want to be for your kids.

  • angelaonens
    angelaonens Posts: 3 Member
    Alexandra thank you so much. Congrats on hitting the 50lb mark.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Alexandra thank you so much. Congrats on hitting the 50lb mark.

    Thank you! I've also dropped from wearing a 22 to wearing a 16, just to encourage you.
    The thing I am facing now is the weirdness of shape as I lose, because I have still got a belly, but it's all kind of collapsed below the waist. (Which, I also have a waist now.) So I'm not exactly rushing to get into bandage dresses or anything, but it's all moving in a good direction.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Welcome @Tigg_ and @jwall956 :)

    You have found your way to a great group. Lots of support. So much amazing advice. And just getting to share experiences with others looking to lose a significant amount of weight is so beneficial.

    Being the long weekend it seems pretty quiet around here - I just wanted to say a quick hello to you both and invite you to jump into any conversations going on. There is an invaluable archive of info - look out for posts by NovusDies and Pav8888 - those two will make your heads spin with their weightloss knowledge!
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I first joined this group ages ago and didn't post, didn't read and didn't diet. I am now 296lb and I feel lost. I have always had a great new weight loss plan to try or rehashed one I have tried before, but this time I have nothing. I will be reading more of the posts for inspiration and motivation.
    I am 42 with two beautiful children under 5 I need to be healthy for them. Any hints and tips are welcome and very much needed. Oh and I promise I am not as miserable as this post has made me sound lol

    Hi @angelaonens,


    Perhaps you have finally outgrown "great new weight plans" or plans you have before that you ultimately did not sustain. Any plan that creates a caloric deficit can result in weight loss. There are hundreds and probably thousands of them. What good is a plan that helps you lose 10, 20, 50 or even more pounds if it does not help you lose all the weight and then keep it off? Those are vacations from weight. I took many vacations before I finally figured out that success is not how fast the next pound comes off, it is how easy it comes off. If a pound can come off easy or at least easier that makes it a more sustainable plan, right?

    Don't start with a plan. Start with whatever you find normal. Tweak it just enough to create a calorie deficit and feel full most of the time. That's it. If you can add in some LIGHT exercise then do it. Go for a small walk if it is safe to do it. Unless you already love exercise though do not feel compelled to hit the gym daily for a sweat filled cardio workout. Regular exercise is good for you but it can wait until you have your food and logging nailed down. Besides you have two little ones to keep you moving.

    To recap: Nudge your normal towards healthier. No drastic changes.

    I lost my first 27 pounds still eating chicken nuggets and french fries a few times a week. The food doesn't matter as long as you find it filling and partially satisfying. Long term the food matters a little more but you can add in a better balance of nutrition (if you need it) as time goes on. I will ultimately lose almost your entire starting weight and perhaps slightly more depending on what my goal turns out to be. I have already lost most of your starting weight. I did it mostly by just trying to eat the right amount of food each day and ignoring weight loss as much as I could. I treated weight loss as a bonus prize because in the past I would get obsessed with it and get disheartened because I thought about it all the time while it happened very slowly. You lose a small fraction of a pound a day, there is no reason to spend a lot of energy either doing it or thinking about it. Just let it happen and do it again the next day. Just live your mostly normal life and before you know it it will add up to some impressive losses. Also, do not worry about doing it perfectly. Just try to lose most days and let the days you mess up go. If you create an avalanche of good choices the occasional bad ones will get swept under.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Tigg_ wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Lottie. I'm 31 from the UK and have over a 100lbs to lose but trying to focus on smaller goals rather than get overwhelmed with how much there is to go!
    Since January I have lost 19lbs but would like to lose a little quicker so I know I need to be more focused. Look forward to meeting new friends and supporting one and other x

    Hi @Tigg_ Lottie,

    Welcome to LL.

    Faster is not always better but before I can give you advice what makes you think you need to "focus" more? That can mean different things. Sometimes it means you have not figure out how to stay in your calorie budget for some reason. Sometimes it means you are trying to force yourself to do a diet that is not sustainable for you.

    The one thing to remember is that almost everyone out there is trying to lose weight fast and almost all of them fail. If you can believe the numbers it is said that 85 percent of anyone trying to lose weight will fail before reaching a goal. Of the 15 percent that get to a goal, 10 percent of them will regain some, all, or more weight. One of the ways to try and become the 5 percent is to avoid acting too much like the 95.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jwall956 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm Jennifer and I just recently dropped Weight Watchers and came here to MFP. I found myself constantly hungry to the point that i would eat non stop and gain all my weight back. So i hope this will be better. With the pandemic i packed on even more pounds and now i am heavier than ever. I hope that i will be able to lose the weight and not feel like I'm starving! I have about 100lbs to lose at least. So here it goes!

    Hi @jwall956 Jennifer,

    A change between WW and MFP is unlikely to make any difference in your hunger control. You will still be eating the same food with very similar portion control.

    What you need is to learn how to control your hunger with food. You do this through experimentation and awareness. The most common thing that people find satiating is protein. For me it is protein, fiber, and volume.

    You want to be eating the right amount of protein anyway as you lose even if it is not your key or your only key to solving hunger. If you take your approximate goal weight and multiply it times .6 that will tell you the minimum protein in grams to target most days. Try that for a couple of weeks and pay close attention to how long, or short your hunger is abated. Keep in mind that you should be hungry shortly before meals but you should have hunger control for at least 3 to 4 hours following a meal.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    ... If you create an avalanche of good choices the occasional bad ones will get swept under.

    What a fantastic observation for life in general. Thank you.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    ... If you create an avalanche of good choices the occasional bad ones will get swept under.

    What a fantastic observation for life in general. Thank you.

    Well... there are some bad choices that can stick with you for a very long time or even a lifetime but ones that deal with daily habits fall mostly in this avalanche theory I think.
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member
    I don’t know how to tag you Novus as I am still working this app out. I was on WW for a long time and I would lose 30 lbs and then feel starved to the point that I can’t stop eating. It’s a great program, but I think I need to start here first before I can eat as little as they program. Today was the first day that I felt full and not hungry an hour later. Maybe it’s cause it’s more explained? But it’s only my first official day. I do love the fact that it shows you how much you could lose if you did what you did today in 5 weeks time. Protein is something I need to learn for sure. I don’t know much about food helping to lose weight which isn’t really explained in WW. So I think this will help me greatly. Thank you for the advise! There is a lot to learn for sure 😊
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    jwall956 wrote: »
    I don’t know how to tag you Novus as I am still working this app out...There is a lot to learn for sure 😊

    The tagging is easy - so we can start there :) Type an @ symbol and then the persons MFP name @jwall956 and a drop down menu with the potential member names will show up. Then click on the name that you want to tag.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    The number of calories you need is an estimate arrived to by population averages and by the choices you make during guided setup.

    You can and should evaluate your expected vs your actual progress a few weeks down the road (4-6 weeks is the general suggestion) and make adjustments based on how closely your expectations (based on your logging and the population estimates) match with the reality on the ground!

    Your weight trend will point downwards as long as you keep eating at less than maintenance calories.

    One of the issues with weight watchers is that it is even less precise than MFP and calorie counting. In their bid to direct you towards certain types of food--generally speaking whole foods that many people find satiating and a good value for their calories and foods that are profitable to the company such as licensed products--they issue only a limited amount of points and expect you will be leaning heavily into the free foods.

    If you eat too many free foods the consequences are as you would expect.

    But if you eat too few you may inadvertently end up with TOO MUCH of a deficit which generates its own set of side effects including rebound overeating.

    So... try to keep things reasonable, simple and as easy as you can for yourself while still achieving reasonable results!

    And please don't view this as a limited time weight loss diet. Start thinking along the lines of long term ongoing weight management, and look to slowly start creating a future you who eats with the balance of their calories!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jwall956 wrote: »
    I don’t know how to tag you Novus as I am still working this app out. I was on WW for a long time and I would lose 30 lbs and then feel starved to the point that I can’t stop eating. It’s a great program, but I think I need to start here first before I can eat as little as they program. Today was the first day that I felt full and not hungry an hour later. Maybe it’s cause it’s more explained? But it’s only my first official day. I do love the fact that it shows you how much you could lose if you did what you did today in 5 weeks time. Protein is something I need to learn for sure. I don’t know much about food helping to lose weight which isn’t really explained in WW. So I think this will help me greatly. Thank you for the advise! There is a lot to learn for sure 😊


    I think @PAV8888 summed up the problem you were likely having with WW. I do not badmouth any system because most reasonable systems help a certain percentage of people get where they want to go. One of the earlier incarnations of the WW point system helped me for a time. This time when I started I used that experience to point me towards calorie counting which for me is easier and more precise. As more and more menus are posting calories it also makes it easy to make decisions at a restaurant without drawing attention to yourself. Most of the time I don't care but if I am there to talk about something else and we get on the subject of weight loss it can take over the entire conversation.

    I like to think that the things we talk about in this group can apply to any sensible system of weight loss. I certainly do not want to push calorie counting on anyone because some people do not find it sustainable.

    Also, a lot of people get excited about the 5 week projection. Unfortunately the feature was not well designed and usually if it is right it is a coincidence.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    And it gets easier as you go along for various reasons. One of the things that I have learned is that usually an indulgence isn't worth it. Here's an example.

    I was having a terrible day with female issues, and my boyfriend offered to go to the taqueria with me and get us all dinner because I was clearly not up to cooking. I adore their lengua tacos, so this is no hardship, and two of them work out to about 400 calories which is for me a good dinner. There's plenty of meat, and the combination of lengua/onion/cilantro/corn tortilla/lime juice always makes my mouth happy. But I was feeling awful so wanted to treat it with food, and said I was having chips and cheese too, darnit. I got it all home, and the chips were stale. The cheese wasn't nearly as good as I wanted it to be for the calorie cost. The lengua tacos were good, but I realized, I would really have been okay with just those.

    And there, and at the BBQ restaurant, and so many other places, I've found out...yeah, it's not worth the calories. So now I don't get the mac and cheese or the Mexican rice or the chips when I go out to eat. Cause it's just not worth the calories to me. If I don't have unlimited calories or room in my stomach (I have deliberately shrunk my capacity) then I don't want to eat stuff just because it's there. I only want to eat the good stuff.

    But I had to come to that conclusion on my own, and no one could have talked me into it until I decided it on my own.