Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,052 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Spotty rain today although warm. Looks like an inside day for sitting. Going for dinner with friends tomorrow so I made an appointment for a no chip manicure. My bone density scan results:
    No osteoporosis. As a preventative measure, advise eating 2-3 calcium rich foods per day, totaling 1200-1400 mg. Take a calcium/vitamin D3 supplement if needed to meet this requirement. Include weight bearing exercises on routine basis. Repeat bone density scan in 2 years. I don't tolerate dairy well so I do take a supplement. I guess I better start doing weights while riding my bike. lol

    Lin, good luck on glasses and makeup. Have you checked the BareMinerals website? Stay dry.

    Annsie, glad you are feeling yourself and that you are enjoying your gardening. I admit I was a little shocked how he looked, like you when we met he was this strong macho man who had great shoulders and arms. I probably looked old to him as well but we were both kind enough not to say anything.

    Patsy, try this little exercise when not able to sleep. Breath in count in your head one, breath out count two. Just concentrate on the counting and breathing to keep other thoughts out of your head. I used to take a sleep aid every night but with this method I stopped taking them and sleep really well. Good luck.

    Jackie, sorry to hear you are not well and hope today is a better day. Please check in with us and let us know you are okay. <3

    Bob, what a sweet thank you, I love anything given to me by grandkids. Our governor also is following CDC guidelines for masks. I think most restaurants are still requiring them but I read somewhere that Walmart doesn't.
    I still wear a mask in stores but I really don't go to many.

    Time to make a grocery order for pick up either today or tomorrow whichever is available. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m feeling a lot better today so goodness knows what happened last night. I had managed to do gardening between hefty showers but hadn’t eaten much, maybe not enough! I shopped at a different supermarket but found little to tempt me but goodness, high prices!
    The Mission Impossible movie was ridiculous in the first 10 minutes so I find it hard to believe they still produce them. The latest is being filmed somewhere in England and Tom Cruise is doing his usual charm offensive! I gave up on the movie and read for a while instead.

    This morning my new pedicure lady arrived and we sat in the empty half completed dining room. We got on immediately as she told me all about her cottage she bought last August and spent until Christmas Eve doing much to the interior as is being done to mine. For months she only had a camping gas stove and bucket for home comforts but managed with the help of a friend and one of her sons to complete the work herself. So we talked nonstop for the hour, my feet feel blissful and I then took George and Betty for one of our longer walks and at one point George met his favourite pair of huskies so was one happy boy!

    A knock at the door this afternoon produced the delivery driver with my new toilet and cistern 2 days early so I’m guessing he realised he might get a bad review after the 3 week delay if he didn’t arrive sharpish! A nice lad who is doing his best to work so I wouldn’t do that to him.

    I’ve been sorting through drawers collecting anything like old unwanted clothing and bedding to make room for the high pile of airing cupboard contents. So many towels still to be sorted into a useful ‘for the dogs’ pile but I feel I’ve broke the back of the chore.

    Has anyone else downloaded the new Apple iOS 14 that seems to be causing controversy? I updated my phone this afternoon and think I’ll find most it beyond me!

    Ooh Sandy, weight bearing exercises! Will you ride your bike while swinging your arms with a can of tomatoes in each hand? Great news there’s no sign of osteoporosis so your obviously doing something right.

    Bob, that video of Rod Stewart wouldn’t play for me but that’s ok. About 5 years ago I went with friends to his concert in the Plymouth football Arena... a perfect mid summer’s night and fabulous atmosphere so we didn’t mind that it took forever to get out and home at the end! My only advice on Line of Duty is read nothing about the series before watching!

    Lin, your veggie garden looks quite successful and certainly well in advance of mine. I would love to grow sweet potatoes but have been told our climate is too cold and wet. Also it’s suggested to cut a slip from a potato and plant that. Is that what you’ve done?

    Patsy, I think I’ve mentioned before the art tv series that ran during our first lockdown encouraging viewers to participate by submitting paintings of views from their window, pets, family or just about anything they felt a connection with. There’s a lot of hidden talent out there among the amateurs and few using digital tools. I imagine much like book reading or music on little iplayers, electronic versions will disappear and the hands on tactile items return into our lives... not that they ever left mine!
    Brambles are the bane of my life, especially in our current climate. I attack with secateurs, spray the ends with a weed killer but in no time at all it’s creeping along the ground between the bluebells and Aquilegia that are growing everywhere this time of year, sending out roots before doing its best to trip me up. The birds eat most of the blackberries before I have a chance!!

    Wow Anne, haven’t you been busy along with little Jilly. So satisfying I bet, especially winning your battle with Mr and Mrs Ivy, another bane of my life! It has to be a good sign that you feel you want to if last year it got on top of you.

    I’ve just seen it’s already 7.30pm and I haven’t eaten so I’ll scramble some eggs. It continues to look stormy outside but neighbour Debs told me when she popped round with some favourite treats for the pooches, next week looks a lot better. I live in hope!

    Take care everyone
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    edited May 2021
    Home with glasses ordered, makeup acquired, lunch a memory, long phone conversation with a friend who called me while I was munching! And some texts with another friend. Well, that was my longest outing so far.

    Jackie, I am glad you are feeling better today and what a day you have had. It sounds quite pleasant and it is great that you got along so well with the new pedicure lady. And yes, sweet potatoes need to be planted from slips. I doubt I will get any yield. They need 120 days of nice hot weather and they didn’t get a good start. I found a place selling slips. I ordered 3 purple sweet potato plants and they arrived very early and had good root systems with little purple potato nubs already showing. Not much top though. I threw out my receipt so I don’t know where I got them. Any place that I usually order from take down plants from their online store as soon as they are no longer shipping I guess. Just an experiment. If you try sweet potatoes don’t go heavy on nitrogen fertilizer, that apparently promotes the growth of the tops/vines but not the tubers. Are you raising pole beans? Something else I never not tried, a lifetime of bush beans here. 🤣😂🤣

    I doubt my containers will amount to much but I do love to see things grow. And I will fight the elements as best I can.

    Sandy, yes, I had checked bareMinerals web site. I have ordered from it in the past. But my issue was not being a bit familiar with the replacement products and the stuff is $$ so wanted to be sort of comfortable with what I was purchasing. So sometimes a store is needed. Hope the kiddo sitting is going well. It is still overcast here but the drizzle stopped. The squirrels are still running around here and wow, they look soaked! And one came to the deck to try to mess with the plants. One trip to the door by me and there was a quick retreat. Congrats on the good test results. A manicure and out to dinner, a pleasant day tomorrow.

    Anne, wow, what wonderful progress you are making on your backyard. Good for you. I am still giggling at Jilly barking at your neighbor and his reaction! Glad he did not get angry or disturbed.

    Patsy, how is your foot coming along now? I know, not many days since you had it treated but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 for healing. John is so talented in so many things. I wish I had been born with definite discernible talents. I often wonder how some of the kids I went to grade school with, grew up to be highly successful in medical, technical, and other fields when they were kind of like me, showed no promise whatsoever. Some spark of genius must have passed me by. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Well, best move along now.

    Be safe everyone.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A fraught morning for me because after mailing a present to my old school friend I took the pooches to the woods to look at the bluebells now in full bloom. We climbed to the top then strolled along quite a distance but as I shot a video of birdsong the dogs went round a corner but when Betty trotted back George didn’t follow her. I called and called for about half an hour before deciding to retrace my steps to the car hoping he would do the same. No sign of him in the car park so I spoke to the people running a coffee shop, showed them a photo of George and my mobile number then took Betty back up the steep climb. I was upset at losing him and cross about his stubborn nature but kept calling until suddenly there he was, just as I thought scenting his way back to me. Not sure who was more relieved George or me but we’re home again and he has crashed out in the garden! Dear Betty is also exhausted having climbed to the top path twice in an hour!
    Photo taken before we lost George!

    Apart from that adventure it’s a lovely sunny day so I’ve a large load of washing drying outdoors because we’ve been warned tomorrow will feel like a November day… really; what on earth has happened to our weather this year?

    Thanks for the sweet potato info Lin. If I can get a shop bought spud to sprout I may give it a go in the hope we do get some sort of decent summer.

    Time for my lunch.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh my JACKIE, I would have been out of my mind if that happened to Jilly! When I fell on the ice last winter and couldn't get up, the dear little thing sat with me until the kind lady hauled me to my feet. Jilly like George can be a stubborn little thing when wanting her own way, but as I'm sure George would do the same, stuck with me in my hour of need. Sort of spoiled your walk among the bluebells though. I miss English bluebells!bvzhv8vzbq2y.jpg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    Oh Jackie! What a terrible experience but it ended well. George!! How could you do such a thing? Took a bit of the bloom from the views of astounding bluebells but thank you for the photo. So incredibly happy he was not lost. Happy laundry day to you. Really, what has happened to our weather.

    Another overcast day here with a promise for rain this afternoon and evening. And more tomorrow. I am not certain when we last saw sunshine. 🙃 I believe sun is expected by Sunday with temperatures increasing to 80 degrees. It is very humid outside today as it was yesterday. I was out a while ago snipping the tops of the waxed paper plant covers. The tomatoes are hitting their heads on them and several, when freed, showed their heads bent over as they have not had enough space the last few days.

    I had a grocery delivery this morning and the paper bags were kind of soaked up with humidity. It is an odd year. I received most of the things I ordered but goodness, prices on the upswing again.

    I need to open mail, pay bills, and look at potentially more laundry.

    Anne, a beautiful bluebell!

    Hello to everyone!


    Interesting set?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,052 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Well I had a nail appointment, rushed to get ready only to have her call me and tell me she has no power in her shop. She will call me when it comes back on but I have groceries to pick up and put away so we will see if there is enough time to get them done. I have to leave here by 4:00 to meet my friends by 4:30. No big deal I can always reschedule. It is very humid here which my hair does not like, I can feel it going straight already. I am too stubborn to turn my A/C on since it is really not that hot and there is a slight breeze with the door open.
    Tomorrow Lisa will come with the kids to join me and Bryanna for dinner. Keeping it simple with pizza because the kids are to fussy to cook, they don't like anything. lol They do like pizza.

    Lin, we have the same weather, it has been a long time since we have seen sun. Looks like hot weather over the weekend but possible rain. I have another gathering on Saturday so again hoping it is outside. Glad you found affordable makeup, I am too cheap to buy expensive makeup but I do like Revlon.

    Jackie, I would have been in tears if I were you. I am so happy that you finally found each other but doubt George learned his lesson. The picture is beautiful and what a wonderful place for a walk. Glad you are feeling a little better, how is your arm? I do have weights which I could use while riding but might just do some arm exercises to help my flabby arms and back.

    Anne, Jilly was a good girl in staying at your side, Ewok did the same when Lisa fell although he was the one who pulled her down while she was on roller blades walking(?) him. That was the last time she did that and now walks him on her feet. lol

    Patsy, preparing for you son's visit? What's on the menu?

    Now that I am dressed and ready to go I might as well ride my bike while waiting for the groceries to be ready for pickup. Have a good day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon Sneakers!

    Busy few days…checked out mall and saw SMASH is open – can’t believe people want to pay big bucks (as much as $80 for different packages) to smash things.


    Today – went maskless to BlinkFitness (great reception), Wegmans (mask signs were gone from entrance), credit union and 2 banks (only one bank still had mask rule). Walked mall that no longer requires masks – no issue in any stores except TJ Max still required one. I think a lot of people (some in my family) have become psychologically dependent after a year of wearing and hopefully they will resurface unscathed.

    Lunch today was stuffed pepper…. Mixed Bell Peppers, meatball mix, riced cauliflower, zero sugar BBQ sauce, Cheddar cheese.


    Anne – Back to somewhat normal… and was excited to be back to the gym under 2019 conditions Almost). Equipment is still distanced which is fine with me. Never crazy about crowded conditions regardless.

    Sandy – Thanks on Brooke’s note. The older we get the more those things matter…but I have been a sap in that area for decades and love passing memories onto my daughter. I still carry a note in my wallet from my daughter written when she was about 6 yrs old. It was definitely weird this morning as I traveled all over the place to different businesses. About 90% seem to follow CDC and a couple still require. Understandably, I found large numbers still opting for masks, but after a year it can be hard to change in 24 hours.

    I have spent at least 100 hours following/ researching data. As one commentator noted recently: “Last year, the peer-reviewed journal of the British Medical Association looked at the effectiveness of cloth masks… the ones you see at Whole Foods…. It turned out that people who wear cloth masks are at quote, "higher risk" of viral infection than people who don’t wear cloth masks. The masks turned out to be completely ineffective. In testing, cloth masks allowed the penetration of 97 percent of vapor droplets. But actually, they were worse than — they weren’t just useless, they turned out to be dangerous. They were literally vectors for disease…Cloth may become damp and contaminated, posing an infection and self-contamination risk." So it turns out, people who wore the kind of masks MSNBC anchors plan to wear on airplanes were more likely to get the flu, to get infected, than people who weren’t wearing the mask. That’s amazing. “ Again – you can find info to support either position – but there isn’t tons of “hard data.”

    I simply think – people should do whatever makes them comfortable. At this stage, I do go along with whatever stores ask…just giving things time, as this has had an impact on everyone. A time for understanding.

    Jackie – Sorry about the video… and I will heed your advice. I hate a spoiled story line and always avoid a “spoiler alert”. Glad you are feeling better. As for the supermarket… YES… prices are higher and seem to be rising. I do 99% of the shopping and recently Jean picked up a few things and said she couldn’t believe what they are charging.

    With regards to Tom Cruise, I like about 75% of his movies…but he is a bit long in the tooth for what he now tries to portray. We were both born in Syracuse NY – but don’t think we are related. LOL

    Back later – Bob – Loving this 85 degree weather! :)
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    You bet prices are rising. I've noticed my grocery bills are going sky high.

    Mark and Mary Jo (she had a break from her at home job) showed up. First they put in my window a/c which is bliss as the temperature rises here (86) and the sun beats down. This means I can't snoop on Harry anymore, he took off with another truck load just as the "kids" arrived. Nice to be private again to be honest. Then we all trooped into the garden and Mark cut a tree down and then half cut down another - saplings really. Meanwhile me and Mary Jo dug up dandelions. Bean supervised panting in the shade of the old apple tree. After one hour the heat got to us and we gave up but my garden is beginning to look it's old self. It's very small but I love my little plot.

    With the colours of flowers for beauty,
    And the song of the birds for mirth,
    One is happiest of all in ones garden
    Than anywhere else on earth.

    BOB I can see masks trapping moisture, it makes sense. Mark and Mary Jo finally get their first shot on the 27th and grandson Derek on the 1st of June and that means our little family will all have had their first shot.

    SANDY my hair does the opposite in Humidity. A frizzy mass. LIN, I hope the toms are lifting their heads in freedom, hope JACKIE and George AND poor tired Betty are recovering nicely from the tiptoeing through the bluebells and I bet PATSY is out on the deck drinking coffee and throwing frisbees.

    Alls well in Sneaker world.

    Oh, everyone agrees I have to get a new pad. Not only is MFP requiring an updated version but I'm having trouble with online banking. This pad is easily 12 years old or more and everyone is surprised the battery is still working. Wait for it! Cross fingers everyone please!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ooh Lin, that tea service looks more than a little spooky to me!
    I’ve been trying to get climbing French beans to germinate but they are struggling so I should probably wait until some warm weather arrives. They are usually easy so long as they are given sturdy support.

    George has been a bit subdued this afternoon but of course the next time a squirrel or bunny catch his eye he’ll totally ignore any calls for him to return. Thank goodness he was on his way to the car park when we finally crossed paths so is a sensible boy most of the time.

    Checking my calendar I see the builders have only managed 4 days working here in May so no wonder little is getting done! Hopefully tomorrow they will get on and work towards finishing and leaving me in peace!!
    The grass has been cut again and this time I lowered the blade for a shorter trim because with all the rain we’ve been experiencing I think sometimes I can hear it growing!

    Your stuffed peppers look delicious Bob and something I could easily create for myself if I just set my mind to it. Hopefully once the dust has settled and my home is my own again I will spend more time in the kitchen. Tom Cruise has a mirror in his attic I’m convinced but he’s looking a bit silly jumping out of helicopters or climbing up the sides of buildings at his age even with the aid of his Scientology alien friends!
    We have a few outbreaks of the India Covid variant around Britain so with more and more visitors heading to Cornwall I will continue to wear a mask in stores. Common sense is the best policy!

    Anne, dear little Jilly would never leave your side I’m sure and I would like to think if I fell George and Betty would stay with me.... unless a rabbit hopped past us! I tried to email you a Video taken in the woods this morning when the birds were singing so loudly but it was returned by Bell with a message it was too large for your computer!

    Sandy, my arm is repairing although I think I probably popped an internal stitch early on trying to pull a long sleeve down after doing some washing up because a small area is still swollen. I’ve a phone consultation booked in the morning with the plastic surgeon so will find out more then. Fingers crossed no more surgery required!

    Yuck, look who’s sliding down the outside of my my conservatory door now it’s dusk.

    Think I’ll head for my warm bedroom, no doubt followed closely by the pooches and Brady once he returns from his evening stroll.

    Take care
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Today both John and I had our yearly physicals and blood work. Since this is a small town, we have the same doctor. He is a friend and we have gone to him for at least 30 years. The mask thing was very interesting. Sign at the door of the building clearly states we need to wear masks to enter. Once inside the receptionist is behind a plexiglass shield, the nurse wears a mask, but our friend and doctor does not. He does the blood pressure and lung test...mask less. The across the hall to the lab for the blood draw. Different story altogether. Masks, gloves, distanced chairs, santitizer everywhere, assistant wipes down chair after we sit on it for the draw. The pen that we use to sign paper acknowledging charges and types of tests is covered in a disposable plastic sleeve. A huge printed notice from our state health department stating suggested guidelines and data to support those suggestions. Our county has been experiencing continued rising numbers of cases. Talk about wonder we still wear masks and feel uneasy. No joke here...this isn’t just some silly insecurity. Our daughter still has symptoms. Sorry! I probably sound terrified because I am!

    Damon comes on Friday. He is bringing Japanese food from a favorite restaurant. We have the rice wine and melon balls for dessert. I will have cooked chicken for his little dog and Katie. If weather is good we will take a walk around our acreage to see what needs to be done. I plan on serving the infamous cauliflower crust pizza one night, John and Damon will be doing stuff out in the shop. Then we will see the new sail and canvas for the sailboat. Her name “geetauna” not even close to the real spelling but that is how it sounds. It means gypsy in Spanish. She is a long sleek boat that Damon loves like crazy.

    Has anyone seen Nomadland? Interesting. John and Damon are talking about some special basketball event staring the basketball greats. I know nothing about it. John just bought a series that might be good...who knows? I think it is called Killing Eve. Sounds awful, doesn’t it? I want to watch the original Fantasia again.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    For a minute JACKIE I thought you had photographed a UFO but on closer inspection.!!!!!!!!!!
    As for Tom Cruise thinking he's still in his twenties and looking more than a bit silly I had the same reaction to Harrison Ford a few years back. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb!
    I loved to grow Scarlet Runner Beans, they taste the very best, but I just don't have room here for the wigwam one makes with poles for them to run up. The flowers are so pretty as well.
    Night all, Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Throw-Back Thursday to all.

    Gorgeous day ahead… Up at 4:30am, Gym at 5am & back home at 7am, hot bath and clean clothes…ready to take on the day…don’t plan to waste a minute of warmth and sunshine. Jean has to take her friend to a doctor appointment (or we’d be headed to the 1000 Islands for the day). Oh well…


    Speaking of Throw-Back…. Came across this receipt yesterday. Based on recent visits to Kohl’s and DestinyUSA, I think the pandemic sale days of $100.00 pants for $7.00 are over. LOL


    Anne – Yes, masks can get pretty gross. One guy I know had his mask crumpled on the front seat of his car…it was so gross (it was white with yellow stains etc and likely never washed ewe).. Congrats to Mark, Mary Jo and Derek. Our grandson (Andrew), got his Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine last week and texted 2 selfies with his “card” etc – he was so proud!

    Whoa – 12 years on the same iPad….it does sound like an new one is a must. It seems even with my desktop, I end up upgrading every 8 yrs or so for one reason or another. I find it amazing how young kids are constantly upgrading their phones regardless of cost. We only upgrade when there is something significantly different. We got our Galaxy S9’s back in early 2018…

    Jackie – George is like a lot of guys…subdued until there is a reason to pick up speed. LOL. Yes, 4 days of work would definitely equal not getting much accomplished by the builders. Hope they can pick up the pace for you.
    The stuffed peppers did come out great…at some point in the future I want to try a stuffed onion … saw this video… (I’ll probably tweak a bit and just bake).

    Stuffed Onion Bombs | Bacon-Wrapped Onion Bombs on Pit Boss Pellet Grill

    As for Tom Cruise – I totally agree and try to forget about his Scientology :D . I still can’t forget that stupid “couch jumping” appearance back in 2005 on Oprah….or his rant on the Today Show about medication the same year…or his “advice” on postpartum depression… Yup I have to close my eyes and ears sometimes. LOL.

    Also agree on Covid, common sense etc. Every area is different…each individual is different etc.

    Patsy – Hope your physical and blood work all turns out well. It’s the same here with masks and all depends on the place. At gym – staff is still required to wear, but patrons don’t need them. I have been vaccinated and no longer wear. The DestinyUSA mall no longer requires but stores vary – Burlington – none required, TJ Max wanted masks worn etc.

    As I mentioned to Jackie, I think it all depends upon location and individual circumstances. I never judge others – accept perhaps when they are driving alone in a convertible on a country road by themselves. :D .

    With regards, to “Killing Eve” – it’s definitely a black comedy. But the warped side of me found it entertaining. Then again, I am waiting for the return of “Dexter” too. LOL.

    HELLO Lin & Sandy ! Hope you are both planning a great day!

    Off to grab some fresh air and sunshine! Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our predicted November day arrived with torrential rain, gales and cold temperature! The builders also arrived and are currently plastering the ceilings between the beams, something that always fascinated me... how come it sticks up there rather than plop back down on the floor? I did my best to walk George and Betty round the block but we were soaked and battered by the wind in seconds so did a u-turn through the wooded area and home again. Dripping waterproofs hanging on an aired between builders buckets, bags of plaster and tools.
    The consultant phoned me on time and gave me the good news the removed lymph node was clear of cancer as is the area of my arm he sliced into so I’m cancer free again! What a relief as I didn’t initially move as quickly as I should to deal with the melanoma so definitely a case of got away with it this time! He will refer me back to Dermatology for those 3 monthly checks.

    Patsy, I’ve found that doctors I’ve seen recently don’t wear masks whereas all other staff are covered head to toe. They do get tested daily so perhaps know that’s sufficient!
    How exciting for you all that Damon is finally getting to visit. Will he perhaps encourage John to seek help with the trees and brambles?
    Killing Eve is on my to watch list although there’s a lot of catching up of other dramas too. From what I know from friends’ comments black humour is a very good description which will suit me as I’m obviously as warped as Bob!

    Those onion bombs look amazing although I’m not sure I can get my hands on a Pit Boss pellet grill!

    Just popped round for a cuppa with neighbour Debs who is home to dry out after a morning gardening for one of her customers. She showed me a letter that arrived today from the NHS telling her she is high risk if she catches Covid and needs to self isolate. She double checked the year in case it had been lost in the post these past 12 months but no and since she will receive her 2nd vaccination tomorrow isn’t sure what all the fuss is about. I’m assuming she’s going to ignore it because she has gone back to work in the rain again.

    Is your lockdown over Anne? Either time is flying or it was only ever going to be for a few weeks. Oh for the need of some air conditioning but right now opening a window just a crack would send a cold blast through the cottage! I know people that grow runner beans in containers since the root system isn’t deep... just a thought.

    I finally asked the question this morning, how much longer did Dave think they will be here as friends are wanting to visit while we all start to open up again. Three weeks, maybe less so that’s something to aim for!

    Time to put the kettle on!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Great news JACKIE. What a wonderful relief for you.!!!!!!
    I'm not sure about our lockdown ending, it appears to be in dribs and drabs. A little here, a little there. The new cases are going down but having said that Marks friend has a son who works in a grocery store. He brought the virus home with him and infected his brother, his dad and his grandma aged 86. All are recovering but out of a household of five only his friends new second wife isn't infected.

    Mary Jo is promising to find me a couple of wee tomato plants because I'm missing the beets, carrots and spuds I normally grow.

    Just contemplating lunch and what to eat. Wonder what Harry the lad is up to because I can't see him anymore with the a/c.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Jackie, just found out, our lockdown has been extended to June 2nd. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,052 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Our dinner was great yesterday, I had Grilled Grouper with rice and it was delicious. We then went to our slot machine place where I lost some money so wasn't happy about that but still fun. Today is my meeting and pizza later for the guests. It is really hot and I am going to turn the A/C on because it is too humid.
    My fourth swimsuit will be delivered today and hopefully it doesn't have to be returned with the other three. :s

    Annsie, sorry about Mark's friend and his family, hoping they all make a full recover. Oh darn, no more updates on Harry? Can't you peek from another window?? I have an IPad Air 2 that I have had for years but not sure how many years. lol

    Jackie, three weeks isn't horrible but for you probably a lifetime. Your weather better shape up soon, it is just too cold for May even in England. Ecstatic to hear that you are cancer free. Because of you I made an appointment with my dermatologist for a full body scan on June 8th. I will probably have already been in the sun at the pool if it opens on Memorial Day weekend. What is that on your window, a bat?

    Bob, I actually wear a cloth mask that I wash after each use. I did the test of blowing out a candle through your mask and I could not so feel safe. It worked so all is good and now that we are leaning toward no masks and being vaccinated I am good. I hate onions so I would not like your stuffed onion recipe but hope you enjoy it.

    I better eat and get ready for meeting, spending too much time on the computer. Have a good one.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good day. Rain again this morning but a little break of sunshine. It was lovely. More rain later with the possibility of thunder storms. Poor plants on the deck. The 2 zucchini plants have been whipped by the wind over and over. They look pretty shopworn.

    Jackie, congratulations on your excellent news. 💐🥳💐 I am so happy for you!! Now if the weather would shape up and if the contractors would finish up, things would be on track for a pleasant summer. You have me thinking of the runner beans again (pole beans). It is so much easier to find bush bean seed but maybe one year I will give them a try in a container. Likely to get more yield from those in a container! I am attaching 2 photos from that pot of potatoes. First one is what you have seen before—Sunday. Second one is this morning. Yipes! I think they will be all tops!

    Sandy, glad you had a good day out yesterday but sorry on the slot losses. Today will be a great day. Enjoy the pizza party tonight! And FYI, the makeup was expensive but I did get something that works for me and lasts a long time. Better than buying something I have to throw away as I develop a rash or other reaction. The dermatologist wants me to do allergy testing for substances and chemicals in everyday life such as nickel. I think it is something like 72 tests on your back which are covered and you come back in 2 or 3 days to have them read for reaction. I am considering it, but think I will pass. I don’t know yet.

    Anne, gosh, lockdown extended for a few weeks. Our governor signed a law last night prohibiting mask mandates leaving schools paddling quickly in order to not violate the law today. Most districts have 2 weeks at maximum left so many people wonder why she had to shake everything up again. I hope you obtain a couple of plants to raise!

    Bob, the weather sounds perfect. I am sorry you won’t be able to go for the 1000 Islands. And yep, those amazing bargains may be a thing of the past. But hopefully there will not be large numbers of store closings.

    Well, I talked to my Thursday morning friend. She is still struggling to rehab from that severe fall. She cannot seem to rehab to the point that she can walk unassisted. She had so hoped to give up the walker. She said today she still cannot got out of her house into the backyard without assistance. Feeling trapped today. But she’s not giving up. She is working on designing her own daily routine exercise which will help to strengthen her. I certainly hope it does.

    I paid bills yesterday and guess what—yes, more bills in the mail yesterday. Working through those today. Or maybe I shouldn’t touch them and the maybe more won’t arrive for a few days. 🤣😂🤣

    I should get back to my chores. Best wishes to everyone today.





  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yea! Hooray! Oh happy day! Jackie, you are cancer free!🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😘😘😘😘😘😀😀😀

    I remember that feeling. To me it felt like I was let out of jail after being found innocent of some awful crime. A renewed joy in just living and caring for your pets and the friendship of dear friends, cancer can be an interesting messenger. Enjoy all the good things in your life and spend some time just adding them up. To me it defined true happiness. All the best dear friend!

    Today is the day to collect trash for pickup tomorrow. Clean out fridge, do 1 hour of exercise and stretches (sigh....). Fold laundry, clean Damon’s bathroom. Nothing too exciting but a busy day. I decided to make a version of Bob’s stuffed onions. I’ll let you know if I succeed. Maybe I’ll do the stuffed bell peppers. We love peppers, onions, etc. John hates okra, Brussels sprouts, turnips and he isn’t crazy about spinach or white potato’s. Strange man, isn’t he? I sneak veggies into everything.

    Killing Eve is next for entertainment.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost a long post.... again. Where do they go when they whizz off to one side of my iPad screen? Certainly not retrievable.

    I have to drive into town to pick up Betty’s dietary kibble so will pop back later.
    Jackie 😘