WaistAways - May 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Great numbers, everyone! I like those reasonable losses, especially if they follow a bit of a blow-out!

    For our new members, you will see that I mark your weigh-in with the "Insightful" button. This does not mean you are particularly brilliant :wink: but it tells me that I have put your weight into the spreadsheet. Then I don't have to keep going back and forth to check. But you really are brilliant, we all know it!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    NSV. The scale is moving slowly. Most of my clothes are loose fitting drawstring or elastic but I have a few zippered shorts I can not wear because they are too loose and people are starting to notice my weight loss.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,256 Member
    Congrats @lorib642 ... that's a great feeling for sure!

    @marsipan100 Glad for your progress and to your point.. the fact you got right back on track is so huge!

    Work has been stressful this week and I'm just plugging away at life. Today is the start of week two of my diet break and then I'll excitedly return to my deficit!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    WTG @lorib642 ! People are noticing how loose your clothes are getting - that is a great moment. Soon you'll be needing belts. That was my absolute favourite moment in weight loss - I needed and thought I'd actually look OK wearing a belt. Have fun buying new shorts :smiley:

    I just finished my Pilates for the day after WAY too many phone call duties. Court, insurance, septic system, saddle parts, and physiotherapist. It felt good to use the muscles for more than just pacing around while on hold listening to horrible music. Or fragments of great music horribly played. Arrrrrrgh.

    OK rant over. Dinner!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been reading all the posts but just haven't had a chance to post myself. @steph1498 That is super scary! Glad things are getting better. @micki48 hope the trip to the dentist goes well.

    Work stuff has gotten better. We had a big meeting and we had a big list of worries and concerns to get through. Not every thing was answered but now it's at least on the radar. Next task is to try and get an extra therapist hired for our team. I also have to brainstorm how I will fit my new tasks into my part time schedule. Bought a bunch of fun new toys for work.

    I am not very hopeful about my weigh in tomorrow. I have been really bloated. Maybe it will be better tomorrow!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    How did we get to the ending part of Thursday already? It is always amazing.

    Here's today's weigh-in update -

    due today or earlier:

    heads up for Friday:

    You know how much I love those numbers - the good, the bad, the meh - all of them. Thanks!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Logged all my food today and drank water. That’s about it weigh loss journey wise.

    We did get a mattress we ordered returned to Costco. It felt like a slab. Ugh. Our new one, a Saatva mattress, came last Saturday. I really like it. I wake without a sore hip. I am a side sleeper.

    Still have a very croaky voice. This cold is getting old. One week tomorrow. It can go now.

    I’ve been reading through some articles trying to get my head back in the game to lose. I looked back at my stats. I am 5 pounds heavier than I was a year ago. My goal is to lose 11.6 pounds. It looks like it will take me, at least, to August to lose it. I would like to get this ball rolling again. 196 pounds is NOT an acceptable set point. So I need to log more, move more, and eat fewer calories. We shall see.

    I will start with Pilates tomorrow am. Hold me to it!

    What are some of your go to breakfasts?
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    PW -216.5 lbs
    CW - 215.4 lbs
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,256 Member
    @micki48 when I'm on my own for breakfast I like to do smoothies or overnight oats.

    @bowens1973 is definitely the cook in our house.. he does lots of egg scrambles or omelets or us, breakfast sandwiches, that kind of thing. Always usually a fun fruit salad too.

    We often share a grapefruit too.. our little thing.

    Breakfast is my least favorite meal of the day. I know it's a fav for most.

    @jugar being on the phone for stuff like that is definitely something I dread.

    @bowens1973 indulged me tonight in a fun game of catch... we played for a while and it definitely felt like exercise. I like getting my exercise through sports.

    Night all!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Late weigh in
    PW 84.3
    CW 86.3
    I'm stuck in a rut.
    Can I go back to Friday weigh-ins please. Although currently not much point in weighing in at all...
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    PW: 159
    CW: 161

    I’d like to think this will come right back down. I’ve been hovering around 160 all year. My goal is to get to 145. I have work to do primarily around being consistent and not derailing when life doesn’t go as planned. I don’t want to complain because I’m thankful to be healthy and have time to focus on this element of my life. That hasn’t been my case in years and I’m glad to be here.
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    Steph1498 wrote: »
    PW: 159
    CW: 161

    I’d like to think this will come right back down. I’ve been hovering around 160 all year. My goal is to get to 145. I have work to do primarily around being consistent and not derailing when life doesn’t go as planned. I don’t want to complain because I’m thankful to be healthy and have time to focus on this element of my life. That hasn’t been my case in years and I’m glad to be here.

    That 160 mark has had me for a LONG time as well!!! Ugh you got this girl, keep pushing. You will see that 145 before ya know it 🤗
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member

    PW 158.8
    CW 158.8

    Uh I could literally scream right now!! Same weight AGAIN! I guess I should just be happy I didn’t go up. Happy Friday y’all hope you have a great LONG weekend!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    PW: 239.8
    CW: 239.8

    We're heading out of town for five days for a baseball tournament so it will be interesting to see how the week goes. I struggle to stay on plan when I'm not in my normal routine at home!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Pearl4686 wrote: »
    Late weigh in
    PW 84.3
    CW 86.3
    I'm stuck in a rut.
    Can I go back to Friday weigh-ins please. Although currently not much point in weighing in at all...

    You and @micki48 should buddy up and unstick together! Get that one perfect day to get started. I'll change you to Fridays and send mojo heading your way :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    edited May 2021

    Go to breakfast -
    I don't like eggs, find bread hard to digest, and oatmeal (or any other cereal-like thing) sends my pulse over 100 for an hour or so. I'm very consistent and boring. Every single day, I have around a half cup of blueberries (frozen, but fresh only when I go picking or my own few bushes are fruiting), one whole apple chopped up, 8 almonds, and 3/4 cup of plain non-fat yogurt. Sometimes I substitute chia seeds for the almonds and let them plump up overnight, sometimes when I'm really hungry I add some fresh mango, but that's it. I make my own yogurt in the instant pot and even though it is non-fat, it is thick and smooth. If anyone wants the recipe, especially if you have an instant pot, let me know.

    I could easily turn my breakfast into a smoothie, but I prefer to chew and enjoy - if I were working and in a hurry, I might throw it in the blender, though.

    Did you do your Pilates yet?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member

    Can you both please confirm your weigh-in day that you'll be using in June, and what is your starting weight? This should be your weight from this week, preferably same day that you'll weigh in next week, but any approximation will do!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hey Team WaistAways! As we are about to enter the 6th month of 2021 it’s time to stop and review how we are doing with our weight loss goals. Look over the June Reset graphic below and spend time evaluating what’s working and what needs improving.

    We also have the JUNE HABIT TRACKER up and ready for you. So, choose the habits that you want to track, and let’s make June our best month of 2021!! B)

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    Go to breakfast -
    I don't like eggs, find bread hard to digest, and oatmeal (or any other cereal-like thing) sends my pulse over 100 for an hour or so. I'm very consistent and boring. Every single day, I have around a half cup of blueberries (frozen, but fresh only when I go picking or my own few bushes are fruiting), one whole apple chopped up, 8 almonds, and 3/4 cup of plain non-fat yogurt. Sometimes I substitute chia seeds for the almonds and let them plump up overnight, sometimes when I'm really hungry I add some fresh mango, but that's it. I make my own yogurt in the instant pot and even though it is non-fat, it is thick and smooth. If anyone wants the recipe, especially if you have an instant pot, let me know.

    I could easily turn my breakfast into a smoothie, but I prefer to chew and enjoy - if I were working and in a hurry, I might throw it in the blender, though.

    Did you do your Pilates yet?

    Ha ha! Not yet. But I’ve been moving. Son called first thing to chat through some work stuff. Then I watered the garden because we’ve had no rain. Now I’m having my coffee and checking on breakfast suggestions. I WILL get to it. Promise. But ask again if I don’t report. 😂.

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think my voice may be turning the corner. Yay!
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