Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    I fell into an emotional eating rut the past couple of days, and looking at the scale for my weigh in today made me even more discouraged. I didn't exercise on Wednesday and Thursday because I wasn't feeling well due to a stomach ache and sinus congestion. I was also feeling discouraged about my weight increase this week because I have been working hard with my workouts.

    My trainer told me that muscles weigh more and could be a contributor to the weight increase on the scale. They told me to go by how my clothes fit. I can tell that I have been getting stronger from the weight lifting, but it is still discouraging to see my weight creeping up. My clothes still fit though. I reviewed my food diary and see where I need to make adjustments.
    I also refused to stay discouraged and reminded myself that this is just an opportunity to love me more.

    I am going to create a plan for June this weekend to help me succeed with my health and fitness goals.
    I need to schedule my meals because I have been waiting too late in the day to start eating,
    and it was affecting my energy levels and exercise performance. I will focus more on drinking enough
    water because I also realized that dehydration was contributing to my lack of energy.

  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    edited June 2021
    @trooworld I love your picture collage!

    @Cornanda I am still trying to find a high protein snack for my workouts.

    @TeresaW1020 I definitely need the protein for the intense workouts because I really struggle with
    just trying to get through them when I don't eat and sleep properly. I am looking at Clif bars. Thanks!

    @TwistedSassette The walks really do help with active recovery. Thank you!
  • Kinalau
    Kinalau Posts: 26 Member
    Username: Kinalau
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight):144.6
    CW (Current Weight): 144.2

    Happy Friday. I haven't responded much this week because work has been, well, work. I did pick up a contract for teaching summer school English, so that is a win. A special thank you to everyone who encouraged me to keep looking for other work after my job application debacle. Patience did pay off.

    Except for my planned special (cheat) meal last Saturday, I've been under my calories daily. I run around 50 miles a week, try to sprinkle in some hill walking because I have an old ankle injury that keeps me from running comfortably on hills, and do some baby weightlifting. My running is my “no choice” activity. I have really grown to love it and it's a bit of a pride point to keep rolling those miles every week. The miles get me out of bed in the morning.

    Catching up from 60+ posts behind :(

    Wow, 9 lbs in May is amazing. Congrats! I always like to hear about people really taking their weightlifting to their most and backing off when hurting. I dabble in weight lifting and I am always impressed by people who can follow through with it. I don't like it at all and only do it because I feel I have to do something to balance all my running.

    I have used some of the ideas from the Beck diet solution over the years. Many of the underlying ideas appeal to my thinking and way of eating. I have to be really careful because I have some eating disorder history and Beck helps me keep that in mind.

    Your photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing them. I absolutely love the downtown and waterfront area in San Diego and you captured it so beautifully!

    Emotional eating can be super tough to work through, but for me half the battle back is just acknowledging I am emotionally eating and identifying it. Once I do that I kind of have a talk with myself about what I am gaining by doing this. I too use the fit of my clothes a lot as another way to view my progress because that scale is a beast sometimes. Good luck with your plan!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Busy day today. I helped with the book sale at our public library today. Lots of people came through and I think we did pretty good. Then I went to dinner with an old friend. The food was good but I ate too much. We went to Jack's and lots of fried food. Hopefully I didn't shoot myself in the foot for tomorrow's weigh in. We shall see. :| But then, tomorrow is a brand new day. I will be thankful to make it. Lets go get it!!
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    @Kinalau Thank you! May was a bit of a test for me... I've been doing lifting AND cardio Jan-April, but did very little cardio in May. I actually lost less in April than I did in May! With that said, when I lift, I'm doing enough to get my heart rate into the cardio zone. It also helps that my husband powerlifts and we have all the equipment at home. I'm back to cardio (mostly walking, but I've added in jogging on all my uphill parts) and lifting this month... Trying to push myself a little harder! Worked out with my husband tonight, and I'll probably be hurting tomorrow lol.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,741 Member
    @bgame4 Nice loss this week! Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I hope it goes well for you and the headaches subside soon! I have PCOS too, it sucks but we can do this! It's funny, I tried some of the PCOS support notions for a while but I must be weird because I feel a LOT better when I have milk & dairy than I do without it. Odd!

    @TeresaW1020 That's great about changing your hubby's snacking habits! I wish mine would listen to me lol he's T2 diabetic (though a normal weight) and he still eats chips & chocolates etc. even though he knows it will make him feel bad later.
    I hope your pulled muscle heals quickly. You really don't know how much you use a muscle until it's injured!
    Oh, and great work on getting a loss this week!

    @19shmoo69 I try not to thing on what I could have done differently so much, just asking myself WHY it happened. Why did you have no calories left (unplanned snack?) and why were you feeling so ravenous when you got home (not enough protein throughout the day?). That might help you plan better for next time.

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you're having such a great week!!

    @Lulu_jo Great loss!!

    @TheGlwUp I'm sorry that you've been in an emotional eating rut. I've been there a bit too lately. Don't let the scale get you down, it only measures one part of your health and you know that you are making positive steps on other parts that it can't measure. Given how much you've been training, a fair portion of your gain could just be water weight - our bodies are kinda mysterious and like to hold on to water just in case, sometimes! Good idea to review your food diary too, I know I have certain foods that will ALWAYS trigger a spike on the scale even if they're within my calories (I'm looking at you, pizza). A plan for June sounds like a great idea.
    Yesterday was kind of meh. I ended up having to stay late at work to get some stuff finished off and it's just been a really long week. I came home and ate chocolate. I didn't exercise. I did get well hydrated and I did get a good night's sleep though!

    Today, hubby left for his mum's farm where he will stay until Wednesday, helping them fix up their planter and then plant their wheat crop. I have that time off work to play Mum, which I'm so happy and excited about! The toddler and I went downtown for a little shopping this morning, but I got an aura while we were at the supermarket (a precursor to a migraine, for me). The headache that followed wasn't too bad, but I'm just super tired now. We are heading out to my cousin's 40th birthday party soon, so I'm going to try to sneak in a little nap while the toddler is napping. I plan to do some exercise this evening after he goes to bed, since I have the house to myself!

    Aside from all that, I'm just playing with my new laptop, which I love! Might give myself some game time later!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    Weigh in! Lost another 1lb

    CW 10stone 8lbs
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 256.4
    CW: 252.0
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @19shmoo69 So, you are counting calories? Most people on Keto don’t count calories. If you were starving maybe that is your body saying it needs more fuel. I have no advice other than to eat something when you are feeling really hungry. :)

    @larurelfit57 Take advantage of all the good weather you can get! Are you just wanting to train your dog for fun or is there a goal in mind? :)

    @trooworld I loved that pic of Zoltar! <3 I went back and looked, and I swear it’s like you captured the soul of that mechanical fortune teller. I’m sure that is part of the reason the gallery accepted the picture. You have a great eye! The muscle is much better, thank you! Enjoy your Bubble-up pizza.

    @Cornanda OK, just like you said it’s time for you to reset and look at what you can do the rest of the month to turn things around. If you need some extra incentive, I just want you to know that I’m trying hard to get into the 170s and you wouldn’t want me to pass you by, would you? I need you to challenge me. ;)<3

    @TheGlwUp Have you tried Quest bars? I used to eat them a lot because of the super high protein and low sugar that they have. Lots of great flavors! I also like Premier Protein drinks for when I’m needing more protein. Of course, real food is optimal but sometimes we just gotta make it happen. :)

    @Kinalau Yayyy on getting a teaching summer job! Good for you for making running one of your non-negotiables. That is how I feel about my workouts too. Yayyy on the weight loss this week!! :)

    @askewcr I overindulged yesterday too by eating out. What do we do? We get back on our plan and move forward. ;)

    @Lulu_jo I love that you work out with your husband! Sounds like it’s a great way to keep yourself challenged and motivated. :)

    @TwistedSassette Sounds like you had a very busy day and that it was good until the headache. I’m glad that it wasn’t too bad for you this time. A new laptop is great fun! I bought mine a year ago for work and just love it too. :)

    Good morning! I was going to post last evening but then hubby suggested we go out to dinner and have one final splurge before I embark on the next 30 days of doing this Data Driven Fasting challenge. So, of course, I agreed! :grin: We went to our favorite brewery that is right around the corner from us and I had the BEST bacon, avocado burger and fries. I also had two yummy IPA beers, which I think was the culprit to us going next door to buy a pint of chocolate ice cream. We ate the ice cream with chopped walnuts on our back porch. Needless to say, my weight is up this morning! :grin: But today is day one of the challenge and I am ready to give it my all!! I have taken my waking blood sugar, weight, waist measurement, and body fat %. There is an app that they use to plug all this in and it will tell me after three days what my blood sugar target is. The goal is to not eat until I’m below the target BG. I’m really hopeful that this will be something that works! And of course, I will keep you all posted. ;)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh in week: week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 216.4
    CW: 217.2
    LTD: 30.8
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I have a busy morning, I'll try to check in later today.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 513 Member
    @trooworld and @TeresaW1020 i only have one dog that I train, she is high energy with a tremendous work drive. She is definitely happier and well behaved if she is both mentally and physically worked, if not there can be trouble😜.
    I did my weigh in a day early this week, I am going camping so wouldn’t be able to weigh myself tomorrow. I hope that’s OK! I stayed at the same weight, a tiny bit disappointed as I have stayed on track all week, but after last week’s big loss, I’m not really all that surprised. @TeresaW1020 I have been “keeping my eye on the prize” all week :-) :-).

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keep my eye on the prize!

    Track & Eat Within Macro Ranges
    No snacking after 8
    No unplanned sugar
    No junk snacks
    Exercise 5 x weekly
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 513 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 160.8
    CW. 160.8
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,748 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Good luck with the challenge, I think I missed what you're going to be doing?

    I was going to help at the food bank farm today but I'm kind of tired and feeling anti-social so I'm going to work out then read and play my keyboard (I borrowed it back from my nephew). I reduced my dose of Cymbalta so I think it's starting to affect me now that it's been a week. I checked the freebie app on my phone and someone is giving away an organ but I don't have a truck plus even if I managed to get it home it would be hard to sit so I'll just use my keyboard on my bed for now. It's a cheapie keyboard and you can't hold down more than 4 keys at a time or it cuts out one so playing it like the organ is impossible which is what I learned on so it's a little frustrating. Have a great day everyone!
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    edited June 2021
    @TeresaW1020 Working out with him definitely pushes me! He just completed a new deadlift PR of 600lbs😳. I wish I had 1/2 of his drive! He is my biggest supporter❤️ and has cheered me on since day one. He told me yesterday that my stomach will be flat in 2 weeks... And I told him it was just the pants holding it in. He said, well in 2 weeks, in those pants, your stomach will be flat😂...I guess I need more of those pants!!

    Do you know what the app is they are using for your blood sugar? I have a continuous monitor due to hypoglycemia unawareness. I love it and hate it at the same time. No more daily finger sticking, but it takes SO long to raise on the machine after eating. I drop in the middle of the night, and it will wake me up. I eat, but then it goes off until my bs is above 75.... So some nights I don't get much sleep.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    @bgame4 Nice loss this week! Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I hope it goes well for you and the headaches subside soon! I have PCOS too, it sucks but we can do this! It's funny, I tried some of the PCOS support notions for a while but I must be weird because I feel a LOT better when I have milk & dairy than I do without it. Odd!

    @TeresaW1020 That's great about changing your hubby's snacking habits! I wish mine would listen to me lol he's T2 diabetic (though a normal weight) and he still eats chips & chocolates etc. even though he knows it will make him feel bad later.
    I hope your pulled muscle heals quickly. You really don't know how much you use a muscle until it's injured!
    Oh, and great work on getting a loss this week!

    @19shmoo69 I try not to thing on what I could have done differently so much, just asking myself WHY it happened. Why did you have no calories left (unplanned snack?) and why were you feeling so ravenous when you got home (not enough protein throughout the day?). That might help you plan better for next time.

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you're having such a great week!!

    @Lulu_jo Great loss!!

    @TheGlwUp I'm sorry that you've been in an emotional eating rut. I've been there a bit too lately. Don't let the scale get you down, it only measures one part of your health and you know that you are making positive steps on other parts that it can't measure. Given how much you've been training, a fair portion of your gain could just be water weight - our bodies are kinda mysterious and like to hold on to water just in case, sometimes! Good idea to review your food diary too, I know I have certain foods that will ALWAYS trigger a spike on the scale even if they're within my calories (I'm looking at you, pizza). A plan for June sounds like a great idea.
    Yesterday was kind of meh. I ended up having to stay late at work to get some stuff finished off and it's just been a really long week. I came home and ate chocolate. I didn't exercise. I did get well hydrated and I did get a good night's sleep though!

    Today, hubby left for his mum's farm where he will stay until Wednesday, helping them fix up their planter and then plant their wheat crop. I have that time off work to play Mum, which I'm so happy and excited about! The toddler and I went downtown for a little shopping this morning, but I got an aura while we were at the supermarket (a precursor to a migraine, for me). The headache that followed wasn't too bad, but I'm just super tired now. We are heading out to my cousin's 40th birthday party soon, so I'm going to try to sneak in a little nap while the toddler is napping. I plan to do some exercise this evening after he goes to bed, since I have the house to myself!

    Aside from all that, I'm just playing with my new laptop, which I love! Might give myself some game time later!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:

    I try and plan all of my meals while I'm working. Most of the time my meal log is filled all at once. Due to this when I run out of food I know I've no calories left. Does that make sense?
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    @19shmoo69 So, you are counting calories? Most people on Keto don’t count calories. If you were starving maybe that is your body saying it needs more fuel. I have no advice other than to eat something when you are feeling really hungry. :)

    @larurelfit57 Take advantage of all the good weather you can get! Are you just wanting to train your dog for fun or is there a goal in mind? :)

    @trooworld I loved that pic of Zoltar! <3 I went back and looked, and I swear it’s like you captured the soul of that mechanical fortune teller. I’m sure that is part of the reason the gallery accepted the picture. You have a great eye! The muscle is much better, thank you! Enjoy your Bubble-up pizza.

    @Cornanda OK, just like you said it’s time for you to reset and look at what you can do the rest of the month to turn things around. If you need some extra incentive, I just want you to know that I’m trying hard to get into the 170s and you wouldn’t want me to pass you by, would you? I need you to challenge me. ;)<3

    @TheGlwUp Have you tried Quest bars? I used to eat them a lot because of the super high protein and low sugar that they have. Lots of great flavors! I also like Premier Protein drinks for when I’m needing more protein. Of course, real food is optimal but sometimes we just gotta make it happen. :)

    @Kinalau Yayyy on getting a teaching summer job! Good for you for making running one of your non-negotiables. That is how I feel about my workouts too. Yayyy on the weight loss this week!! :)

    @askewcr I overindulged yesterday too by eating out. What do we do? We get back on our plan and move forward. ;)

    @Lulu_jo I love that you work out with your husband! Sounds like it’s a great way to keep yourself challenged and motivated. :)

    @TwistedSassette Sounds like you had a very busy day and that it was good until the headache. I’m glad that it wasn’t too bad for you this time. A new laptop is great fun! I bought mine a year ago for work and just love it too. :)

    Good morning! I was going to post last evening but then hubby suggested we go out to dinner and have one final splurge before I embark on the next 30 days of doing this Data Driven Fasting challenge. So, of course, I agreed! :grin: We went to our favorite brewery that is right around the corner from us and I had the BEST bacon, avocado burger and fries. I also had two yummy IPA beers, which I think was the culprit to us going next door to buy a pint of chocolate ice cream. We ate the ice cream with chopped walnuts on our back porch. Needless to say, my weight is up this morning! :grin: But today is day one of the challenge and I am ready to give it my all!! I have taken my waking blood sugar, weight, waist measurement, and body fat %. There is an app that they use to plug all this in and it will tell me after three days what my blood sugar target is. The goal is to not eat until I’m below the target BG. I’m really hopeful that this will be something that works! And of course, I will keep you all posted. ;)

    everybody I've talked count calories plus macros on keto. I am trying to stay under calorie and low carb/low fat to cause my body to burn my fat. I've a friend that drinks oil when he is hungry. Nothing against him but I'm not drinking oil to lose weight. Lol
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,026 Member
    Just a quick pop in today and then I'm back to my Saturday projects-

    @TheGlwUp - Emotional eating- I've been there. I would say most, if not all of us have. I'm repeating something I've learned from a very wise diet friend. And I've heard it more than once, but it's just starting to sink into my head so that I can do something with it. "Don't be disappointed in yourself". This can cause a cascade of other actions that derail your progress. Look at your week and remember what you did right. It's so easy to forget that part when we are disappointed in ourselves.

    @TeresaW1020 - Gauntlet thrown girl! I'm going to do my best to keep you from catching me! (love this, thank you!)

    @19shmoo69 - If you were ravenous and all you ate was a boiled chicken breast, I would count that as a win and move on. Sometimes these things happen and you did not respond with a burger or a bag of chips or ice cream! (and drinking oil....... grrrrk! Yuck!)

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @TeresaW1020 thank you for your kindness to think of me. The past couple weeks have been challenging (beyond the eating well point of view). Thankfully things are a bit easier this week. I've been eating better, but I still managed to devour two packets of Eccles Cake this week. I didn't buy any more...yet.

    I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good weigh in to start off the month of June.

    Well done for fasting 20hrs. Hope it is helping you with a better relationship with food.



    @apple852hk I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing? <3


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