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  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    The only place I jog is in the water and I wear padded water shoes….I took a rest day yesterday but I am going to swim later this evening….I have some of those bands somewhere but I can’t remember where they are at….we moved a few years ago to downsize and I still have boxes in the garage!….have a great evening!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @trishd25 Welcome! Just to say it took a lot of strength and commitment to get out of that relationship and to survive whatever else life threw at you. (And, in my probably unpopular opinion, if food helped you cope and get though difficult times, then it worked. Were there coping different options? Maybe? I don't know. But if it helped you survive, then it was needed and did its job. Now, it is not working for you anymore and you just need something different.)

    Treat this as a learning process and be gentle with yourself. It takes trial and error to figure out what works and is sustainable for you and takes time to learn new coping mechanisms. Patience, commitment, and self-kindness will pay off.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @conniewilkins56 - I've never tried water jogging, and I can't decide if I would love it or hate it.
    Love - I love water. I love running. Seems ideal.
    Hate - Reminds me of my stressful dreams where I need to run but can't go any faster because my legs just won't move faster no matter what I do, like I'm running through (wait for it...) ...water.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    Trish, I'm new here too but not to MFP. I have been successful in the past with MFP. So I'm back to get it together again and lose this weight that is keeping me from doing everything I want to do. I wish you the best. We're all here to improve our health and this is a very supportive group.
    Elieza, I've never done water jogging either but I know anything done in the water is a good workout without the stress on your joints. I just wish I had a pool closer to me so I could give it a try.
    Connie, I've heard many people say that there are boxes they never get to unpack once they move. I've only moved once in my 30's and I didn't have a lot of things then so that never happened. At 71 we think of moving when we can't handle the care of a large yard any more so we have been trying to down size. But I have to say you have no idea how much stuff you have until you do that. We have done a lot but I look around and see so much more to do. I'm just afraid when we finally decide we need to move we won't be capable of taking it on. It's just another reason to try and get healthier now.
    My week is going well so far. I'm trying to do more exercise and eat healthy foods. With the calorie counter I can keep track of how much I have eaten so when it gets toward the end of the day and I'm tired I know how many more calories I have to reach my calorie goal. I hope everyone else is having a good week. :)<3
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    ThinnerQ, You will find lots of great supportive people here. I wish you the best in your weight loss journey. I have 80 pounds to lose. My knees bother me at this weight. So I need to get the weight off of these old joints. Take one day at a time. Tell us how you're doing.

    I've had a tough weekend so far. I'm hoping with an ok day today and a good day tomorrow I will still lose something this week. I hope everyone is doing well.
  • Timberlan127
    Timberlan127 Posts: 237 Member
    I totally agree. If you have your head in the game you do alright but if you don't it falls apart. But each day, hour, minute is a new beginning and and a new chance for success. Have a great day everyone. We can all do it one hour at a time.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Welcome, @Halfpint0112 ! You can absolutely do this. I also have looked at all my goals in 10 lb increments, with other milestones thrown in (dropping to a lower obesity category, milestone pounds lost, etc...) Essentially there is always some sort of milestone approaching, which makes it feel much more doable. Slow and sustainable is the way to do it.

    This is a great group with lots of solid experiences and advice - jump in wherever you'd like. We're glad you're here!
  • Project_onederland
    Project_onederland Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hi everyone, I’m Krysta! I’ve lost about 40 lbs on my own but I have a little over 100 more to go! Ive struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life. I wanted to join this group as a way to stay motivated and interact with others who are on the same journey as me. I don’t have many “friends” on mfp so feel free to add me! 🤗
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    edited June 2021
    I've popped in here over the past few weeks and only left some "likes" because of time. Wanted to stop in and say a better hello to everyone who has come aboard recently!

    Hello, @steph4niefontaine, @trishd25, @Timberlan127, @Halfpint0112 and @Project_onederland.

    Glad you are here and hope to see you around the threads. This group has kept me sane and kept me trying for the past several months. After losing just over 100 lbs and getting close to the maintenance part of this journey I've discovered that this particular stretch is just as/perhaps even more tricky than what I've read posted as the "chainsaw" period of weight loss. (Love that term, but can't remember who used it now).

    But, because of the people here and their support and amazing advice, I'm still working my (ever-changing) plan and I believe I will get where I want to be and will have learned how to stay there.

    You will be in this spot of your journey soon always feels a million years away, but those years will pass anyway, and it is so much nicer to be getting lighter, stronger, fitter as the time passes.
  • Halfpint0112
    Halfpint0112 Posts: 6 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Welcome, @Halfpint0112 ! You can absolutely do this. I also have looked at all my goals in 10 lb increments, with other milestones thrown in (dropping to a lower obesity category, milestone pounds lost, etc...) Essentially there is always some sort of milestone approaching, which makes it feel much more doable. Slow and sustainable is the way to do it.

    This is a great group with lots of solid experiences and advice - jump in wherever you'd like. We're glad you're here!

    Thanks so much @eliezalot ! The increments have definitely been helpful. Makes it easier to focus as well and not feel so overwhelmed. And the non scale victories are just as important. Maybe sometimes more.

    Thanks again, glad to be here. :)
  • Halfpint0112
    Halfpint0112 Posts: 6 Member
    @lauriekallis Thanks for the welcome. Congrats on your weightloss! Love that term too! Never heard it put that way before. You totally got this though!

    Exactly, such a good attitude to have!

    It certainly does feel like it's a lifetime away. But as you say, time will move regardless. Might as well better myself as opposed to just getting older and unhealthier.