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Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
Hi Onefers. Welcome to our new home.


  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Just checking.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    We're home! This is utterly AWESOME!!!!!!8urdgh1cfdr7.jpg
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    What a lovely photo Barb. Is that scene near where you live?
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    I’m in🤩
    Love we can check in on our phone

    Nola thanks for starting the group

    Barb looking great 👍
    What a beautiful spot

    Enjoy your day☝️☝️☝️👏👏👏💕💞
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Karen, we made it, still all together. Have a great Fathers Day. Where did you find those emotions?
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    I was on my phone

    Now I'm on my computer
    Wanted to make sure I'd JOINED <3
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    I still haven't found a place for photos. if you find one tell me.
  • linwinnow
    linwinnow Posts: 3 Member
    hello, hello, hello! Barb I love that picture! <3 definitely makes this feel like home...
    lots to learn here, hope all have a blessed day/night
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    I’ve 3 photos on n my page
    Can’t seem to be able to access from my phone ☎️
    Also can’t add friends☹️
    On my computer you hit ‘ctrl and the new member picture, a message page comes up, then hit ‘Cyril and their picture again’ and a ‘add friend’ comes page comes up

    I see we have two more ONE FOR ALL👍👍
    Welcome Lin 💋💕
    Back later with friend request
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Just opened it up to public. Go ahead and add your friends.
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Karen there is a spot to invite friends on the Groups > one for all page.
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    edited June 2021
    Have a look on the main team page and see what forums/discussion headings on the Spark page that you want to be brought over here. Barb had some good links there.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    Still looking around (on my phone)
    Will check BLC for ideas and helpful hints.

    This morning, I went shopping twice😎
    1st: to drop off thrift store donations and take home 2 pairs of earrings, high heeled sandals, & heathy living book
    Nothing I Needed 🙃
    Then grocery shopping

    Now hiding from high heat 98 expected
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wowie. Let's get the party started! <3
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    It is all starting to look good. I still love the idea of Spassing Barb. I think it is a great concept and I find I do it over the day but don't log it anywhere.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    What's Spassing?
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    Just figured out how to go back to the main All For page,
    so when I wanted to comment in the different sections I was having to hit ..?.. then 'groups' then, All For One
    But after you have done one section, you can hover over the group name All Of One, click And then it will reset back to the main page
    Hope that makes sense B) Hope it works twice ;)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Nola: Opened up a new discussion area for spassing!
    Karen: If you go to the spassing discussion, it's explained.

    HUGS ladies!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Karen thanks for your hints. I was always doing it the long way round.
    Barb thanks for the Spassing. I really will try it this time EACH DAY B)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    Okay I’m signed up for my local Senior Center’s update/ cake party. It’s their first opening since COVID. The gathering is outside so Will wear a summer dress 👗 and sun hat 👒 😎