Mission Slimpossibles-July Chat 2021



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,995 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's great about the Fitbit. A trail challenge should be fun. I'm looking forward to your pictures.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! VBS sounds like a lot of fun.

    @TwistedSassette We also have to wear masks at work. It was recently lifted for some of the company but not my department since I am in the education department, different rules. I have to wear it literally all day too, unless I am actively eating or drinking something. :/

    @askewcr You CAN do this!

    Hi all. My brother and his family are here and I love it. It's so nice seeing them. We went to a Mexican restaurant last night for dinner and I made a good decision, I ordered shrimp fajitas. I did have a mango chile margarita though but it was worth it, so refreshing.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I am feeling like such a failure. For my WW plan, I get 30 daily points and 35 weekly points (to spread out however I choose). Yesterday evening, my daughter and I were going to go on a trail hike, but it was downpouring, so we lounged at home. I ended up consuming 91 points of junk - mainly candy and crackers. And you know what makes it even worse? I had an entire footlong veggie sub sitting in the fridge. I CHOSE JUNK OVER HEALTH. I am so angry with myself! I keep trying to figure out why why why I constantly cross my own red lines, but it makes my head hurt. Thank you for letting me unload.

    Today is a new day...
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi, Just a quick pop in today....

    @TwistedSassette - I was gonna check in with you on exercise- I totally get it about the mask wearing. It is draining. I chose a strength work out today that had some ab exercises and I didn't fast forward through them! A decent start, I guess.

    @askewcr - Love, love your positive, peppy attitude!

    @Katmary71 - I think you stay incredibly positive considering all the pain you are going through. You are definitely not a grumbler.

    @trooworld - have fun with your company!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - hang in there girl! Dust yourself off and go back to doing what works. Do it right now, don't wait until tomorrow. Do you think out of sight, out of mind would help you at all with those types of foods? I put things in the freezer, I put them out in the garage, hide them behind other things in the fridge. If I don't see them, I don't think about eating them as much. And if the impulse hits, I have to work to get them. It doesn't always work, but at times it helps a lot.

    Not much new here- been very rainy here, but I've been able to get my exercise in between showers.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @TwistedSassette I am very sorry that you are under a mask mandate. I hated wearing it so much and was so thankful that I wasn’t someone that had to wear it all day for work. Fogging glasses is the worst and I never did find anything to help. I hope you don’t have the mandate for long. :/

    @trooworld Yeah, VBS is a lot of fun and I’m really liking being a crew leader. I’m glad that you are having such a good time with your brother and his family. How long is the visit for? Mmmm shrimp fajitas and that mango chili margarita sound heavenly!! :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I feel your pain! I ate half a bag of Sour Patch Kids yesterday and I don’t even like them! We just gotta keep moving forward and get out of our way. ;)

    Hi Team! Today has been good. I did a double workout this morning and then have been taking it easy and saving my energy for VBS. I’ve been really worried about my sister all day. She had double knee surgery yesterday and has been in tremendous pain today and her blood pressure dropped really low at one point and she couldn’t do the PT. :'( Hopefully, she will start to improve and get some much-needed rest. My food has been good today and I have vowed that there will be NO candy-eating tonight. :#
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,713 Member
    @trooworld Go you! Still enjoying eating out but with a better choice - that's what it's all about!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sending you big hugs, it's so hard when we sabotage ourselves. Try to learn from it and move on, today is a new day.

    @Cornanda Great job on the strength workout! I admit I have been lazy and have not kept up with the program I started. I am going to restart next week, hubby is away this week so I have less time since I have to do all the housework and look after the toddler!

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks...the mask mandate is for 2 weeks at this stage, they will reassess toward the end of the 2 weeks I guess. We will stick it out, it's just something we're not used to!
    Sending hugs for your sister, I hope she has some improvement today and isn't in too much pain.
    Not much to update from me. I again didn't do my workout, I just ran out of time after doing all the daily housework jobs and getting the toddler settled.

    I had a decent day, food-wise though, until the evening. I cooked a nice silverside and veggies for dinner, but then ate some chocolate biscuits that put me over goal. Still had a calorie deficit even without the exercise though, so all is not lost.

    Today is the last day of our financial year here in Australia - as an accountant I'm sure you can understand it's definitely a busy time of year for me! Work will be hectic this week and next, and will continue to be busy for another month or so afterwards until the financials are finalised. Wish me luck, lol.

    I have also started thinking about my goals for July, as some of my June goals just didn't pan out.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,155 Member

    Let's share our favourite healthy recipes - new ways to enjoy food and feel great. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10837191/f2f-recipe-central#latest
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 369 Member
    I had a good day today. I stated back tutoring and my student did a great job in reading. Hubby and I practiced our dance again tonight and I could tell we hadn't practiced in a week. But we finally got it back together. We perform next month at the fundraiser.
    Still very blessed and thankful to have been on the "Wake Up List" this morning. Tomorrow is another day filled with possibilities to be had. Let's go get it!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,650 Member
    @trooworld Glad you're having fun with your brother, shrimp fajitas are a great choice, I'll have to copy you soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm sorry you're struggling right now. Do you fight being strict? I have dumb things like if I pre-log I don't want to eat what I pre-logged even though I eat similar things every day, it's like I want to rebel against authority even though it's my own stinkin choice. Like when you're told not to touch something so you're tempted. Honestly since I've been more conscious of my health I've found more that DOESN'T work than what does. I can be
    real strict short-term but for the long haul I need a little flexibility. I haven't done WW for years so I'm not sure if a different system would be better for you, I know they have different programs. Maybe trying to be mostly on plan for awhile would help? Just an idea, I don't really know, as you know I still don't have the answers for myself so I'm just brainstorming.

    @Cornanda Thank you Lisa, you always point out the positives of everything, I love that about you. Hope the rain stops soon!

    @TwistedSassette I'm sorry to hear about the mask mandate, foggy glasses are awful! I haven't found a way around that either. The worst is walk-in freezers like at Costco, you can't see anything and I need glasses for distance so you either take them off and can't read anything or stand there until they defrost. What is a silverside? I'm guessing some source of protein? I could Google but I'd rather ask! Good luck with work, sounds crazy!

    @TeresaW1020 What is VBS? All I can think is blood sugar but don't think that's it. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, how frightening! I know doctors are being extra strict with pain meds but you need them right after surgery if your pain is out-of-control. Way to go on eating healthy even though being worried, you're a rockstar!

    Hi everyone! I had the free nutritional consult. She's only worked with a couple CRPS patients and is willing to sell me stuff at cost and feels she could learn a lot from me. She wanted me to do some big cleanse but I can't afford 8 different bottles of supplements so I'm going to do one bottle targeting the gut microbiome instead and see how it goes. Overall I like her a lot, she's a little scattered as she has severe chemical exposure from where she was stationed but her heart is in the right place and I do think she's trying to help plus knows a lot about nutrition. Once I finish that I'm going to get a calcium supplement, when I had my back fusion hardware removed the surgeon said I had the strongest bone he'd seen in a 36-year-old but only a few years later the degeneration started and I have a lot of issues with my joints I never had before (CRPS and bone issues is common). I'll be running around tomorrow then leave to travel to my cousin's funeral Thursday morning but should peek in tomorrow night if I can.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,713 Member
    @Katmary71 I am lucky that I wear contacts rather than glasses! My eyes are a little drier than normal, but not too bad. Silverside is also known as corned beef, I don't know if it's something that's common in the US but it's definitely a British/Australian traditional thing! Basically a cured beef cut that you boil to cook. It's yummy!
    I'm glad you got somewhere with the nutritionist, I hope it works out.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Quick check in here. Last day of school for my kids on Monday so off to the lake tomorrow. Got some running around to do today. Temp as been around 33C here so just did a strength workout yesterday no walk or jog. Going to be this hot till Sunday.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 i love Fitbit if your looking for a friend in the app to do challenges with send me a message. I am also doing WW and have the same points. You are on the right path … today is a new day….

    @TwistedSassette i feel your mask pain. Here we have been mandatory masks everywhere since November. Finally gets lifted on July 11. Can’t wait.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,995 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I can hear your frustration. I have done the same thing. Do you journal? Maybe this would be a good thing explored further in writing. Today IS a new day! Hugs!

    @Cornanda Thanks!

    @TeresaW1020 They are here until Monday. Then my best friend comes on Friday! The fajitas and margarita were really good! How long is VBS? I'm sorry your sister isn't doing well, I hope she improves.

    @TwistedSassette Yes! I hope the last day of the financial year went well!

    @Katmary71 Yes, and they were delicious! I hope the nutritionist works out for you.

    Hi all. We walked a lot yesterday, I was so tired last night but couldn't sleep because I drank an iced coffee at about 4:30, I didn't realize what time it was! Today, we are going to the beach. It should be fun.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,104 Member
    I've noticed a 2-3 cycle that needs to be broken. 2 weeks I do alright but the 3rd week I eat terrible and overeat. This is the 3rd week and I ate way way too much. I'm miserable.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 6/23:225.8
    Check in weight (6/30/2021): 224.9
    Check in weight (7/7/2021):
    Check in weight (7/14/2021):
    Check in weight (7/21/2021)
    Check in weight (7/28/2021):
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,018 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - Enjoy VBS and healing prayers for your sister.

    @Katmary71 - Hope the nutritional stuff helps and safe travels. Healing prayers for you too!

    @TwistedSassette - OK, let me know when you get started again on your workouts.

    @askewcr - What kind of dance are you doing?

    @GabiV125 - new month, new leaf- that's the right attitude!

    @renaegry - Last day of school is exciting- have fun at the lake!

    @trooworld - how was the beach? It is STILL raining here. Today I got soaked on my walk- I was so wet, I even had to run.

    @19shmoo69 - I hear ya. I had two good weeks of losing, now I'm not going crazy, but I've slipped up the past two weeks, wiped out any possible loss and am now headed into the holiday weekend. Two things I've stopped doing are reviewing my reasons/goals every morning and not consistently tracking. I've restarted both and we'll see how it goes. Best wishes to you.

    @leonadixon - Nice loss!

  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Team!
    I am looking forward to our July weight loss journey together!
    I was so busy in June that I didn't get to spend as much time as
    I wanted to in this group. I am freeing up more time to focus
    on my self care, and that will include being more involved in this group.

    Username: TheGlwUp
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Starting weight: 6/26 = 225.5 (still the same on 6/30)
    Weigh in for 7/2:
    Weigh in for 7/9:
    Weigh in for 7/16:
    Weigh in for 7/23:
    Weigh in for 7/30:

  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    I am feeling like such a failure. For my WW plan, I get 30 daily points and 35 weekly points (to spread out however I choose). Yesterday evening, my daughter and I were going to go on a trail hike, but it was downpouring, so we lounged at home. I ended up consuming 91 points of junk - mainly candy and crackers. And you know what makes it even worse? I had an entire footlong veggie sub sitting in the fridge. I CHOSE JUNK OVER HEALTH. I am so angry with myself! I keep trying to figure out why why why I constantly cross my own red lines, but it makes my head hurt. Thank you for letting me unload.

    Today is a new day...

    You are definitely not a failure! You are human, and change is hard for us all.
    It is hard to change from junk food to healthy food because the junk food usually tastes better.
    You may have been bored and the junk food may have been a more comfortable way
    to cope with not being able to go hiking due to the rain.

    There have been times when I would remove all junk food from my house,
    and replace it with healthy food. But...when I felt like emotional eating
    I would actually go out to get some junk food. I have learned to not
    sabotage my whole day after I sabotage my efforts with one junk meal.
    I remind myself that every moment is another chance to start anew,
    and I can choose to do better going forward.

    You got this and I look forward to supporting you!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I do wish you luck with your work and how busy you will be. Will you find it harder to stick to your health plan when you are under that much stress? Do you have a plan to not let that happen to you? Thinking about your July goals is a great start! :)

    @askewcr What age is the student you are tutoring? What kind of dance are you and your husband doing? :)

    @Katmary71 VBS is a vacation Bible school. It’s four days of craziness. We have just over 50 kids this year ranging from 5 to 12 years old. I’m a crew leader with 6 little kids. It’s a lot of work but fun and worth it. o:)

    @GabiV125 We all have months that aren’t our best. I sure had one this month too! But we do have a new month and a fresh start to turn it all around. :)

    @trooworld VBS ends on Thursday. Tonight is our last night of VBS activities and then tomorrow night the kids along with their families all come for pizza and giant inflatables for the kids to play on. How long will your best friend be staying? Ohhh I’ve learned not to have iced coffee after 3 pm or I won’t sleep either. I hope you have a fun beach day! B)

    @19shmoo69 SAME!!! :s I’ve been beating myself up for how I constantly seem to blow the last week of the month and then have to all but start from scratch again. How are we going to stop doing this to ourselves? What kind of accountability can we set up in the group? I know we aren’t the only ones that struggle with this issue. :/

    @TheGlwUp We look forward to seeing more of you in July!! :)

    Hi Team! I’m just going to be totally honest here because that is what we do in this group. I have had a terrible week of eating. I restarted the DDF app but even that didn’t help so today I paused it and it will stay at 82 until I can hit 82 for a few days and then I can resume chasing the trigger number lower and lower. One of the things that I know has happened is that I’ve gone off my low-carb plan and have been eating whatever I want. Including candy at VBS. Well, that needs to stop! I’m being realistic and will give myself tomorrow and then I’m getting back on my plan. I have a physical on July 21 and I want to be in the 170s!! :|
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,713 Member
    @askewcr I'm glad that you had a good day and your student did well with the reading

    @GabiV125 I'm turning that new leaf over with you!!

    @renaegry Have fun at the lake! I don't mind wearing a mask in shops or meetings etc. but just sitting at my desk with nobody within 2 metres of me seems ridiculous. Especially since we also eat lunch at our desks (no lunch room) and it's ok to take our masks off then. But them's the rules so we just keep on complying!

    @trooworld Enjoy the beach!! Sounds like fun.

    @19shmoo69 That sucks, but I think recognising a pattern is good. I know that some people find that kind of pattern when they're being too restrictive - they can keep it up for a while but eventually it's too much and they binge. Have you thought about revisiting your calorie targets and increasing it a little so it's not so restrictive?

    @leonadixon Yay! Good to see the scale moving down!

    @Cornanda I am planning to do the 4 weeks of pretraining in July. I'm just debating whether to start that today (1 July) or start it on Monday...stay tuned!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you for the well wishes. Some things are harder when I'm super busy at work, but some are easier. I find I don't eat as much during the day because I'm too busy to think about food. But then I'm so tired at the end of the day that I don't feel like cooking a proper dinner or exercising. I will be leaning on hubby to help, I'm sure!
    Good on you for being honest and owning your choices. Pausing DDF sounds like a good idea until VBS is over and done with - it sounds like a crazy few days!
    It's now July 1 here, so I'll quickly recap June. It did not go that well for me. I've let my eating get out of hand a bit, and the lack of movement on the scale reflects that. I set myself new targets mid-month, then proceeded to blow those targets out, so it clearly wasn't the right move. But I have learned from that and set myself up for more reasonable targets moving forward. I spent a little time yesterday figuring out my goals for July and thinking about my yearly goals and whether they still feel right for me (they do).

    I was pleased with how my sleep time improved in June, so I am extending on that in July, as well as trying to improve the quality of my sleep, as there were times where I'd have a full 8 hours sleep and still not feel rested!

    I fell down the social media rabbit hole a couple of times in June, and I regretted it. I think it reflects my mood at the time, so I'm working on recognising emotions and dealing with them, rather than distracting myself with meaningless posts and comments. That's a work in progress!

    I had a step goal for June, but I came to realise that a lot of the exercise that I do isn't walking and so it doesn't count steps (e.g. riding my bike). I think a step goal isn't really that important to me, so I've axed that one.

    I also smashed my calorie deficit goal for June (despite having several days where I didn't track, which I count as maintenance days even though I likely didn't eat at maintenance) so I'm bumping that up a little as I think I can do better!

    Here are my goals for July:
    1. Sleep for a total of 217 hours (average 7.0 hours per night)
    2. Record overall calorie deficit of at least 15,000 calories
    3. Complete 600 minutes of exercise (average around 20 minutes per day)
    4. Avoid screen time for 30 mins before bed, 5 days a week
    5. Average fewer than 60 minutes on social media per day

    I will also restart the BodyBoss pretraining program and aim to complete that in July! It made me feel good, and I can do it, I just need to stick to it. I am just deciding whether to start today, July 1, or start on Monday, as either one will have it completed by end of the month. I'm leaning toward starting today so the difficult days are not Monday/Wednesday/Friday, they would be Thursday/Saturday/Monday instead. Might be worth a shot, I think.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 369 Member
    I haven't been feeling very well today. I'm guessing it's my body getting back used to being back home and the normalcy of my weeks. I'm not "sick" per say, but not feeling 100%. Tomorrow will be better.

    I currently have two students that I tutor. I tutored my first grader yesterday and my second grader today. They are both sweet students and work very hard for me. Hats off to parents who get tutors for students during the summer months to prevent "summer slide," loss of gains made through out the school year. I also tutor my nieces when they are with me.

    My husband and I will be ball room dancing next month. Our choreographers are so patient and kind to us. Our confession was that we are not dancers. They said, "If you can walk, you can dance." It has been a fun and empowering adventure. Now we have to come up with costumes. It's a great source of exercise as well. We practice for about an hour twice a week and it is work. :p
This discussion has been closed.