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  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited July 2021
    Yesterday’s goals accomplishment plus some
    I walked for 75 minutes, 10 on the stairs and 20 minutes of core work

    But then last night OOPS I lost it and ate LOTS of candy
    I'm feeling better now :D

    I’m working on my #2 ST with light hand weights
    Will see if I can bring out the 10 pounders

    Barb Did you and Miss Lilly make it to the park? Hope so

    Nola and Joan here's to you And ALL For One <3
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Supposed to have had rain yesterday, and it looked like it would, but none in our area. That’s fine! It was a very comfortable day. And today looks like a repeat, with rain again forecast for tonight.

    Had to run to get Miss Lilly food (she doesn’t take kindly to running out of her food!) LOL

    HUGS and here’s to a motivated Monday.

    Karen: Oh goodness. Good you got al the exercise in anyhow! Hope today is a better day.

    YES we went to the park yesterday and she had a ball. She’s getting better about socializing. So that’s a definite WIN. Were going to go to the dog park today, but . . . didn’t beat the rain.

    Nola: Hellllooooooo! Hope you’re feeling better today. Thinking of you. Many hugs to feel better!

    Have a great day. ONERs. Be safe, be well. <3
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    Barb send some rain
    Oregon is on 🔥 fire again
    Our air is thick with smoke and ash is falling

    Not going on vacation this week 😢😢

    Nola hope you’re feeling better 💞

    Joan what’s your day looking like 😎👋
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    Karen, thanks, day turned out great. Nice sunny day, had 2nd vaccine and so far both of us feel ok.
    Missed our usual walk but one day off won't set us back. Hoping you get some rain to combat the fires must be so scary! No la, feel better!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Terrific Tuesday to you.

    Had some rain yesterday, and continue through Wednesday. Severe weather possible on Wednesday, but nothing severe today.

    Doing insurance wars, but we’ll see how it all works out. I believe they made a coding error. We’ll find out tomorrow.

    Otherwise, just sticking around the house today.


    Karen: Sorry to hear of the fires. *SIGH* I know CA is in the throes of wild fires, too. So sad. Prayers, ad will try to send some rain.

    Sorry your vaca is cancelled.

    Joan: Glad you had a good day! Very happy to hear you both feel good after vaccine #2.

    Nola: Hope you’re feeling better and your trip to get your glasses, etc. yesterday went well.

    HUGS ladies.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited July 2021
    Tomorrow I’m going to the hairdressers. My regular stylist is unavailable so she ask this coworker to cover for her. Hope I’m not crying afterwards

    Today, walked for 40 minutes

    Barb hope you don't have to bring out Nurse Rachit to deal with these medical coding errors B)
    Some of those mistakes are expensive

    Joan hope you are still feeling OK.
    My second shot took awhile to kick in :(
    Just in case I'm sending you a bucket of ice <3

    Nola thinking of you o:)
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    That's sweet of you to send ice! So far we are ok. Just a bit of ache if we lay on that side. My niece unfortunately had chills, headache and general aches. Will send the ice up to her, lol
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited July 2021
    I have an early morning walking date with my girlfriend
    She’s bringing me brewers yeast for my smoothies and chocolate dipped cookies to try

    My hairdresser changed my appointment to Thursday so it's tomorrow for the clipping :)

    Barb, Joan, Nola thinking of you <3
    Have a great day staying healthy and happy
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    Great day to all of you too. Raining off and on here today, hot and humid, (27C), so no walking today.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    I still can't access the blogs, anyone else? Thought they would have fixed that by now, disappointing. Maybe with all the sparks people joining it's been overloaded, lol
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Rained yesterday. Did get some sun in the evening! So. . . looks like today is going to be the same. Supposed to be severe storms tonight. Right ow it’s sunny and the temps are rising.

    Waiting to hear about the errant insurance charge. This should be interesting.

    HUGS and wonderful Wednesday.

    72F w/83% humidity and 66F dew point. ACK!

    Karen: OH my. Good luck w/the stylist.

    OHhhhh, Nurse Ratchett is good to go with the insurance. Only way to handle ‘em. They think that if they frustrate you enough, you’ll quit. Ummm . . . part pit bull here. LOL

    Have fun w/your girlfriend walking. And hope the brewers yeast is good in the smoothies. What could be possibly not to like w/chocolate dipped cookies, right!

    Joan: Glad you’re feeling ok after shot #2. Do keep drinking water. Hydration seems to help, too.

    We’re expecting storms, too. We need the rain. Stay cool.

    Nola: Hope you and Don are doing all right!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    I am back !!
    Karen we saw the Oregon fires on our TV are they near you?
    Keeping a low profile at the moment. Just getting all the pre-op stuff done. Only one more then I am good to go on August 4 (that's if we don't have another lockdown.)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member

    Joan hot and humid sure makes it hard to exercise.
    Are you climatized to the humidity?
    Not sure about the MFP blogs, I’ll look around

    Barb rain for you too
    Hope it’s lightning free, we don’t want any fires.
    Yes high humidity is a tough one

    Nola, prayers for your hip surgery and recovery
    For a comfortable recovery, hope the work is caught-up around the house and yard.
    Hope Barney is on his best behavior :)
    After surgery do you get to stay at rehab/hospital for a few days?
    Yes we are surrounded by fire, fingers crossed Train Mountain survives

    Eliza from Sparks, has been MFP emailing me and has joined our group <3
    Hope to see her visiting soon

    Today, it's time for some inside HIIT (steps and trampoline)
    then stretching and balance

    Feeling good so hopefully my daily calorie count will show that
    I am ready for Saturday birthday party with presents wrapped


  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    Joan it's also a no go for the Blogs for me :'(
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    I much prefer cooler temps but humidity is just part of life here in Ottawa. We have A/C which helps on those sweltering days.
    Good luck Nola!
    Karen, fires like that are so concerning. Hope they are under control soon.
    Welcome Eliza! Now if we can get LeanJean6 to join!!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Miss Lilly gets groomed @ 8 am, so off to the groomer shortly.

    Rained all night. But we needed the rain. Today is supposed to be rainy, too.

    Here’s to a wonderful Thursday! WOW! Super fast week.


    Nola: Glad you only have one more hoop to jump through before surgery. PRAYERS no further lockdowns.

    Karen: Yes, still raining. Thunder and lightening last night, but none today. Just intermittent rain.

    Hope you’re safe from the fires!

    Good for you doing HIIT! Awesome And stretching and balance (that’s a concentration of mine, too.)

    LOLOLOLOL Love your meme.

    Joan: Yes, praises for a/c when it’s hot and humid.
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    So pretty!!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Eliza great to see you here.

    Karen hopefully not rehab. I was home in 4 days last time. I have a good nurse. He knows how to cook a mean frozen dinner in the microwave. :D I do hope train mountain stays safe in the fires.

    Jean thanks for your good wishes.
    I must send Leanjeans a message.

    Barb Nurse Ratchett will soon sort out that insurance company.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    Okay Ladies <3
    Great to see Eliza has come to visit

    Nola LOL A ‘mean TV dinner’ sounds perfect

    Barb enjoy styling with Miss Lilly

    Joan we are also spoiled with AC
    Today Our air quality and temperature is great so plan to enjoy
    The 🔥 fires are burning our mountains 😩
    Keep Canada 🇨🇦 green 💞

    My haircut 💇‍♀️ turned out 👍🤩🥳

    Quick peek to say “Hi”🥰
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Well, well, well! We have sunshine! Lovely! Very humid, but . . . it’s summer!

    Have to get the grass mowed. Should be interesting, because with all the rain, the mosquitoes are coming to life.

    Going to take Miss Lilly to the park later. She’ll be worn out!

    HUGS and happy FriYaY!

    Eliza: Welcome!

    Nola: LOL! Yes, Jas learned the fine art of nuking food when I had my first knee replaced. LOL Has fine tuned his skills even further!

    Yes, the insurance co. did NOT call. Called them. Soooooo . . . expecting a fax w/the codes. We shall see if they do. *SIGH*

    Karen: Definitely spoiled w/a/c. Grew up w/o it and not . . . couldn’t do w/o it!

    So sorry that the fires are still burning. Doing a rain dance.

    Glad your hair cut turned out well!