


  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    edited July 2021
    Still funny! Thanks for the chuckle.

    My shower over the weekend was lovely. It was a pretty day outside, but hot, so glad we were inside with the air conditioning. I had to tear my living room apart to fit four Cafe tables in it, along with two tables of 4 in the attached open foyer. (The second of those was a small children's table for 3 of the sweetest little girls.)

    Altogether I think there were 20 adults and the 3 girls here. My daughter was blessed with some wonderful, needed things for the baby to come. The games were a hit, including bingo - which my daughter and daughter-in-law ran a little differently. There were blank cards with a word list below for players to fill in their cards (taken from the registry). As the gifts were opened, if it was on the card, you marked it off with a little sticker. It kept everyone engaged.

    And I had enough food (always a challenge to have enough but not too much).

    Oh! I made my first balloon arch ever and it turned out pretty good. I'll see if I can find a decent picture.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    That is so funny! I checked for wetness this morning, and the rain we had yesterday morning is keeping them moist. My morning glory pot is overtaking the lamp post I put them beside. The vines are starting to creep over the light now! Yikes. We had two flowers when it first started growing, but nothing since. I think I have too many plants in the one pot and not enough nutrition for them. Although, the well water should be putting nutrients into the soil!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    I'm sorry my post was so long.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Cindy - your post was NOT too long. I loved the arch and enjoyed hearing about the shower.

    Well, things are taking a bit of a down-turn with Bill's ugly toe. It appears that the bone has dissolved from the gout and they are wanting to amputate it. He has blood tests tomorrow morning and MRI tomorrow night, then the doctor is consulting with a colleague and they will let us know. He also does not totally agree with what the wound care doctor's treatment plan. What he says makes a lot more sense to me, so we are following his plan instead of the wound care clinic. I don't think there will be a huge hurry, so I am thinking that we can wait until after we take a nice little vacation the week before Labor Day. We will see.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about Bill's gout/toe issue, Connie. Praying that everything goes well with the procedure whenever it happens. And thanks for your kind words.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    edited July 2021
    Oh, meant to include this earlier... we're watching our granddaughters overnight next week and Charlotte was all giggly and excited about the book she's bringing with her for us to read...

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    edited July 2021
    (Sigh) Got all the way to church this morning (25 minute ride) only to find out the building had no power and church was canceled.

    Ran a couple errands and then came home and made French toast for brunch. I'm packing now. 3 days in New Mexico for work. I'll be wearing a mask outside... :s (feels punitive) but it's the price I'm willing to pay and not subject myself to experimentation.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    I almost did t make it to church this morning. Bill couldn't get out of bed this morning. His ankle was hurting so bad he couldn't put pressure on it. I got him a couple Tylenol and his cane to help the weight off the foot. I gave him a gout pill, just in case. Anyway, I couldn't make it to SS class, but did make church. We are about 25 minutes from church, too. That would be aggravating to get there with no power.

    Good luck on your trip to New Mexico.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    edited July 2021
    Thanks Connie. It didn't start off the greatest this morning. In fact it was a bit of a nightmare. The client won't let me book my own airline ticket; I have to go through their travel agent. Well.... somehow they put in the wrong birthdate for me and it flagged me with the TSA. That took almost more time than I had to clear up. Nothing like a little stress first thing in the morning.

    Reminding myself that, thankfully God is in control of the big stuff.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Ack! What a way to start your trip, Cindy! Praise the Lord it all worked out alright.

    So sorry that Bill has to go through even more. Praying for y'all.

    Mom is doing well. I honestly believe that God healed her between hospital visits. The first hospital had no doubts that she had broken her neck and by the time she got to the second hospital it was just the old fracture from 2020 and she could go home. Woohoo! Some pain in her neck and the back of her head today, but I think that is from a pulled or strained muscle in her neck. God is good!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    edited July 2021
    Praise the lord Lord your mom is better. Hugs and prayers to you and Bill, Connie.

    Heading home today. 4 hour drive from asmall town in New Mexico to the Denver Airport, then a 3 hour flight home. The job went well... and I will end up traveling more than I actually worked. Lol
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    How beautiful! Happy travels! Thanks for remembering Mom. She's doing alright, still having some neck and head pain and mentally she suffers whenever she has a fall, so we are just working our way through this one and hoping for good results when she is finally better.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    What a beautiful picture!

    WOO HOO! A day with no obligations! This is a rarity anymore. I don't think I even want to leave the house...but that may change. Anyway, if I leave the house it should be by choice and not obligation.

    Are they closing down any of your areas again? They are reinstating the mask mandate in Kansas City Missouri, but they haven't done so with our county on the Kansas side. The county and city leaders from the surrounding 4 counties, plus the City usually get together every two weeks and discuss plans. I am expecting that they will all follow KCMO's guidelines. Since Missouri is on the east side of the street (State Line Rd.) and our county is on the west side of the same road, it makes it easier to just have everything the same. It does not really include social distancing, but does include masking in all indoor public areas.

  • savvybshoes
    savvybshoes Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to MFP but looking to connect with some like-minded people of faith. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)

    @connierandel I'm in AR and mask mandates are now against the law here, but I'm guessing that law is in flux since COVID is rearing its ugly head again. I was so looking forward to a normal kindergarten year for my oldest after his pre-k year was crazy! Strongly considering homeschool.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Hi, Savvy! So glad you found us. Wow, Arizona - hot! I thought we were hot, but when I see your temps on the news - not sure I could handle that, even though I love being warm! As far as school goes - get your child out!!! They are teaching children in school to hate God, to hate the family, to hate themselves (if they are white), and that you are neither male nor female - you get to choose! Before they are old enough to know what sex is they are teaching them to do it safely and then if you happen to get pregnant, don't worry, you can get an abortion through the school and your parents never have to know! Oh, and don't get me started on the environmentalist guerillas they are making out of our kids. If you want your child to grow up loving Jesus, loving his/her family, loving who they were created to be - then get them out of the government schools! I used to teach third grade in our free Christian School here in NC way back in the 80's. This has been going on in our schools for a very long time!

    They aren't forcing mask wearing, so far, here in NC. We live out in the boonies (as mom likes to say) so we don't have to face mask wearing very often. I do wear a mask at the doctor's offices though, they never lifted it at their offices. But restaurants are mask free but still have the tables separated, and my husband goes mask-free in the grocery stores.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    I think she's in Arkansas.

    I do have to agree; our public schools are continuing down a slippery slope. I'm glad we were able to afford a Christian school education for our kids (it wasn't free, but was worth the sacrifice).

    Speaking of kids - we have our granddaughters here for a couple days, so no reading for me today (but maybe tonight).
  • savvybshoes
    savvybshoes Posts: 15 Member
    Yup. I'm in Arkansas! Not as hot as Arizona, but the humidity makes up for it lol.
    The homeschool issue has been weighing heavy on my mind this summer. We have a handful of Christian schools nearby but they're a bit pricey. I work from home, which would make homeschool doable (just hectic) and there are other homeschoolers at our church so we'd have some support.

    My son loves school and we moved here a few years ago specifically for the schools, but so much has changed in the past 18 months. :(

    Nice to meet you both! Enjoy the time with your granddaughters @cmsienk
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Savvy - It is so good to meet you! I love the hills and mountains of Arkansas! We were hoping to take a trip there in September, but it may be cancelled due to the health of my hubby right now. Next is year is coming, though! We always get a kick out of the OLD MUSIC in Mountain View, and have some family in Fairfield Bay. I used to have a good friend in Little Rock that I visited on a frequent basis, but that was a LOT of years ago.

    I have had more and more friends going to home-schooling. There is a program here in Kansas that several of our friends are using. I think it is available through state.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    My nieces and nephews were homeschooled as well as Christian schooled. My sister-in-law worked at her Church's schools so they gave them a deal on the tuition. They had outings with other homeschooled kids as well as having some of their classes together. We used the A-Beka system for our school and I've seen ads for that program, which, I think, also does some on-line classes. The kids in our Church are all homeschooled, and most of their parents were home-schooled as well (some of them were in my class at our Church school).

    I need to go back to State abbreviations school! I am always getting those mixed up. I love it when I am having my Kindle read to me and someone's name comes up that is an abbreviation of a state - in my latest book Cal was California when it read it to me! There was an Arkansas and a Tennessee in one of my books as well.

  • savvybshoes
    savvybshoes Posts: 15 Member
    @connierandel we LOVE Mountain View and Fairfield Bay! Hope yall are able to make your trip soon!

    @Restfinder we are seriously considering Abeka Academy! It looks great! And lol @ California for Cal. I'd chuckle every time I heard it.