


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Abeka worked great for our school and our kids tested extremely high during the State testing of schools, in the 90 percentile! We had first to 11th grade (because no 12th graders signed up for the school). I had one student who came from the public school and had basically helped the janitor all day long. He was a third grader and I had to teach him to read, to write, to think. It was really sad.

    Woke with another headache this morning. Will get my headache med when I go to the eye doctor on Wednesday. Can't wait for that! My glasses work most of the time, but there are times my vision goes blurry and nothing helps. I think it's that cataract that is growing in my left eye, it acts up sometimes! Too small to do anything with it yet, but it sure affects my vision. Mom needs new glasses too, so we are both going in on Wednesday.

    We also made an appointment for her with her regular doctor to see if she really needs to see a neurosurgeon. The Trauma center that she went to did a follow up call and the girl I talked to was surprised at first that we were going with that since mom had broken her neck - hmmm??? She read the chart and after I reminded her that it was the old break she saw that on the chart and agreed that seeing her regular doc would be fine. Just a moment there of my heart rate going up, but surely a trauma center wouldn't make that kind of mistake!!! Phew!

    Y'all have an awesome weekend. God bless.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    I don't understand all of the different doctors recommended! I understood wound care for Bill and I understood the Ortho Dr. for him, but the Ortho has to collaborate with another doctor, so we are going to have to go see him, and then the Primary Care wants him to see a Rheumatologist. Our normal hospital system and Doctors that we normally see are 3 miles from our house. These doctors are everywhere from 12 miles south east to 10 miles north east from where we live. Not that it is far, but the traffic can be atrocious. I may cancel the Rheumatologist if they schedule the surgery soon. I don't think it is necessary, now. I will message the Doctor first, but this is wild.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Our doctor's are about 30 minutes away, but the neurosurgeon is two hours away! You probably have that 30 minute ride even though it's only 10 miles away! We don't have that much traffic between here and there, or really anywhere! LOL! I hope you can get it all figured out for him. If he loses that toe, not sure what a rheumatologist can do for him, unless his whole foot is affected. Poor Bill, I feel for him. Prayers for y'all.

    I took my monthly headache med, but I've had a headache in the AM for the past five days. I got today's shortly after we had lunch out. Hmmm??? We have had some weather fronts go through so hopefully that is the culprit and not another food!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Yes, we are expecting a 30 minute drive tomorrow morning for the 10 mile doctor. One doctor finally contacted me today and said that they are not going to schedule Bill due to the fact that the doctor said it wasn't in his area of expertise. We will see what the doctor says tomorrow morning. If this doctor doesn't want to do the surgery, I think I will have him refer Bill to the orthopedic surgeon that did my foot surgery about 14 or 15 years ago. I had arthritis in a very small joint on the top of my foot and it inflamed my entire foot. My regular orthopedic surgeon said that he was the only person that he knew in the area that he trusted to treat my foot. I have a very functional, non-painful foot today! I have never looked back and worked on that foot on concrete floors for about 12 more years.
  • savvybshoes
    savvybshoes Posts: 15 Member
    Prayers going up for your husband's medical stuff, Connie! I'm hoping this resurgence of COVID doesn't bring everything to a grinding halt again.

    Restfinder, hope your headaches improve. :) It finally cooled off here after a HOT week.

    I spoke with my husband about homeschool and he's open to talking about it more. I've been reading/listening to all the homeschool info I can get my hands on. We have 13 days before we have to let the state know if that's what we're doing.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Have Bill's surgery scheduled for the 20th of August. The doctor didn't really want us taking a trip to Branson and Bill being on his foot more than normal, so we cancelled it and that made the surgery a bit sooner. All-in-all the appointment went well. The MRI showed exactly what the doctor thought, the blood tests were good and all is a go.

    Homeschooling is a real commitment for you, but if you are willing to commit to it, I think it is a great tool.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    I hope that y'all are able to make that commitment to homeschool. So much better for your child! Thank you for thinking of me. No headache today, praise the Lord!!! We've had A LOT of rain the past few days so I'm sure that the weather front that has been going through is the culprit for those three days of headaches. Phew, our neighbor across the street's yard was completely full of water while the rains were falling. It's gone down quite a bit though. We just get pools of water in our yard. 50% chance for the next three days.

    Let us know what day Bill will have his surgery so we can be praying for y'all beforehand and during.

    Eye doctor's appointment went well. Getting Mom out and to an appointment is difficult, but necessary! Physically and mentally she is just slowing down. One day at a time and we rejoice that she is still with us and God has blessed us with the ability to help her and care for her. Praise the Lord my eyes hadn't changed much and I may have some answers for the allergy eyes that I have, itching and dryness. We'll see how these drops and wipes work. If you have dry eye, something she told me that my other doctors hadn't is to place a warm wet cloth over my eyes for several minutes to loosen the oils that help the eyes stay moist. She pressed on the bottom of my lower lid and she said that the oil that was coming out was thick and it wasn't clear, a sure sign of dry eye. When you blink that oil coats your eye and mine isn't able to come out - so a warm wet cloth helps with that! Whodathunk!!!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    I worked all day yesterday trying to find a way for Bill to get around the house after his surgery. He will be totally non-weight bearing for at least 3 weeks, and I don't think that crutches are the right thing for his only mobility.

    A knee scooter was my first thought, but it won't work because he needs a knee replacement on that knee and it would put too much pressure on the knee and would cause a lot of pain.

    Then, I thought one of the walkers with a seat and thought he could sit on it and kind of walk it around with the one good foot - That won't work, either. I read up on them and they say that the bearings on the wheels won't hold up to that type of weight and moving the wheels continually.

    Then I thought that maybe just our office chair would work. I rolled it into the bathroom and almost fell out of the chair when I tried to roll it from the tile back on to the carpet...that wouldn't work.

    My next research was into a small transport wheelchair. A regular wheelchair would be too wide for bathrooms. A transport would work. I kept going to this one on Amazon that was $140, which was a bit more that I really wanted to pay for 3-4 weeks of use, but still about what rental would be. The problem was that they couldn't guarantee it would arrive by his surgery date. I was just flummoxed! There are lots of them, but in reading reviews, I was particular.

    This morning one of the first things I thought of was facebook marketplace. I typed in wheelchairs and got ramps, seatbelts, cushions, toys and about everything except wheelchairs. I looked through pages of stuff. I was just getting ready to close the page and saw a picture of the Amazon listing for the one I was looking at. It was brand new, purchased a year ago, but wouldn't work for their needs. Still in the box, plastic still on it...brand new. Straps still on the box. It was about a mile from us and $80! God had it there for us! I went around the house in it and it works great on the hard floors, but we still have a lot of carpet. It is a bit harder on carpet but it works! And it goes through the master bathroom door!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,302 Member
    God is so good! That's a great answer to a need. I'm sure it will work well for him.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Praise the Lord, Connie! How awesome. We are looking at wheelchairs for mom, I don't think we are too far out for her to be needing something like that, especially when we go out to a restaurant. She just can't think about more than one thing at a time so using the cane or walker in a crowded place isn't working any more. This is the one that we were looking at:

    I hope that all goes well with Bill's surgery!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Kim - Watch reviews. I found some issues with wheels on both Med-Line and Drive wheelchairs.
    This is the one we got...price has gone up again.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Oh wow, I just checked that out and it's at $98.41 right now! I'll have to show that to Wade. I usually read reviews, especially if there aren't more than 4 - 4.5 stars. Something is rarely five starts with any real number of reviews. Many times I've seen something I like but the reviews send me looking more. I put this one on our wish list.

    Have a great day, y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Kim, I don't know where you got that price, but if you can find it for that, go for it. Here is what I get when I look at the link I sent.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    I saw that price on it yesterday, but today it's down again to around $98. I need to talk to Wade about it but I would love to have one for her. Would make getting her into doctor's appointments so much easier. She uses her cane right now and I can't support her. She's wobbly and it really hurts my back to be catching her balance all the time. She has a walker, but it's not easy for me to maneuver in and out of the car and I still have to steer her in it because she looks right down at it and doesn't watch where she is going. I don't know that getting a wheel chair out of the back of the car would be easier, but getting her into someplace it sure would!

    Hot, hot, hot here! Phew!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Today I went on a search of where our shower chair went. We have loaned it out several times and we have no idea where it went the last time (I thought it was in the garage). It may have even gone to my Dad, which means my aunt is using it now. So I went on a search for one. I found that Facebook marketplace has been my friend. I found one that is $46 on Amazon, brand new, still in the box and not assembled for $20. And it was about 2 miles from here. It is much nicer than our old one. It may live in the shower full-time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Wow, that is awesome, Connie. I have a shower chair and a shower bench. I got the bench for Mom so she could sit down outside the tub and then scoot over into the tub, but neither of us is using the shower right now, it's just to hard to get in and out. Wade has the kit to cut out a space in the front to make it a step-in shower but hasn't been able to get to it yet. I use a cleansing wipe I found on Amazon called ALCALA. It's really good and one wipe stays moist over my entire body. It also has aloe and other things in it to moisturize my skin. Mom likes to do bird baths, so she's been doing that until the tub can get done. I would like to have a fold down bench in the shower, that way the chair won't get in Wade's way!

    Praise the Lord, I called yesterday morning to the AC company and they were able to come out by 3:30 and we had AC by 4. It got up to 87 in the house, so not horrible, but we were all sweating (even Mom) if we did anything. It's lovely in here now, around 76! Not so good, the unit is 12 years old and they normally last about 13 years - gulp! The one we had in Hickory was at least 20 years old, so we are hoping against hope it's as good as that one! We replaced it before we moved so that the new owner wouldn't want to reduce the price of the house knowing he'd have to do it very shortly after moving in. We got so much more for the house than we were expecting that we feel like we got that money back.

    Our new glasses came today. I got the ones with the three sections (of course I can't remember what they are called right now) but I found when I got the bifocals last time I really missed that middle range. We'll see how I do with the reading range, if I have to scan or not, like I did with my last pair like this. I'll learn to live with it just so I can see at all ranges! Mom can finally see with her new glasses!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Well, Bill won't be using the shower chair for awhile. He used it yesterday morning, before the surgery and it was easy for him to use. They won't let us change the dressing, remove the boot, or shower for 10 days until his next appointment. I thought we would be changing the dressing after a couple of days, then we could cover with a trash bag and he could shower - no such luck. I have a bunch of cleaning wipes that I used on his foot, so he will be using that until after his next appointment.

    The good news is that I get a 10 day reprieve of having to dress that foot. I have been doing it since May when it started getting nasty, so a mini-vacation. More good news is that they were able to save a little nub of bone. The doctor said that it would be much easier on his other toes and would act as a spacer.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,313 Member
    Oh, that is so good that they were able to save that bit of bone. He won't have balance issues if his other toes are where they are used to being! I'm glad you get a reprieve. I'm afraid I don't do well with that kind of thing.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Last night Bill decided that sleeping in his recliner would be easier than climbing in our tall bed. We just got everything ready to sleep and Bill was watching some old reruns and the power went off. Perfect timing. Went off a a little after 11pm and came back on a little after 4am....who really cared? If it had been a hot day, it might have been warm, but the weather was cool after the storm. I slept on the couch, which is very comfortable so a good night.

    Bill had a good night and has had a very good day today. He hasn't taken any pain meds today. The Dr. does have him on 2 Aleve twice a day, for 4 doses to help with inflammation. I'm sure that 12 hour med has helped.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 251 Member
    I've been relying on getting post notifications, until I realized I wasn't getting any. Then I couldn't remember what website we were using! I finally found a reference to this one in my notes.

    I think masks are optional in Tennessee, but most people are wearing them. Our church started meeting outside again, with the main service at 9 am to avoid the heat. The parking lot is in a beautiful area with a creek flowing close by, which makes it nice, but I hope we can go back inside soon. Covid cases still very high around here, though. Schools are a mess too. How are things where you are?

    Connie, I hope Bill's recovery continues to progress well. Dwight sleeps in a recliner all the time now.