Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Off to swim! I will catch up on posts and drink a bucket of coffee when I het back.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    red1185 wrote: »
    This week has been a rollercoaster for my weight. I did a midweek check-in, and it was up to 167. Fortunately it’s gone back down, but I am still frustrated that my weight is back in the 160s at all.

    I’m trying to keep my eyes on the NSVs -
    - Overall my weight is still down from my original start weight.
    - I have been doing well with my steps.
    - My work pants that I haven’t worn in over a year still fit!
    - I’ve met step goals daily this week.

    Weight will fluxuate up even under the best of times, and sometimes specifically due to hard work. Ask my fiance who is up 3 pounds this morning and not very happy about it. All was can do is trust the plan, and just keep working it. You can do it Rachel! 😃👍
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    I am not planning on missing weigh in day!! I will let you know if I need to weigh in early. The wedding is on Friday, so I should be fine. I will let you know.🙂

    Oh boy... Happy times a coming. Have a great week Lee! 😃
    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening everyone. We all survived another weekend. Bring on monday. We have this.

    Check in for 8/8:
    Steps - 5332 plus 20 minutes bike. 5.5 miles moderate effort.
    Calories - 1705. Had a small cake slice and pineapple for dessert.
    Exercise - gym - 9 machines and 20 minutes bike. Interval training lvl 9. Last 5 minutes at 80 rpm. Mini golf - 45 minutes. Could only last 28 holes due to back. Had 3 aces.

    Quick question...the cake container from store says 910 calories but MFP says 670. I had 1/3 slice. Which would you all use?

    Mini golf was rough. Up and down stairs, hot, crowded. Wife stepped on my ball and took a header. Scratches but ok, she says. She always says that even when bleeding. Infuriating. When I tried to help her up she didn't even help so I hurt my back.

    Looks like your really humming along and checking all the boxes. When in doubt the nutrients information the food label would be most accurate. Unless your talking about raw meats, then the numbers are way high, due to fat loss while cooking. Mini put sounds fun, haven't played in ages. :)
    jayenguk wrote: »
    Good morning, the start of a new week and I feel great hope you all have a great day. My goal for today is to keep within my calories and keep walking.

    I'm feeling great, and had a great weekend. Thanks for asking. Sounds like your about to have a great day! :smile:
    mszoueb wrote: »
    Username: mszoueb
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    PW: 223.4
    CW: 224.4

    Hi all, here for Monday check in.

    Wow, 78 posts to catch up on in the thread when logging in and I try to read the thread daily. I love how active the team is.

    I think it's time to acknowledge for myself, that some habits have crept in and I haven't been doing the best I could be with my food choices for multiple reasons lately. I'm still logging what I'm eating, there's been a fair few instances where I don't know the exact calories.

    And I'll be honest, I thought about taking a break from weighing in within the past week, but instead recognised that it is important that I still keep the structure of checking in each week as I didn't come this far to only come this far. Reading all your posts continues to inspire me, no matter what.

    I'm about to eat some overnight oats with chia seeds, choc oat milk and strawberries that I put together last night. Oatly chocolate oat milk tastes good, just like regular chocolate milk. Not too bad either, 92.5 cal for 150ml which is a decent amount for overnight oats.

    I'm determined to get back on track and prove to myself again that I can lose consistently whilst not feeling deprived etc.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I know... A crazy amount of posts yeah? I should talk I like to write novels. lol

    I think your on the right track, at least with continuing to weigh and log food. Every habit we create to live that better lifestyle (and it's resultant change to our bodies), are there as tools to enforce said lifestyle. IF we stop looking, weighing, measuring then we are purposefully not using said tools, and in some ways opening the door to potential negative impact. Everyone is different mind you. However knowing what is happening is better then be ignorant of it I think.

    You can do it! :)
    Daily Check-in: Sunday 08/08

    ✔️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 5/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/08 - 13,162

    Good morning team! 1 week back on my journey. I’m so happy to get back into my workout routine and to start taking some accountability for my eating habits. It’s not yet perfect but I’m making small improvements every day.

    Today was a home gym day. My workout buddy had to travel for her dads funeral so I won’t workout with her until maybe Wednesday. Until then it’s home workouts for me.

    Wishing you all a great start to the week.

    Great work out once more... Love the flex's and the smiles. If the journey isn't enjoyable it's not a journey worth taking. 😅😁👍
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Daily Check-In For Sunday 8/8

    Calories: Within Allotted Range
    Water: 90+ oz.
    IF 16/8: Yes, 17 hours fasting
    AF: Yes, Day 14 no-alcohol
    Exercise: 2 Mile Run

    This week will have some challenges to my weight loss but I am trying to convince myself to look at them as "areas of opportunities" instead...prove to myself that I can be consistent with my plan and goals in "real world settings". 2 dinners out this week (one at a Cookout, one in a restaurant) + taking long weekend for a little getaway (eating out all meals). I know that there will be choices I can make that are the right choices, just have to make them! Definitely, will be ending my AF streak, but plan to keep it at no more than 2 drinks per occasion and then right back to being AF (current plan is only drinking alcohol on social or special occasions).

    8/8 Steps = 10,778
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Daily Check-In For Sunday 8/8

    Calories: Within Allotted Range
    Water: 90+ oz.
    IF 16/8: Yes, 17 hours fasting
    AF: Yes, Day 14 no-alcohol
    Exercise: 2 Mile Run

    This week will have some challenges to my weight loss but I am trying to convince myself to look at them as "areas of opportunities" instead...prove to myself that I can be consistent with my plan and goals in "real world settings". 2 dinners out this week (one at a Cookout, one in a restaurant) + taking long weekend for a little getaway (eating out all meals). I know that there will be choices I can make that are the right choices, just have to make them! Definitely, will be ending my AF streak, but plan to keep it at no more than 2 drinks per occasion and then right back to being AF (current plan is only drinking alcohol on social or special occasions).

    8/8 Steps = 10,778

    Looks like your hitting your markers and making great progress. Good luck on those making those choices soon! :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,654 Member
    edited August 2021
    Another Friendly Reminder... I need the following people's steps please

    @iradi8 -8/5-8/7
    @azkunk - 8/6-8/7
    @red1185 8/1

    If I do not have them by 8/10 (Tuesday Evening) I will have no choice but to zero them out
    Thanks for understanding ladies :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    Steps 8/8: 15,161
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Sunday check in

    ✅ Exercise
    ❌Reminders 6/8

    I snuck down and did a quick ride on the bike while the girls were still here as they decided they wanted to stay all afternoon. I am determined to do better on the reminders to walk this week.

    I am off to do some vacuuming! Have a great Monday!


    16 minutes moderate
    1 minute cool down
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    I am impressed reading the post since yesterday morning. I see everything from losses, epic workouts, great stepping, NSV’s and goals to set you up for the week. Remember it’s only failure if you stop trying!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    I think they (happy times) are coming, lol. I’m thrilled that I will also be seeing my sister and our nephew/godson. It has been over 2 years. On the 2nd leg of my journey. Only 3 more hours to go... This is after sitting on the tarmac for an hour and we are now two hrs into the flight😳. It really is all good. I’m gonna try to get a nap😜!!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited August 2021
    Jpedno wrote: »
    Things are feeling complicated right now.

    8/8 steps were 6,660. Today will not be so good.

    I think I have Covid. I’m fully vaccinated. Started sneezing and coughing on Saturday but chalked it up to terrible air quality due to forest fires. It’s gotten worse and now my hubby is sneezing. I’m tired and congested but thankfully no fever or trouble breathing really. Trying to find a test but the soonest I have found I can get one is tomorrow. My hubby has an important doc appointment with a hematologist tomorrow. I am hoping they will at least do telehealth as he really really needs to see the hematologist. I have a doc appointment with my gastroenterologist tomorrow as well that I was able to move to telehealth. I really want to get off these steroids that I’m on.

    And obviously I can’t go to the gym if I’m sick, can’t walk outside bc of air quality either. Feeling a little defeated. But trying to remember this is just temporary. My goals are long term.

    Feeling guilty I may have exposed a friend on Saturday.

    And my aunt is in the hospital (on the east coast) and has no one to really care for her or advocate for her. I was considering if I would need to fly back east but obviously I can’t now.

    It’s good I don’t have junk food in the house because I would plow right through it.

    Sorry to be a downer!!

    Ouch, that is a lot to be happening. It's quite normal to get covid even if double vacinated, The important thing is it's supposed to be dramatically less dangerous for your overall Health. And all the evidence seem to be supporting that, so hopefully you will be feeling much better in no time. I'm very interested to hear though, if it is covid. Hopefully you and your Husband feel better really soon.

    Good luck with everything! :)
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    I think they (happy times) are coming, lol. I’m thrilled that I will also be seeing my sister and our nephew/godson. It has been over 2 years. On the 2nd leg of my journey. Only 3 more hours to go... This is after sitting on the tarmac for an hour and we are now two hrs into the flight😳. It really is all good. I’m gonna try to get a nap😜!!

    Naps are king! :) Enjoy the 2nd Leg! :)
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    Username: MSWARRIOR7088
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 197
    CW: 192.2

    4.8 lbs down...couple of thing...weigh in day last week was the start of shark week for me and it was also the end of a week I was pleasantly surprised that I lost more than usual.
    However I have been really watching what I've been eating...
    Took a longer than usual walk during my fast this morning.
    Thursday-Sunday we are camping at an antique tractor husband is in the Knights of Columbus and they will cooking pork Tenderloins and fresh cut fries. I plan on getting in my steps and TRY to refrain from over doing it with all the delicious foods...

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!! 😊

  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    Hey Guys... I'm sorry. I'm really terrible for finding time to get here on weekends. Were always go go go, from the moment we get up. Lots of stuff going on today... Including 1 hour Jaunt on the Elliptical on our Fast day. 🤓

    Granted I took it easier then I normally do, and intended at first to elliptical for the duration of an entire movie.. But after an hour and a pretty crappy movie. I called it quits. lol


    So after the Elliptical, it was visiting an Aunt and Uncle I haven't seen post Covid... Had to empty my car of stuff from another Aunt/Uncle that I loaded up in Ottawa. Anyway, a great visit, and they were pretty impressed with Lynn and I (how can they not? 🤓😃)

    And since our return home, I've got what appears to be the best Keto Hamburger Buns to date in the oven... They are full size or better (so exciting)... And another Keto Loaf of Bread is on its final rise before cooking. Just gota have it, no two ways about it. 🍞🍴=😃😋

    As for Tomorrow's weigh in.... Things are not looking promising for either Lynn and I... Not sure what is up but my ring is actually tight on my finger (And months ago it was threatening to fall off). And the scale is confirming that for both of us. But who know's maybe a I'll lose 10 pounds over night? (Could happen right). 🤞

    What's left... Just gotta pull that loaf once it's cooked, but before then a Hair dresser will be giving my head a shave. (not like bald.. huh-huh). Hey every little extra bit of weight will help tomorrow morning. Perhaps I should spray my body with Naire while were at it yah? 😳😅

    Um no... Don't do that. lol

    Here's the Buns before cooking... These things are amazing and only about 2.5 carbs each and 142 Calories.


    Peace Guys... I'll try do better on catching up with everyone, But that likely won't happen till tomorrow. :(

    Those buns look so good...I'm gonna make a keto zucchini bread this week!!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Username: MSWARRIOR7088
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 197
    CW: 192.2

    4.8 lbs down...couple of thing...weigh in day last week was the start of shark week for me and it was also the end of a week I was pleasantly surprised that I lost more than usual.
    However I have been really watching what I've been eating...
    Took a longer than usual walk during my fast this morning.
    Thursday-Sunday we are camping at an antique tractor husband is in the Knights of Columbus and they will cooking pork Tenderloins and fresh cut fries. I plan on getting in my steps and TRY to refrain from over doing it with all the delicious foods...

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!! 😊

    Totally 100% amazeballs on that weigh in. :) hehe

    And thank you, I hope you Bread turns out perfect. :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Jpedno wrote: »
    Things are feeling complicated right now.

    8/8 steps were 6,660. Today will not be so good.

    I think I have Covid. I’m fully vaccinated. Started sneezing and coughing on Saturday but chalked it up to terrible air quality due to forest fires. It’s gotten worse and now my hubby is sneezing. I’m tired and congested but thankfully no fever or trouble breathing really. Trying to find a test but the soonest I have found I can get one is tomorrow. My hubby has an important doc appointment with a hematologist tomorrow. I am hoping they will at least do telehealth as he really really needs to see the hematologist. I have a doc appointment with my gastroenterologist tomorrow as well that I was able to move to telehealth. I really want to get off these steroids that I’m on.

    And obviously I can’t go to the gym if I’m sick, can’t walk outside bc of air quality either. Feeling a little defeated. But trying to remember this is just temporary. My goals are long term.

    Feeling guilty I may have exposed a friend on Saturday.

    And my aunt is in the hospital (on the east coast) and has no one to really care for her or advocate for her. I was considering if I would need to fly back east but obviously I can’t now.

    It’s good I don’t have junk food in the house because I would plow right through it.

    Sorry to be a downer!!

    I agree with everything Jonathan said. I am sending you positive thoughts that your tests are negative. I hope you can move your husbands appointment to telephone. Don’t feel like you are a downer. You have so much going on and we are here to bounce things off. You are right your goals are long term and this is a bump in the road. If you are worried about exercise some team members have done YouTube walking videos. If you are feeling well enough that might be an option. But concentrate on feeling better and getting your appointments in order. Keep us posted on how things are going. Sending you a Virtual hug!
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Another Friendly Reminder... I need the following people's steps please

    @iradi8 -8/5-8/7
    @azkunk - 8/6-8/7
    @rlaskey2- 8/7
    @red1185 8/1
    @amymartin555 - 8/2-8/7

    If I do not have them by 8/10 (Tuesday Evening) I will have no choice but to zero them out
    Thanks for understanding ladies :)

    Thank you Megan

    8/2. 24,883
    8/3 16,452
    8/4. 25,449
    8/5. 25,228
    8/6. 35,245
    8/7. 28,269
    8/8. 30,168

  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Username. amymartin555
    Weighing day. Monday
    SW 184.0
    PW 149.6
    CW 147.0

    This week has been pretty good. I am happy with this. I only have 22lbs to go to get to my next goal weight and an extra 10 would be great.

    Today I did go out to eat for my husband's birthday but managed to stay under calories even with us sharing a piece of cake. Hopefully it wont add much on when I weigh myself tomorrow. I only really count my monday morning weight though.
    I do weigh myself everyday and sometimes even twice( I know people say not to) but since i do IF i weigh myself first thing in the morning( the one i count) and right before i end my fast. I like numbers and to see what happens during the day. I am a science experiment lol. I do understand that it is not true pounds lost if i lose scale weight between the two times i weigh myself. I wouldn't do it if I couldn't handle the ups and downs of the scale. It just shows me that things other that calories in and calories out play a factor in weight loss. Still the most important part, but other things do influence it.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Username: MSWARRIOR7088
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 197
    CW: 192.2

    4.8 lbs down...couple of thing...weigh in day last week was the start of shark week for me and it was also the end of a week I was pleasantly surprised that I lost more than usual.
    However I have been really watching what I've been eating...
    Took a longer than usual walk during my fast this morning.
    Thursday-Sunday we are camping at an antique tractor husband is in the Knights of Columbus and they will cooking pork Tenderloins and fresh cut fries. I plan on getting in my steps and TRY to refrain from over doing it with all the delicious foods...

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!! 😊

    Awesome loss Joyce! Enjoy your camping trip. My mouth is watering at fresh cut fries. Love them.

    Username. amymartin555
    Weighing day. Monday
    SW 184.0
    PW 149.6
    CW 147.0

    This week has been pretty good. I am happy with this. I only have 22lbs to go to get to my next goal weight and an extra 10 would be great.

    Today I did go out to eat for my husband's birthday but managed to stay under calories even with us sharing a piece of cake. Hopefully it wont add much on when I weigh myself tomorrow. I only really count my monday morning weight though.
    I do weigh myself everyday and sometimes even twice( I know people say not to) but since i do IF i weigh myself first thing in the morning( the one i count) and right before i end my fast. I like numbers and to see what happens during the day. I am a science experiment lol. I do understand that it is not true pounds lost if i lose scale weight between the two times i weigh myself. I wouldn't do it if I couldn't handle the ups and downs of the scale. It just shows me that things other that calories in and calories out play a factor in weight loss. Still the most important part, but other things do influence it.

    Very nice loss! I weigh daily myself. Sometimes it drives me crazy but I like the data.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Steps for 8/8

    Today was the first day of school here in Las Vegas and the first time my kids have been in school since March 2020. I don’t know who is more nervous, them or me. I handled my anxiety by going to the gym after I put my kids on the bus and really crushed my workout. Hopefully I’ll see the results on the scale tomorrow.
This discussion has been closed.