Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited August 2021
    Back and Bicep...

    What is going on with the MFP News feeds these last few days... It's driving me crazy. And on my weigh in day.. DOH!

    It's all good though, I actually had a pretty darn good day. And a good workout to boot. I'm still getting stronger every week. (And Lynn is too. 🙂)

    I don't know if you recall, but very early on in this process I made a fancy pants spread sheet, that calculated everything.. And based on my calculations I figured it was possible to lose about 192 pounds by December 31, 2021. Of course, I started eating more as I added weight lifting, (which I suspected I would). Anyway, I thought about it today... And I Could potentially lose another 60 pounds (give or take) this year which would put me in the 170LB+/- loss area? Whether I hit that or not, it doesn't really matter. The reason I'm bringing this up, is my spreadsheet never calculated for muscle gain. Apparently, a man (I presume that's me), can gain 2-4 pounds a muscle a month. Now Since I'm losing weight, I think it's fair to assume I'm going to be on the lower end of the spectrum... But Even if you take 2 pounds per month plus that ~170 ball park figure... That puts me right back on track for 192 pounds of fat loss by December 31, 2021. I thought it was interesting, but I have no Idea how much muscle mass I'm actually gaining. But I am definitely gaining it. 💪 And I don't know if It's true, but I have a feeling being in Ketosis, my body will rob energy from my fat, and utilize the food I eat to supply my muscles for regrowth? Maybe that's true, but many people say you can't really gain muscle while dieting with a deficit such as mine, but obviously that's not the case, thus the theory. 😋

    As for the workout today... I decided to use the hooks and go up to 85lb DB rows, and still did much better than expected getting super solid 9 counts before a weaker 10,11,12 on my left and a solid 12 on my right per set. Once I hit 95LB, I Officially actually need the 120-pound expansion I bought. So, it's like a minor big deal for me (I'm a nerd right). In actuality though, I'm already using the expansion plates, and using my extra plates on my Pepin handle. This allows me to have up to three Dumbbells setup the day before and ready to go.

    I gave up completely on Doing Cable Lat Pulldowns tonight and I switched to a Band Lat pulldown where I hooked the bands up to my pull up bar which was less frustrating but really damn hard as I went straight to Double Black Bands... This made me realize, I need some rogue bands that are longer. These made my biceps burn as much as anything else. lol

    Speaking of my Biceps, they continue to be moving up the ranks much quicker than I remember them ever progressing in the past. So, I'm not sure what the deal is with that, but I like it. I'm moving the weight up again in EZ Bar Preacher curls, and the standing EZ bar curls... While I was able to solidly handle more Hammer Curls reps. 😎🥳

    Anyway I'm really HAPPY with the way everything is going... I don't imagine I could be doing better in fact. 😋🤗


    And with that, I wish you all fantastic night and an even better sleep. 🤗😎😃😊💖

  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Here is my 2nd friendly reminder of the people's steps I need

    @littleflutterby 8/9- 8/14
    @iradi8 8/11- 8/14
    @red1185 8/14
    @amymartin555 8/9-8/14
    @MSWarrior7088 8/9-8/14
    @Shannonsto 8/13 & 8/14

    Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday 8/17 if I do not have them in by then I will have no choice but zero them out

    Thanks for your cooperation everyone :)

    8/9. 21,428
    8/10. 26,115
    8/11. 31,477
    8/12. 22,266
    8/13. 22,148
    8/14. 23,947
    8/15. 27,381

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 80oz
    Steps 7402

    Took the kids to the playground for a play date with one of their friends from school they haven't seen all summer. Then went to lunch with them at a local place where the kids got chicken nuggets, fries, and ice cream. Ordered nothing for myself and made myself a sandwich when we got home. After that we decided to head back to the county fair for the parade that started at 5. Kids had a blast, got candy and a few other things like drinking cups and pencils. Played bingo again for a bit, I actually bingo'd!, and then we headed home. I'm a bit tired today from the busy weekend, but it was worth it.

    Another fun day! I channeled you today when making a decision on whether to have a second piece of pizza. I think accessing my hunger before having the second piece kept me from overeating.

    Morning Everyone .... Still feeling awful been laying around and sleeping a lot since last Thursday ... I have no voice this morning ... I called jury duty to ask for a postponement so I don't need to go until November... I will be calling my Dr in a bit to ask for a Phone call instead of going in (suppose to be going in this Thursday)

    Lots of great steps and losses ...Great job everyone

    Going back to laying down

    Get lots of rest and feel better!

    Steps 8/15: 10,628

    Didn't make my goal...better get moving today!

    10k+ steps is pretty darn good!

    Congratulations @MSWarrior7088 and @888Angie888 on your great losses and awesome steps!
    @lindamtuck2018 72 laps sounds like a lot. I would lose count way before then. Hope your time at the cottage is refreshing and fun.
    @Poohbah1972 congratulations on smashing into the new decade! You can really see the differences each "Flex Friday".

    @Mszoueb focus less on the scale and more on developing healthy habits and then make those habits consistent. If a row of checkmarks on the calendar or an accountability buddy helps then do whatever motivates you. Reward yourself with a non food reward for reaching a goal that you decide. Make it specific and measurable. If you are meal prepping then maybe a cookbook of keto recipes for example?

    Was said after the IV fluid weight went up to 144.7. Today after 3 full days of eating and drinking normally, I have reached a new decade and am 139.8 lbs. Yippee! Thought would never get here. The said part is that I can just about guarantee that it is mostly my muscle after months of inactivity.. Muscle is calorie expensive so your body will shed it in a deficit for lower calorie needing fat if you don't exercise or give it a reason to keep it.

    For fun I looked up what the NPC bikini competitors weigh at my height. They have a bmi of 19.0-21.9 for their height and a body fat percentage range of 8-13%. That body fat is below a healthy female athlete and at the border of essential fat for a woman! I would have to weigh in the 120-125 lb range to meet the bmi much less the years of heavy lifting.

    Congrats on the new decade. I lose count the odd time but my Fitbit also keeps track of the laps.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,655 Member
    edited August 2021
    Get lots of rest and feel better!

    Thanks Linda ... I have been resting but coughing a lot tummy muscles hurt from all the coughing ...

    In case you forgot I would like to be excused from this week's weigh in ...Thanks
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    That would be an amazing accomplishment to lose 192 pounds of fat! Great weight session. I haven’t been able to see the newsfeed all day.

    Fantastic loss!

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Sunday

    Under Calories:
    Water > 80oz:
    Protein > 100g:
    Steps > 5K:
    Row 2x/wk: ✅✅
    Good Day Streak (GDS): zero

    Yesterday was not as bad as all of the red X’s seem to indicate but it was still not good and hence the zero for my GDS. I did start re-reading my Beck’s Diet Solution and I already feel like that my head is getting back in the game. Scale was down a little today and that helps with the motivation. I already hit my 2 day rowing goal this week, so I am going to up that goal to 3

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @rwood566 - nice steps!

    @mari_moulin - you are killing it!

    @mszoueb - hang in there, I am right there with you but I feel that being active here again is starting to have an impact. How many grams of fat are in that bacon?

    @Poobah1972 - NICE LOSS🤩 You continue to inspire me … thank you

    @lindamtuck2018 - 72 laps ?!?!?! that is freaking AMAZING 😻

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - hope you feel better soon

    @Beautyofdreams - congratulations on breaking through to the next decade🎉

    @jayenguk - EXACTLY!!! That is another feeling that I forget. I wonder why our minds don’t remember those things 🤔

    @amymartin555 - nice loss

  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    steps steps!!!

    9/8- 7131
    10/8- 7661
    11/8- 7057
    12/8- 6620
    13/8- 6276
    14/8- 6075

    15/8- 6854

    Still no exercises as such, not been feeling my best this week.

    Gael has a procedure on wednesday, to get some skin cancer off her scalp. Even though I can't go in with her, she wants me to come for the drive. It's going to be like a 6 hour procedure sooooooo I did some research and found that there is a library about half a km away. I'm going to hang over there, do some studying etc, and I can get a small walk in! I have my English final on Saturday and another final (Psychology) 2 weeks later, so doing a lot of cramming!!

    I've been super busy with school. My course end date for English is the end of this month, and up until 3 weeks ago I had 3 assignments and the final to look forward to. Right now, I have 1 full assignment, 1 assignment with last-minute tweaks (hope to send it tomorrow) and then the final! The assignment I finished a couple of weeks ago I got an A, which is awesome for me because English Language courses are not my strong point at all!!

    I'm not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, might be looking at a big gain for some reason, but my legs are a little swollen so that might account for it. It's all good, there is always next week to lose it again!!

    Hope everyone has had a good week!!

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @littleflutterby - I am so impressed by all of the hard work you are putting into school. Good luck with those finals 📚
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Daily Check-in: Monday 08/16

    ✖️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 2/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/15 - 12,506
    08/16 - 13,363

    Happy Tuesday! Got my workout done this morning and ready to start the day. I really struggled today. I’ve been working out everyday since 2 Sundays ago and I think I need a rest day so tomorrow….no workout! I feel low on energy and just need to stop for a day for some much needed rest.

    Wishing you all a wonderful blessed day!

  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    @mszoueb - hang in there, I am right there with you but I feel that being active here again is starting to have an impact. How many grams of fat are in that bacon?

    Thank you, here's the nutrition amounts off website:

    8 Smoked Bacon Medallions 200g

    Typical Values Per 100g as Sold
    Energy 418 kJ
    99 kcal
    Fat 1.9g (of which saturates 0.6g)
    Carbohydrate 0.5g (of which sugars 0.1g)
    Fibre 0.6g
    Protein 19.6g
    Salt 3.0g

    In comparison two other bacon varieties:

    10 Rashers (approx.) Smoked Back Bacon 300g &  7 Rashers (approx.) Smoked Thick Cut Back Bacon 300g

    Typical Values Per 100g as Sold
    Energy 789 kJ
    190 kcal
    Fat 13.4g (of which saturates 4.8g)
    Carbohydrate 0.5g (of which sugars 0.2g)
    Fibre 0.6g
    Protein 16.5g
    Salt 2.6g

    The medallions are higher in salt, but you get more protein and less fat it seems :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for Sunday

    Under Calories:
    Water > 80oz:
    Protein > 100g:
    Steps > 5K:
    Row 2x/wk: ✅✅
    Good Day Streak (GDS): zero

    Yesterday was not as bad as all of the red X’s seem to indicate but it was still not good and hence the zero for my GDS. I did start re-reading my Beck’s Diet Solution and I already feel like that my head is getting back in the game. Scale was down a little today and that helps with the motivation. I already hit my 2 day rowing goal this week, so I am going to up that goal to 3

    Look at you meeting that rowing goal! 🎉 I have the Beck Diet Solution workbook. I have to get into it. I know some of the team also liked Atomic Habits. Thanks, I want to work my way up to 100 while maintaining my lap speed or increasing it.

    Daily Check-in: Monday 08/16

    ✖️Track my food
    ✖️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 2/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/15 - 12,506
    08/16 - 13,363

    Happy Tuesday! Got my workout done this morning and ready to start the day. I really struggled today. I’ve been working out everyday since 2 Sundays ago and I think I need a rest day so tomorrow….no workout! I feel low on energy and just need to stop for a day for some much needed rest.

    Wishing you all a wonderful blessed day!


    Sounds like you do need a rest day. That’s a long time to go without taking one. Have a great day Mari!

    steps steps!!!

    9/8- 7131
    10/8- 7661
    11/8- 7057
    12/8- 6620
    13/8- 6276
    14/8- 6075

    15/8- 6854

    Still no exercises as such, not been feeling my best this week.

    Gael has a procedure on wednesday, to get some skin cancer off her scalp. Even though I can't go in with her, she wants me to come for the drive. It's going to be like a 6 hour procedure sooooooo I did some research and found that there is a library about half a km away. I'm going to hang over there, do some studying etc, and I can get a small walk in! I have my English final on Saturday and another final (Psychology) 2 weeks later, so doing a lot of cramming!!

    I've been super busy with school. My course end date for English is the end of this month, and up until 3 weeks ago I had 3 assignments and the final to look forward to. Right now, I have 1 full assignment, 1 assignment with last-minute tweaks (hope to send it tomorrow) and then the final! The assignment I finished a couple of weeks ago I got an A, which is awesome for me because English Language courses are not my strong point at all!!

    I'm not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, might be looking at a big gain for some reason, but my legs are a little swollen so that might account for it. It's all good, there is always next week to lose it again!!

    Hope everyone has had a good week!!


    Best wishes to Gael for her procedure. Good luck to you on your finals. Your steps are great!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    I won’t have time to check in or respond to posts until Saturday. I will post a weigh in reminder either before I go to bed or first thing in the morning. @Megan_smartiepants1970 I will post my steps and exercise for the week on Saturday. Have a great week everyone!
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    8/15 steps 7,9002
    8/16 steps 6,776
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @mari_moulin - you definitely need to build in some rest days from the gym. Make sure you listen to your body

    @mszoueb - I am definitely going to look for them.

    @lindamtuck2018 - that 100 lap goal is close. Do you have a reward in mind when you get there? So close to one-derland too. That should be a good incentive to avoid “unplanned eating” (Beck’s mindset) during your trip. I have atomic habits and made it halfway through. I went back and forth but decided that I need Becks more. I was right. It is definitely helping to get my head back in the game.

  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy tuesday.

    Yesterday my daughter wanted me to have a "cheat" day where calories don't matter. I don't think that would work with my mind very well. I had a "cheat" lunch with her and stuffed myself but still ate somewhat ok. I knew I overate so no snacks or dessert. I wasn't hungry. My calories are probably off, maybe by a lot, but I tried getting close. It was a small Mexican chain so no calories listed. It was pretty good, huge portions and surprisingly cheap.

    Check in for 8/16:
    Steps - 3580 plus 12 minutes bike moderate effort 3 miles.
    Calories - I figured 1630. Could have missed by a couple hundred but ok for a cheat meal.
    Exercise - gym. 6 machines but only 12 minutes bike. No stamina.

    Just weighed and gained 1.6 lb. Now to recover.
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    I need to withdraw for a while....thanks for keeping me motivated!!!
    I hope to be back in the future 🙏🏻
This discussion has been closed.