Downsizers - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Karly and I'll be joining your group for September's challenge. Just recently started trying to lose weight and thought that joining this challenge would help keep me motivated. 😄

    Welcome to our awesome team ... Wishing you much success :)

    Hey welcome look forward to getting to know you
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Sorry this is late. I'm finding myself being more tired than normal.

    Check in for 8/23:
    Steps - 4650
    Calories 1740
    Exercise - none. Home alone most of the day.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 80oz/83oz
    Steps 3088 / 12002

    Sunday was a rest day and we spent it at my parents house. It's actually been a while since we did that, we've been so busy! Yesterday I got up early and did the 3 mile loop at the lake with dad. It's hard for me to crawl out of bed at 5:45am but I needed time afterwards to get my son ready and off to school at 7:55. So after the walk with Dad I walked my son to school. Cleaned the house during the day, took my daughter to preschool in the afternoon. Oh, and then my husband and I went out for lunch. Its been years since we've been able to do that haha. Picked up the kids later and then hung out for the rest of the day!

    You are busy yet you meet your goals. I need some of your energy.

    Hello everyone, I'm Karly and I'll be joining your group for September's challenge. Just recently started trying to lose weight and thought that joining this challenge would help keep me motivated. 😄

    Welcome aboard! The team is a great tool to add to your weight loss toolbox. It has helped me so much.

    Username: Beautyofdreams
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 139.8
    CW: 136.0
    LTD: 87.4

    I scheduled an appointment next Friday to talk to a plastic surgeon about my stomach. I have a great deal of loose skin there and the upper part has a hard bulge in the middle. It really distorts how I see myself since it is so out of proportion to the rest of me. Will find out what I can realistically expect improvement in, cost and if I am even a candidate for plastic surgery.

    Fantastic loss! My stomach, arms, breast and upper thighs are an issue. I think here we have to pay out of pocket so it will be a big decision. @Poobah1972 have you heard of ohip covering it for anyone? Will any be covered for you Deb?

    Abi2131 wrote: »
    We have another new member heading our way ... Please welcome @Abi2131 :)

    Thank you for welcoming me to the group. I am using myfitnesspal for more than 3 years to keep track but never got into any challenge.
    I have struggled with weight a lot and I am so excited to give my best in September Challenge and be healthier.
    Thanks again for having me.

    Welcome to the team! I hope you enjoy the group as much as I do.

    tahm42 wrote: »
    Username: tahm42
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 221
    CW (Current Weight): 220

    I am tired today and can tell fall is here. Allergies are so happening even though the temps still say summer my nose and throat are saying uh no. ForgeX fit was good Monday so today is an elliptical or aerial day. Tomorrow at oh stupid early I will see about Forge again... 5am is just so early. I also have more trouble controlling the eating after also. Anybody else have trouble when they are tired, you just want to eat? So far so good this week! I hope everyone else has a great week!

    Nice loss! I don’t know if it is so much as I want to eat as that’s when it’s easy for me to get a case of I don’t care. I have to be so vigilant that it doesn’t happen. Is forgex new for you?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good afternoon everyone. Sorry this is late. I'm finding myself being more tired than normal.

    Check in for 8/23:
    Steps - 4650
    Calories 1740
    Exercise - none. Home alone most of the day.

    I hope you get some energy. I meant to ask you the other day what is the next milestone you want to hit?
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    @Poobah1972 have you heard of ohip covering it for anyone?

    Personally no.. But you can find them on the internet. My fiancé seems to think I'll be covered at for a basic apron removal.

    I'm not so convinced... I guess what it comes down to is.. How far your apron actually hangs, and if it poses a risk to your health. Like do you get sore, bleeding, infections which all can lead to various dangerous situations and/or blood clots.

    I'm not sure how to interpret it... Is it hanging X inches enough, or do you also need to have lots of sores? what happens if it hangs down to your knee's, but you take good care of it, wash it regularly and use skin care products on it so that it maintains it suppleness and doesn't cause sores? Does that mean you get no entitlement cause it's not posing a risk to your health? Should I literally walk around not washing it, and hang 25 pound weights off it in my spare time to ensure it impresses when I eventually see a specialist?

    Seeing as I'm coming from so large, hopeful I'll qualify for the basic apron removal ( I was getting all sorts of sores and bleed, unfortunately I'm not now... GRRR)... But any kind of tuck especially regarding everything south of my waist which also has lots of issues. Sex parts, inner thighs, balls that can hang so low do to all the extra skin and freedom (not the good freedom) they are in the toilet bowl hanging in the water if I'm not careful. So yeah I need both the bottom end tucked up and connected to the upper end and vice versa.

    I Assume the part they may cover is worth around 8000 grand... But i figure I need another 12000 grand on top of that to do the rest? And that doesn't address my chest... I'm not sure how that will turn out though, perhaps i Can build enough muscle to get by?

    Hows that for honest? lol

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    The Plan

    I just came up with a plan, and thought I should post it here to keep myself accountable. 👍

    Originally I made a mental plan that when I get down to around 350lb's I would start to try and re-incorporate squats into my routine. I'm not there yet, but this morning for *kitten* and giggles after my walk I tried doing a few deepish BW squats by the kitchen table and I was mildly disappointed that it was still very hard to do and while I can get down fairly low to 90 degree's going lower then that makes it virtually impossible to get out of the hole. And really want to do this right and get deep in to the hole... cause it's the hole, and you know, the hole is where it's at.

    And inline with my thoughts from yesterday... I want to try and do some sort of extra leg work tonight after work (Tuesdays). So with that in mind and the fact that I just received a whole assortment of high quality full length Monster Bands. I've been doing some research on what sort of exercises I can do to benefit my legs and lower back to some degree. And let me tell you there is some phenomenal work outs you can do with bands that will make you wish you never ever purchased bands to begin with. Granted a lot of it is probably to advanced for me at the moment (with exception of the straight leg dead lift, and some type of Band Leg Press that looks fun). But it's something to work toward and since it's all band related there is no setup time, perfect for off days.

    So my plan for tonight is to utilize bands to assist me in completing as deep as I can go Squats... Sort of like using bands to perform assisted pullups. With any luck this will start training me from ground zero all the way up, and as It get's easier I'll just use lighter and lighter bands until the day I graduate to no bands at all, and then one fine day, I'll need to start throwing weight on my back or using bands to make it harder. I Feel this is probably going to be essential in getting myself ready for proper squatting down the road... And it should be safe on top of it.

    So that's the plan for tonight... Figure out what bands and where I putting them on the power rack and how I'm strapping myself in etc.. and just seeing how it goes and where I'm starting. But it's happening. 👍💪😀🤟

    Putting the Plan into Action

    Good evening Guys!

    Alrighty, I did the Band Assisted Squat thing tonight... And I must admit it was a quite the Comedy Show for a moment. lol 😄

    The system is literally perfect, I just take 2 matching color bands, and hang one over each side of the pull up bar.... The Bands hang down to past my arm pits bit a good bit. I stick my arms through each side and I get in the set position.

    So, the idea is, I get no help support at all at the beginning and then only a small amount of support as I get closer to the 90-degree bend mark.... But as I get lower and lower the support ramps up quite quickly so I get the most support when I'm in my lowest / weakest position where I need it most.

    So, I have 6 sets of bands, each colour coded and equating to different strengths of "resistance"... I thought to myself, I don't need the Purple bands (The strongest of the bands I have on hand).... I don't even think I need the Black bands the second strongest. So, I decided... Green! The green band seems about right.

    Lynn says to me... I want to watch you... I said sure, go for it. 😋😀

    I slide my arms in each band tuck my elbows to my side, arms to my chest.... I spread my feet apart and prepare myself to squat as low as my knees will allow me to bend.

    I start my decent... Going down sort of slowly... So far so good... As I get closer to the 90-degree bend mark... Good... Good. Now at the 90-degree mark I think to myself, okay this is where I go lower than I would normally dare. No problem though, because I have some support from these Green bands.... So, feeling confident I go lower... I try to stop, but wait a second, I keep going lower! I start to cantor backward as my eyes open up wide, as I automatically grab onto the green bands with each hand and start to pull in an attempt to stop my decent. And as I pulled the bands just kept stretching... As I quickly realized there was no stopping this train. I met Lynn's eye's I continued backward bands stretching more as I went, readying. I readied myself to the inevitable. I was going down... And down I went. Lol And Lynn got to watch the whole thing. And she enjoyed it. lol 😅😂🤣🤣🤣😂😅

    Thank fully the bands did make it into sort of a slow-motion crash.. No injuries... No pain. But I had to laugh out loud myself as I sat on my *kitten* on the floor. Oh, the good times I tell you. 😎😀👍😆

    Alright with that out of the way... It all kind of worked out. I realize the Heaviest Purple bands were just right.... And in attempting my first set with those I only managed 5 reps. So, rethinking it a bit more, I then realized I can choke up or choke down by holding the band with my hands either increasing or decreasing support as needed. Truth be told I ended up sitting on the ground 3 times in total tonight. But once all the bugs were worked out, I did manage in addition to the initial 5 rep set... 4 more sets of 20 reps each. And they were difficult enough I got stuck at the bottom a number of times where I kind of had to bounce my *kitten* down and up quickly to get the moment to get out of the hole.

    But guess what? most of the movement is fairly unassisted. My heart rate was still spiking to near 130 which mean's it's hard similar to DB Bent over rows and Deadlifts. And the most importantly, I GOT RUBBER LEGS... and if you get RUBBER LEGS, chances are you DOING YOU MUSCLE GOOD. 😄😎😀👍🦵

    So I wouldn't be surprised if I'm feeling some interesting muscle pains tomorrow. 😎

    And you know what else.. Since I need the strongest band at my disposal, this means I literally have a 5 more sets of bands to work my way through each of which can be adjusted fully depending on how you choke them.... So much room for improvement, and no more excuses to not do it!!! It works plain and simple, and I have a solid path forward. (Plus it takes zero time to setup, so 4-5 sets can be done very quickly)

    YEE HAW!!!! 😃🤓😆😊

    And that's a wrap... Have a hell of a evening eveyrone and sweet dreams. 🙃🤗💗
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    You are funny! It sounds like good laugh was had with no one injured. You got your system working. I think you are a very determined young man. I know at one time they did the belly apron after gastric bypass. When I looked into bypass about 7 or 8 years ago they had stopped. It would be interesting to see what the criteria is. Quality of life would have to come into play.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh man, I'd love some surgery to get rid of loose skin and tighten things up. Sadly, it will have to wait a while - years, really. We're still trying for another baby (miscarried a couple months ago) and will likely have to pay for assistance of some kind (IVF, donor eggs etc) which is expensive. We're going to keep trying on our own a few more months, but it's unlikely at my age.

    At some point, I'd really like the whole shebang. Double-chin skin and 360 lift (breasts, upper and lower tummy) my thighs and maybe even my arms.

    I looked into it quite a bit a few years ago, before I regained it all through pregnancy. It's not covered by most insurances unless it's a health risk, as Jonathan said. I think I'll likely get it done in Mexico.

    I look like a melted candle. It's not the best.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening everyone.

    I'm hoping to get the v.a. to take some of my skin. I think I'm in the same boat as you all are.

    Check in for 8/24:
    Steps - 5070. Did a couple laps around the grocery store to get there.
    Calories - 1750. Under, but ugh. Had some peach pie for national peach pie day. I didn't even want any before I read it. Craving.
    Exercise - gym. 10 machines. No bike today.

    A big welcome to all of our new teammates.
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Username: jayenguk
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 280.2
    CW (Current Weight): 277.2

    yassss queen ....another 3 pounds gone for to the gym today and have a good sess as I am a day off. Next week i start my bike challenge of 100 miles in September...cant wait! ...have a great day all!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Daily Check-in: Tuesday 08/24

    ✔️Track my food
    ✔️Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal
    ✔️Gym 2/4x each week at least
    ✔️10k steps daily
    ✔️2L water daily


    08/22 - 10,024
    08/23 - 14,595
    08/24 - 13,246

    Good morning & happy hump day team 🐪.

    Today is rest day for me. I have an appointment with Sam this morning then we are heading to the zoo for the day. Looking forward to spending this time with the youngest and my hubby. My teens are currently doing a weeks worth of tutoring in preparation of back to school next week so they aren’t joining us. Gonna miss having them with us.

    Wishing you all a blessed day Fam


    for those who would like to follow me on Instagram…

    IG - maris_transformation_journey
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Wednesday check-in:

    I've twisted my ankle - I left my house and as there are several restaurants right outside currently (in Paris, every restaurant built a terrace outside so we no longer have sidewalks, we have restaurants if you can imagine that) and to avoid the newly added flower boxes for ambience, I twisted my ankle. I'm quite annoyed but it means I'll go for a swim today instead of the run I was planning.

    Is anyone else using the Nike running app? I signed up to run 50K in the month of August and am getting quite close (already have more than 30) BUT with this ankle situation I don't know if I'll hit my target by the end of this week. I'll definitely try.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Holy What the @#$% Wednesday... 😐🙂

    My legs aren't sore (YET), but at the same time I have a hard time controlling them properly. There like not all there... Sort of disembodied, I issue them a command and they take it as a suggestion. erg. 👻

    Given the long walk yesterday morning and the Band Assisted Squats yesterday... The only thing I figured I would be good for this morning was Elliptical. So that's what I did. 👍

    I fully admit I didn't have anything in the tank.... And I could not seem to convince my legs to move in tight little circles as fast I would normally. So, I ended up more or less going along at a somewhat leisurely pace. I tacked on an extra 5 minutes, just to suck up a little bit more calorie burn, but all in all not a very impressive run.

    But that's okay... I get the next couple mornings for my legs to recharge. Boxing tomorrow, and nothing Friday morning... 😋

    Have a Wicked Wednesday Y'all!


  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Glad to see your energy increased. Nice workout!

    Fantastic loss! Your bike challenge sounds both challenging and fun at the same time.

    ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ A perfect day! Enjoy your day with Sam and hubby.

    Ouch! I hope your ankle heals quickly. Enjoy your swim!

    55 zone minutes and 551 calories seems pretty decent to me!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Tuesday numbers

    30 minutes moderate
    Water weight workout
    30 minutes moderate
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Tuesday check in

    ✅ Steps
    ✅ Sleep Score (above 75)
    ✅ Exercise
    ✅ Reminders 8/8

    Having Fitbit issues this morning. Finally got it to sync but it is not giving me a correct sleep reading. According to my Fitbit I have been awake since just before 1 am. I didn’t get up until 7:30 so I am giving myself a ✅ for sleep. Anyways, yesterday I had an awesome swim and workout. Today is swimming and stretching.

    Well this happened this morning. Let’s hope it’s still there for Friday’s official weigh in.

    Happy Hump Day!

    Yes!!!! Man I need mine to get back into ONEderland too!! It’s gonna happen! Congratulations Linda!! 🙌🏻🎉🍾
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 83oz
    Steps 13979

    Got up early again and went for a walk at the lake with both my parents this time. Dad isn't travelling this week for work, which hasn't happened in months, so we're taking advantage while we can! Our goal is to meet every morning. It's funny you guys have brought up the subject of loose skin. I have really been struggling with mine lately. I don't like the way it feels, I don't like the way it looks. I'm tired of tucking it into my pants so I can button and zip them up. It's hanging off my arms and my whole body just looks deflated. I'd love to have surgery eventually but it's not going to be an option any time soon I don't think. I do believe I still have some fat in there to lose also, that it's not just pure skin. I technically have a few more pounds to lose before hitting the goal I set and even though I don't seem to be losing weight all that easily right now, I can tell my body is still changing.
This discussion has been closed.