WaistAways - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,304 Member
    Hi WA's You have another new member heading your way ... Please welcome @mocchaeyes7961 :)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,197 Member
    Welcome to the team @mocchaeyes7961 .. looking forward to having you!

    Ok, loving all the cookbook and meal prep talk guys... sounds like a cozy up under the blankets to plan type of activity. You're inspiring me to do the same!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 556 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    @jugar PW 150 CW 149.5

    Just read an article last night about high glycemic foods - I don't think I've ever seen this subject before...to do with carbohydrates, sugars spikes and how it all reacts in cells and hunger pangs... Anyhow, here I was feeling good about my oatmeal but now know that the instant oats, which are so quick and easy, are high gylcemic whereas if I switch to steel cut oats it would be much better. Will give it a go and see if I feel any different...more satiated?
    I enjoy steel cut and non-quick varieties of oats and find it helpful to always have protein with them to keep the sugar spike from happening. Let us know what you learn from your experiment!
    Well, it's the last day of September already and I'm ready to make a plan for October so I can get below 180 again.
    My food choices haven't been as veggie oriented and I can really tell that I'm more bloated, even if not heavier (yet).
    I'll write more tomorrow when I have a little more time in the morning.
    Rabbit, rabbit!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Woohoo! Thursday evening already here. It's dark out. It's been quite chilly, the wood stove is making us all toasty, and soup is definitely high on the meal planning list. My soups tend to have really original names - green soup (zucchini, spinach, dill, ginger), orange soup (red lentils, sweet potato, carrots, fresh turmeric, ginger), mishmash (brown or green lentils, carrots, any vegetable you can chop up fine and hide from your children like cabbage, onions, then season with whatever you're in the mood for). I love cold weather, so soup season is my fave!

    Welcome @mocchaeyes7961 - tell us a bit about yourself, and dive right in. It might take a bit of time to get to know everyone, but we're thrilled to have you here. Your name and where you live are great to have if you're willing to share those, but whatever you want to get ready to start "officially" on Sunday - tell us where you are and what you'd like to try to get things moving. And questions are welcome!

    I have some tunes to learn for a weekend trying to think up cool ideas for collaboration, so I'll be quick! Just a heads up for everyone.

    OK, a warning.

    Tallies will be done VERY VERY early on Sunday morning - so don't be late with this week's weigh-ins, OK? Don't bust your timing!

    Due on Friday:

    And Saturday our bride-to-be!

    Two late ones I hope to see double quick -
    @PlaneMonkey (I need yours for starting weight for October)

    Tally ho!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar my starting weight for October will be 196. Pretty happy, as that's just 1lb over my maintenance range I set of 190-195lbs when I began this journey over a year ago and actually reached 5 months ago. I managed to maintain without logging while we were so busy but as soon as things slowed down, the portion sizes and takeout creeped back up to kick me back above my comfort zone.

    I'm going to be setting a new goal to get to 175lbs which I haven't seen since high school. It will probably take another year to get there as there will need to be serious discipline involved. Hubby has IBS and is triggered by nearly any vegetable, so high volume/low calorie eating is very difficult in this house. I love soups/stews but like others have said, it's hard not to accompany it with some delicious bread and butter!

    New recipes are so fun, I'd love that morrocan lamb soup recipe @DD265, Lamb is my absolute favorite.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star: Hey Team! We have another month-long challenge to help you get the junk out of your diet and focus on whole foods and good health. Join us today!! :)OCTOBER CHALLENGE

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