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  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Weekend! Wahoo.

    Had our breakfast @ the diner. Our #’s are improving. As always, there early and that helps tremendously.

    Rainy weekend, so looks like it’ll be mostly indoor work. We need the rain.

    So, here’s to enjoying your Saturday.

    Glad you took the time to catch up w/your friend.

    Good plans to revamp the budget now that YOU'RE getting a paycheck, too.

    Had rain earlier, and now it sopped, but sill cloudy.

    Have a good weekend.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Still working on that organization. Took some time for a nap yesterday. Was just so very tired. Was a rough week with little sleep. Needed to compensate.

    Last evening, Tim and I went out for miniature golf for date night. It was nice. There were a couple of kids running around the course, but.... It was still nice to get out for some laughs.

    Making Slow Cooker Cajun Alfredo tonight for dinner. Hope it turns out. Already warned Tim that it might be a little spicy.

    Looks like it might rain today, so I may do some grocery shopping to get it done for the week.

    Stay dry!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Rained overnight. Supposed to have showers today, today, too.

    Definitely a rest day. Tired from the vaccination, but no ill affects.

    Here’s to the start of a new week.


    Michelle: Hope your organization works out! Your crock pot Cajun Alfredo sounds delicious!

    Here's to a good week.
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Good Morning everyone ,Dense Fog advisory this morning,im hoping to get back to my regular exercise routine this week i started yesterday , seeing the chiropractor this morning ,The Cajun alfredo sounds amazing ,certain recipe you go by ? Have a great week everyone :)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Rainy day yesterday and again today. Right now at least it isn’t raining.

    Yesterday was a rest day for sure. Tired after the vaccination.

    Jason has PT this morning, so he’ll be a tired camper.

    Here’s is to a motivated Monday.


    BIGD: Hope all goes well @ the chiropractors.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    We ended up driving out to New Lisbon yesterday to check out a new winery. The wine was good, but we were not impressed with the atmosphere or service. When I say that, I mean that they don't offer cheese platters or a place to sit and enjoy a glass. So.. When we left, we had to search for a place to eat lunch. Now, mind you, it was now almost 2. We were starved. We stopped at three different places before finding one that was open. The diner claimed they were too busy to feed us....

    I did go through the next drawer, and got rid of some stained up t-shirts I'll never wear :)

    Today was a typical work day. Have my Cajun Chicken Alfredo in the crockpot. We were too full for dinner after our late lunch yesterday. My recipe is from the website Delish!

    Enjoy the evening. Looks like it could rain this evening here!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Out the door early as Jason has an eye appointment. Then have to make another veggie run.

    Depending on the weather may take Miss Lilly to the dog park.

    Here’s to a terrific Tuesday.


    Michelle: Sorry that the atmosphere and service @ the winery wasn't good.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Horrible night's sleep last night. Just rolled and rolled. Not really sure why. Ran errands after work today to the gas station and drug store. I needed more migraine and thyroid pills. I should have gone yesterday, but I was waiting for a call back from the Dr. Guess they just called in the refill instead..

    Making Enchiladas and cornbread tonight for dinner. It's a quick recipe.

    Felt cooler outside today. But, it is October...
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Well, Jasons eye exam turned out well. PHEW.

    Got some house work done and will continue today. Jason has hand therapy this morning, then the chores.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.


    Michelle: Hope that you get a better sleep tonight!

    YUM! Enchiladas and corn bread. Delicious. I love cornbread.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Going grocery shopping this afternoon. We have a quick camping trip this weekend. Not our usual camping, just going to watch my brother in law race for a couple of days. There is a campground next door to the racetrack, so we will be staying there rather than driving the hour both days to Unity to see him. So just planning basics for food.

    Sleep was a little better last night, but not as good as I would like. Warmed up nice this afternoon. Was thinking it was time to pack away the capris. Nope, not yet :)

    Enjoy the weather while we can!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    We've never been to this one, and to be honest, we are not looking forward to it. We are ready to put the camper away for the year. But, we promised my brother in law we would go...

    Making potato salad tonight, and packing the camper tonight. Because we are there to watch the races, I won't have the extra time to make my salad in the camper. So, I have to prep ahead. We are leaving around 2 tomorrow afternoon. Have a great weekend!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Jason has a zoom conference call for his Mayo appointment registration. And then a zoom meeting for his consulting. He will be a busy boy. And in the meantime. Will get packing done.

    To all my Canadian friends, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

    Everyone else, enjoy FriYaY and the weekend.


    Michelle: Hope the camping goes well this weekend, and good luck to your BIL.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    edited October 2021
    Saturday: Diner breakfast and then getting packed so we’re ready to roll Sunday.

    Supposed to be nice weather this weekend. Yeah!


    Will be gone Sunday through Tuesday.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Travel day. Should get to Mayo around 4 pm. Still daylight. Will be gone till Tuesday.

    Have a blessed day.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    We ended up enjoying ourselves at the races. The campground... Not so much. But, it was just a place to sleep anyway. It is a small private campground that seems to cater more to the permanent residents. To a point that they have special rules for permanents and non permanents. Next year, we will park the camper at the track. But, we made the best of it!

    Now, to enjoy our evening before heading back to work!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Early start w/labs and ultrasound. Dr. appt. @ 11:1 5

    Did get to meet my friend from my days as a student nurse! Nice.

    HUGS and terrific Tuesday.

    Michelle: Glad you enjoyed yourselves @ the races. Sorry the campground wasn’t great, but . . . . glad you had a place to stay anyhow.

    Have a good week ahead, everyone.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Hubby tossed and turned last night, so I woke up feeling like I didn't sleep at all... I came home after work and took a nap. Had something quick for dinner, and am working on laundry. Easy night.

    Rainy day here today, and cooler. Though the house had a higher humidity level.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Getting ready to head back home. Successful trip thank goodness. Jas doesn’t have to have a check on the thyroid till next year, now. PHEW.

    Have a terrific Tuesday.

    Sorry your sleep was disrupted. but glad you had an easy night last night.

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Slept much better last night, but now we are behind..LOL

    Watched a webinar on stress eating yesterday. Where was that when I was working my last job?! Still had some great ideas and tips. Most of it where things I knew, but it's always nice to be reminded of them!

    I made a light lemon chicken over rice for dinner tonight. It was very tasty and had mushrooms, peppers, and onions in the sauce with the chicken. Tim had chicken and sauce.. LOL. More veggies for me!

    It was cloudy today with a rain shower this evening. Calling for more rain tomorrow. I'm ready for sunshine..
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Wow! Fast, fast week. We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I am tired! Did most of the driving. It rained/drizzled/stormed, road construction and detours. BUT we made it safely. Thank goodness.

    So happy for Jason’s good news that things are all well. We don’t have to return for a year.


    Today . . . . catch up on laundry, etc.


    Michelle: Glad you got some good tips from the webinar on stress eating.

    Rainy right now here, too. Started out sunny but that didn’t last long.