Daily Eating on a Budget Chat

ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
I have 2 picky eaters roommates. I do most of the cooking. Today, one roommate is going out, so I have only one roommate to feed. I want a Crock-Pot afternoon. I gave her the options of either potato soup or black beans with rice soup. She said no to both. What am I supposed to feed her? She always wants baked potatoes, so kindly refrain from saying baked potatoes. LOL I guess grill cheeses. Any other options?


    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited October 2021
    Wow that's a tricky one. What about giving the roommate more of an open options. Like asking what kind of soup would she like. This way you avoid the baked potato but also lets her pick a soup she would like. Most can be done in a Crock-Pot with a little creativity and math.

    My biggest thing right now is to come up with an easy recipe for red lentils. I don't buy coconut milk or any fancy spices. Hope I can get some ideas figured out.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Dollar Tree has tons of spices! I am not sure about coconut milk. However, Dollar Tree does sell coconut water.

    As for cooking, not fair that we always have to have what the roommate wants.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 859 Member
    I would say it's not fair! I would cook what I like, and they either eat it or don't. Unsure if that would work for you. There is always peanut butter and jelly.

    As for the lentils, I cook mine with oil, onions, garlic, celery, and some chicken broth! I love lentils. I have also added potato in order to make it a complete protein.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Today was a frugal day! Small quesadilla for lunch, mocktail of Cranberry Apple and rigatoni for dinner. I was not disappointed. However, the tortilla wrap was hard. I thought that the tortilla would soften in the microwave...but I thought wrong! Have a wonderful evening.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I will check out the dollar store and also try cooking them different ways and see how I like them.
  • Spededtwo
    Spededtwo Posts: 10 Member
    Baked potatoes are easy enough. Let her cook for herself and you can prepare what you like for you. My family always get two choices: take it or leave it. 😃😃😃
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 859 Member
    I like the take it or leave it. In my house, I say it is the chef's choice. Whoever is cooking that day gets to choose what's for dinner. 😁 Of course, one always has on hand other items, like instant oatmeal etc for those who don't want the main meal.

    As to the quesadilla, I toast up both sides in a skillet with a little oil, and then I put the toppings on. I either finish it in the skillet with the lid on or it can be finished in the microwave a bit to melt the cheese topping. It is so yummy!

    I get a large package of corn (gluten free) tortillas and then freeze them in smaller portions in Ziploc freezer bags. I actually use the generic, cheaper freezer bag.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today went to the store and saved a total of just over $13 on various items. Woohoo!
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Our group is doing awesome! Thank you so much! I am learning alot from you! As for tortillas, I like burrito size and taco size. Both flour. I like to buy from dollar tree. I didn't think to freeze. Good tip!
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Also, I didn't know that dollar tree would be charging more. Uuugh.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Hey! How are all of you? I have not eaten dinner yet. What should I prepare? I have shrimp ramen, white rice and peanut butter to choose from. LOL I do have a couple of eggs. I could prepare egg drop soup with an egg and ramen or vegetarian fried rice with peanut butter and white rice. I have some leftover black beans in the fridge that I could mix in. I just don't know. Any tips?
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    ON_A_DIET wrote: »
    Hey! How are all of you? I have not eaten dinner yet. What should I prepare? I have shrimp ramen, white rice and peanut butter to choose from. LOL I do have a couple of eggs. I could prepare egg drop soup with an egg and ramen or vegetarian fried rice with peanut butter and white rice. I have some leftover black beans in the fridge that I could mix in. I just don't know. Any tips?

    Those are all great ideas! I am a very basic person and would not have thought of using these ingredients in this way. Thanks for some ideas.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    LOL I ended up preparing shrimp ramen noodles with peas. A roommate ate half. I am getting so tired of peanut butter. How was your dinner?
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... A roommate (I have 2 roommates) brought home some Pizza Hut bread sticks. I ate 2 1/2. So, now I need to exercise my little butt off!

    Do any of you remember Erin_Posch from Sparkpeople? She introduced me to podrunner.com. The website provides free exercise music. When I pedal to the music, the music keeps me motivated. I do not understand half of the words, but the rhythm and beat are motivating. Just thought I would Pay It Forward! The website does accept donations, but not required.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    I am getting tired of eating certain things as well.

    Thanksgiving was not good to me this year. Need to get back on track. Have been missing my strength workouts and choosing unhealthy foods.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    We can do it though! I may be tired of eating peanut butter, but have I looked up unique recipes that call for peanut butter? Nope. Maybe that is what I should do? My roommates buy huge peanut butter jars at Sam's Club. I would like a change, but I do not complain. I do not go to Sam's Club anymore with them as we always argue. So, I challenge myself to a peanut butter search.

    Hugs to you.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    I received this recipe in my email inbox today and just have to tell you. The recipe is called Pineapple Cream Cheese Dip. Have you ever heard about this recipe? One can grab the ingredients from the dollar store! Cream cheese, pineapple, pecans, onions (optional) and seasoning salt. I think this one is a winner.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Sorry haven't been by lately. Been real busy. Made cabbage soup the other day with pinto beans. I always add extra veggies in it to make it more filling and close to a stew. Also can add a startch and/or meat to make it more of a meal. Today have a root canal. Eating might get tricky for a couple days.
    ON_A_DIET Posts: 58 Member
    Hello all you Eating On A Budget members! Sorry so late! Better late than never, right? This week, I am challenging myself to only spend $5.00 on food or drink that I really need. What would YOU purchase? However, I am going to Amish country on this Friday and am taking spending money to buy treats...Christmas presents such as assorted Amish jalapeno jams. I definitely am buying my priest some treats to have before Christmas though! What would you buy with jam? I do not want bread, bagels or english muffins though. Have a wonderful afternoon!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Crackers and cheese would go nicely with the jam. If I could only spend $5 I would definitely make sure I had bananas and grapes.