TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (November)



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    gsheppy wrote: »
    Walked fir the first time in prob a year. I had my knee done. Meniscus. Hurt a little. Feels likes a grinding. Really tight. Start pt tomorrow.

    I did it. I’m so happy. 🤗🤗🤗🏃‍♀️

    @gsheppy I am happy for you!! Congratulations on going for your first walk in a year, and I hope the PT exercises can help with the grinding feeling.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    gsheppy wrote: »
    Walked fir the first time in prob a year. I had my knee done. Meniscus. Hurt a little. Feels likes a grinding. Really tight. Start pt tomorrow.

    I did it. I’m so happy. 🤗🤗🤗🏃‍♀️

    @gsheppy. Congrats on the walk... hope it will get easier with pt! What did you have done to your meniscus? I had a root repair Aug 2020 and it was a longer recovery then I thought and while still not great yet...the knee is so much better then where it was before surgery!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    sandkp wrote: »
    Username: sandkp
    November Week #2
    startingW: 225.4
    PW: 223.8
    CW: 219.6

    Hoping this is okay a day early. I will not have access to a scale tomorrow.

    @sandkp A four pound loss is more than okay any day of the week!! Well done, Shawnee!!

    @haswlrs. Thanks!! kind of helps me feel better about that no loss last week thing.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    I know I said I was gonna write out my why. . But life gets in my way. Maybe I will have to resort to writing it in a note on the phone and transferring it here cause time at my desk and computer sure isnt happening like I thought it would. Guessing we all know about that time thing... I can say I opted to walk vs sit/type yesterday in my 25 min notice before visitors arrived... but a parent drop by I am not gonna turn down...have to make time for family.

    Traveling again tomorrow and next day so hoping another college town will bring me some walking time cause I will be sitting alot on the long drives. Fingers crossed for good (and right!) Food orders this time.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • kristiekay1962
    kristiekay1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Nov. 9
    track: yes
    under: no
    water: 8 glasses
    exercise: 62 min.
    steps: 9762

    Went home from work today. I have an eye infection, so I got an antibiotic. Not sure why I keep getting them, I'm careful, wash my hands and use hand sanitizer all the time. I keep thinking it has to do with having to wear a mask all the time. This is the 3rd one since 2020. Have a Wonderful Wednesday Team TBBT. 🍂🍗🍁🦃💞
  • forbes_melissa
    forbes_melissa Posts: 81 Member
    Daily check in
    Walked 4.20 miles
    Didn’t drink my gallon of water
    Stayed within my daily calorie intake
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    I did good yesterday.

    Log yes
    Under yes
    Exercise YES. So happy. I paid for it. Knee really sore.

    Happy hump day.
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    @gsheppy. Congrats on the walk... hope it will get easier with pt! What did you have done to your meniscus? I had a root repair Aug 2020 and it was a longer recovery then I thought and while still not great yet...the knee is so much better then where it was before surgery!

    @sandkp. I had a clean up of the meniscus oct 6. It was a minor procedure. I was walking around with no pain. I was shocked. What is a root??
  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    edited November 2021
    How do you do the quote box. I really don’t know how. It would be so much easier to reply at the post.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    @gsheppy xcw7nrt730mx.jpg

    you click the little quote button at the bottom of the post that you are quoting
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    Tuesday 9 November
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Happy Hump Day!
  • kkay2345
    kkay2345 Posts: 99 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    kkay2345 wrote: »
    But this week will be better!! I already got my exercise in for today and started tracking my calories. I look forward to losing weight with everyone!

    @kkay2345 Hello! Are you still with us? Even if last week wasn't a better week, that's okay; just keep trying! Monday is a great day to start fresh!!

    I am still here!!! Sorry! I had the craziest past week. I was in total survival mode. I was able to exercise and track most days so I would say that is a win! Back on track with posting today. :)

    Here is my weigh in from Sunday:

    Username: kkay2345
    November Week #2
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: 173.2
    Current Weight: 172.2
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    My Why
    I want to feel good about myself. Right now, I hate going places/ doing things because I feel so awful about myself. I'm missing out on making memories because of it. I want to feel good about wearing something other than jeans and t-shirt. I want my clothes to not pinch and squeeze.

    I am hoping for a special major life event to happen soon before I get too old. I am too afraid to say what it is out loud because I am afraid it won't happen. Y'all can probably guess. But I want to be as healthy as I can be.

  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Nov. 9
    track: yes
    under: no
    water: 8 glasses
    exercise: 62 min.
    steps: 9762

    Went home from work today. I have an eye infection, so I got an antibiotic. Not sure why I keep getting them, I'm careful, wash my hands and use hand sanitizer all the time. I keep thinking it has to do with having to wear a mask all the time. This is the 3rd one since 2020. Have a Wonderful Wednesday Team TBBT. 🍂🍗🍁🦃💞

    I hope it will heal quickly and be gone for good.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    I know I said I was gonna write out my why. . But life gets in my way. Maybe I will have to resort to writing it in a note on the phone and transferring it here cause time at my desk and computer sure isnt happening like I thought it would. Guessing we all know about that time thing... I can say I opted to walk vs sit/type yesterday in my 25 min notice before visitors arrived... but a parent drop by I am not gonna turn down...have to make time for family.

    Traveling again tomorrow and next day so hoping another college town will bring me some walking time cause I will be sitting alot on the long drives. Fingers crossed for good (and right!) Food orders this time.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Enjoy your travels. You are right about taking time for family.
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member
    edited November 2021

    Hey all, not a great day. But, ...ok..I'll take a minute and come back with better choices on my attitude
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    mhoss2 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I didn't log my food for a couple of days but restarting today.. I thought about something I read a really long time ago because I got kinda down standing in front of my mirror before my shower this morning.. When you start back up with healthy living.. and whatever that looks like to you.. you will always feel better first before you look better.. and that is what I am going to focus on.. My energy is going up, my body hurts a little less in the joints and it takes me longer to get out of breath when I go for a walk.. the NSVs are important.. Also, I find that if I change the narrative in my head from "I didn't" to "I did" it helps... so instead of saying "I didn't work out today" I say all the things I did do today to add to my health bucket.. so far today I had a lot of veggies for breakfast, I drank a lot of water, I picked a healthier lunch option, I went for a walk.

    Keep up the great work everyone!!! Even if the scale doesn't reflect our hard work, that's ok!! and even if you didn't put 100% in today, that's ok too.. baby steps are better than standing still or walking backwards.. ok rant over! Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.. :D

    This is what we all need to come back to when we are getting down on ourselves and our journey. Thank you for this!
    I love your profile picture, by the way!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    @brandi_84 OK, here goes, and I'll try not to write a book. ;) I'm 61 and have been on this journey most of my life. My Why changed over the years from wnating to look good going out partying with my friends, to lose the baby fat, to not be an embarassment to my kids, to look good for a special event, etc. I think perhaps my current Why may be the most important.

    Being 61, retirement is no longer some far off point in the future but actually just a couple of years away. Life expectancy being what it is my biggest fear is not having enough money to live on. I've been doing a lot of research on the subject and the biggest expense senior citizens have is healthcare. Thus, if I want my money to last I need to be healthy. I need to do cardio to keep my heart and lungs strong. Strength and yoga to keep my bones and muscles strong and my balance good so that I don't fall and break a hip. I need to eat right so that my body has the nutrients that it needs to stay healty and strong.

    My father was morbidly obese. The last years of his life he had emphysema and COPD and was on oxygen 24/7. I recently saw my brother at my niece's wedding, first time in 2 years due to COVID. I was shocked at the weight he had gained. Talking to him later I learned that during the last 2 years he had been bedridden due to blood clots in his legs and had a total hip replacement (yes I somehow missed those things). While talking he was sitting down because he didn't have the energy to stand, and he had to take off his bowtie because he couldn't breathe. Honestly it's a wonder he made it down the aisle. My brother is only 63.

    Bottom line here is that we have a choice on how we age. We can't prevent getting older but we can prevent decaying. I intend to stay strong enough and healty enough to live my life, not sit in a recliner and watch from the sidelines. I want to continue to ride my bike and roll down hills with my grandson and everything else that life entails for as long as possible.

    That is my why.
    I've been thinking about much of what you have said a lot lately. I'm seeing people around me decay because they are choosing to be comfortable sitting in the recliner and blaming it on everyone else. I have decided that I don't want that to be me at any age. Thank you for sharing your "why". You are so inspiring. I see how active you are in life and I want to get to that in my own life.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    So, I ask you TBBT - What is your why?

    Please share what made you decide to begin this journey, what motivation do you have?

    @brandi_84 This is an excellent jumping off point for a thought provoking post which embodies both retrospection and envisioning the future! I would encourage everyone to be as specific as possible; everyone wants to "look better" and "feel better", but delve a little deeper!


    Looking Better:

    1. My son is in a very serious relationship and a wedding is most certainly in the near future. (And if they cannot get their Visa situation figured out, it may be sooner than any of us thinks!) Those pictures are forever and I do not want any negative thoughts coming into my head every time I look at them! I only want happy memories, with no regrets! And I also want my son to be proud of my transformation, which would be evident in those photos.

    2. My husband has gained a few pounds since our wedding, too, but no where near as many as I have. It hardly seems fair to him. He is always telling me how much he loves me and he still calls me his bride, so he deserves a woman that is closer to that woman in appearance! It would be one thing if there was a disease or serious injury responsible for my weight gain, but it is just me being self sabotaging and basically unappreciative of the good things that I have in my life, even if there are a few things missing.

    3. My husband has a bucket-list dream of going to an opera or a symphony in Vienna or Prague or London and in this dream he is wearing a tuxedo and I am wearing an evening gown. If this dream were to become a reality, I definitely would want to do it up right and look smoking hot!!

    Feeling Better:

    1. I injured my right knee a year ago. It is basically okay for the most part, but it will never be as good as it can be until I lose weight. I was going to physio for it, but I realized I was wasting my time if I didn't lose the weight, too, so I quit. Two and a half years ago I hurt my right foot, (boot camp) and two years ago I hurt my right ankle, (curling) and both injuries were weight related. I am too young to have to bow out of activities because I can no longer do them....I can no longer do them because I am overweight, not because I am a senior citizen!! I still want to run a 10K someday, but again, until I lose weight, training for such an endeavour would be fruitless, not to mention impossible!! I would also like to go skiing with my son's new girlfriend and her parents next time we are in Slovakia, and again, to do that I need to get in shape, and to get in shape I need to lose weight!!

    2. In the spring, my blood work revealed I had a fatty liver. Apparently many people do and are not even aware! I do not eat fried foods, and I drink rarely so the culprit is the junk food that I consume in copious amounts at any one sitting!! If I keep this up, my liver will stop working altogether, and then I am cannot sugar-coat that one!!
    I love your "whys". Thank you so much for sharing, Lisa. I love that your reasons are so that you can be more active.
    I also have something coming up where there will be pictures and I, too, want to be able to go back and just have happy memories. So, I understand.

    Also, I wish curling would become a thing here. I would so love to try it.
  • forbes_melissa
    forbes_melissa Posts: 81 Member

    workout: 3.25 mile walk

    drank my gallon of water

    stayed within my daily calories