Retirement Projects



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    A belated Christmas present for my son. The dragon twist is something I've seen done before and thought it would be fun to try as a tapered twist and call it a dragon tail. Little did I know how difficult it would be to pull off. Guess I should have started before Christmas Eve.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    A belated Christmas present for my son. The dragon twist is something I've seen done before and thought it would be fun to try as a tapered twist and call it a dragon tail. Little did I know how difficult it would be to pull off. Guess I should have started before Christmas Eve.
    Skills development... :smiley:
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Today was a good day.

    Should'a spent the whole day working on reassembling the engine on our 48" walk-behind mower but after lunch played hooky and went over to a fellow blacksmith's workshop who I just met online yesterday. Had no idea there was another blacksmith so close (under 7 miles).

    We worked on making a pair of tongs to hold 1" square stock. Forged out the nibs and boss, then cut that off the parent stock to forge weld onto smaller 1/2" round stock for the reins. We then worked as a striker team to draw out the reins.

    Four hours went by like that [snaps fingers].

    Now I have to forge the other half of mine, clean them up, and then rivet them together.


    I'll be carpooling down to Arkansas Saturday with my new acquaintance to attend a blacksmith meet put on by Blacksmith Organization of Arkansas (BOA), Northwest Chapter. Technically, I live in Missouri but the Blacksmiths Association of Missouri (BAM) is mainly around the St. Louis area which is a three hour drive from my place. The Arkansas group is (slightly) closer.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    I enjoyed my trip to BOA's blacksmith's meet yesterday.

    An early start to a crisp winter morning. John picked me up about 5:45 AM and we started to Arkansas with the stars behind a full moon to guide us. We stopped in Harrison at a local dinner and watched the sunrise as we waited for breakfast. Two eggs (sunny-side up), three strips of bacon, hash browns (crispy, if a bit greasy), and two slices of wheat toast, along with a bottomless cup of black coffee. Typical greasy spoon fair. Delicious but about as far away from healthy as you can get. Loved it.

    Rolled into the driveway of the blacksmith hosting the meet just after 9 AM. He gave a demo on a few techniques using a guillotine tool mounted on a treadle hammer along with his traditional blacksmith's forge and bellows.

    Amazing results.

    That is not a leather belt. It is entirely steel, forged and fabricated, to resemble a leather belt. Actually a strap to hold down his hot-rod's rear mounted gas tank; a modified '06 Jeep body on a Ford F150 frame.

    The oldest member, 79, brought in these samples of his work.

    As much as I enjoyed the meet, I probably won't join the club nor go back for another one unless it is much closer. This one was over 120 miles away, 2 hr 14 min travel according to Google Maps. Four and a half hours travel round trip for a 6 hour meet is a bit much.

    I might give Missouri's club (BAM) a try next winter but that's a 230 mile trip, 3 hr 28 min according to Maps, and then back again. That'll be a long, long day.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    edited February 2020
    d_thomas02 wrote: »

    Two eggs (sunny-side up), three strips of bacon, hash browns (crispy, if a bit greasy), and two slices of wheat toast, along with a bottomless cup of black coffee. Typical greasy spoon fair. Delicious but about as far away from healthy as you can get. Loved it.

    You need to add fake pancake syrup, some doughnuts, and at least some links and patties if you REALLY want unhealthy. Or some biscuits and gravy.

    d_thomas02 wrote: »

    That is not a leather belt. It is entirely steel, forged and fabricated, to resemble a leather belt. Actually a strap to hold down his hot-rod's rear mounted gas tank; a modified '06 Jeep body on a Ford F150 frame.

    That is really cool! If only you could make something similar to go on the wheels, you could have steel-belted radials.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    I enjoyed my trip to BOA's blacksmith's meet yesterday.

    An early start to a crisp winter morning. John picked me up about 5:45 AM and we started to Arkansas with the stars behind a full moon to guide us. We stopped in Harrison at a local dinner and watched the sunrise as we waited for breakfast. Two eggs (sunny-side up), three strips of bacon, hash browns (crispy, if a bit greasy), and two slices of wheat toast, along with a bottomless cup of black coffee. Typical greasy spoon fair. Delicious but about as far away from healthy as you can get. Loved it.

    Rolled into the driveway of the blacksmith hosting the meet just after 9 AM. He gave a demo on a few techniques using a guillotine tool mounted on a treadle hammer along with his traditional blacksmith's forge and bellows.

    Amazing results.

    That is not a leather belt. It is entirely steel, forged and fabricated, to resemble a leather belt. Actually a strap to hold down his hot-rod's rear mounted gas tank; a modified '06 Jeep body on a Ford F150 frame.

    The oldest member, 79, brought in these samples of his work.

    As much as I enjoyed the meet, I probably won't join the club nor go back for another one unless it is much closer. This one was over 120 miles away, 2 hr 14 min travel according to Google Maps. Four and a half hours travel round trip for a 6 hour meet is a bit much.

    I might give Missouri's club (BAM) a try next winter but that's a 230 mile trip, 3 hr 28 min according to Maps, and then back again. That'll be a long, long day.

    Wow, that belt is really refined and detailed, right down to contrast in surface textures: I don't know the craft, but I have to believe that requires a lot of long-developed and highly-refined skill, patience, and care!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    The steel belt is cool... and I've never seen a hotrod like that Jeep/Ford hybrid! Fascinating!!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited February 2020
    Quick update from the smithy.

    Been trying to learn forge welding, a useful skill to have for a blacksmith especially when welding on reins to tongs. First pair on the right, next pair on the left is waiting to be welded up. Been going over to John's every so often during this winter's slow season for blacksmithing "lessons". He's showing me how to forge weld but I appear to be a thickheaded student. You'll probably hear me this coming Sunday afternoon if I get one to stick by myself.

    I'll also be taking this hunk of 304 Stainless Steel that got mixed up into a box of 4140 drops I bought. 1 1/2" round by 3 1/2" long (38 mm x 89 mm), about a pound and three quarters (800 grams roughly). Thought I'd make a light 'soft' hammer out of it. 304 doesn't have enough carbon in it to heat treat into a good hardened hammer, but it does work harden so the more I use it, the harder it will get.

    Been working on the treadle hammer too. Got a few pieces ready to stick weld. These will be the tool inserts and holders on the anvil and hammer assemblies. I still have to forge the upper tang for the tool insert.

    And finally a tool I've been wanting to make for some time. A blacksmith's guillotine. About half done. Ran out of wire for my MIG welder so C clamp to keep it together for now.

    That's all for now. I'll check back in first of March when our busy season starts.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited November 2021
    Been almost two years, what with COVID in 2020 and then the crappy employee situation in 2021.

    I have managed to make it into the smithy once or twice during this time.

    Forged this kissing horses heart from a horseshoe for a friend to give his sister for a wedding present.

    And a little progress on the treadle hammer.

    After I retire again at the end of this season I should have more time for the smithy.

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    I'm to the point in my renovation of putting in baseboards & trimming windows... Not a big fan of this kind of fussy work but it needs to get done.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,069 Member

    Last winter’s big project was the completion of my Bear River Redbird canoe. Had a few great trips in it this summer. I’ll be building two kayaks over this winter.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    Farback wrote: »
    Last winter’s big project was the completion of my Bear River Redbird canoe. Had a few great trips in it this summer. I’ll be building two kayaks over this winter.

    Good to see you back, Farback.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    That is a gorgeous boat. I wish I had shop space. Or even space to store more canoes and kayaks.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    That's a beautiful canoe, @Farback: Lovely lines, bet she's a joy to paddle.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,069 Member

    Lot of inside cuts on the forms for one of the kayaks I’m working on. I used to do this the hard way by hand. Little ingenuity adapting the jigsaw to the router bench. Made an insert plate for the router recess, a couple cleats to hold the jigsaw, and now have a much easier cut process for these forms.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    Farback wrote: »
    Lot of inside cuts on the forms for one of the kayaks I’m working on. I used to do this the hard way by hand. Little ingenuity adapting the jigsaw to the router bench. Made an insert plate for the router recess, a couple cleats to hold the jigsaw, and now have a much easier cut process for these forms.

    That is brilliant! Well done!!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited February 2022
    I've developed an interest in mushrooms and since I've not had any luck finding them in the wild so far, I decided to look into farming mushrooms at home.

    I did my research and started putting together an indoor hobby mushroom farm. This is what I've come up with to grow mushrooms in my mostly unheated basement/shop/garage.


    Note the table itself is totally repurposed used materials. steel door with pallet lumber for legs.

    The main kit is the grow tent. Inside the tent is a heavy duty storage shelving unit. To the left are the tent environmental controls. A three gallon humidifier, humidistat, two thermostats and automatic timer for the lights.


    The automatic timer controls a strip of LED lights inside the tent. Mushrooms don't need light to grow, but it is a key motivator to fruit. It is currently set for 10 hr per day.


    The humidistat controls the humidifier directly. It is currently set to maintain humidity between 80 and 85%.

    The main thermostat indirectly controls the temperature inside the tent via a inline water pump that pumps water from a heated reservoir (small aquarium with second thermostat controlling a heater set currently to maintain 70F) through a radiator inside the tent and then recycles back into the reservoir in a closed loop.Two 12V fans are mounted on the radiator that run all the time keeping the air moving inside the tent. The thermostat keeps the temperature inside the grow tent between 61 and 62F. The reservoir is currently inside the tent but I’ll be moving it outside as soon as my first crop is harvested.


    I purchased a three block “Table Top Farm Set” from an on-line supplier to start with. Pre-inoculated and incubated hardwood sawdust blocks arrive ready to fruit. You just open the blocks according to the instructions and wait a few weeks before starting the harvest.

    My set includes Shiitake, Chestnut, and King Oyster mushrooms.


    The king oyster block is on the bottom left. (The heated reservoir is on the bottom right wrapped in black plastic.)


    The chestnut block is on the left while the shiitake block is on the right.

    So far, so good. Now I just gotta sit on my hands for a couple of weeks. Maybe take the time to organize all the controls neatly on a control panel. ;)

    I also purchased two other blocks. One for Maitake (Hen of the Woods) and one for Chicken of the Woods. Cultivating these are a bit different. I have enough sawdust spawn to inoculate six small oak logs each after each log is run through a pressure cooker to kill any wild competition. After the logs are inoculated, they’ll be incubated for two to three months before being planted in my wife’s hosta garden on the north side of our house. In one to two years I should be harvesting those in the fall for several years to come.

    Maitake on the left Chicken of the Woods on the right.


    Now I just have to wait for nine inches of snow to melt.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    I've developed an interest in mushrooms and since I've not had any luck finding them in the wild so far, I decided to look into farming mushrooms at home.

    I have a close friend who has worked for a company that cultures and grows the spawn for commercial mushroom growers and for the companies that sell the kits to amateurs like us. A few weeks ago, she gave me some dowels that were inoculated with shiitake. In the past, she's given me logs that she inoculated and stored until they were close to ready to fruit. I inoculated a new oak log, and it might fruit this spring/summer, or it might be a year later.

    Shiitake doesn't grow wild here. It never will. It isn't very aggressive, and it will not grow if there's competition from other fungus. That said, she advised me I don't even need to bother with capping the plugs with wax. Just be sure not to pound them in past the cambium.

    I wonder if she grew the spawn that was used to put your kit together. That would be cool. Shiitake is her favorite. She's not a fan of sawdust growing; she likes logs. She hates all the plastic involved in part of what she does. She's been teaching me a lot.

    My logs weren't cooked to kill other organisms. They were green. They had lots of sapwood. I drilled holes and pushed in the plugs. Now the trick is to leave them out in the rain, but not all the time. They can get too wet. In summer I just water them or soak them every week or three. This time of year, when it rains all the time, I leave them out when they "feel light" and put them back in the carport when they're saturated. She has stacks in her yard that she covers with an upside down kiddie pool to keep some of the rain off during the winter. I think she uses that to soak logs in the summer when it doesn't rain. She's the friend that found the Sparassis when we were out stomping around looking for Candy Caps a couple months ago. Yum. I was the officiant at her wedding; her husband literally wrote the book on truffles.

    Three months to Morel season! There's still littlefoot (winter) chanterelles out. Maybe I'll find some soon.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    edited February 2022
    Though I feel like my hobbies are not quite standard here lately, I'm going to put my stake in the ground, and share something(s) quite different:


    One of my hobbies is experimenting with which houseplants I can manage to kill (or occasionally not), including some orchids. The one above is Gerberara 'Snow Ballet', which just opened (in my remarkably cold foyer), bloom about 2" across. There are more buds.

    For some reason - maybe because I did some dividing over the summer? - I've had a good Winter for orchids reblooming. I've also got a cute little cactus that's bloomed multiple times (I think a Mammilaria), in addition to the usual indoor bloom-y things like Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) and Peace Lily (Spathyphyllum). That's in addition to a bunch of foliage things, a couple of which are rapidly becoming expansive window treatments . . . and others of which are objectively dying at varied speeds.

    Another hobby - as I think I've reported here previously - is jewelry making. Since having multiple vision problems, that's become more fraught, and I'm still not doing thing that involve off-loom beadweaving of tiny beads. This was a simple stringing project, made for a close friend as a Christmas gift. There's some agates, some jaspers, some glass, some gold-filled wire/findings in there, plus a (purchased) ceramic focal.


  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Update on the Mushroom Farm. Five days after installing the table top blocks in the grow tent.

    Shiitake, day 0 and then day 5.

    King Oyster, day 0 and then day 5.

    Chestnuts look pretty much the same as day 0 but they are slower to fruit than the others.