WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    I guess I'm trying to eat a lot of protein because I want to maintain my muscle mass while losing. Does anyone have any advice about that? I know you can't really build muscle while eating at a calorie deficit so maybe that's just futile on my part.
    You certainly can build muscle while eating at a calorie deficit - in fact, building muscle helps you lose weight better than anything. You do not need to eat large amounts of protein to build muscle - you just have to work your muscles. All the different kinds of things you do with your muscles help. The more you use them, the more muscle you build, the more calories you burn. The amount of protein does not need to be super high - 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight is the baseline (0.36 grams per pound). You weigh 185 pounds, so that comes to 67 grams per day. If you are super active and really stressing the muscles you might want to add a bit, but you really do not need to worry about it. If you are feeling weak when eating that amount, then go ahead and bump it up a bit, but the working of the muscles so that they burn more calories is going to make a big difference in weight loss, where just increasing protein will not automatically help you lose weight and keep muscle mass. The good thing about protein is that it helps us feel full longer than carbs, so it helps control appetite. Relax about that, keep the calories within reason, and hopefully your balance will become easier.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Exercise for this week -
    Sunday - 11,380 steps, Pilates 30 minutes
    Monday - 10,534 steps, Pilates 15 minutes, exercise bike (moderate) 45 minutes
    Tuesday - 7,894 steps, Pilates 15 minutes, exercise bike 30 minutes
    Wednesday - 8,049 steps, Pilates 30 minutes, exercise bike 45 minutes
    Thursday - 9,899 steps, Pilates 30 minutes
    Friday - 8,765 steps, exercise bike 45 minutes
    Saturday - 10,768 steps
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    @kellie_erin Agree with @jugar on this topic but I know where you're coming from as I feel this is a popular sentiment out there.

    I would recommend this article for further reading on this topic:
    It's long, veers in a few directions, and some of it will state what we're already well familiar with, but then in gets into your very question.....

    Main point -
    If you have fat stores (and we all do), you do not need to be in a “caloric surplus” to rebuild muscle. The calories stored in your fat cells act as this required energy.

    They say if you train heavy and eat a caloric deficit, your body will pull from its fat stores to both fuel itself and potentially also build muscle. Outside of this they also say eating enough protein is critical too for creating this new tissue.

    Anyway, the protein discussion is a big one... I don't have advice on how much and this article is advocating for high quantities, which I personally don't have an opinion on and I've seen the same numbers @jugar is talking about in other articles. I don't try to hit certain macros at this point so it's not something I really have advice on.

    But I would say if you're worried about muscle loss as you lose weight then you want to lift more and look at adding more protein. And then I think you can have it all!!! :)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Steph1498 wrote: »
    @jugar - CW as of Thursday my weight was 165.0

    Sorry for not checking in this week. I traveled to the US Thursday to attend a school event and to visit my son and mom for Thanksgiving. Its a little hectic here. But I am so fortunate that everyone is healthy. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    How fun.. hope you're having a great time in the US with family!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    DD265 wrote: »

    It's 8pm but I'm not going to do much more today so figured I'd add the steps now. Any guesses for which day I didn't leave the house?! I wouldn't mind, except I really was busy doing things (I was off work) but I suppose the house is pretty small so even going from the office to the kitchen doesn't get you many steps.

    I totally know what you mean here - I've had days where I felt so active on my feet but my step count doesn't really show anything at all because while it felt like a lot, it was a small space.

    Today was a good day - we had a mini road trip up to Red Deer and had a nice breakfast out, got our dog groomed, and did some shopping. I rode the bike, did a couple walks, did yoga and strength, and made us shrimp pad thai from a new meal kit service we're trying this week.

    I am finding I'm at that point where I really look forward to my exercise every day.

    Today's exercise:
    11 minutes yoga/stretching, 15 minutes HIIT, 40 minutes Peloton, 8035 steps

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Last call for @evangsimmons170 ! Hope to hear from you this morning, thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Tallies are done, and we did not hit the top 3 as a team, but we DID have two of the three top losers of all! Well done @AshenMoon and @ashleycarole86 !

    We have 2 more weigh-ins this month, so if you are in the USA celebrating Thanksgiving this week, you'll still have another week after that to soften the blow, in case you enjoy the feast enough to kick your weight up. Enjoy the pies and goodies, but then enjoy the "perfect days" before and after, OK? They feel great and help you get the pride in your losses right back.

    I'm aiming for a really long walk today. I have not done one in a while - enough of this toddling about for less than an hour!! Have a great day or remainder of day for those of you in far away time zones :heart:
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member

    Our third week of November has concluded! Be sure to check out the results of this past week in the link below.

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,082 Member
    Here are my step and exercise stats for the past 7 days:

    14th Nov - 4792
    15th Nov - 6839 / 52 minutes Arm Day (Epic 2 Day 17)
    16th Nov - 3003
    17th Nov - 3582 / 63 minutes Leg Pyramid Sets (Epic 2 Day 18)
    18th Nov - 3414 / 54 minutes Strong Shoulders w/Weights (Epic 2 Day 19)
    19th Nov - 3826 / 25 minutes Full Body no Equipment (Epic 2 Day 20) & 23 minutes Aerobics
    20th Nov - 6894

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 6093
    Mon 14,101
    20 min Barre
    Tues 10,802
    Wed 12,709
    Thurs 13,608
    Fri 14,401
    Sat 6,980

  • sljjjembeca
    sljjjembeca Posts: 40 Member
    Steps and exercise this week

    Sun 26953
    Mon 21084
    Tues 13964 26 min treadmill
    Wed 25818
    Thurs 7870
    Fri 13033
    Sat 11414 30 minutes treadmill

    Thanks @ashleycarole86 for the great insight, I have to put some thought into the abstainer vs moderator 🤷‍♀️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
This discussion has been closed.