Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    DW- It can be quite heartwarming to go through photos. I know when I do, it brings back so many memories that would otherwise be forgotten. I would like to take more photos. I don't do it often enough and now that it's so easy, there isn't any excuse to do so.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Good morning everyone! We arrived in MN late yesterday. Snow on the ground and,of course, it’s cold! MN in December so normal.

    The afternoon before we flew out we learned of a death in the family. He was our daughter’s ex-husband, Jack, and father to our 3 grandchildren. He died in Florida. Our grandson (living in AZ) managed to get a seat on the same flight back with us and everyone has gathered now with their mom. Our grandson was his dad’s only “next of kin” so was notified of his death by the hospital. He was totally unprepared for getting that call. It is a sad time and much to be decided and many unknowns as to handling everything long distance in Florida. Quite complicated, including autopsy required and then getting his remains back to MN. Sadly, their father (age 55) had addiction issues since his teens, including pain pills and alcohol, and his death was from liver and heart failure. He was found unresponsive in his apartment and they were unable to save him at hospital. I am continuing to pray for his soul, that he may now Rest In Peace with God and his mother and father who have passed before him. And, I am praying for his children for strength and guidance and peace during the days ahead.🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    So sorry to hear about the loss for the family. Those are very hard circumstances in which to say goodbye. Praying for the children as they work through grief and work through all of the logistics. Definitely for peace and guidance.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Diane, So sorry for your and your family's loss. I will add Jack to my prayers for the departed for the next 40 days as is our custom. How comforting and what a blessing that your grandson was able to fly on the same plane. I am sure you are a comfort and wonderful support to him. Glad you are safely in MN, despite the snow and cold. Hugs to you and your family.

    Today is quite a lazy day for me, after a relatively busy day yesterday. I just don't have much energy today, so I am doing what I must do and not stressing over what isn't getting done. It is somewhat unseasonably cold here today, but a nice warm up is expected over the next 2 days. My eating was off course a bit yesterday. I was running some errands and wanted a break from cooking, so John and I decided to do a Taco Bell drive thru, something I haven't done in a very long time. I knew I could use my WW points by tracking the Taco Bell food. Well, it wasn't meant to be. I ordered "without onions" and got onions anyway. I just couldn't eat anything. I cannot tolerate even the slightest taste of onion. John doesn't care for onions either, but he isn't as bad as I am about it. So he ate a little bit, but we ended up eating a mixture of leftovers we had on hand instead. Lesson learned!!!! Today I am back on track and wrote a bad review on the Taco Bell survey from the receipt.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It’s cold and more snow predicted. Dreary day which matched my mood and my feeling of mourning. I am sad especially for his grieving kids and sad for all he missed in their lives due to his addictions. I hope and pray he now is at peace.

    We came home to no hot water. Electricity not working at the breaker and an electrician was to come today but never showed and did not call. We will call in the morning to see what we learn. We were told we would be a “work in” by 5:00. I hope they can be here tomorrow!

    Paula…that’s a bummer about the Taco Bell….I am sure you were looking forward to the treat! The new/old place my DH now likes to go drive through is Arbys. We had not gone in a few years but then they added a new Buffalo chicken sandwich he really likes! Goes to show the menu can make a big difference. I always get the old standby French dip!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    I hope you get your hot water Diane! Glad you have access to water even if it has to be cold. I couldn't shower in cold water.

    Grieving is so hard and exhausting. I pray that the family can work through it and be at peace.

    We don't eat out that often, so when we do and it doesn't taste good, it's hard to not feel disappointment over the unenjoyable calories. I haven't been to Arby's in a very long time and I do love a good chicken sandwich. I will have to give it a try when I have better numbers on the scale.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everybody! Diane, I am so sorry for the loss in your family! I will be keeping you all in my prayers! I hope that you have hot water!
    Paula, how disappointing about your Taco Bell order! Shari, you are right about the photos bringing back good memories- while I was sorting photos for my cousin's daughter, I also pulled many to give to my children and those were good memories!
    We are expecting weird weather tonight and tomorrow-warming temperatures and chances of severe thunder storms. Then the temps will drop through the day tomorrow and Sunday will be calm but cooler-it's all relative-I think the 40s(tomorrow's cooler temperature) are pretty warm for December!
    Today I packed up my final gift package that needs to go in the mail and hope to get it sent tomorrow morning. I hope you all have a peaceful weekend!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello to all and again thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
    We have temporary hot water for the weekend. Will not detail it but is a bit of an issue that will need to be permanently fixed but not before next week. Electrician did a work around yesterday afternoon to get power to water heater. Shower felt good today!!!
    We got 16” of snow yesterday afternoon and overnight….and we are not plowed out yet. Hoping to be plowed overnight tonight. I had gone to store and gotten groceries so we are fine “stuck” at home. We lost tv last evening as the snow buried our satellite dish but it has now melted or blown off enough from the roof so tonight tv should be an option again.
    Wishing everyone well, I am grateful for our blessings at this season of the year and taking everything one step at a time.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Diane, I feel for you in all that snow, but I imagine you are quite accustomed to such weather. Believe it or not we had record high temps here today, in the low to mid 60s but with lots of rain and wind. Glad you have hot water!!

    DW, What a great feeling to have your packages for mailing all taken care of. I will be wrapping this week for some of our relatives. I had decided that we will not go to visit them on Christmas day, so they have plans to come here on Dec. 17. That means I have to have the gifts wrapped and ready by then. I am glad I won't have to mail the packages.

    Shari, My friend Kay says that there is a lot of ice in the area where she lives. Are you experiencing the same? I believe she is more "in the city" than you are.

    Yesterday was another lazy day for me, which forced me to realize I was having a mini flare. So I rested quite a bit again yesterday and feel much better today. My eating was off yesterday for sure. I used a lot of my extra WW points, but am back in the groove today, thank goodness. I hope to write Christmas cards tomorrow and mail them on Monday. I am usually very late mailing my cards, for no good reason. I am determine to get the cards mailed early this coming week.

    A blessed Sunday to all!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    I am checking in today with a little good news. I weighed in this morning and am down another pound. It is actually a pound and a few ounces, but I decided to keep focused on whole numbers for a while. So for me, I am down a consistent 5 pounds through the combination of WW and IF. I guess my recent blips didn't do the damage I anticipated. So much more to go, but no complaints with my results so far. I feel pretty good and am enjoying mostly a restful day today.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    We do have have the same type of icy conditions at the farm. Everything is coated in ice and it's very slippery. I am thankful that the highway is clear, so driving into the city is just fine.

    Congrats on the weight loss Paula. I had a very restful morning, and just got home from picking up a few gifts for Christmas. It was nice to get out and do a bit of shopping. Now to relax the rest of the evening.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…congrats on the weight loss! 5 lbs is awesome! Looks like IF with WW is a switch your body likes! Glad you are seeing such good results.

    Shari…sounds like winter in Canada too…brrr. Hate to deal with ice…I am worried about falling! Be careful!

    DW….you sound very organized for Christmas…I am definitely not! Feel lucky just to have hot water right now🙂

    We are helping by transporting our son to medical appointments today thru Wednesday. The weather warmed some today and hope it continues while he is going through these procedures. He has a brain MRI tomorrow and I am praying for good news. Life has been extremely complicated of late.🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    Diane, I hope the MRI appointment goes well and that you don't have to wait too long for results. Praying for good news!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Diane, Thinking of you and praying for good news for your son. So much stress for you lately!!

    My day today was ok but not as solid as other recent good days. I did get a lot done again today but now feel quite tired. I am concerned that Craig has Covid. He called to tell me he is ill with symptoms such as a severe headache and his eyes hurting a great deal. Those symptoms are similar to the symptoms one of my relatives experienced when she had Covid. Craig had not had a Covid test when he called. Not sure if he is going to get tested. He hasn't been here since Dec. 6, so I feel fairly safe. But I will try to check in with him in the next few days. I am also concerned because he has asthma and smokes.....such a dangerous combination no matter what he has.

    I have another busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I am going to rest now and head to bed early.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    Let's pray that Craig is okay. A bit worrisome having been around him, but it is good that he hasn't been around for over a week.

    My weight is not budging and it looks like I am starting 2022 at the same weight I started 2021. I am thankful I am not heavier. I am not giving up. I am not waiting for the New Year to get started. I have to do that today. I have made so many changes, but it looks like I have more to make. I can do this!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula so sorry Craig is ill and it might be Covid. I hope he gets tested so he knows, people he may have exposed know, and also for a timeline for quarantine if he does have it. You should be OK because he likely did not have Covid when you saw him but they say you can’t be out of woods for two weeks past possible exposure? All these time frames are hard to keep straight. Saying my prayers all will be ok for him and for you and John.🙏🏻

    Answered prayers for our son. Very thankful! He does not have a pituitary tumor! His hormone levels are way off indicating a pituitary issue which is not uncommon with TBI…but they can not treat him until they ruled that tumor possibility out. He has retaken extensive blood work and is awaiting results and then he will get opinion of his endocrinologist.

    Shari….good for you that you are not waiting until the New Year to keep on track! Me too! With the strange early mornings schedule we have been on and uncertain meal times I have had two days off IF…but managed not to eat after dinner at all and restarted fasting until 11:00 today. So I feel I can now get back on track and remain on track.🤞👍.

    Wishing everyone good weather, good times with family during this Christmas season!❤️
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Diane, So happy that your son's results are good. Hoping that the endocrinologist provides what he needs.

    I called Craig and suggested he get a Covid test. He said he would do so. I haven't followed up yet to see if he got the test. I will give it a few more days before I call him again.

    I had a busy few days. Yesterday my energy level was high and my pain was not too bad, so I was able to accomplish quite a bit around the house. By bedtime I was exhausted but pleased with all I did. Today we had a late morning visit from our priest. He has been our pastor since August 2020 and is a very nice man and seems to be a good pastor. John and I appreciated his visit, about the 3rd time he's been here since coming to our church. I see that he has grown and improved over the past 16 months or so, which is great. Tomorrow our family is coming to visit. These are the relatives with whom we usually spend Christmas and Easter. They are coming here tomorrow primarily because we decided not to visit them on Christmas, mostly because of the all the steps we would have to navigate in their bi level home. We will get take out or delivery when they come. The 2-year-old and 4-year-old (John's Godson) are at the fussy eating stage so I will go along with whatever is easy for the kids. I have all their presents wrapped and am looking forward to seeing them. It will be 3 or 4 adults plus the 2 boys and me and John. I think we might wear masks but will see how it goes. Since we will be eating together, wearing masks seems somewhat impractical.

    My eating was good yesterday and today. Not sure what I will eat tomorrow, but I am ok with whatever we decide to do.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 297 Member
    HI Everybody! I was just catching up on all the communications I have missed. So far, I've nodded off while wrapping gifts each night this week. I have to wait until my husband goes to bed because I have the card table set up in the family room where he watches TV. Once he goes to bed, I start wrapping while watching TV shows that I enjoy-and then doze off. Last night I woke up around midnight with my head resting on my arms on the card table. Tonight I finished most of the wrapping and plan to take the card table down tomorrow and then start cleaning. Paula, I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family tomorrow! Shari, I am also struggling with my weight being up 3+ pounds since I started weight watchers. I think I need to combine, 17 DD, WW, and IF, and there are too many sweets and treats around right now to do that. Diane, prayers for your son!! Have a great Friday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 789 Member
    DW- I can just picture you falling asleep at the table since you describe the scene so well.
    I need to start doing some cleaning. I haven't been doing well emotionally and just exhausted. I keep distracted watching TV.

    I will make sure to spend time tonight and tomorrow cleaning. Love that there will be no pressure on Sunday now that I keep the sabbath.

    We are going to disappoint Jim's parents this weekend. We always seem to have contention with them. But they invited (for Christmas dinner on boxing day), his brother and family, his sister and family (great grandkids too) but less one son since he is not vaccinated. Jim and I, but not our children. I am hurt and brings back a lot of past hurt for me. So we will choose not to go. But in the past we would come up with some lame excuse and she would still be hurt that we don't go. This time we are going to say no, but add the real reason. She will still most likely take on being the one who is hurt, but I will not take responsibility for her reaction this time. No guilt. Counselling has helped me. I still don't always get there right away, but I am improved.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 918 Member
    Shari, I find it very difficult to clean when I am tired. I hope you gain some energy to make the cleaning go so much more smoothly. I am glad you are keeping the sabbath. For me doing so has a positive impact spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I am so sorry you are hurt by Jim's parents. I understand how painful their action can be. Good that your counseling is giving you strength and support!

    DW, I am free from having to do a lot of wrapping anymore for Christmas. I tend to use gift bags as much as possible, but there are always those gifts that are not well suited for gift bags. When John was little I used to procrastinate till Christmas eve to wrap most of his gifts. It was a strain on me for sure. I hear you about the sweets all around us now. Oh my! It is a struggle now for sure. When our family visited yesterday among other things, they brought us chocolate covered pretzels made by a church "back home." And of course anything from "back home" is the best, and I caved yesterday with the pretzels.

    We had a fabulous visit with our family yesterday. The boys were so much fun and very high energy. John was in his glory with the boys here. It warms my heart to see them together. They are at really fun ages and are relatively well behaved, all things considered. We got food from Panera Bread. I had the tomato soup and the tomato basil cucumber salad (all pretty healthy and very tasty). But then I indulged in the chocolate covered pretzels, so there went my attempt to stay on track. Ugh! Today the youth group from church came to sing Christmas carols, and they brought us a beautiful poinsettia. There were about 25 people ranging in age from 1 year old to a youth advisor who is in her 70s. It was so sweet and beautiful, but it really made us miss church and the beautiful people there even more. However, with all the surges again in Covid cases and my mobility issues, I am sure it will still be a while till we are back to church. I checked with Greg today, and he did go for the Covid test but hasn't gotten the results yet.