TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (January)



  • redhatsenior
    redhatsenior Posts: 133 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi Team!
    I am new here, but have done BLC on Sparkpeople. I am still confused about what thread to post my accountability on. I believe
    this is a discussion thread, not a logging thread.
    Anyway, yesterday I celebrated New Years and today am back on track. We joined Jenny Craig in Nov. and it helped me avaid
    gaining weight over the holidays.

    Go Team!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hi Team!
    I am new here, but have done BLC on Sparkpeople. I don’t have much left to lose, but the last pounds are really tough to shed.
    I am a retired librarian from northern Ohio and love the 4 seasons, our great Metroparks, and our beautiful national park just 20 minutes
    away. So lots of places to walk outside or cross country ski.

    Logged no
    Under no
    Exercise yes (25 min. Brisk walk)

    @redhatsenior I believe this was meant for the team thread.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi Team!
    I am new here, but have done BLC on Sparkpeople. I am still confused about what thread to post my accountability on. I believe
    this is a discussion thread, not a logging thread.
    Anyway, yesterday I celebrated New Years and today am back on track. We joined Jenny Craig in Nov. and it helped me avaid
    gaining weight over the holidays.

    Go Team!

    @redhatsenior this is a one stop shop thread for everything The Big Butt Theory (TBBT) related. That includes daily accountability posts, weekly weigh ins, random thoughts, complaining about one's husband/kids, and/or general venting. 😁

    If you're struggling and need support? Post here. If you have a question or are looking for suggestions or recommendations? Post here. If you have a non-scale victory (NSV)? Definitely post here. If you're bored and want to chat? Post here. This is a very supportive group of ladies. 🥰

    This is a safe place we use to support each other, whether or not it's health and fitness related. What happens on MFP stays on MFP. 😊

    I'm Sue by the way 🙋‍♀️. I'll get around to posting my intro tomorrow when I'm at my desk. In the meantime, if you have any other questions just tag me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. With the new forum format I still miss things sometimes. 😕

    Welcome to TBBT, we're glad you joined us.
  • everydaywechoose
    everydaywechoose Posts: 270 Member

    Sunday weekly check in.
    PW; 148.4
    CW 147.6

    Daily log for Jan 1
    Log; yes
    under; hell no...hahaha I was so behaved new years eve...but last night a dear friend and her hubby showed up unannounced. So, of course we had entertained them. We made mussels in garlic wine butter sauce and of course multigrain baguette so soak up the yumminess. Then steak, baked potatoes and asparagus. OOh and it was new years day, and here many of our friends have their family visiting during the holidays. So, we went for brunch with a friend and her brother and his family. We planned to go to a place on the beach, but all the staff was hung over so they were delaying were opening an hour later...haha so we went to a little known hole in the wall...but this day the whole world was there. So brunch took a few hours and no one ate what they ordered..but it's all lovely. The owners are awesome and they were doing the best they could...Heck we live in Mexico so this is how it goes...just go with it.

    Dee here, Hi all. Let's live our goals....lets breathe and be what we imagine. No one makes tomorrow happen. We choose our own reality. So, here we go...I'm 52, Canadian expat, retired a few years back. I lived in Central America for a few years, and now living in Mexico. Learning the language is a day I'll be proficient but I'm a slow, passive learner so that will be way in the future. We bought a lot (piece of land) and are building a house. We are super involved in the process, and have a great team. We also built a few houses in central we are very familiar with the process. I've always been active physically, love to trail run, it's my happy place. However, my new reality is I'm dealing with a spinal column issue that has changed my routine. I'm in this group to maintain my weight and lower it very slowly. Less weight even a few pounds is less that my body has to carry. My exercise is restorative yin yoga, and mobility pilates. Running is not an option. It's all good though....I have accepted my new reality and am enthralled with this new year. There is a whole future of unwritten tomorrows. What will I choose to do tomorrow?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member

    Top 3 Individual % by Team:

    The Big Butt Theory

    1st - @DaffyGirl88. - 0.68%
    2nd - @brandi_84. - 0.58%
    3rd - @rawrxamberx. - 0.54%

    Congratulations, Sue, Brandi and Amber for being able to post a loss right after Christmas and for being the top three losers, respectively, on team The Big Butt Theory last week!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    December Grand Finale Results:

    The Biggest Loser Is..

    1st - @Jeffeo84. - 7.52%
    2nd - @Chalmation. - 4.56%
    3rd - @JenKindo. - 4.36%

    Top 3 Individual % by Team:

    The Big Butt Theory

    1st - @JenKindo. - 4.36%
    2nd - @sandkp. - 3.62%
    3rd - @dracocapricorn. - 2.09%

    Congratulations to @JenKindo for being the Third Overall Biggest Loser for the month of December, losing 4.36% of her body weight!! That is awesome for any month, but especially for December!! And congratulations to @sandkp and @dracocapricorn for rounding out the top three Big Butts for the month of December!! Very inspiring should all be very proud of your hard work and dedication!!
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    Daily check in for Jan 2

    Logged food: Yes
    Under calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, elliptical, bike, weights
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello everyone!

    @rebekah2882 Hi, Rebekah!! Welcome to team The Big Butt Theory!! You are listed as having a Sunday weigh-in, so please post a weight as soon as you can. If it's not good, that's okay; We all know how hard it can be to get back on track after the holidays. This will just become your "new" starting point and it's all downhill from here!!
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »

    Top 3 Individual % by Team:

    The Big Butt Theory

    1st - @DaffyGirl88. - 0.68%
    2nd - @brandi_84. - 0.58%
    3rd - @rawrxamberx. - 0.54%

    Congratulations, Sue, Brandi and Amber for being able to post a loss right after Christmas and for being the top three losers, respectively, on team The Big Butt Theory last week!

    Awesome ladies! Way to end out the year!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Mrscanmore wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I haven't been on mfp for a while, so may need to relearn some things.

    My goals for the month are to track my food and cut out late night snacking.
    Hi Everyone!
    My goals will be to do ST 3 days a week and drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    @Mrscanmore and @redhatsenior Welcome, ladies! You both have great goals for the month and I wish you good luck with them! I hope you have been successful at finding your way around the team thread.
  • maryc11
    maryc11 Posts: 415 Member
    Name Maryc11
    Date 1/2/2022
    Exercise Yes
    Under Yes
    Steps 4983
    Water 68 oz
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    @DaffyGirl88 and @everydaywechoose Thank you, Sue and Dee, for always being so positive and motivating and just generally very helpful!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Sunday weekly check in.
    PW; 148.4
    CW 147.6

    @everydaywechoose What a great weigh-in to start the January Challenge!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    (Daily Post - Jan. 2)
    Logged: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Water: 12 cups

  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Daily post Jan 2
    Logged - yes
    Under - yes
    Exercise - cross country skiing and yoga

    It has been super cold here, but today we had a bit of a break. Our treadmill quit on us yesterday, so we are on the market for a new one, if anyone has any recommendations!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    (Daily Post - Jan. 2)
    Logged: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Water: 12 cups

    @rawrxamberx Such a good day, Amber!! I bet it felt great!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
    Sunday 2 January
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Back to the old grind today. Gonna be a long week. 😕 Happy rainy Monday.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
    Thought for the day -

    It's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday.
  • rebekah2882
    rebekah2882 Posts: 50 Member
    Check in for Jan 1

    Logged food: Yes
    Under calories: Yes
    Exercise: No