Daily Habit Checkin



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member

    Tomorrrow's Goals:
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+ βœ… sitting at just over 9000 and I've a couple of hours before bed
    • 🚢forest walk βœ…
    • πŸš£πŸ»β€β™€οΈ sort out agenda for rowing club committee meeting (Think I did more meetings than rows in 2021). βœ…
    • πŸ₯ž Make protein pancakesβœ…
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and defrost meals for work βœ… stuck to plan but missed a meal due to a late start today - we had horrendous thunderstorm last night that shook the house followed by hail pelting the windows - very unusual in this part of Ireland so didn't get to sleep until about 4am.
    • πŸ’»Check out Jessamyn Stanley's 30 minute beginner yoga flow βœ… went a step further and bought her book on my kindle, so had a good leaf through that and have added some additional moves to my current routine, which I will do before bed this evening.
    • πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ20 minute strength training ❌ My goal is to do 60 minutes per week, so will do an extra session on Sunday, just haven't had time today, as not long back from walk and I've still to have food, do yoga and have an early night
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bedβœ…will trial new practice this evening.
    • 😴 Back into a routine ready for work, early night! βœ… Aiming to be in bed for 10pm latest - currently running to plan.

    Tomorrow's goals/to do:
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea
    • πŸ“– Read latest Kindle book on work breaks. Listen to Audiobook on drive. (GoodReads goal for this year is 50 books again, made it to 40 last year but only started in Feb so hopefully will give it a good go this year)
    • πŸš£πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Committee meeting for rowing club after work.
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and prep lunch for Wednesday
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Good job, @tinkerbellang83. And you got your protein pancakes done. What exactly are they? Do you make a batch to freeze and then toast?
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    Laurie so do you graze or do you do meals?

    Is the issue that you're on plan all day and then cave in the evening?

    That you're high during the day leaving no choice but to go over in the evening?

    That you find yourself higher than you want to at some point and then write off the day?

    Let's shoot some trouble hamsters 🐹!

    Read this earlier today, PAV and you touched me with this. Thank you for the support and thought provoking. I've pondered it since I read it.

    My plan is to do meals.

    I seem to have a whole herd of hamsters trying different angles.

    Definitely have some number 1: on plan all day and then cave in the evening - and usually that has been on days where I was too "on plan" all day. I just don't seem to manage to get myself fed, and fed well earlier in the day.

    Some number 2: High during the day - then high in the evening - a few different varieties of those days. Some are the Hormone Hungry days - so hungry I could eat everything and not ever feel satisfied. Some where I've just grazed all day out of boredom? Sometimes stress/misery comfort eating (this one armed thing has been a trial). Some binging days where I just couldn't resist that 6 pack of donuts - plus plus - and just went a bit crazy. Some too much socializing kind of days, not been working/painting/walking so much, but have done a lot of visiting trying to make time pass and it seems once I eat one treat (thinking/hoping that I will stop there and still manage an under maintenance day) it just triggers a whole lot more eating.

    Not so often number 3. Not consciously anyway. Usually if I "write off the day" it happens without "finding" myself higher than I want - on some level I make the decision to write off the day and then go high.

    There are two few legitimate reasons why I haven't been able to get "back" on track. 1- I had a system that involved a lot of vegetables-bulk eating during the day. And I have just not been been able to get a handle on the cooking/prepping front. That is coming along now...so I'm hopeful. 2 - Walking kept any "anxiety/stress" at bay - and that has really dropped. Partly because of the weather. Partly because of the shorter days and feeling more vulnerable - too vulnerable to walk in the dark. Partly because walking sucks in a sling and my whole upper body hurts. That is almost coming to an end now too. I'm out of the sling more now - learning to walk normally again - but the ice is going to delay that a bit because I feel compelled to where the sling when I'm walking on ice to protect the shoulder should I slip/fall.

    One big problem - those *kitten* refined carbs/sweets have full reign over my brain again. I know that it will just take a couple/three "clean" days to get over it, but I haven't managed yet.

    I'm planning a restart day for Wednesday - that will be a clean day for me schedule wise - no social calls/no grandson/no stressors.

    My fridge/pantry is all stocked and ready.

    Including the Kohinoor egg curry!!!! (found some today - bought 4 packages). Though, to be honest, I'm almost afraid of it because I seem to do best when I'm eating/preparing very very simple foods - no sauces/no fancy flavours/spices, nothing at all sweet (which I'm expecting this to be a bit?).

    Thank you for sending me down this path.

    I should go back through this message cleaning up typos etc. But I just can't do it. Sorry for making people read such dreadful writing.

    Tomorrow's goal: Psych up for Wednesday!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Laurie, what about ordering pre made meals for a little while and buying salads already made?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,792 Member
    The curry is not sweet so don't worry about that. It is also fairly "filling" mainly because of the eggs.

    So here are some random thoughts that went through my head as I read your post.

    Starting with my pet peeve so we can move on beyond it.

    You're in a position where you've been over-eating and gaining and you are trying to transition straight into a large deficit? "I'm good all day very strictly and then things go off rail in the evening"... remember how many times I've complained about applying too large of a deficit for me at my current stage? Which usually leads to over-eating later? Going shopping while operating at a large deficit and coming home with boxes of chocolates on sale? Don't be a me doing silly things like that!

    Work with where you're at as opposed to where you would like to be. Don't try for a large deficit off the bat! If backloading (which is what I usually do too) has stopped working... try front-loading your day with a larger brunch instead. What the worse that will happen? Another plus day! But it just may work and get you off the rut and into a balanced intake or a small deficit.

    Also... what's with the whole psych up to and start on Y-day? What's wrong with: I'm back on plan with my next meal? Is plan too far off "regular"? If plan is currently too far off "regular", what happens at goal? Plan has to be able to survive contact with the "enemies"... even if the "enemies" are "the boy" or friends or relatives. (well... if not survive... at least not disintegrate in the face of the "enemies"!)

    I agree with your "relatively" simple foods concept in terms of having to deal with hyper-palatable foods. Out ability to access hyper-palatable foods on an inexpensive and everyday basis as compared to the multi-day feast preparation such foods used to represent makes it difficult for many of us to stay "on track" calorie wise when dealing with delicious stuff! Not impossible. But more difficult than when we're dealing with "more simple" "whole foods". And hey, it's not as if I don't love eating my more simple foods either! In general I would think that most people who want to continue to eat hyperpalatable foods frequently and in quantity will have a harder time losing and maintaining.

    Quoting off the web: 98% of (the US national weight control) Registry participants report that they modified their food intake in some way to lose weight. 94% increased their physical activity, with the most frequently reported form of activity being walking. There is variety in how NWCR members keep the weight off. Most report continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet and doing high levels of activity. 78% eat breakfast every day (but I don't eat breakfast: being aware of what other people do doesn't mean that you have to emulate absolutely everything!). 75% weigh themselves at least once a week. 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week. 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.

    And here is the kicker (for the go slow crowd): "We found that in the National Weight Control Registry, successful long-term weight loss maintainers (average weight loss of 30 kg for an average of 5.5 years) share common behavioral strategies, including eating a diet low in fat, frequent self-monitoring of body weight and food intake, and high levels of regular physical activity. Weight loss maintenance may get easier over time. Once these successful maintainers have maintained a weight loss for 2-5 years, the chances of longer-term success greatly increase."

    (P.S.: I eat FAR from low fat. In fact my saturated fats are TOO high! Though I do eat LOWER than BEFORE! :wink:)

    Oh... and since I'm doing random screen grabs :wink:

    "When compared with regainers, maintainers more often continued strategies used during weight loss, weighed themselves regularly, and used productive problem-solving skills and positive self-talk. (go hamsters go!) Regainers experienced greater difficulty independently continuing food and exercise behaviors during maintenance, identifying decreased accountability and waning motivation as barriers. These findings suggest that weight loss maintenance efforts can be improved by addressing challenges such as long-term self-monitoring and problem-solving skills, and that maintenance success might depend on how people think as much as what they do."

    So explain to the unruly hamsters who is in charge... and think of what you can ADD to your food (nice veggies, tasty legumes, quality 0% greek yogurt with low cal cherry pie filling--oops: wrong programming that last one was me!) instead of thinking about all the things you may be will NOT be doing AS MUCH. And remember that you can ALWAYS do SOME of the "other things". Just not unlimited amounts all the time!

    (OK: this was a bit random.... I hope SOME things help SOMEONE, even if that someone is not Laurie specifically or anyone else currently having trouble getting back on track).

    And yes, this makes people who manage to lose or maintain without an appreciable exercise component even more unique and accomplished weight management unicorns!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    Good job, @tinkerbellang83. And you got your protein pancakes done. What exactly are they? Do you make a batch to freeze and then toast?

    Just normal pancakes with half the flour replaced with protein powder and yoghurt to bump the protein content up. I'm trying to use up all the protein powder I have that's over it's Best Before date, so it'll be breakfasts for the foreseeable with an occasional break so I don't get sick of them ha.

    I usually freeze any portions I don't need for the next couple of days and defrost ahead of needing them. I pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    Laurie, what about ordering pre made meals for a little while and buying salads already made?

    I found this exceptionally helpful over the Autumn months prior to leaving my job as I had been making poor choices and had little time/will to cook after 12-16 hour workdays.

    Was a tad expensive for a decent fresh subscription as it's a relatively new concept here but it was worth every penny.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+ βœ…
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea βœ…
    • πŸ“– Read latest Kindle book on work breaks. Listen to Audiobook on drive. (GoodReads goal for this year is 50 books again, made it to 40 last year but only started in Feb so hopefully will give it a good go this year) βœ…
    • πŸš£πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Committee meeting for rowing club after work. βœ…
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and prep lunch for Wednesday βœ…
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein βœ…
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit βœ…
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed βœ…

    Tomorrow's goals
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea
    • πŸ“– Read kindle on work break/ audiobook on drive home
    • πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Cardio & Strength workout
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and prep lunch for Thursday (pick up some bagels)
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    100% Tinker! Way to go B)
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Lol - you would laugh at how many premade meals I still have to go in the freezer. They have helped a lot. But I think the "bulk" eating really helped me as my midday meal. And I didn't really freeze anything like that - large servings of very low calorie veggies with scrambled eggs for protein. I think that really was a "secrety" recipe for me. A big part was actually taking the time to make it and feed myself well so things didn't get out of hand later.

    Your response is so appreciated, PAV. I'm going to respond to that separately....
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    ...pancakes with half the flour replaced with protein powder and yoghurt to bump the protein content up.

    Hmm....I might just give these a try when The Boy is around anyway. That way I can be a favoured Nan - and get some protein in to hopefully boost the staying power of pancakes.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    edited January 2022
    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    So here are some random thoughts that went through my head as I read your post.

    Starting with my pet peeve so we can move on beyond it.

    You're in a position where you've been over-eating and gaining and you are trying to transition straight into a large deficit? "I'm good all day very strictly and then things go off rail in the evening"... remember how many times I've complained about applying too large of a deficit for me at my current stage? Which usually leads to over-eating later? Going shopping while operating at a large deficit and coming home with boxes of chocolates on sale? Don't be a me doing silly things like that!

    Work with where you're at as opposed to where you would like to be. Don't try for a large deficit off the bat! If backloading (which is what I usually do too) has stopped working... try front-loading your day with a larger brunch instead. What the worse that will happen? Another plus day! But it just may work and get you off the rut and into a balanced intake or a small deficit.

    This is an important one for me for sure. The days when my day starts off with too high of a deficit is usually unintentional. For whatever reason I have my morning clementines and/or berries and than believe it or not "forget" to eat (if I don't eat, I'm usually okay...it's when I start that the problems usually come). I remember telling myself the most important part of my weight loss routine was to remember to feed myself well. Somehow I lost that thread. Duh.

    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    Also... what's with the whole psych up to and start on Y-day? What's wrong with: I'm back on plan with my next meal? Is plan too far off "regular"? If plan is currently too far off "regular", what happens at goal? Plan has to be able to survive contact with the "enemies"... even if the "enemies" are "the boy" or friends or relatives. (well... if not survive... at least not disintegrate in the face of the "enemies"!)

    I agree with your "relatively" simple foods concept in terms of having to deal with hyper-palatable foods. Our ability to access hyper-palatable foods on an inexpensive and everyday basis as compared to the multi-day feast preparation such foods used to represent makes it difficult for many of us to stay "on track" calorie wise when dealing with delicious stuff! Not impossible. But more difficult than when we're dealing with "more simple" "whole foods". And hey, it's not as if I don't love eating my more simple foods either! In general I would think that most people who want to continue to eat hyperpalatable foods frequently and in quantity will have a harder time losing and maintaining.

    Paragraph two is sort of my response to paragraph one. I just have some stuff - hyper-palatable stuff - that I cleared out today. A few treats to finish off with the boy - not a ridiculous day - just not an all star day. My plan is to take a bit of time to clear the super refined carbs out of the system/brain - to break that habit. If I start that tomorrow - no sweet treats/refined grains - after a few weeks I'll be able to have them "occasionally" again without having ridiculous cravings. I think this will be something I'll be battling for life. I will have to be careful about these foods. Occasional - maybe once a week at most - or I will spend the rest of my life obese. And they can't be in the house. Because that just doesn't fly. I made that work for most of the past two years....but it has fallen apart a couple of times. I imagine it will fall apart again. I hope I will always regroup and get back with the program before too much damage is done.

    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    And here is the kicker (for the go slow crowd): "We found that in the National Weight Control Registry, successful long-term weight loss maintainers (average weight loss of 30 kg for an average of 5.5 years) share common behavioral strategies, including eating a diet low in fat, frequent self-monitoring of body weight and food intake, and high levels of regular physical activity. Weight loss maintenance may get easier over time...used productive problem-solving skills and positive self-talk.

    Thank goodness at least I don't have too much of a problem with high fat...but I've definitely let the "self-monitoring of body weight" slide lately - fear! of what I would see and of having it mean that it was time to bring the crazy-*kitten* eating to a halt (that second half is something I see more clearly now - not at the time). I'm am slowing absorbing (not just "knowing") that this is for life. I hope that that doesn't mean I will be a 10 lbs up / 10 lbs down kind of person forever. The doing down stage feels pretty fantastic - the going up stage is just too stressful and depressing.

    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    So explain to the unruly hamsters who is in charge... and think of what you can ADD to your food (nice veggies, tasty legumes, quality 0% greek yogurt with low cal cherry pie filling--oops: wrong programming that last one was me!) instead of thinking about all the things you may be will NOT be doing AS MUCH. And remember that you can ALWAYS do SOME of the "other things". Just not unlimited amounts all the time!

    You know - I really kind of enjoy my "high deficit" foodstuffs. They are just more trouble and time consuming. Going off track usually starts with it being easier/quicker to munch my way through a pile of quick tasty processed food - either because I'm too hungry to take the time to prepare something good - or lazy - or it is at hand and I'm not prepared to say no. And then, it progresses to powerful cravings. I do okay if treats are treats - something to look forward to - not a part of the daily menu. I really did lose sight of this Laurie "fact" - thank you, PAV. Your post has turned the light back on.

    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    OK: this was a bit random.... I hope SOME things help SOMEONE, even if that someone is not Laurie specifically or anyone else currently having trouble getting back on track).

    And yes, this makes people who manage to lose or maintain without an appreciable exercise component even more unique and accomplished weight management unicorns!

    You have HELPED, for sure. I'm happy at least the my exercise component didn't completely fall apart. It has faltered a bit - but most days I'm still at 15,000 steps or more. Which is okay....but the "more" level was almost normal a few months ago.

    So much to digest :) - thanks PAV for this food for thought, rather than the alternative.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,792 Member
    Going off track usually starts with it being easier/quicker to munch my way through a pile of quick tasty processed food - either because I'm too hungry to take the time to prepare something good - or lazy - or it is at hand and I'm not prepared to say no.

    And if not universal, your above statement is INCREDIBLY TRUE, at least for me.

    Which is where for me various "hey this worked before" combinations that I've tried in the 200-500 Cal range come into play.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2022
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+βœ…
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea βœ…
    • πŸ“– Read kindle on work break βœ…/ audiobook on drive home πŸ†—was in a rush to get to the butchers to collect my order and beat the city traffic so totally forgot to stick it on but will listen a little whilst I cook dinner
    • πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Cardio & Strength workout βœ…
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and prep lunch for Thursday (pick up some bagels)βœ… I haven't finished the day yet but I fully intend to stick to plan for dinner and the day has been fine.
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein βœ…
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit βœ…
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed βœ…

    Tomorrow's goals
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea
    • πŸ“– Read kindle on work break/ audiobook on drive home
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and defrost lunch for Friday
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed
    • πŸ“΅ Screen free evening after 7pm (excl.Kindle)

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    edited January 2022
    Great going, @tinkerbellang83

    My goals are going to be simple for awhile:

    - Stay below maintenance calories (ultimate goal of 1650 - but not going to beat myself up yet)
    - Minimum 100g of protein
    - Shoulder exercises twice a day
    - Walk a min of 10,000 steps (aim for 15,000)

    Today was a 5 ⭐ day!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited January 2022
    Tomorrow's goals
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+ ❎ got a bit ahead of myself only reached 7500 in the end
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea β˜‘οΈ
    • πŸ“– Read kindle on work breakβ˜‘οΈ/ audiobook on drive home β˜‘οΈ
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan and defrost lunch for Fridayβ˜‘οΈ
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein β˜‘οΈ
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit β˜‘οΈ
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed β˜‘οΈ
    • πŸ“΅ Screen free evening after 7pm (excl.Kindle)β˜‘οΈ

    Tomorrow's goals
    • πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ8000 steps+
    • πŸ’§ 7 glasses of water/cups of herbal tea
    • πŸ“– Read kindle on work break
    • πŸ–‹οΈFollow food plan
    • πŸ—4 portions of Protein
    • 🍎 3 portions of fruit
    • 🧘 Yoga and/or Meditation before bed
    • πŸ–¨οΈPrint some more meal planner sheets
    • 🌲 Weather permitting, walk after work in the local forest with a colleague.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,792 Member
    I see 8/8s and 5/4s! You ladies are impressing!

    (yes, I DO think it should be 9/8 and 5/4! When you get a clean sweep, a bonus star :star: is appropriate!!!)

    CCCGG's Christmas package has arrived--a tiny bit late! With a good 300g of greek chocolate bars (plus another 176g worth of cookies; but those have been set officially aside for later whatsapp joint snacking!)

    So far 75g have been consumed. So the goal for today is... NOT TO CONSUME ALL 300g!

    That's it!!!! :fearful:
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,921 Member
    Ah the lovely CCCGG!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: Β»
    I see 8/8s and 5/4s! You ladies are impressing!

    (yes, I DO think it should be 9/8 and 5/4! When you get a clean sweep, a bonus star :star: is appropriate!!!)

    Oops I got ahead of myself not a clean sweep after all but I'll take 7/8 with a near miss.