Introduce Yourself!



  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2021
    I started intermittent fasting (16:8 mostly, occasionally 20:4) in early June of this year. It seems to be working! As of July 10, I'd lost 8 lbs. I haven't weighed myself since but I think I've lost a little more just based on how I look and how clothes fit. (SW: 182, CW: 174, GW: 145) I decided to try IF because I hate counting calories, and my boyfriend started IF in March.

    Question: I've been feeling very low energy, especially recently. I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but don't feel rested when I wake up. Could this be from ketosis? Or is it unrelated to IF? Anybody else experience this?
  • gusmomdm
    gusmomdm Posts: 2 Member
    I started IF 10/2018. I am starting MFP now to get the last 15-30 pounds off.
  • Princess41463
    Princess41463 Posts: 39 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi! My name is Kelly. I'm 58 years old a tiny bit over weight at 154 and just getting my feet wet in IF. I'd like to get down to 140-145 so not too far to go.

    I started at the end of June. I generally eat pretty well, but I do like my ginger snap cookies and dark chocolate :pensive: I've read you can eat whatever you like during your window but that doesn't work for me. I am usually sensitive to gluten, flour, bread and white potatoes as in I eat them and by the next day I'm 3 lbs heavier - I'd cut them out before and lost 30 lbs but thought I could add them back in if I was fasting. Well, I didn't lose any weight at all but I didn't gain any either. I've tried 16:8 and 18:6 and sprinkled in a 24 hour fast as well. So, I'm back to cutting those out and trying to do 18:6 consistently to see if that jump starts my weight loss.

    Having said all of that, I'm mostly interested in making my body healthier, not just losing 10-15 lbs. I just started working out as well. I've got 2 workouts under my belt so far.

  • aginghealthier
    aginghealthier Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Jan. It has been ten years since I started my journey to get to a BMI under 25. I have managed to lose 40 pounds, but I still have about 10 to go.

    I started intermittent fasting 2 weeks ago to see if I could break through a plateau I was stuck on. It seems to be working as I am down 3 pounds while fasting 16:8. I would like to make friends with other people who are dong IF, but this group does not seem very active. Is anyone interested in livening this group up? If so lets start a discussion outside of the "introduce yourself" thread.
  • I started IF today, I'd like to lose 3cms of my waist. I do not own scales but lazt weighin I was 81 kilos, I'd like to get back to 75 kilos.
  • ddpowell
    ddpowell Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I used Zoom to lose 20 lbs. It took me almost a year to do it, though. I have started gaining the weight back and I tried Zoom again and I couldn't get into it. I heard about this intermittent fasting and I have been trying it out for about a week now. I tried the 16-8 one and I feel like I can manage this one.
    The questions I have are:
    Should I be doing this everyday?
    Are there some books that you can recommend that focus on the protocols, rather than the theory? "
    Should I be dieting when I am feasting?
    What is OMAD?

  • aginghealthier
    aginghealthier Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2021
    ddpowell... you posted the following:
    The questions I have are:
    Should I be doing this everyday?
    Are there some books that you can recommend that focus on the protocols, rather than the theory? "
    Should I be dieting when I am feasting?
    What is OMAD?

    My answers:
    Yes, you should be doing this everyday.
    I like the book "Eat, Stop, Eat" by Brad Pilon.
    I don't think it's necessary to diet while while fasting, but I am still mindful of how many calories I eat.
    OMAD means eating "one meal a day". Some days I do it, but only because I'm busy doing other stuff. I prefer two meals a day.

  • pjdanielson
    pjdanielson Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi - just got back on board the myfitness pal train. I've been fasting since the fall of 2018. I did well up until the summer of 2020 - then I think drinking and boredom caught up with me.
    I had tried keto to reverse my pre-diabetes. Found and signed up. It worked. But I couldn't keep it up AND I never lost any weight. I did reverse the pre-diabetes, but I knew I needed to lose weight. Then I started fasting.
    I started slowly with 16:8/18:6 then moved on to a few ADF (alternate day fasts). Found the Dr Fung fasting group in FB and followed the group fasts as best I could. It took a few months to get my "fasting muscle" in shape. By April of 2019 I had finished 3 5 day fasts. I dropped from a size 18 to a size 8. Lost my butt...and found it hard to sit down on benches. Then one day, two friends told me I was too skinny...and I gained back 15 pounds by the end of September. Then Covid hit...and I added back another 15 pounds. Carb creep keeps me at the higher weight. IF has prevented me from going further.
    I always practice IF now. Rarely ever eat breakfast. Black Coffee with cinnamon 1 or 2 cups in the morning is all I consume. BUT sugar got its hooks on my and I just haven't been able to get back to anything except IF.
    My issue is NOT fasting, it's eating well without slipping into high carbs and booze.
    The feasting part of fasting lifestyle is where I need help. I don't want to be totally keto/IF. I want to be able to eat well AND keep the IF lifestyle.
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    Hi! I just began OMAD fasting again (I am on day 5). I did OMAD and also 5/2 fasting for two years, about five years ago. But, I have a need to return to fasting for a time again.
  • randalltkarnes
    randalltkarnes Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been fasting for over 18 months and have lost 80 lbs.
    Is there a way to track fasting on MFP? I would like to have it as part of my diary, but all I get is a message saying I haven't consumed enough calories.
  • ilovepopcorn2016
    ilovepopcorn2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I am reading up on how to do IF so I hope I can begin next week.
  • nic0520
    nic0520 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, my name is Nicole! This is day 2 of 16:8.
    I read about IF here on myfitnessPal and I have tried everything from WW to Keto (which I lost a ton of weight on but it is not sustainable for me and I gained half back) I got on the scale and weighed the most I have in over a year, so the time is now to stop playing around I have 70+lbs to lose. I am terrible with follow-through and usually quit most things (including my therapist, lol) I work a mid-shift (11-7) and thought this idea would be a perfect solution. I definitely need to do more research because I'm not sure if I'm eating correctly in my window if there is even a correct way. So please help with any advice and accountability with follow-through- I'm taking this day by day.
  • MaryFHawk
    MaryFHawk Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I hope this is still an active group. I started dieting in February and intermittent fasting about a month in. I do 16/8 between 10 am-6pm. I stay under 1500 calories a day. It works for me because I can have treats occasionally without blowing my diet. Also reduced my needs for acid reflux meds. I'm over 50 with hypothyroidism so I accept slow results. Down 34.5 pounds since February and I have a goal of losing 100.
    I'd love to know what beverages you have during the fasting hours other than water.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 5,067 Member
    Hi, I joined this group for information and inspiration. 😎
    I'm in my 60's with about 50 more pounds to go.

    An ad on Facebook for an IF app popped up and I took a look at it. I had heard of IF before but never really looked into what it entailed. The App provided a lot of info but I ended up deleting it and choosing another to start the process. Somewhere in my research, the book Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens was highly recommended so I'm reading that now.

    I started a serious weight loss mission in March. March through June I lost 17 pounds. June I gained and lost the same 3 lbs so it was time to do something else. June and July, I was "trying" but basically found myself maintaining the 17lbs that I lost and not losing any more. 😢

    Saturday (5 days ago), I started the 16:8 fast. The book said for now, don't change anything else (ie: how you eat, exercise etc). I was already good with exercise (40 minutes on treadmill 5x a week), decent with water goal 100oz a day, usually land between 64 and 96, and my eating habits were not terribly bad since I had already been following a program.

    This Monday was the FIRST time I had finished a weekend lower than I started! And, I changed nothing else. Enjoyed a sensible lunch and dinner and had wine. That was all the motivation I needed. Today, scale clocked in 2.7 pounds lost since Saturday!! 🏆 😍

    I track my food and usually come in around 1600 to 2000 calories - that was when I seemed to be only maintaining. I can't wait to see what happens when I max my water, reduce my wine and get calories between 1200 and 1600. That will be later this month as I have a vacation coming up.

    SW: 230.3 CW: 210.2 FG: 199 GW: 165
    IF SW:212.9

    I may lose a little more once I get to 165, but I need to see what that looks like.

    I'm wondering how people handle vacations while doing IF? Since I'm just starting - I may just relax, do what I can and get back on track when I'm back home. I'll be traveling with my husband and he will surely want breakfast!!🙂 My eating window is currently 12:00pm to 8:00pm or 1:00pm to 9:00pm

    I'm hoping this group is active or we can at least resurrect it!!🙂
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Hi, Im on my 3rd day of 16:8. I work the night shift so my eating window is from 10pm to 6am. The I go home and sleep. But every other week im off work for 7 days. During those days I have to adjust my eating hours so I can hang out with my family.
  • CrankyOldGoat
    CrankyOldGoat Posts: 17 Member
    Hi folks, and Happy Holidays. I am new both to this group and MyFitnessPal in general. I am 55 years old and a seafood lover; avid walker (with our dog); mountain hiker and kayaker. I'm a health care professional and consider myself healthy and in reasonably good shape, BUT admittedly can lose 50 pounds and be much healthier for it.

    For 2023 I am trying to adopt a healthier "lifestyle routine" and that in itself can be a real challenge, mainly with breaking old habits after years and years of routine (like eating while watching TV in the evenings).

    Intermittent Fasting seems to be both well researched and a great option for lifelong weight maintenance - I like the 5:2 version, but was thinking of a combo - I'd use MFP's new Intermittent Fasting feature and adopt a 16:8 IF habit along with the 5:2! Nutritionally it looks like I can meet all my requirements - as I tend to eat nutrient dense whole foods/ chicken / eggs / and seafoods - plus the 5:2 option allows autophagy to truly kick-in and provide all it's wonderful metabolic cellular benefits.

    Although I used to bodybuild in my 20's and 30's, I'm no longer into "hitting the gym" and plan to incorporate a home based bodyweight calisthenics oriented workout routine, along with daily walks / hikes with my dog and kayaking / ocean swimming when the weather gets warmer.

    Would LOVE to find a mentor and several like-minded MFP friends to help assist me along the way.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kacy. I have been following a 16:8 eating window for several months now. I like that MFP now has a feature to track it. I'm often closer to 18 hours of fasting and have been thinking about tightening the window to 18:6 more deliberately. Has anyone noticed any big benefits in doing so?

    Also, hubby and I have been watching Chris Hemsworth's Limitless series and plan to do a 72-hour fast starting this Saturday. Has anyone else done a longer fast, and if so, what did you do to keep your logging streak in MFP? One day in December I hadn't eaten much and I got a warning when I tried to complete my diary for the day. I'm pretty sure I will have to put in something to keep the app happy even though I really haven't eaten. Curious to hear others' experiences. Thanks!
  • AGLake
    AGLake Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hi everyone!
    Rejoined MFP today !
    The new thing that’s kicking my butt to stop food bingeing overeating is I.F.
    I would say I’ve only tried working at I.F. since the start of this year , 2023 .
    13 hours I.F. is easy peasy to do for me .
    At about 15 hours I must eat, unless I had a coffee or tea with 1 or 2 TBSPS of 10% coffee cream .
    I read somewhere that under 50 calories in the morning will be inert in one’s system and won’t hit on the insulin or elevate blood glucose or break the fast . So only 15 calories worth of something would be even better.
    I also read that fasting can cause stress and thus cortisol spikes which is not a good thing, so have to watch out for that too.
    Currently reading FAST LIKE A GIRL by Dr Mindy Pelz.
    I am amazed that the medical / functional medicine / chiropractic medicine / complementary medicine / alternative medicine communities have all inched their ways along to a better understanding of the new medical concept of metabolic ill-heath, i.e. of the lack of metabolic fitness .
    Have a lovely week , everyone ! 👍✌️
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    AGLake wrote: »
    At about 15 hours I must eat, unless I had a coffee or tea with 1 or 2 TBSPS of 10% coffee cream .
    I read somewhere that under 50 calories in the morning will be inert in one’s system and won’t hit on the insulin or elevate blood glucose or break the fast . So only 15 calories worth of something would be even better.

    Dr. Jason Fung calls this "fat fasting." Have some coffee/tea with cream/butter, or some bone broth, or something with mostly calories from fat to extend the time you can go without eating.

    I think that if you started in Jan and you're already at 15 hours, you're doing great. Keep listening to your body!

    How are you enjoying the book? Would you recommend it?
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Hi there!
    I was doing the 16/8 for ... 2 weeks and got use to it but then I was put on some medication that gave me nausea when I first started it . I'm over that hump and want to get back on 16/8 again. Today is my first day and I'm doing well.

    I do have a question which I haven't found an answer via. Google. Can I do 16/8 every other day and still see benefits ? When I google it tells me about IF every other day where you fast one day then eat the next and that's not what I want to do.

    I want to 16/8 every other day
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    I'm no doctor, but the literature appears to show that changing things up is good—it keeps your body guessing as a type of hormetic stress (stress that is good for you). From that perspective, you might get some benefit from changing one day to the next. However, if you're trying to keep insulin levels down, I'd say you should aim for at least 12 hours of fasting on the off days.
  • pddavies778
    pddavies778 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm planning on starting sunday night. im going to be following the 16:8 IF so my fasting window will be 8pm-12pm and eating window 12pm-8pm. im trying to think of things to eat when i break my fast