Mission Slimpossible Team Chat JANUARY 2022



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,305 Member

    We are through week three of January, and we are absolutely killing it! Fantastic work, everyone! All of you contributed to some incredibly strong numbers last week and you should all be proud of yourselves. Click on the link below to see the results!

    And here's a sneak peek into how your team did...

  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member

    Woohoo Congratulations @davidji82, @fatfifties and @bgame4
    You're killing it! All your hard work has paid off :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahooo Team Mission Slimpossibles came in third place this week with a total of 18.6 lbs. lost. Special shout out to @davidji82, @fatfifties, and @bgame4 B) Team let’s dig deep this last week and see if we can’t shoot to first place! :)

    @trooword How sweet of your neighbor to bring you a plate of food! I love people like that. I hope you had a good time taking pictures with your friend. What kind of stuff did you take pictures of? :)

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. Hubby and I went to church for the first time in three weeks due to his surgery and last week’s snow day. I think the entire church made a point of coming up to say hi and check on how Joe is feeling. He certainly is loved by all. :grin: The morning did wear him out so I insisted he take a long nap and I did my Sunday computer church work and put together a grocery list for tomorrow. I am really trying to watch what I eat and I’m tracking my food and hoping for a good loss this week.

    I saw this graphic and quote on my Beachbody group and thought it was perfect since my 2022 word is intention. “Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” - Bryant McGill


  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 211 Member
    Great job on all the losses this week! The last couple of days have been deep freeze status outside. -28C with a windchill feeling like -35C. Staying warm has been my goal lol.
    We’ve had a busy week trading out new Dane. She is coming along and is too darn funny with her antics. I’d post a pic but I’m not sure how to do it. I see others posting things and I’d like to figure it out lol. I stayed the same this week and I’m ok with that. I just hope this Plato doesn’t last long. They discourage me. Good luck in the coming week and let’s kill it.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 503 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 143.3
    CW. 144.6
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 503 Member
    Just a quick post tonight. I read through everybody’s post and got caught up, congrats on the loss of everyone!
    Wednesday morning I woke up with a pretty stuffy nose by the end of the day I was feeling pretty tough. Thursday I spent the day in bed with my humidifier going full blast, by Friday I was starting to feel a bit better. Got my hands on a rapid test, and tested positive. Today is the first day I was really feeling back to assemblance of myself again. I just pretty much felt like I had a really bad cold and very lethargic. Went out with Vannie for a couple of good walks today, I think I look pretty goofy walking along with my mask on outside🤣. The weather here has been beautiful, it was super windy for our second walk today. There was about 2 inches of water on the sidewalks (there has been so much melting) and the wind was blowing so hard that there were waves on the sidewalks😜.
    I definitely had a gain this week and I definitely can’t say I don’t know what happened. That was 100% me eating every bad thing in the house, I will just called up my Covid weight. That’s all done now and I am back on track as of today!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 815 Member
    Weekly weigh in :)
    Fatfifties (lis)
    Weigh in day monday

    Current weight 228.2lb
    Previous weight 229.2lb
    Loss 1lb

    Very happy with a little loss after 4.4lb last week :)
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    edited January 2022
    @FushiaKat A good phrase that I heard at an exercise class once was: ”Progress, Not Perfection”. Sometimes it helps me.

    I am on vacation in Florida with my husband, daughter, Mother-in-law, two sisters-in-law and a brother-in-law. There is so much food that is outside of my eating plan surrounding me that it seems incredible. Cakes, muffins, more cakes, chips, soda, juice, danish cakes, more variety of sodas, junk food and more fattening take out food. They are all very sedentary and they want all of this stuff to be laying around and visible. It really bothers me. Fortunately we go home soon. But we have another family trip together coming up in about a month!

    We will have been here 12 days. I gained 5 pounds, but lost some of back. I am sorry that I failed to report my weight last week. The days have really gotten away from me.

    There certainly are some nice things about being in Florida. It just is not helpful for my eating plan. Part of how I lose weight is by not having certain things in my house (as much as possible, since my husband likes junk food too.)

    I did go to the Fitness Center here three times. Really strenuous exercise improves my mood substantially so it does double duty — good for both my physical health and my mental health. Those mysterious endorphins are real! Going to the Fitness Center alone was a real victory for me, since I do not really care for exercising alone.
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    User Name: Future Trophy Wife
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: 149
    Current Weight: 151
  • 3duffs
    3duffs Posts: 7 Member
    User Name: 3duffs
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 189.2
    Current Weight: 188.2
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,049 Member
    @davidji82 @fatfifties @bgame4 Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard! :D

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, it was totally sweet! I did have fun shooting photos. I took photos of architectural elements and some floral. Here is one example of one of my favorite pics from the morning. I'm glad you were able to go to church, I know how that energizes you and your church is so caring. I love the quote and the graphic, thanks for sharing!

    @tammymccrady6278 Oh my, I couldn't take that! I don't know how you do it lol. To post a pic (which I would LOVE to see!), on a desktop computer, click on the photo icon and then "CHOOSE FILES". I am not sure how to do it on a cell phone? Maybe someone else can chime in.

    @laurelfit57 Oh no, sorry about the positive test and you feeling bad. Congrats on getting back on track!

    @fatfifties Well done!

    @FutureTrophyWife That sounds like a landmine field of eating! Wow. Having constant access to that kind of food is dangerous. Well done, going to the fitness center!

    @3duffs Nice job!

    Hi all. I had fun shooting photos yesterday in the park. It was a beautiful day, it eventually warmed up to 72F with full sun. Later, my husband and I went for a beer and sat outside. It was lovely. Here is a favorite photo from my shoot. Enjoy!

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,155 Member
    PW 1/9 - 183.4
    PW 1/16 - 182.6
    CW 1/23 - 184.6

    I think I missed reporting my weight last week. Things have been stressful and busy here. My apologies.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    Hi Team,
    Yesterday I vacuumed, scrubbed and mopped the upper deck in anticipation of the new freezer arriving on the 31st. It was hard work, and I walked an extra 3000 steps yesterday. The outlet is on the far wall, not a good place for it and it will block the view from the kitchen window, maybe in the future we can put in an outlet on the other wall. After lunch I took a 2-hour nap! Today I'm planning on tackling those Christmas boxes and getting them in the closet. I've included a couple of pictures of the "Cat Deck" the freezer will go in the corner on the same wall as the Cat Trees.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @FushiaKat Those cats have a nice place to live!! Good job on getting those extra steps and getting ready for the new freezer. I would love to have space for another small freezer. Especially now that it can be so hard to find meat when you want it! :/

    @trooworld I love that pic of the colored brick! You could put some words over the top using Canva and make yourself a groovy wallpaper for your computer or phone. I want 72 degree weather back. I am so not cut out for this cold stuff. :#

    @FutureTrophyWife It is super hard to stay focused on your diet when you are on vacation. Especially at a place like Florida! Just try to do your best and get extra walking, go to that fitness center, drink a lot of water, and maybe allow yourself the treats after you have eaten something healthy for your body. Most of all have a great time! B)

    @laurelfit57 Sorry that you tested positive but glad that it wasn’t more than an awful cold. You will get that gain off in no time. <3

    Hi Team! Today was my mom’s 79th birthday so I made enchiladas and a yummy Keto cheesecake for her. I did manage to get in a good workout today which felt great. Tomorrow, I go to the church office and do my new financial secretary job all by myself. I’m kind of nervous but also excited to make this job my own. I’m back to do Data Driven Fasting and got my trigger for my blood sugar today. It’s set at 87 but will go down almost a point a day so I will have to eat right and do what it takes to only eat when I hit the trigger. That’s the secret sauce for dropping the weight! :grin:
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 503 Member
    @FutureTrophyWife that vacation sounds like a minefield of food! Good for you for getting to the fitness center! I 100% agree with you, working out is so important for both physical and mental health.

    @trooworld wow! I love that picture that you did! You are so artistic!!

    @FushiaKat your deck is beautiful and I can’t believe all the green in your yard! So jealous!!

    @TeresaW1020 A very happy birthday to your mom!! Congratulations on getting the workout in, I know it has got to feel good. I’m excited for you to begin your new job tomorrow, you are going to be fabulous! Sounds like you are taking the data driven fasting to a new level, good for you!

    It was a good day today, back on track with my eating so that felt great! I was able to get out with Vannie today for a good walk and I also went to agility class, but that did me in🤣. After a few days of not doing anything, I really stepped it up today! I am also redoing my grandkids/guestroom. I got all the furniture moved out of there and the walls are prepped for painting. I am going to sleep very well tonight. I didn’t get my 10,000 steps in, but I’m pooped and done for the day:-) :-)
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 371 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    Hope everyone's day was great. I did make it to the gym this morning and started a project to organize my teacher materials so I know things are as I tutor. Hubby and I took food to a family that lost their mom and that was such a blessing. It's been a good day and now time to lay it down. Blessings to everyone and let's go get it! B)
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: ?
    CW: 197.4
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,695 Member
    @trooworld What an awesome neighbor! Have fun at the park, I'd love to see photos! LOL, you beat me to it, I love that walk!

    @davidji82 @fatfifties @bgame4 Congratulations top losers (but winners of course!)

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so glad everyone at church was wonderful to your husband. I love the quote! Good luck making the new job yours, I just know you'll do an amazing job, they're so lucky to have you! I can't wait to hear how DDF works for you this time.

    @tammymccrady6278 You have to download pictures on here through the website so if you're using your laptop or desktop you can do it that way. I'm not sure if you can with iPhones but I can't do pictures unless I sent them from my phone to the above. Stay warm, what cold weather you have, if we ever do a group trip it's not to your house in Winter! :smile:

    @laurelfit57 I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, I'm glad you were up to walking Vannie today. I hope you're feeling 100% soon! Sounds like you're back on track today in your last post, way to go!

    @FutureTrophyWife Way to go on heading to the fitness center! My family is like yours when we get together, it's really hard and I love spending time with everyone but it's hard to avoid the food and I prefer to be more active. Do you travel a lot with them?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Good to see you, I hope you're able to catch up soon, hang in there!

    @FushiaKat Sounds like you're getting a lot done! I read a meme today that said the reason we feel better after cleaning, decluttering, and rearranging our houses is because it's an extension of our mind. I can see why it's called the cat deck, your cat looks gorgeous strutting around owning that space! I read from Jackson Galaxy cats that walk with their tails straight up like that are confident, happy cats.

    @askewcr I love your post, sounds like you're well organized for tutoring and helping a family was a wonderful thing to do. Let's get it girlfriend!

    Hi everyone! Today was a little long, I worked out early so I could get to the greenhouse we're using with the food bank farm, it's at the closest high school which is just a few blocks away. When I was leaving I got a text from my SIL that my nephew (he's 13) was in the middle of a panic attack and refusing to go to school and would I talk to him? I called and got him calmed down, went and planted seeds, then texted my SIL about my going over with pizza at lunch to talk to him. He's having trouble describing how he's feeling but he is acting pretty anxious. It was stressing him out the more questions I asked about physical symptoms so I hung out and he unwound talking about school, I caught a few red flags I let my brother know about but I think it's more starting middle school and being a teenager and struggling with self esteem. Even as stressed as he was he put a Diet Pepsi in the fridge for me before I got there, he's always so thoughtful and kind. When he felt better he started to do homework so I came home, hopefully he's able to go to school tomorrow. My brother's solution is to get him lifting weights at the gym, I think he would enjoy the time just him and my brother so I'm all for that plus being more physical could help him be better connected to his body. Without him saying it was actual panic attacks or describing them I didn't want to keep saying symptoms in case it makes it worse though I could've given him coping techniques since I had them often after I stopped all my medication from the pain clinic. Aside of that not much is new, tomorrow is the first volunteer day at the food bank farm so I'm in charge of weeding the garlic. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,049 Member
    @FushiaKat That sounds like a lot of work and good exercise. I love the cat deck! And the kitty picture, too. :) I bet the kitties love that.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Oh that is a great idea. I think I will do that! :D Yeah, I can't handle the cold weather either lol. I hope your mom enjoyed the birthday meal. I'm sure you will do great at your job, you are detail-oriented and organized!

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! :D Congrats on getting back on track. Sounds like you had a busy day.

    @askewcr I love organizing things. That's very nice of you and your hubby to do. Have a great day!

    @Katmary71 Yes, the neighbor is super nice and kind. I love that walk too, it was so colorful and fun. It was in an area that had artists studios...perfect for colorful! :) Your poor nephew. I'm glad you got him calmed down. You are a good aunt! I love garlic.

    Hi all. I hope you are having a good day. Not much going on here, my husband was in charge of dinner last night and made Korean Fire Chicken which was really good.

    My phrase for the year: "I take no crap and eat no crap."
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW. 178.2
    CW. 175.8

    And I lost 3" last week, I'm 1.8 pounds away from the Overweight BMI score. Maybe next week I will get there. <3
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