March Mindfulness Challenge 2022

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Life's LIFE, isn't it? It can be good. It can also be busy, frantic, and sometimes, downright chaotic. We are pulled so many directions but so many situations and distractions. When do we have time to breathe, let alone live in the moment?

So this month, I think it would be excellent to challenge ourselves to incorporate mindfulness into our journey to health. Plus, it works with the whole alliteration thing. :wink:

Morwenna Ferrier (writer for the Guardian) defines the new fad-term "mindfulness" this way: "The whole ethos of mindfulness is to encourage people to live in the moment. The theory goes that we are so busy trying to block out past worries and anticipate future ones that we rarely concentrate on enjoying what we are doing at the precise moment we are doing it. Devotees claim mindfulness can be applied to everything from walking and running to sex and eating."

But I challenge that it isn't only about enjoyment. It's about AWARENESS. That's how we diagnose the elusive issue we carry, the sneaky ones that fly under our radar, but continue to throw a wrench into our efforts. So much about success in weight loss and health is about healing our dysfunctional relationships with food and other things in our lives, so we are free from the impetus of stress and emotions that often spurs us to sabotage ourselves.

So in that vein, the challenge is to practice some form of mindfulness by pausing and observing what happens in our heads and bodies when we eat or exercise, to be aware. And maybe then we can enjoy our journey more and discover any hang-ups we've missed and lock them down.

And, of course, being mindful of the Low-Carb Basics:
  • Planning ahead!!!
  • Staying under carbs
  • Staying under calories
  • Logging and measuring
  • Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
  • Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
  • Getting enough water
  • Planning ahead!!! Oh, wait. I said that already? Yes, I frickin' did. Because you must! "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

So. Let us know where you'd like to apply mindfulness this month, to whichever food or fitness or health area is applicable to your life.

But anyone who doesn't want to mess with "mindfulness techniques" and just wants to carry on what they were doing on the challenge last month, feel free to join, too. Paying attention to what we are doing is being mindful anyway. :wink:

See you on March 1st. :mrgreen:



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Need more help with the "how" of mindfulness? I've created a list of links. Some repeat the theme but add something. There a couple that apply to mindfulness in general terms. But understanding the concept can't help but aide us in applying it to our reason for being here on MFP.

    Start with this, garnered from

    Reduced over eating. It’s been a while now since I went to bed feeling bloated and over stuffed. Which is great in itself but also means that my ‘muffin top’ is pretty much gone when I wear my favorite jeans.

    Increased enjoyment of food. As a food scientist, I’ve always considered myself a big fan of eating. Now that I’m on the path to mastering the art of mindful eating, I am finding a new found respect for food and am gaining far more pleasure from meal times.

    Improved digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth with the action of saliva. If food isn’t chewed properly it means that there’s more work for the rest of your digestion system. I may be imagining this, but I think I’ve also noticed I have less gas now that I’m eating mindfully.

    Being satisfied with less. Linked with reduced over eating, the real benefit here is being able to trust yourself to feel satisfied after one or two squares of chocolate so there is no temptation to scoff the whole block. Suddenly there’s no need to deny yourself the occasional treat which makes for a far healthier relationship with food.
    Ready to change the way you interact with food?

    How to master the art of mindful eating:
    1. Start small. Like all new habits, it’s best to set realistic expectations. Choose one meal or snack each day and commit to focusing on mindful eating at that time.

    2. Stop multitasking at meal times. It’s really difficult to focus on eating if you’re doing other things. Set aside time for eating without other entertainment.

    3. Only eat at the table. Another way to minimize mindless munching is to get into the habit of only eating when you are sitting down and able to give the food your full attention. No more snacking on the run.

    4. Appreciate the appearance. While we’ve all drooled over gorgeous food porn in magazines or online, sometimes we forget about the beauty of the food we are about to eat. Taking the time to notice sets the scene for mindful eating.

    5. Focus on each mouthful. Think about the flavour, texture and even the sound of the food in your mouth. Focus on how much you like, or dislike these sensations.

    6. Chew. While it can be overkill to go to the monastic extreme of 100 bites per mouthful, make sure you chew your food enough so that it is well broken down before you swallow.

    7.Use cutlery and put it down between mouthfuls. It’s much easier to take smaller portions when using a knife and fork. Of course if you feel like you’re having a ridiculous Seinfeld moment eating a chocolate bar with utensils, then skip this step but do put the bar down in between bites so you can focus.

    8. Talk and share. One of the joys of eating is sharing a meal with loved ones. It can be challenging to incorporate mindfulness in a social situation but not impossible. Turn the focus of the conversation onto the meal while you are actually eating. Share what you are experiencing in terms of flavours and textures, likes and dislikes. At first this may seem a little weird but trust me, you’ll soon find yourself having fun with it.

    9. Go for quality not quantity. By choosing smaller amounts of the best food you can afford, you will not only enjoy it more, you’re far more likely to be satisfied without having to over eat.

    10. Make time to prepare your own meals, preferably from fresh ingredients. The cooking process can be as relaxing and enjoyable as eating if you let it. For me, the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly what has gone into my food makes any hassle worthwhile."

    The links that follow might be helpful. Please do share any links you personally come across, and I'll add them to the running list. Let me know if any are broken. I haven't had time to check through them. Busy busy.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,679 Member
    My March Goals

    Stay within 5% carbs
    Drink 120 oz. water daily
    walk 3 days a week with my daughter and husky
    Do PiYo Dvd's 5 days a week
    Meal Prep on Sundays
    Get 10,000 steps a day
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    My goal for March will be to focus on what I’ve got that’s working for me and stop trying to push myself, stop thinking about the next thing and just be grateful for where I am. Focus on how good the right foods make me feel. Focus on how good the right amount of exercise feels.

    This is a really good month for me to do this. I’ve got a big birthday coming up this month (50!). We’ve booked a few days at a hotel near the New Forest where we were supposed to go a few years ago and then covid restrictions hit. So a really good time for me to focus on the good things and be really present in the here and now.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 28 ~ 166.0 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs
    2/28/22 - 166.0 lbs

    March 2022 Goals: Get down to 160 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower

    I've lost 10 pounds for the month of February. But it was a roller coaster ride, that's for sure. So for Mindful March, I am going to do my best to not be mad, sad or what have you when I gain a few pounds. I know that's just how our bodies run sometimes. And as long as I maintain a deficit, keep carbs low, I should continue losing.

    I went shopping for clothes this weekend. Just a few things. I tried on a size 14 pairs of jeans and just for sh!ts and giggles, I brought in a pair of size 12. The 14s went back on the shelf and I brought home the size 12s! And wore them on my date!

    I still feel big. I can tell in the mirror and the fact that I am wearing smaller sized clothing that I am not, but in my mind, I am still the big girl. And I think that is the gist of why I feel so bad when the scale shows a gain. I KNOW that a gain doesn't mean I'm doomed for failure. But it still messes with my mind. I need to remember how far I've come and be happy with where I am now. So that is my goal for this month. To be happy and thankful.

    Namaste all you beautiful people!

    It does take awhile for that to go away. And sometimes I still feel enormous occasionally years and years later. Hang in there. It will get better. :heart:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    March goal:
    Pay more attention. Re: Logging. I'm tired of logging. I don't generally do it fully the I just eyeball what I've trained myself to see as good portions. But if I'm not measuring higher calorie things accurately like cheese or oil or sour cream or grab one extra handful of nuts...that does things. So it's time to stop lazy logging.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    For March, I plan to continue to be mindful of eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied. I’m starting to get better at this but I want it to become habit. I believe this also helps me stay within calorie budgets to drop a few pounds. I gained 1.8 in February but am hoping that is more muscle than anything. I’ll do measurements at the end of this week to see what change happened there.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    My body has become too accustomed to staying around 50-60 carbs a day so I have to change that to see any results.
    SW 170
    March GW 165
    Long term GW <150

    40 carbs/day or under (changed my diary settings but only allows 5% changes and now reads 35)
    Drink 80 oz water/day
    5000 steps/day regardless of other exercise
    Portion out all planned snacks into individual containers to prevent my version of Baconslave's lazy logging
    Meal prep for real this month

    As the weather warms up I'd like to get outside more. Maybe if I buy myself some better walking shoes, I can make that happen.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    SW 170 (yesterday)
    CW 168.5 (this morning)
    GW 165 (3/31)

    I revised my goals a little to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
    80oz water daily
    Keep carbs under 40
    Keep cal between 1200-1300
    Do my house stairs 10x a day
    Get in 5000 steps a day regardless of my planned exercise
    Better meal prep-portioning out all snacks (meals I do ok with)
    Use my stand up desk at least 1 hour a day

    I'm actually going to use the new sneakers as a reward for reaching my goal weight this month.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member

    Happy Fat Tuesday! Why is it called that anyway?

    Lent starts tomorrow so it's a last day of indulgence for people who are giving things up.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »

    Happy Fat Tuesday! Why is it called that anyway?

    Lent starts tomorrow so it's a last day of indulgence for people who are giving things up.

    That's right! I forgot about that! Thanks for the explanation!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    Happy Fat Tuesday! Why is it called that anyway?

    They used up their fat in the house before Ash Wednesday, if I'm not mistaken.

  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Mar 2 ~ 165.6 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs
    2/28/22 - 166.0 lbs

    March 2022 Goals: Get down to 160 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower

    Up a pound but I had fun last night! Back to it today. Tonight's country line dancing class so I should be able to dance away that pound and have it take a friend or 2 along with it! Have a great day!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    SW 170
    CW 167.5
    GW 165 (3/31)

    80oz water daily - Almost
    Keep carbs under 40 - 38
    Keep cal between 1200-1300 - 1225
    Do my house stairs 10x a day - 5
    Get in 5000 steps a day regardless of my planned exercise - 5124
    Better meal prep-portioning out all snacks - Cut up an orange to split over 4 days (it's a start)
    Use my stand up desk at least 1 hour a day - Crap I forgot
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,679 Member
    3/2 My eating is going well ......I haven't worked out due to migraines/headaches and hip pain.. I just can't catch a break ...carbs are in check ..water is on point