Spring Buzz Around the Airport Lounge



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS Day. Down 0.75 lbs! YES I CAN! Today was a cold day with a few flurries but mostly sun. I have decided to write about my journey so far as a program for TOPS. I think it will help others and myself. Played cards with Hubby and Son went home.
  • dbeau57
    dbeau57 Posts: 1,610 Member
    Oooo...it's 9:24 p.m. here now and I need to make a grocery list for tomorrow. so this will be short. We've had days of low to mid 70's for a week now, but we'll be in the low 60's tomorrow and this weekend we'll be near freezing for our low on Sunday!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Cseguin2 ,,, WOOHOO Hey CONGRATS on being down!! YEAH TOPS is working for you!! So happy to read this!! Can you also please send a copy of what you are writing to Ceri ,, and let her know if it's okay to use? We are drumming up new members!! WOOHOO Ahhh enjoy S being home for a few ,, though it's hard too!!
    @Dbeau57 ,,, LOL I heard this the other day "Oh the weather is like a lottery ticket, 14, 56, 30, 78, 13. LOL
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,406 Member
    It’s 39 feels like 30 with a high of 51 and cloudy. I AM: I deserve to be calm when I choose to be. Action for Happiness: Take a full breath in and out before you reply to others. Fitness quote for today: Your opinion is just noise: The ones who will judge you, are often the ones who don't have a passion. They just don't understand us.~~gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Want to add some happiness into your life? Make someone else happy. Practice kindness, and the Universe will make sure that kindness comes back to you.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 11,765 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: Legs Day in the gym after breakfast.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,519 Member
    Good morning, good to see the chatting here, I often read the chat while eating breakfast, or another meal, better then watching all the stress and such of the news. It's been a busy weekend for me, On Friday last my nephew's home burnt down and fortunately they were able to find a home within a couple of days. On Saturday or Sunday will be meeting up with my nephew to give him a gift card. I spoke to him by text last night and he said he lives near Superstore so it will be a gift card for there and he can share with others who live there.
    @lavalily I sure would love to visit Hawaii, but heat is not my friend. Maybe one day when this world is not so crazy !! I would love to hear more about your neck of the woods. I am from Vancouver BC Canada. I've been to the Lake District of England as well as Maryland and Pensylvania area - think - Good and Plenty !! lol

    I hope you all have a good day today, it will be busy for me, I have volunteer work, and then I have to go downtown to meet my granddaughter - I'll buy us dinner, at a restaurant of her choice. Nice to be able to do that.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,819 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! 2 days down, many many to go. Yup I have done the BMR before. I just have to follow through!
    Thx for well wishes for daughter. The scar would be basically on her bra strap. Which isn’t bad but still no fun. We would probably wait til dance was over in june (if we could) to schedule any procedures. Enjoy your new technology!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, HI Linda!! So nice to see you here with us!! Sure hope the volunteer work is lifting you up, and others who you contact, and of course the ones working with you!! I'll be doing some myself in a tiny bit. Volunteer work is so important to us all. As Acts 20:35 "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." Oh the News is quite stressful right now!! I am happy to read your nephew has been able to find a place so fast!! That's GREAT!!
    LOL on the good and plenty it made me chuckle co0i6z1bzngk.png
    ENJOY the meal with your GD!!
    @Bookienj ,, I have a new scale, its so strange, but it's telling me how many calories to eat a day so I can hit my goal of weight loss for the year. YO the things these scales can now do!! It's so cool!! It was @Catwmncat and @DLBEASYRIDER who told me about it.


    Will it lead me in the right directions? It does them. So we'll see!! But hey as said, I LOVE technology.

    Oh cool that the scar will be for your D where the bra strap is. If it's really small, to her it won't be, but in time it will be. I have many scars from the various ways they remove them. But, I am now OLD and who cares about scars? I'm alive, but that's EASY for an older adult to say. I am SURE if I were a teen of any age,, just being teen most things are very emotional. Hopefully you'll hear back soon.

    Today is a LOW KEYED DAY, but they need to be. The best of each day is waking up. From there it's a bonus! Let's all think of at least 3 positive things in our day. This can help us so much at a time the world is extremely stressful (my GD had to fill her oil tank yesterday 1,000$$ YO!! And we know it'll last much more than a month unless it quickly warms up) everything is going up so rapidly.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,105 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I live on the Big Island of Hawaii so we don't get the number of tourists that they get in Honolulu on the island of Oahu. We're more country-style LOL For a while, I had a little home on an acre of land at the bottom of the island. Yes, we will have cruise ships again, but we only get one a week here, again, not like Oahu. They mainly stay down around the harbor where we don't go shopping anyway. For the most part, they don't bother me unless I want to go out to eat. Yes, I know there are other areas of the USA that get a lot of tourists, and we don't get more than anyone else, thank goodness!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,601 Member
    happy wednesday everyone! it is a mild and mostly cloudy day here today. my daughter says hello to all! she has a school break coming up next week. for a part of that break, she will be working at her part time job. she really enjoys going to her part time job and she works there every chance she gets. she works at a library and she is so happy to go to work when she has work. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on after supper. i already did some strength training this morning. i try to do some strength training at least three times a week. i enjoy being active and eating healthy. i find that i have more energy when i am active, eat healthy and get enough sleep every day. i am still doing some early spring cleaning at my place. it keeps me busy and it keeps me from wanting to have foods like chips and cookies. have a great day, everyone1 take care and stay safe.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,757 Member
    @LindieMaeP It sounds to me like you may have visited Lancaster Pennsylvania and perhaps eaten at Good N' Plenty Restaurant and Buffet. I hope you had the opportunity to visit Kitchen Kettle Village while there. That is my favorite place to shop.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,004 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 thanks for the shout out... hopefully the scale will help you to figure out what's what and help to better balance. Funny that I never noticed the BMR before... just checked it and maybe I go up and down the same 5ish pounds so much because I apparently eat too much... LOL or don't burn enough. Time to adjust a little, again... and again!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,519 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 yup it was quite the morning and and and .. lol too funny about the Good & Plenty but @Ceriusly1 was correct and man that food was sooo goood ! I am not sure we did the Kitchen Kettle Village, I will have to check my pictures have a ton of them on a save wand somewhere - also visited Hershey as well - that was cool ! And of course other areas. Also Virginia and such it was almost 10 years now I think - and of course Washington and Smithsonian tooo ! Just so much to see and do on that vacation, I needed another one to recooperate !!!
    The sun is out and inviting me to get out so I think I will get out shortly.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been an off day. Hubby asked me to lay down with him this morning so everything is be hind schedule and chores took a bit of a back seat. Played some Mario Galaxy on the Wii. Not much movement with that game but my brain got a good workout LoL. Got most of my challenges planned and my TOPS program for the next couple weeks is ready to go. No can concentrate on week 2 of our teams in-between challenge and my studies when my books arrive.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Beautiful morning here, been for my walk and ready to roll
  • Mjw205
    Mjw205 Posts: 416 Member
    @CSEGUIN2, what's a TOPS day?? I've not heard that term before.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,406 Member
    It's 30 feels like 20 with a high of 35 for today. I AM: I have an infinite supply of love. Action for Happiness: Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face. Fitness quote for today: Body under construction. Mind on a mission.~~healthyfitmantras Motivational quote for today: It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.~~Ellen DeGeneres Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 11,804 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: modified for at home Shoulders/Chest either this morning before work or this evening after work.
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 685 Member
    Hello from cold and windy Edmonton Alberta. We are starting the day at a nice brisk -11C, but the sun came up just after 7 this morning so things are looking up. I saw that this weekend we are to go above Zero!! I'm so ready for spring.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,819 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -your scale sounds great. My electric one is back! Just needed. Batteries. Yup we won’t get results for about 10 more days. I think she was in shock more than anything-that and we were rushing to dance. Her schedule makes life tricky but we do it because she loves it.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,105 Member
    @ LindieMaeP It isn't that hot here. Today we had a low of 71 and a high of 85 and if you live at even 500-1000 feet above sea level, it is cooler still. At 5000 feet here it gets down to 40s and those who have a home at that elevation just love it. I lived at 2000 feet for about 10 years but I like the warmer climate of the coastal areas. We have all but one of the climate zones on my island. The real problem that many people don't like is the humidity.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,519 Member
    lavalily wrote: »
    @ LindieMaeP It isn't that hot here. Today we had a low of 71 and a high of 85 and if you live at even 500-1000 feet above sea level, it is cooler still. At 5000 feet here it gets down to 40s and those who have a home at that elevation just love it. I lived at 2000 feet for about 10 years but I like the warmer climate of the coastal areas. We have all but one of the climate zones on my island. The real problem that many people don't like is the humidity.

    Thanks for the information, I think in a couple of years I might want to visit so more information is always good.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 these pictures are for you - not only do they have snow in them, they also have buildings. The first one is the ugliest building and I shake my head wondering why they allowed it is it so out of scene !!!
    There's still some snow on the mountains, but I don't go that way anyway - the pictures were taken from the bus I was on heading down town to join up with my granddaughter Charise for dinner - we went to Cactus Club and she really enjoyed it, so did I ! Afterwards we went to Indego and I was able to find 2 items I was looking for one is Memory by Lisa Geneva - she's a neurologist and has written several books. A neighbour of mine got her copy of the book from the local library and exclaimed it was a good book. Now I just have to find time to read it lol
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoying what you can. We have sun today and then possibly snow tomorrow but most likely rain.