March 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @quilteryoyo - Hobbes and Tippy are about the same age. He will be 10 at the end of June. Really can't believe it has been that long.
    @martaindale - I used to love 1) going on a business trip by myself where my days may have been tied up with work but my evenings were all to myself and 2) when my husband had a business trip and I had the house to myself or even with my daughter. It always felt like a time to refresh and do something for me. Doesn't make you a bad mom or a bad spouse. Those teenage years do go by and things get better, you just have to hang in there!
    @katharmonic - So sad your warm weather vacation had to be canceled. I hope the weather cooperates and warms up for you. I often think nostalgically that I would love to have colder weather and even snow when the reality is I would probably feel like you do! I do have to say that having the opposite (nice and then hot and dry) is not great either. We need a place where it stays in a nice running temperate range!
    @kgirlhart - Great long run. I love seeing the young calves! They always look so sweet

    I am thinking of looking for some new shoes. I love the Topo Athletic ST-3 but the new ST-4s, not so much... I can't find the ST-3s anywhere in a size that fits (mens or women's) so now I need an alternative. I have not had great luck with Altra sizing but I need to find a somewhat minimal, wide toe box, zero drop shoe. Anyone know of any other brands?

    There used to be a long distance, crazy runner/lawyer on here who had so many different shoes - I need that guy to advise me!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    You are doing great @emmamcgarity ! I haven't really looked at a training plan yet, since it is so far away, seemingly. I do need to do that and get a plan going. Thanks.

    @katharmonic So sorry you had to cancel your vacation to FL. I hope you can get in a few short runs this week and that Saturday's weather forecast improves.

    @kgirlhart Nice running. Those calves are really cute.

    Congratulations again @Avidkeo . I commented on the other thread.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    edited March 2022
    @katharmonic I’m sorry your vacation was canceled. Hopefully, the weather in your area will start to warm up a bit soon.

    Great job, @Avidkeo! Your pictures are awesome!

    Has anyone read Matt Fitzgerald’s 80/20 Running? I’ve seen more and more about it online, and I ordered the book yesterday. I think I run too many of my runs too fast/in a higher heart rate zone, so I want to see if this method really does make a difference in improving speed.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    March total: 28.8/75 Miles

    3/2: 2.1 miles
    3/4: 4.2 miles
    3/6: 3.1 miles
    3/7: 2 miles
    3/9: 5 miles
    3/11: 3.1 miles
    3/12: 4 miles, 2.2 miles
    3/14: 3.1 miles

    Another low 50's lovely run in the dark. Even with daylight savings some of my mornings are early enough that I still get to run in the dark, which I really enjoy. This morning I dodged several sprinklers that I would probably kill for in a couple of months and enjoyed the peaceful low traffic morning. It is spring break here, so no kids to get to school and so many families out of town or just sleeping in.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @marisap2010 I have Matt's book and love his approach.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    It is nice to hear that so many of you also love being alone at home. I am one of 5 kids, so I have rarely ever been alone. When I was a kid I LOVED the rare hour or 2 that I had the house to myself. Now, I probably enjoy it even more!

    @quilteryoyo It is absolutely not sad that 3.3 miles is your longest run of the year! Everyone goes through ups and downs with running. Despite not running much, you have stayed active and hopefully will find the joy in it again.
    I second finding a training plan and counting it back now for your December race. Your target is really the beginning of that training plan, not the race day. It’s good to know at what point you need to be ready to truly start training. When I do races at the end of the year, I usually account for not doing much running around thanksgiving and Christmas so will build in a couple of weeks “off”. Usually I do a some of the runs for that week but not all, then just repeat the full week following that.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    @katharmonic Oh, no!! So sorry you had to cancel your vacation.

    @shanaber I agree, lets all find a place with year round perfect running weather!! Where does year round 40’s-50’s in the morning and highs in the 70’s exist? That’s my perfect.

    @avidkeo Congrats on making your March goal! Those pictures are amazing. Hiking down is just the worst. I got hiking poles and that helped so much, but a steep downhill will still have me a little achy afterwards.

    @marisap2010 I haven’t read Fitzgerald but would love to hear what you think when you do. I love learning about all these different approaches to training. This year I am incorporating a couple of new plans into my training in an effort to mix it up.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    @marisap2010 I have Matt's book and love his approach.

    What about it appeals to you? Haven't read it myself.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,093 Member
    @teresa502 That race sounds like a fun event and I love that it's a trail race. I love running trails! Even with the crazy wind and rain, seems like your group had a good time. I agree with your annoyances - some people are kind of oblivious to what is going on around them.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @Teresa502 That sounds like such a fun race! I used to have family in Mt. Pleasant.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @Teresa502 glad you and your group had a good time at the 50K!
    @Avidkeo congrats on your conquering your mountain. Those are truly awesome pictures!
    @katharmonic sorry your trip got cancelled 😣
    @martaindale I agree with you about alone time. Whenever my wife goes out of town I feel guilty for feeling downright giddy, but that is just who I am. I enjoy my alone time!
    @marisap2010 I have heard about the 80/20 rule for many years, and many times have tried to put it into practice. But after a few runs I completely forget about it. I need to get it tattooed on my eyeball (that's a thing kids do now, right)

    7 miles this evening (or is it afternoon now?? I'm so confused). First 'caught in the rain' run if the year. Big heavy drops started right at mile 2 and continued until the end. But it was 75F so it felt good.
    It was a slow run, but that was the plan.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @Teresa502 That race sounds like so much fun - for a relay team. Too bad you had such nasty weather to begin with. I'm glad they adjusted the route to be closer to a true 5K. Your list of annoying things really are annoying. Why do people think it is okay to completely block the trail walking when there is a race going on. I had to yell coming through to a group of ladies that were blocking the route once and they looked at me like I was the rudest person ever.

    Glad you had a nice peaceful morning run @martaindale. Thanks for your support and the suggestion about the race and training too. As for the book, I liked the way he was scientific, or at least seemed to be, with his analysis of running and why he feels that easy running most of the time is the way to go. He advocates running by your HR, which I try to do, but some days it's just high from the get go. On those days, I go by feel, which he doesn't like. I do like his training plans. I'm sure I would have done much better on my HM had I actually followed the plan closer than I did.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    3-1 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-2 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.50 mile run out the road
    3-3 - 2.0 mile walk in the neighbor's field looking for cows
    3-4 - 1.0 mile walk - 1.8 mile run on the driveway
    3-5 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.75 mile run out the road
    3-6 - 1.0 mile walk in the neighbor's field
    3-7 - 1.0 mile walk - 2.0 mile run out the road
    3-8 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-9 - 1.0 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-10 - 1.0 mile walk on the driveway
    3-11 - 2.0 mile Wun on the driveway
    3-12 - 1.0 mile walk on the treadmill
    3-13 - 1.20 mile walk - 3.30 mile run on the treadmill
    3-14 = 1.00 mile walk on the driveway

    28.55 miles/60 mile goal

    I worked at daycare today with 9 two and three year old's. I'll just say that Monday after the time change is almost as bad as a full moon. It was a struggle for everyone today, kids and teachers, but we made it through. I was tired and hungry when I got home at 6, so went out and did a driveway walk, no running, before coming in and finding something to eat.