April 2022 Health Goals

slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
edited March 2022 in Social Groups
April is nearly here! In the US this means Spring begins in earnest! What are your April 2022 health goals? Share and discuss them here for live and support!


  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    Alright! On time this month and rarin To Go! With my two new knees working well and walking feeling good, that is my goal. Starting with 5000 steps a day and increasing by 1000 each week. (Final judgement on that based on pain level as I recover still).
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    My healthy goal this month is to start mental health services and commit to seeing the therapist for a while to get my head and emotions in a better place. Holy cow this emotional roller coaster!
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    So, I had my first mental health intake with the bariatric clinic. I'm so hoping to get my mental health in a better place. The mind games and self negstive talk is threatening to sabotage me. Ivm trying to really get on top of my obesity disease before it gets the best of me again. I heard a great thing the other day from an Instagram account from a bariatric dietician, she said "what are you doing to manage your obesity disease?" it's really making me think.
  • slowerbutqwik
    slowerbutqwik Posts: 120 Member
    So, I had my first mental health intake with the bariatric clinic. I'm so hoping to get my mental health in a better place. The mind games and self negstive talk is threatening to sabotage me. Ivm trying to really get on top of my obesity disease before it gets the best of me again. I heard a great thing the other day from an Instagram account from a bariatric dietician, she said "what are you doing to manage your obesity disease?" it's really making me think.

    You're in the same place I'm in. I, too, saw the "managing obesity" question on instagram. I have been referred to a 12 step program, so I'm finding some bariatric overeaters anonymous groups. I've only been 2 or 3 times, but I'm going to give it sometime and work the steps. It's good to hear other bariatric patient stories, as it helps me feel not so alone.
  • spangadora
    spangadora Posts: 89 Member
    I have tried therapy with regards to my eating disorder(s) and ongoing depression. It wasn't effective but mainly because I don't think that therapist was a good fit. I need to try again because I've not been eating properly at all. I've also not been doing the walking I set as my goal for the month so I've been beating myself up and it's weighing me down just that much further.

    I feel like the reminder that this is a disease as opposed to a flaw is good. I appreciate that it was mentioned so plainly.