Spring Buzz Around the Airport Lounge



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a slight disappointment on the scale. Gained 2.5 lbs. 🙄 Had a great TOPS meeting today otherwise today. Also went out for lunch and went bathing suit shopping found something I really like and feel secure in. Also went to Walmart and bought some plants, a birthday present for my nephew, and a few other things. Hubby decided we were ordering dinner out. Neighbor gave me some hostas today so planted them as soon as I got home. Calories are over. Arm is still tender but hoping can get my workouts done with little discomfort tomorrow.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member

    After listening to tonight's news and not even beginning to comprehend the suffering of families who lost children and a teacher who will not come home tonight, I just am saying a silent prayer.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,345 Member
    edited May 2022
    @Patti241,, such a great idea! Hopefully more will do these. That'd help if many do this and flood the markets with fresh, locally grown food.
    @Bookienj,,, that's so cool!! I had an older neighbor who really helped me to read in a way it became exciting! I think of ALL Mrs. Beck did for me, while I was just a rug rat!! We are so fortunate in that these ones helped us out. Of course once I learned to LOVE to read, my Mom loved it also,,, she was THRILLED we finally had something in common!
    @Cseguin2 ,,, So sorry about the gain. I LOVE eating out!! I did so yesterday. I brought 1/2 of it home, and LOL Just finished it tonight (It made 3 meals in all). Hope you got the hosta planted okay. ENJOY the workout tomorrow!! I'm HOPING when I see the foot Dr, he'll say ONE MORE WEEK and I AM going to be woohoo!!
    @Novembergail , it hurts so much to see such little lives gone from a bully. I do not care his "reason" its not a reason. I think of the practice we had the kids do a "mock drill" of a shooting right before the pandemic. It was a 2nd grade class. We had told the kids ahead of time it was only "in case of" someday. I had 3 kids tucked under my arms trying to not cry out loud, they were so scared. That doesn't leave me and I am a ADULT!! I can't even begin to imagine what the kids, their families, so many others are going through. Mental health help is such a joke.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,169 Member
    It is a cloudy day but I will be able to get my walking in
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,397 Member
    It's 61 feels like 61 and rainy with a high of 64 for today. I AM: I am so happy to be here. Axe Sharpening: Progress starts at the end of your comfort level.~~Jicky Li 1st Phorm Advisor Happy International Missing Children's Day and National Tap Dance Day!!! Action for Happiness: Ask someone else what matters most to them and why. Fitness quote for today: Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving up.~~courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Focus on the positive.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,707 steps yesterday. Today's training plan 1300 piece truck unload this morning.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,572 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 Oh I thoroughly enjoyed your pic of the Canadian Geese families. Soooo adorable!
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,572 Member
    Oops on me. I've forgotten the 5% math equation. Can someone plz remind me? Thnx
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1: When I read your reflection, I keep thinking "where are the adults"? What are we putting these children through? I am frustrated because I am sure there is answer out there but we just can't hear it because of all the noise. So glad that your arms were around those children.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,586 Member
    good afternoon everyone! it is a beautiful sunny and windy day here today! my daughter says hi to everyone! i got some grocery shopping done this morning and i feel great! i got in a great strength training workout when i did my grocery shopping today. i also got in a lot of walking as well. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a little cool and some rain. Got all my exercise done! Haven't done that in a week or so. Also got some more plants planted in pots. Did laundry and played some cards. Not sure what all is planned for me tomorrow but I plan to have another great day!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,345 Member
    @Patti241 ,,, Glad you still got in your walk!! WTG!!! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day!!
    ThursLins wrote: »
    Oops on me. I've forgotten the 5% math equation. Can someone plz remind me? Thnx
    Do you mean how to calculate for the 5% Weight loss? The start of your weigh in (4/9/22) Times it by .005. For example if one weighs in at 200 lbs.
    They'd multiply 200 x .005= 10 lbs to lose.
    Goal would be 200-10= 190
    To make their 5%
    @Novembergail ,, today it hit hard when I realized the 2nd graders I held (Mrs M had also 3 kids under her arms) are now in the 4th grade. Man, has no answers. I know you are a woman of strong faith, that's where the answer is. Mankind has not gotten along hardly at all through history. LOVE the Iris!! Katie lost hers with the snowstorm.
    How's Billie today?
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, AWESOME JOB on getting in your exercise!! Nicely done!! Especially since it was cool and some rain. Great job getting things done. I'm going to change around my My Tiny Habit and add in some FUN ME TIME!! i do not do this nearly enough. Reading your "Played cards" made me glance around, a dear friend got me the NEATEST SPIROGRAPH and I NEED to learn to play with it, it's a little bit different than the ones I had as a kid, so OFF I GO to look at youtube,,,, LOL HOPE someone has stuff I can learn it from. Reading directions I CAN DO , but oops sometimes I do like most men do (I was raised with 4 brothers, no sisters!) I DO NOT LIKE DIRECTIONS!! LOLOLOL!! I think I may of told you all this. If so sorry!! Years ago I was visiting my Dad and Mum (Step Mom, but WOW she was GREAT hence the "Mum") in FL. Dad had driven us to a strawberry festival. On the way back Mum had wanted to stop at an AMAZING Candy store. We were traveling back to their place, the GPS kept telling him "Turn right, Turn Right , Turn right (He had missed a turn) Dad hollers "SHUT UP!!" Paused explained to us "I HATE this woman telling me where to GO!" Mum said "John, we can change it to a mans voice." Dad "NO THAT'S EVEN WORSE!! WE'LL ALWAYS BE LOST!!" We laughed so hard the 3 of us. I STILL DO!! They are gone, but certainly not forgotten!!
  • aalley5
    aalley5 Posts: 1,850 Member
    I think I'm getting burnt out with posting to two teams and all that's happening with my body and family! I said I'd help with the next round, I'm not sure anymore. Any suggestions? I hate letting my team down, but I'm not much help when I feel like this. <3
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,586 Member
    happy thursday everyone! it is a warm and windy day here today. my daughter says hi to everyone! she works at her part time job after school today. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will definitely be doing some dancing later on after supper. i had some extra non-perishable food at home, so i took it to the local grocery store's food bank bin this morning. i got some groceries for a good friend of mine. i like to do things like that whenever i can. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been rain on and off all day with bits of sun worked in. My walk this morning was partly in a rain shower. Completed all my workouts for the second day in a row! I am trying not to get to excited so that I keep the streak going. Did some laundry and got the dishes finally caught up. Got my sports Fitbit band in the mail today. Bought the wrong size but will still work. The color is frosted lilacs. Tomorrow I get to go to work and clean. Didn't go last week as she was not home.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,345 Member
    @Bookienj,,, OH NEAT!! Most love my hair short, but I DO NOT!! And I am most likely the one who sees it the most.
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, GREAT JOB doing the workout even in the rain!! That's great!! Nice job on the housework also. I stick with the band I got cause LOLOL I AM LAZY!! Was it hard to do?
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,169 Member
    Good morning everyone.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,397 Member
    It's 50 feels like 50 with a high of 79 for today. I AM: I am thankful for the shape of my body. Axe Sharpening: The work has to come before the belief. It's what you do when no one is watching that matters.~~Claire Thomas 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Focus on how your actions make a difference for others. Fitness quote for today: Never postpone to tomorrow: What you can do today.~~gymaholic Motivational quote for today: This is your reminder that yes, you are strong enough to overcome anything and everything that life throws at you.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,457 steps yesterday. Today's training plan: Lower Day 2 in the gym after breakfast.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,753 Member
    @aalley5 @DNjoys Alice, I couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks for responding, Dee!