WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2022



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 590 Member
    @MoonlitMuse I read and followed some of the workouts in Strong Curves. I liked it because it gave me a workout template, well strength/resistance workout, since I didn't have one planned for me. It is a great full body workout with varying levels of fitness. I did the beginner one. My husband is really into researching what books a lot of people like and offer good, quality based exercise programs and this was the book he got for me. Let me know what you end up doing!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jane_76 glad you're willing to consider embracing winter more. Thanks to all the great stories @jugar shares about snowshoeing, I've looked into it and discovered my local library loans out snowshoes, and we have a dedicated park with forest trails for it in my municipality. Looking forward to trying it out this winter. Good job with the C25K training. I used to love joining the Running Room Wednesday night run clubs for that kind of program. I've always been a team sport person because I'm not a fan of suffering alone so joining a group like that really helped me commit to getting the miles in, especially as it gets darker and colder this time of year. When someone else is expecting you, it makes you less likely to back out, which is why a group like this can be so motivating and help with accountability. Keep it up!

    @YinxFed so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

    @Kali225 sucks the job didn't turn out to be as awesome as expected. Hopefully the next one hits more on target. I'm totally with you on brunch... It's kryptonite.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    @YinxFed Condolences for the loss of your friend over the summer. Glad the memorial was in a beautiful place
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    10/3 exercise:
    8889 steps
    46 minutes Peloton
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    @lauren_989 it's called "Overcoming Binge Eating, Second Edition: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop" by Christopher G. Fairburn

    I'm only a couple of chapters in where he's talking about the different types of eating disorder, so I don't know how good it is yet, but a lot of it resonates.

    @lauren_989 I'm about halfway through the book now, and still not at the 'how to stop' part, but I would recommend it! I keep having 'yep that's me' moments. Even if I get to the chapters about stopping and it doesn't help, I have a better understanding of BED now, and although I didn't really feel alone before, I feel comforted knowing other people feel/think/act exactly the same way.

    I'm sorry the job is not what you hoped for @Kali225 - good luck for your job searching.

    Congratulations @MoonlitMuse! I tried Thinner Leaner Stronger 5-6 years ago but didn't get on with it because I had 'issues' that needed an in-person assessment and training programme. I've since tried Stronglifts 5x5 and didn't get on with that for similar reasons. Of the two, I preferred TLS as I found it more interesting, though I understand why SL5x5 think you can restrict to very few movements and still get a full body workout.

    @jane_76 our weather changes are not that extreme in the UK, but a 1 degree swing in any direction enough to have us complaining about the weather lol. It's one of our national past times ;)

    Sorry about your friend @YinxFed, I hope the service was beautiful and you have many happy memories of them.

    @conleywoods now I have the fantastic mental image of all these kids scrabbling around the classroom for M&Ms :D
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited October 2022
    Yesterday was a nice balance of productive and chilled-out.

    I had training before work and we were focusing on quad strength and activation from the bottom of a deep squat. After one set my legs were screaming, but it was only the first one I really struggled with as my quads woke up. One of the exercises was taking a 10kg dumbbell from the ground (as deep a squat as possible) to overhead, and my left shoulder is noticeably weaker, but I just about managed. We don't have any dumbbells, but I'm wondering if I could do the exercise with a kettlebell to play around at home this week.

    I didn't walk at lunch time as I wanted to read my BED book, and I carried on reading for a bit after work and before bed. I also blanched and froze the parsnips, carrots and spring onions we'd harvested from the allotment, and re-organised my to-do lists so I have a plan for winter. I'm aiming to take it one room at a time to get things finished off, as I'll have 'mini victories' when each room is done and I can delete the list.

    Today it seems I will mostly be trying to manage with the cats on my desk. I love them but sometimes... It's wet and windy so I don't know if I'll get to the allotment later. I think I'd better at least drive past to check the arches with the squash are still upright! OH is on shift this afternoon/evening, meaning I have the house to myself tonight. I'm having peach and chickpea curry out of the freezer, then I might try to tackle one of my room to-do lists, as some of them only have a couple of small tasks on.

    Nothing overly exciting but right now, I'm relishing the routine. :smile:

    ETA - we had a really nice curry for tea last night. We'd recently had a takeaway, and saved the leftover masala sauce, as there's always far more sauce than meat. I mixed that with chicken tikka I'd made (which is a yoghurt based marinade - that part is quite healthy at least!) and it makes a nicely balanced dish. I actually enjoyed it more than the original takeaway; wonder if they'd sell me the sauce in future?!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good morning WaistAways!

    Weighing 178.6 this morning, so if I keep drinking my water and Doing the Things, I should be able to post a good solid loss this week.

    My coworker gave me a whole bough (with a couple straggly roots!) of his pomegranate tree that fell in the storm the other day. He'd been keeping the bottom damp for me, so last night Whatsisface and I took new growth cuttings, pencil size larger cuttings, and then finally stuck the whole shebang into the ground with some root growth hormone just in case something happens. :lol: So now it is Pom-Watch 2022 in the Crusoe casa. Not the right time of year, not straight from a living plant, so we'll see if we get lucky.

    I've clicked buttons, time for quick tags:

    @Kali225 new job mojo coming your way!

    @MoonlitMuse I've heard great things about a different program, called Renaissance Woman, from a few ladies I know who write substacks about lifting.

    @YinxFed my deepest condolences. Take care of yourself during this time.

    @jane_76 I totally get falling off the wagon being more than 1 day. The thing that sticks with me the most from this thread irl is the "one perfect day" concept. Maybe you're not doing super well, maybe you've got stuff going on, but you (I, lol) can commit to hitting your goals for this one day. And then you try again the next day. Very helpful to look at it a day at a time, sometimes, especially when you look at how far you have to go.

    I tend to get impatient, wonder why my loss isn't quicker (I've done this... several times now, lol), but then a couple years later when I look back at my average losses (after I had given up and gained some weight back, lol)- they were reasonable the whole time. The noise was tricking me out. Patience, one perfect day, consistency. And yeah, being part of a community struggling with the same thing helps a lot. :blush:

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I totally blew it on reminders last night - it's almost like missing brushing my teeth or something! I just need to nag...

    Wednesday people - a trio today:

    Thanks for the numbers - one of my other favourite things :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    @lauren_989 good for you for tracking everything even when you don't want to, and for keeping it under control enough to lose at least something! Go Greens!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    It has been an OK Wednesday - I hope everyone else got through or is getting through it well.

    Tonight's reminder - you know who you are, Thursday people! And there are still a couple of Wednesday folks due, so send in those numbers and we'll see how it is all going -


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,612 Member
    Hi WA's .... One more new member joining your amazing team.... Please welcome @welsh_cariad :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    Hello @welsh_cariad ! I hope you find your way here as soon as possible, and that we get you all set up for a great October.

    Please be sure to let me know your weigh-in day, and if you can, your weight on that day from last week. That way we'll have a starting weight and this week can be a true week 1 when it is time to weigh in. Thanks!

    If you have any questions or anything, just ask away.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,179 Member
    Evening all.
    Today was a bit of a whirlwind. I had an afternoon leadership training session followed by dinner at a fancy steakhouse. I definitely overate but I also ate less than I could have (and drank less too!) Proud of when I ducked myself out of there.
    Tomorrow Brad and I fly to Ontario. I know without a shadow of a doubt tomorrow is not a green weigh-in.
    That's a sucky feeling, but I know I'll get back to my maintenance range. I do think I need to find ways to offset some indulgent days that I'm finding myself in so my net deficit is enough to lose.
This discussion has been closed.