TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (November)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! Should you need anything, please post here and your team Captains will answer as soon as possible.


  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Good evening! I've taken quite a long hiatus from participating in TBL challenge! I am looking to turn that around as I've let things slide around me!

    I'm Christine for those of you I haven't met yet! I just turned 30, live in Connecticut, and am married with two cats and two dogs.

    I'm looking forward to being back!

    Week 1 weigh in:

    Starting weight: 184
    Week 1 Weigh in: 182

    10/30/22 MUAC:
    Under: probably not
    Exercise: no

  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,394 Member
    Welcome, Christine! @cmhubbard92
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    Welcome, Christine! @cmhubbard92

    @cmhubba WOOT!! I second that! :)
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member
    edited November 2022
    Week 1
    PW 150lb
    Cw 149.7lb

    I don't remember my previous weight so this is a guess!

    Muac - 1/11
    Tracked: yes
    Exercise: yes - 10km walk carrying 26lb baby in hiking carrier. It was gloriously sunny 24°c considering its November!

  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm trying to get back into a routine after putting so many things on the back burner!
  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,394 Member
    Tuesday 11/1

    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 48 minutes of heavy carrying - load-in day at the theatre for our musical. I’m beat! But I did it! 💪🏼
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    @therealbluenote You go girlfriend!!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    Tuesday 1 November
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Woot! That's one day in a row! Can she do two?? 🤔
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    Welcome, Christine! @cmhubbard92

    Yes!! Excited to see you back!!

    I myself have allowed myself to self wallow last month and my weight is reflecting that. Here is to a fresh start!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hello TBBT.... I am hoping November can be a turn around of this climb I am on. The last quarter of every year is always busy with tons of celebrating and I always seem to lose my focus. Add in those pesky midlife hormones and some stresses (not normal life stresses) and this girl is fighting a mental game that I can't afford to lose because that translates to gains and a downward spiral of my achievements. Why is -2 so hard to achieve but a +5 is an easy overnight (non) achievement?

    Overall I have had highs and lows as my journey started last October but Nov 1 was first day of conscious awareness of what went in my mouth. So in that regard, I am and have kept 16 lbs off in this year.. but can't let myself celebrate because at some point over this year I WAS down 33 lbs.

    All I can do is refocus (again 😔) and strive to build upon my achievements and not let my mental game mess me up.

    New month weigh in...
    Username: sandkp
    November Week #1
    startingW: 225.4
    HighestW: 226.0
    PW: 210.4
    CW: 210.2
  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,394 Member
    Wednesday 11/2

    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 5 min walk
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    Tuesday 1 November
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Woot! That's one day in a row! Can she do two?? 🤔

    Apparently not 😔

    Wednesday 2 November
    Track: yes
    Under: no
    Exercise: yes
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member
    Tracked - yes
    Under - yes
    Exercise - 10km dog walk
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: no - having issues with my knee and not able to do any exercise until I get a second opinion on Monday 😒
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,671 Member
    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: no - having issues with my knee and not able to do any exercise until I get a second opinion on Monday 😒

    oh no! The one you just had fixed??
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: no - having issues with my knee and not able to do any exercise until I get a second opinion on Monday 😒

    oh no! The one you just had fixed??

    Yes ma'am, for the last month and a half I have been miserable. Back hurting all the time. Went to see the surgeon that did my surgery and he told me it was just the arthritis and gave me a steroid shot in my knee. That did not do anything, so I scheduled with a new doctor to get a second opinion.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    edited November 2022
    10/31/22 MUAC:
    Under: probably not
    Exercise: no

    11/1/22 MUAC:
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no

    11/2/22 MUAC:
    Under: probably not
    Exercise: no, but over 10k steps

    11/3/22 MUAC:
    Under: probably not
    Exercise: no, but over 10k steps

    S:❌️ M:❌️ T:❌️ W:❌️ T:❌️
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hi frins I has me arms now! Dont mov like use to ah stuc but docors hep an Lisa hep pratis. I get betr balans wakin but stil hav hold body nest me and wer fom hed. I hop be normal soon. I has arms now Is hapy hapy. I wash me sef sept Lisa do he’s fet. I is 149.2. Sory I be sad mad. Hugs all
    I ets mor rel food no to! An wak ev da gin! An get beter red an rite pratis I smil you can no see.
  • JbeanR0212
    JbeanR0212 Posts: 721 Member
    edited November 2022
    I’m Jenn. I’m a single Mom of 3 incredible kids (23, 12, 7). Please be patient with me. I sustained a horrific fall about 2 months ago and am recovering from several bodily fractures. I also endured a traumatic brain injury affecting multiple processing centers.

    Sometimes Lisa, my Home Care Aide posts about how I am doing. She also edited this intro (from an old one) for me. She calls me Jennifer because I get a little confused and it helps me understand the professional dynamic of our relationship. We are working to restore my independence but it will be awhile yet. My TBI can make social interactions or life in general a little challenging. Sometimes I don’t say the right things and it can be difficult to understand me. If you can’t follow it’s okay to ask, I have to do that alot. Lisa tries to let me be me but she is always here to help translate. I have good days, really bad ones and some in-between.

    Weight loss is not a focus while on the path to healing. That’s what my oldest daughter says and she is the boss right now (she posts sometimes too). That hasn’t been an easy change for anybody! I was in this group before my accident. I stay because these ladies are very special to me. I don’t have much outside of them to keep me grounded. I feel blessed to have crossed each and every one of their paths. I can’t wait to get back to kicking toosh again. Go TBBT!
  • MamaSunflowers
    MamaSunflowers Posts: 231 Member

    Tracked - yes
    Under - yes
    Exercise - yes 15k steps