WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2022



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,111 Member
    edited November 2022
    @YinxFed now you've got us all curious! So much to share - this sounds exciting :smiley:

    Other Sunday weigh-ins, here you are:

    Let's make week 5 a stronger one! If you have friends who might like to join us, this is recruiting for December week. Here is the sign-up link - feel free to share this if you are on any forums where people are looking for support and encouragement:

  • ells_bellz
    ells_bellz Posts: 82 Member
    Good evening Waistaways πŸ₯°

    I'm afraid it's 1lb gain for me this week 😒
    Time of the month with vengeance 😒

    PW 225lbs
    CW 226lbs exactly

    I hope I'll redeem myself next week ❀️

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone πŸ₯°
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,146 Member
    11/26 exercise: 9490 steps + 57 minutes yoga

    Muscles delightfully sore from that yoga!
    Still got up and got on the Peloton for 60 minutes today.
    Food isn't where it needs to be, but guess what? I could choose to make that mean I throw in the towel completely (no), or I can do the best I can and work on the little things to re-gain momentum. Choosing the second option.
    Off to Banff for a Christmas Market and supper! Happy Sunday friends
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,146 Member
    @DianaGetsFit512 It's unfortunate when our loved ones (no matter how well meaning they are) do not realize the impact of their words.
    I've never used a dietician, and as someone who feels fairly well versed in what I SHOULD do, I see your point. Having said that, I do think there's an accountability piece like @jugar said that could help.
    When we know WHAT to do, but can't seem to do it, for me that veers more into the space of psychology. That's where I've always been - I had to get my mind right before I could move forward. And now when I'm not feeling the best, I'm struggling. However, that's just me. It's a great thing if you can access resources to help to do so.

    @DD265 Your journey with CBT and now your quest for a dietician has been very interesting to me. Looking forward to hearing how next steps with a dietician go given the coverage situation and your need to make alternate plans.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,063 Member
    Before I forget, Ashley @ashleycarole86 here's my step and exercise statement for the last 7 days:

    Sunday 20th November - 2576
    Monday 21st - 3087 / 39 mins Caroline Girvan's Epic Heat Day 18 - Diamond Chest & Core workout
    Tuesday 22nd - 2200 / 43 mins Epic Heat Day 19 - Full Body Triset Drop Sets
    Wednesday 23rd - 10138
    Thursday 24th - 3031
    Friday 25th - 2381 / 36 mins Epic Heat Day 20 - Full Body Tabata HIIT
    Saturday 26th - 2111 / 48 mins Epic Heat Day 21 - Galvanised Glutes workout

    Forgive me, as I can't remember who mentioned it in the team chat, but as a result of that, I was inspired to sign up for a Conquerer Challenge the other day - it helped that it was part of a Black Friday promotion (30% discount)! So I'm very excited to say that I will be taking part in a virtual walking challenge - the Yosemite National Park trek - 44 miles. I'm hoping that this will get me out of my walking funk. I plan to start on Tuesday and walk twice a week. If I manage that consistently I will reach my target and complete the walk by February. It also helps that there is a vibrant Facebook group and I'm hoping to visit it often for inspiration and accountability. So, thank you, fellow team member!

    And a few days ago my own beloved bestowed upon me a marvellous NSV by uttering these simple words: "you're looking very trim, Darling"! And you know how difficult it is to notice any body change in someone that you live with and see every day - even more pronounced because we both work at home and see each other A LOT every day? I think that I floated throughout the rest of the entire day!

    I have another busy week ahead, but I now plan all of our dinners and lunches in advance so meals are easier. I don't meal prep, but I know what we will be consuming each day and I shop accordingly.

    My biggest objective for this coming week is to start my Conquerer challenge in earnest, while keeping up with the 4 Caroline Girvan Epic Heat workouts that I have planned for this week.

    And this is also the week where I start to seriously prepare the house for Christmas.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday.


  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,146 Member
    @YinxFed And in contrast to the story @DianaGetsFit512 told.. yours reminds us that a well placed compliment by a loved one is super motivating.

    Thanks for getting your steps in right away! Can't wait to see your Conquerer Challenge and Epic coming together this upcoming week.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,248 Member



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  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,063 Member
    It's so great to know that @ells_bellz and @CarolAnnM2 are doing the Yosemite Conquerer Challenge too.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 506 Member
    Sunday: 7,722
    Monday: 3,188
    Tuesday: 7,661 + 30 min @4.0 mph + 20 min resistance training
    Wednesday: 2,590
    Thursday: 8,764 + walk 5K in 50 minutes
    Friday: 5,262
    Saturday: 5,310

    @jugar I jogged once this week at OTF and walked a 5k (with hubby)

    So I definitely got off track with my eating this week. I didn't track for the last 5 days πŸ˜• My goal is to start tracking again this week and to get to the gym 3 times.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,111 Member
    edited November 2022
    We have a Yosemite team! That is fantastic that @YinxFed @ells_bellz and @CarolAnnM2 will all be walking that challenge - we want all the cool news about this, ok?

    @ashleycarole86 - thanks for keeping up with all the exercise stats while work is so crazy! I love that you are getting on the Peloton and not letting yourself get into giving up mode. Eating a bit more for a while is not that old "oh well I give up" pattern any more. You might stay a bit above your favourite weight for a bit, but that's no reason to start a gaining cycle. I don't know about you, but sometimes the one thing that keeps dinner on track is that I get to cycle while watching something - if I eat too much or have alcohol, I don't get the enjoyment on the bike. Pretty often that is enough to quiet down the "more more more" voice.

    So here is this past week for my steps and exercise:
    Sunday - 6882 +45 strength
    Monday - 7338 + bike 45 + Pilates 30
    Tuesday - 7359 + bike 45 + Pilates 15
    Wednesday - 10,623 + bike 30 + Pilates 15 + strength 45
    Thursday - 11,845 + bike 45 + Pilates 30
    Friday - 8162 + circuit training 40 + Pilates 15
    Saturday - 8066 + bike 45 + Pilates 15

    Steps are kind of sad, but I have been practicing a lot. There is one piece I have to play that ends with one long held note that lasts for about 32 seconds (yes, composers are cruel people!). It is the last note of a fairly long phrase with only a little instant to take in air before those 32 seconds. I can hold it that long, but it isn't always pretty! In any case, much stamina work is happening even if the steps are kind of minimal.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,111 Member
    I jogged once this week at OTF and walked a 5k (with hubby)

    So I definitely got off track with my eating this week. I didn't track for the last 5 days πŸ˜• My goal is to start tracking again this week and to get to the gym 3 times.

    That is great to jog and then do a 5k with the hubster - that can be a lot of fun. And yes, you will be tracking this week and having a blast at the gym feeling amazing!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,111 Member
    Ready for you, Monday people!
    @BeeHapppy101 (Sunday, but Monday will do!)
  • bobagurl2017
    bobagurl2017 Posts: 62 Member
    I am still having a hard time getting back on track after being sick. I still have a pesky cough! My food choices just need to be better...end of discussion. I have everything I need to be on track so tomorrow I'm hitting my macros. I have logged the past 2 days which is good. I think I'm going to switch to ballet workouts for the time being and it is nutcracker season!πŸ©°πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ²

    The weekend was nice. Got out for a walk in the snow. I don't like to bake but I do love to make Christmas treats. I avoid baking because I get a little over the top and the perfectionist in me gets a little out of hand...so I've been told πŸ˜‰. Baked 3 different Christmas cookies and watched the grinch with the kids. I also got to sew and finish my guinea pigs Christmas cage. As far as my new year goal I have been equally ignoring my health on both weekends and week days. Time to turn things around 😌
    Pictures of my piggy sewing projects!

    Wow... that looks like gp paradise!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,063 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    @conleywoods your guinea pigs are so lucky - Christmas-themed lodgings. Happy piggies for sure.

    @bobagurl2017 Your step count is sooo impressive - even when you're nursing a nasty cough. It's inspiring.

    My schedule today consists of a lot of planning. I have a global team tomorrow where I am facilitating a virtual workshop, and I am also prepping for my college apprentices' lecture on Wednesday. After lunch I am joining my fellow English language teacher volunteers for an afternoon session with a group of asylum seekers in town.

    I also need to find some time for some housework!

    I'm glad that I have already planned our meals.

    Enjoy your day, peeps!
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