WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello! Nice to hear from everyone and welcome to our new members! I am getting my plans together. As many of you know I have been working with a wellness coach since April. I have a few visits left and should finish up those appointments mid or late February. I'm planning to not renew with her and just schedule visits as needed. I have my special home version of her in body scanner so I can track body fat and muscle. I really want to get very good at the plan she wants me to execute. I was just starting the weeks before Christmas and I was definitely struggling to get all the pieces in place. I am exploring new workout options since I will need to replace my coaches workouts on her Facebook site. I tried the peleton app and found some good stuff on there. In fact one of the strength workouts called flash 15 are basically what I do with the coach. I just add a 20 minute bike video and I'm set. I just have an old folding bike that looks similar to @YinxFed new bike. It's not a sexy peleton bike but thats okay. I can't do any of the stand up pedaling because the pedals are more forward so it just doesn't work. I think I will stick with the peleton app to make sure I am loosing weight and then I will feel comfortable seeing the coach less often 😅.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    @Isitua There are a few wonderful people on this team with young children - working through the crazy juggling act that is that stage of life. I'm going to remind you every now and again that the rumour is true - they DO grow up and leave home some day! You will need to be patient with the ups and downs, but hopefully this group will help support you while you get back in shape post-baby.

    I had a great workout this morning, it is a gorgeous sunny day, and my last one here in the South. I'll be flying back to Canada tomorrow, and I look forward to the outdoors, the snow, and especially our forest isolation. There are a lot of people down here! And cars! I'll check in again tonight and then will likely be able to update weigh-ins and new members, etc. during the waiting time in the airport.

    Have a lovely day, all :heart:
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Good evening, Team,

    My exercise and steps stats from last week for you, Ashley:

    Sunday 18th Dec - 3722
    Monday 19th - 3413 / 38mins Caroline Girvan Epic Heat Day 34 - Pyramid Timed Training
    Tuesday 20th - 7233 / 36mins CG Epic Heat Day 35 - Full Body HIIT
    Wednesday 21st - 4760 / 10mins Exercise bike
    Thursday 22nd - 2900 / 39mins CG Epic Heat Day 36 - Dumbbells Shoulder Supersets / 12mins Exercise Bike
    Friday 23rd - 2637 / 38mins CG Epic Heat Day 37 - Leg Workout / 30mins Exercise bike
    Saturday - 3039

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Week 2 Step Results (Dec 11-17)

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Week 3 Dec 18-24 steps due for anyone still sticking with it!
    I know we have some folks who are taking passes and such for holidays, or forgotten step counters, so no issues! I'll check back once more before I post for week 3!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,803 Member
    Hi WA's Another new member joining your awesome team ... Please welcome @Meals12 :)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    @Meals12 Welcome to the team.. glad to have you! Can't wait to hear a little bit about you and what you're looking to get out of this group.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    Week 3 Dec 18-24 steps due for anyone still sticking with it!
    I know we have some folks who are taking passes and such for holidays, or forgotten step counters, so no issues! I'll check back once more before I post for week 3!

    Yeah - I'm taking the week off from steps because my battery died, but I have been doing great at my workouts anyhow! I like not tracking for a while, but I'll be back on the numbers game next week...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    @ashleycarole86 You might not feel like it at the moment, but you are a rock! You have helped hold together and inspire this team and I am 100% certain you will put it all back together after this little period of indulgence. You know in your bones how great it feels when you don't eat ALL the things - the light returning energy of the new year will do its job! Then you'll have that big Ashley smile back again for all the good reasons.

    I am feeling that energy coming back too - it has not been too hard keeping most of the foods going in my mouth vegetables, even though there has been some enjoyment of ice cream, fancy french cheeses, and even some yummy bread thingys. It will be good to be home again after tomorrow, as long as I don't overreact and de-stress the wrong way!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    New (and not so new) members! Here are a couple of links to explore and use:

    Our team spreadsheet is where weekly weigh-ins are recorded, but also you can find out peoples' names, where they live, and other stuff they may have shared. It tracks how many weeks in a row you are "in the green" (you lost any amount of weight). There are the step and exercise daily tallies. There are the people who are on maintenance (in the goal zone!) and support team (temporarily not part of the weigh-ins due to illness, vacation, or whatever). You can go take a look any time, but do not need to record anything there. It is just for you to enjoy and consult the useful data there. This is the sheet for January, so it is not completely up to date yet but will be by Sunday:

    The habit tracker is a good tool to work on the small daily things your really want to commit to for the month. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Y5JAy0lEXCcVuxi2Dr58YdV22ldZEWo--ZM_UcDxYE/edit?usp=sharing
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,162 Member
    Welcome new members to our team! I look forward to hearing more about you!

    So, yesterday I had a perfect day after weeks of not eating in my calorie range. Then today, I had my meals planned out, and then we got lunch brought to our office. It was Zaxby's which included chicken tenders, cole slaw, grilled chicken, and salad. So I decided, hey, that can't be too bad. So I ate what I ate and didn't look up the calories. So I tracked tonight and omg...I ate about 1,800 calories at lunch alone! Luckily I went to the gym, but you can't outrun your fork. That also shows what I think isn't bad for a day, equaled 2,700 calories 🤯

  • Isitua
    Isitua Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone. Can’t wait to begin in January. xx
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    Those calorie counts are always so eye opening!
    I had a great day yesterday until evening. I was within calories and then a mini binge happened and put me way over. I did get a small walk in earlier despite feeling sick.

    Thanks for the encouragement. After nights like last night, it gets hard not to feel like I'm letting it slip away..tomorrow will be another big gain. You're right that I know how good it feels not to feel this way and that it means more to have that. Back on the horse, so to speak!!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Damn open boxes of chocolate at work. Unopened ones are safe. Prepped 3 great salads this morning for the remaining work days but, alone in the office, that box, that I did not open, someone else did, called me..that siren song..... I'm going to move the box to the community kitchen right now! And have a cup of tea.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    edited December 2022
    I was feeling a bit better yesterday but today I'm back to bedridden and feeling terrible. Nothing to do but rest. Not how I wanted to spend my time off but it's common when I finally relax from work and let my guard down to get sick. Maybe viruses sense a weak moment in my immune system to attack? Lol

    Luckily Brad is a lovely caregiver :)

    Stay well friends and go crush those goals!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,162 Member
    I don't know why my fitness pal isn't letting me go to the groups page in community, it keeps saying access denied. But I can go to my book marked discussions? Anyone else having this issue? It happened this morning and now it is still saying this.
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