Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,039 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) Slept good, feel good and happy to be meeting friends for an early dinner. I will go visit Babe for a little while before leaving and his niece is also coming to visit.

    Anne, we are still getting good weather with a peek from the sun now and then. Sorry about Maria, I am sue she is missing you as well. Being a caretaker is so hard she probably needs to be with her sister to unwind and grieve.

    Barbie, I don't leave the hospital when procedures are being done either. I either wait in waiting room or go down for something to eat depending on what kind of procedure. I am trying hard to take care of myself and I know you know that I need my meetings to keep my serenity.

    Patsy, I love reading how happy you are with your children as you should be. I think they all step up when needed, we just have to not be stubborn and ask for help.

    Lin, I did want to stop and buy a ticket after the hospital but it was kind of out of the way so I passed. I hope I read someone in Iowa won and let it be you!! Your collie was beautiful!!

    Jackie, I have the same problem as Jeri, some sofas are to high for my height. I end up putting a pillow behind my back so I can tough the floor. My couch is also high but it reclines which is the position I am usually. Poor George, I do hope his tummy problems get better soon.

    Diane, hope you are safe in California and no damage is happening near you. It is just heart breaking to watch on the news.

    Have a great day everyone and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    Quiet today. I hope it’s not bad weather affecting our Sneakers. My area has a flood warning until tomorrow night and I’ve enjoyed another cool rainy day so I’m semi hibernating! Our walk was difficult in a horrible cold gale although the pooches coped better than me because their short legs keep them low to the ground! So, apart from some housework and drive to town to stock up on Brady’s food and treats I’ve had a lazy day by my standards.

    Sandy, have a fun evening with your friends, you deserve it!

    The wind is howling outside so I’m off to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good evening. The last day of nice weather for right now and I did run a couple of errands. I did wait a while though as some type of traffic problem had produced a huge backup of cars and while I was not going to drive on that Interstate, a lot of cars exit off at a large intersection that I use and at the best of morning times getting merged in is difficult. It was busy when I got out there but manageable. I went back to Trader Joe’s and was quite excited to see old favorite products (and the prices were not terrible) and a number of pleasant people working this morning.

    I did another load of laundry today and ran the clothes through 2 cycles of drying. That worked well but maybe next time I will try the extra spin cycle instead.

    Yes of course, worked on Valentines again today but also read some library books. I have quite a nice stack of books to read. 😂

    Jackie, your weather has been brutal. Internet service available? And I hope your power stays on. Hoping George is feeling well.

    Sandy, and I hope you are having a good time with your friends!

    I have about 8 cards to finish and then on to the next thing. I see the place where I donate cards is asking for “Thinking of You” cards. I can do that.

    Be safe everyone. Hi Anne, Patsy, Jeri, Diane, Barbie and all our other Sneaker friends.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,039 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Had a great time with friends and even won a little money. I am going to my meeting today and will then go to hospital. Babe said this morning they are talking about transferring him to the skilled nursing facility and he said he is not ready. I told him it is the same kind of care that he is receiving now except with therapy. I just hope they don't send him home too soon.

    I ordered groceries for pickup tomorrow so I hope all is in stock. His niece is going tomorrow morning so I will be able to get my laundry done. I am a creature of habit and like to follow my routine.

    I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. Won't be long until spring arrives. (I hope)
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi LIN, when I bought my washing machine the salesman advised I used the 2 spin cycle rather than the 1 and this I’ve always done with no problems. Takes longer in the washing machine of course.

    It’s an awful dark dull day today. I was up early because Jill needed the “bathroom” but Mark in his morning text said he and Mary Jo slept until 10:40 because it’s so dark. Even my groceries arrived a little later than usual. Its supposed to rain all day and evening and then turn to snow.

    Apparently Toronto is the 7th worst city worldwide for cars on crowded roads. This I can well believe plus we seem to have the worst drivers in the world.but that’s my opinion.

    Well off to make lunch.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    The sidewalks are finally melting and I’ve been able to go out for a walk two days in a row. That makes me feel so good. Yesterday Ed had the car getting some brake work done on it so I decided to walk up to the grocery store. It’s a mile away. I loved it. Felt so good.

    Sandy - I am so glad you are able to get some “you” time in and Babe is doing better.

    Jackie - horrible weather. Not fun for sure.

    Lin - it is so annoying when our favorites aren’t on the shelves. I had Ed driving from one Costco in the NE to the one in the SW just to get my favorite Oroweat Keto Tortillas. I love them and don’t want to be without. LOL

    Diane - I’ve been thinking of you as I watch the news about the flooding in California. Hope all is well.

    Patsy - I can tell you did good raising your kids. We have a great relationship with our girls too. So good. They joke which one of them is going to get Ed or me. Melissa gets Ed and Mel, me. LOL. That’s the best personality mixture.

    Barbie - like you I’ve spent lots of time at the hospital when procedures are happening. I stay until I know what’s up.

    Well I’m off to Physio today and a doctors appointment. Not a fun way to spend the day m

    Have a great day.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello. Much chillier today with a cold, cold wind! I am staying indoors as much as possible!

    I did talk to the friend whose call I missed yesterday. I hadn’t spoken to her since the week before Christmas. I had a difficult time communicating with her as her hearing seems to have declined more. Darn. I tried.

    Made vegetable soup this morning but only a small batch once again. Enough for lunch and that was it. There are enough vegetables and broth to make another little pot of soup sometime in the next several days.

    And yes, back to making Valentines and I am engrossed in reading one of the library books.

    Jeri, I am sorry your day is filled with unpleasant tasks. I am glad you have been outdoors for a walk! Nice….

    Anne, thanks for letting me know the 2nd spin is recommended. I will definitely try it! Along with the wind, this morning we had a very light snow but nothing like what you are anticipating I am certain.

    Sandy, I am glad you will be at your meeting today and wow, a good time last night with winning some $$! No one won the MegaMillions jackpot so Friday the 13th is the next drawing! 😄😄

    Jackie, I was watching one of Kerry’s videos and he talked about a raffle that will be held soon with fabulous prizes. I forget the price of each ticket but people commenting online sounded excited about the prizes.

    Patsy, how are you? Have I been missing your posts?

    Diane, I hope you are still okay!

    Be careful everyone.


    Interesting spout on this teapot

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone, a dark wet day here too. Cold and dark and wet! But I keep telling myself this is the road to spring. So to make things cheerful I turned on all of our battery candles. A group of them on the fireplace hearth. I don’t have to lose heat through the fireplace or feed the logs. Just replace batteries occasionally. Not the same….but I get busy doing stuff……

    For some reason I have aI runny nose, sneezing and drippy eyes. Allergies? Cold? Who knows but I will press on and assume it is just a weird nothing event. No meds are necessary.

    Today our grandson came to haul the trash cart down to the little road for tomorrow’s pickup. Is that not just wonderful and thoughtful? He is a champ! And he brings it back to the house and in our garage on Friday after the trash pickup. These small things mean so much to us. It makes trying to live independently possible. He has a key to the door and he whizzes in and scoops up the trash bags that I have ready, and he has them in the trash cart and at the edge of our little road in a matter of 10 minutes. That includes a kiss on the cheek as he comes through the door. I count blessings every day!

    Tonight I am fixing John a Meal of plant-based sausage on brown rice.. He loves it but the trick is
    not to call it vegetarian. The sausages have an eggplant base and quite spicy and delicious. It is funny to me that so many guys feel threatened by veggies! John and Damon would prefer to chew on a tough old piece of meat.

    Today I am in my dungeon, working on a couple of tiny watercolors for my valentines. I must use a magnifying headpiece cause these are small and my eyes are not what they used to be. Aargh!
    Patsy☘️🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶”oh I’ve got friends in low places” Garth Brooks
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello, yesterday’s post seems to have vanished! We had more power cuts, high winds and rain so I didn’t walk until about 2pm then found myself wading through streams and huge puddles. To cap it all, the farmer rocked up to feed his animals so we found ourselves in the middle of a steady stream of dozens of cattle and ponies moving towards the drop off point. George and Betty very sensibly moved to a sheltered corner to watch them go past before I decided to splash back to my car.
    This morning I drove into town early to get some fresh groceries then took the pooches to a different section of moor where it’s higher but there is less sitting water. Another freezing wind blowing but although I noticed a beautiful rainbow as I arrived, the rain stayed away. Dear George managed to mess himself again and I’m racking my brain to figure out what could be upsetting him. Once home he stands patiently while I wash him then I check his paws and nails for knotty or overgrown problems. Of course Betty expects the same treatment even if she isn’t prone to such issues!
    I’ve had a light snack of crisp bread, grapes and a slice of cheddar cheese so will now wash the windows inside and vacuum before lighting the fires. Another Arctic blast expected next week so I must order logs and coal, also contact an electrician to install a fan heater in the shower room because the current one is quite useless.

    It’s that time of year for the doldrums but our group seems upbeat and keeping busy. As I weighed myself last Sunday I will check if I’ve lost anything tomorrow. I’m surprised I’ve managed to keep to healthy food although not having naughty goodies in the cupboards does help! A mushroom/vegetable stir fry this evening and I will stay away from noodles!

    A strange looking teapot Lin; something wrong with its spout! I thought of you this morning when I saw Easter eggs already on display and wondered if you will be creating cards. I’ve no idea when it is but then our stores put everything out months in advance!

    Jeri, walking makes me feel so much better too, even when there are days I initially look outside and sigh “Oh no!”

    Patsy, I’m so pleased to read your family is rallying round to help. Even those small tasks can be a struggle.

    Sandy, I imagine Babe finds any change difficult and the unknown can be scary. I remember my brother John was the same after a car accident when he was in his 30’s so we can all be too easily institutionalised, whatever our age. Continue to look after yourself and set time aside for some fun!

    Anne, I see you’ve lost weight so well done you! Reading about your weather helps me feel I’m not alone! George threw himself off the end of my bed barking furiously about 2 am but I couldn’t hear anything outside. If someone was creeping about out there they would have departed rapidly in case the hound of the Baskervilles was on his way!

    Dirty windows are staring at me!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good morning! The rain last evening changed to sleet and it snowed overnight. Still snowing and the garbage bins look quite pretty covered in snow along with everyone’s discarded Christmas trees. A farm lady here collects discarded Christmas trees to feed to her herd of beautified healthy looking goats. I guess my neighbours don’t know about her.

    And talking of feeding goats JACKIE, I’m so sorry poor George is still in the wars. I’m very lucky with the Bean. So far, very few tummy problems, cross fingers. The only time she was quite ill was when grandson Derek gave her chocolate one Christmas when she was still a puppy. He knows better now. Chocolate is a huge no no for doggies as you all know. Actually me and Jilly more or less eat the same, her with more protein and me with more veggies. Take today for example - I made a chicken stew for lunch (I did a few days ago as well with thighs, this time breast.). So she’s ended up with most of the meat and a few peas and I’ve ended up with a load of various veggies and a few lumps of chicken. Actually she’s never had commercialized dog food and seems to be okay on my offerings. I’m just copying my dad with his dogs. Cans of dog food didn’t exist in the dark ages.!!

    SANDY, I don’t know what to say about poor Babe and poor you! Except he seems to be in good hands at the hospital. Just know I’m so sorry for you both. The health system in all our three countries seems to be falling apart since Corvid arrived.

    Something nice happened yesterday. I received a card from Wendy in the UK. We met at work in our early teens and she was and I’m sure still is, the most beautiful looking girl I have ever met. She will be 88 now and she sent me a homemade card. The problem is, no address on the back and I believe she moved into a senior home last year. When we married she moved way down south and I moved to Derbyshire, but we’ve kept in touch for 70 years so I hope I can find her. She married an older man (late 30s) and he died unexpectedly with his heart soon after, (one daughter) but despite her good looks, and I’m sure she must have been chased after, she never remarried. We had so much fun in our teens, the terrors of our workplace.

    Something is going wrong here. Typing all over the place, I’m stopping whilst the going is good!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,039 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Started some laundry in the hopes if they do transfer Babe it will be this afternoon. I told him to have the nurse call me when and if they knew he was being transferred. His niece said she was going to visit him this morning but I haven't heard from her yet. I have to bring him clothes since I took them all to wash when he was admitted. Not sure what the attire is at the skilled nursing facility.
    I finally had my car washed so it will probably rain or snow today. :D

    Anne, I do hope you can find your friend, what a wonderful relationship all these years. I agree with the health care system but do blame it on the pandemic. They paid health workers well during it but then reduced their pay when things calmed down. They sometimes take care of 9 or 10 patients at a time.
    I am one of few who think teachers and health care workers deserve big pay.

    Jackie, our Easter is April 9th but with the price of eggs up to $7.00 a dozen or more people are saying they will be coloring potatoes this year. Hopefully your chickens will lay some eggs for you. Poor George, I hope he didn't eat geese poop, one of our dogs got very sick from that.
    Yes, you are right, Babe hates change and the doctor today told him it is going to take some time for you to get strong. He also told him exercise is the best way to get strong to encourage him to work at his therapy which I hope he does. It is just that his autoimmune disease makes him so dizzy and drops his blood pressure. One day at a time.

    Patsy, so happy for you that your kids and grandkids are stepping up and helping you. You are creative with your cooking, me not so much. I hope you are feeling better today.

    Lin, I am glad you got to talk to your friend even though it is hard with the hard of hearing. Babe also has a hearing problem and misses half of what people say but is too stubborn to wear hearing aids.

    Hello to all and stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    The good samaritans, Mark and Mary Jo have just been to bring my garbage bins in and shovel the drive. It’s a skating rink under the snow and they didn’t want me trekking out and breaking a hip. Bitterly cold with a wind and minus nine Celsius. Jill got to go out for a very short walk

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    Brrrr Anne, you’ve made me pop upstairs to switch my electric blanket on just at the thought of your weather! Here, another gale is blowing down the chimney but it’s midnight and relatively mild so time to let George and Betty out for a last garden visit before we join Brady, already snoozing on my bed. 😸

    Jackie 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited January 2023
    A chilly day here but the wind died down and the snow was just traces this morning. The forecast is for temperatures to increase again and rain is in our forecast. I cannot believe this for the month of January in this state!

    Well, Friday the thirteen is just about over and nothing horrible happened. 😄

    I spent the day thinking about the next card to make and made tiny stamps to glue to the back of each Valentine’s envelope. Then I made some sentiment strips mounted on red hearts and will place those inside the Valentines that I don’t write a note in. I did some reading and spent some time looking for my St. Patrick’s Day card materials.

    All in all, a very quiet day.

    I wish everyone well. No storms, or horrible cold, or illness, etc. Just good things.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,039 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Did two loads of laundry, groceries were delivered with everything in stock, zoom call with family in 5 minutes, then to rehab where Babe was moved yesterday and then leaving early for 4:30 mass. Will try to get back later but have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Babe's daughter in California is driving me crazy and stressing me out and she is coming to visit February 6-11 and doesn't even know if her dad will be home by then. Please pray.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,088 Member
    edited January 2023
    A sunny day! Love it❤️❤️ I have been sorting card supplies. First up, the cards to donate, next more birthday cards, next a start on St. Patrick’s Day, and today I dug out some Easter things. 👀 Last evening I watched many episodes of the old TV show “ Warehouse 13” while scoring and folding card bases. Can you stand the excitement?

    Sandy, I was surprised that they moved Babe on a Friday when we have a long weekend coming with MLK day but maybe that doesn’t cause issues where he is staying. Holidays are often understaffed. I hope all goes well. Really, his daughter is coming to visit? Well, she will have to figure out where to stay and how to get around. It cannot be up to you. Right? ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

    Hello everyone else. Hope to see some posts if I get back later. Be safe everyone.


    This was posted with a caption “afternoon tea.” 👀

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another wet day here. I got a late start for this day. I had a horrible night. I take a mini-dose of statins. They are a misery. They cause painful muscle cramps especially in my hands. But I am up and on the job as we say. But I am behind already and for a Saturday, one of my favorite days!

    Sandy: our best wishes to Babe for a speedy recovery. Our son in law was in desperate condition and the docs and hospital staff thought he wasn’t going to make it. But he slowly came around and they put him in rehab because there was no room anywhere else in Oregon. He was feeble but was able to come home and he is pretty good now. He still has cognitive issues from the fall that caused brain damage. The good news is that he made a dramatic recovery!

    Lin: for me, I love making valentines. It makes me think of when I was a little girl. I sat at the kitchen table with scissors,, glue, paper doilies, construction paper and crayons. We sang songs to the music o the radio and created valentines. Good times!

    Jackie: not to scare you but just a warning! Farmers and dairy people often put out poison especially in the lambing season. It is to poison coyotes or rats (foxes) etc. not sure if George could have gotten into something like that. A trip to the vet and a few tests should clear up any
    possible issues. He is such a sweet little guy, we all love him.

    Hello to all dearest sneakers….
    Patsy ☘️😘
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning ladies, yesterday was bitterly cold but guess what the sun came out to cheer us all up. The weather man said the last time we really saw the sun was 24th December!

    Michael came over to cheer me and Bean up. Other than that, just a normal Saturday with no excitement to speak of.

    SANDY, it will be hard but it will cheer Babe up no end to see his daughter and help his recovery.

    PATSY you have a point about poison. When I was a child our ginger cat Punch ate rat poison someone had put out. He was dreadfully ill for days but survived.

    We are all in the My Fitness Pal programme and I fell off my pedestal a bit yesterday consuming a large lunch prepared really for Michael who came over looking like the Michelin man, he was so wrapped up against the cold, ear muffs and all. So…..I am back to a very strict day today as far as food is concerned. I’ve already done my half hour trot around the house. Must check how Sandy and Jackie fared in the “pound a week club”. I bet they lost a bit, so congrats girls if you did.

    All for now and LiN your day was more exciting than mine. Surrounded by your art work etc.

    Anne, excitedly eating a small portion of oatmeal and blueberries.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,692 Member
    Yesterday flew by with lots of housework and WhatsApp messaging after I found a couple of envelopes containing photographs from over 40 years ago and just had to share. As friend Pat, 3rd from the left, commented, don’t we look young! It was someone’s birthday lunch.

    There’s a chill in the air today but it’s certainly brighter so the morning walk was a longer one round the village with Betty in her new winter coat and George trotting along at a pace that made my thighs ache! We were all woken up in the night by hail crashing on the roof and it was still lying on the ground long after sunrise so my next job will be to muck out the hens to ensure their nights are cosy.

    Thank you for suggestions about what George might have eaten. Thankfully he is not one to eat anything off the ground unless I inadvertently drop a dog treat. Betty is a different story! Although animals graze on the open moors where we generally walk, nothing poisonous is put down because Britain has strict laws against most chemicals being spread where it could run off into drinking water supplies. Bodmin moor has 2 large reservoirs that rely on local streams and rivers and I’m not saying it never happens but when it does heavy fines are handed out to farmers. I did buy a few different treats for Christmas and think there’s a pack amongst them that contains something he struggles to digest so it’s a process of elimination. Today was a good day!

    There goes my plan to muck out the hen house… more hail crashing down! Perhaps I can clean out the garden room instead.

    Sandy, can I assume Babe’s daughter isn’t wanting to stay with you. If so, go with the flow sweetheart!

    Lin, afternoon tea with rock cakes…. How could you? 🫣

    Happy Sunday. Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,039 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I guess I didn't explain myself right, Babe's daughter sent a text saying she bought a ticket to come here February 6-11 and I said your dad might not be home then but you can stay with me. Why? I don't know, because that is how I am an enabler. She answered saying Oh, how sweet, thank you very much. I have been looking at Airbnb and found a few cheap ones. Then stupid me said why, I have a spare bedroom to which she said I didn't want to impose but thank you very much, I appreciate it. Very sweet, that will be great. Then after I sent pictures of him in his new room she bombarded with me questions about the place and his medical conditions and how she doesn't like his neurologist because he is not making her dad take an MRI. It went on forever until I told her I was still there at 9pm and I was tired and ended the conversation. Yes, I know she is concerned about her dad but she makes me feel I am incompetent of taking care of him even though she said she appreciated me taking care of him.
    I told Babe yesterday maybe she should stay in a hotel near the rehab place since she doesn't drive and he got upset and asked why she can't stay with me. I was honest and said because I am still hurt that she said I ruined the family when I joined it when we were separating.
    I will swallow my pride and put on a sweet face and let her stay here but it is not going to be easy.
    Maybe she will change her mind after the therapy person told Babe yesterday it is going to take time to meet his goals of getting stronger, getting better balance and being able to climb 14 stairs. He asked how long and she said possibly 30 days or longer which means he won't be home when she comes.

    And that my friends is another day in the life of Sandy's soap opera life. LOL

    Have a good one and yes I am taking care of myself.
    One Day at a Time