WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar so many people are having problems with their ears after covid or colds this holiday season. My hubby has had blocked ears for over 2 weeks now. Decongestant pills weren't working so we got him flonase from the pharmacy and it's been helping. All the tubes and sinuses are connected so even though your nose is clear, you might be able to administer something through it that will help your ears.
    We're in the same boat with doctors. Those phone calls aren't fun... I hope you find a solution soon!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Thanks @PlaneMonkey ! I hate ear stuff since I only have one that functions. Bleh!!
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    @cleaneater80 That’s true. Thank you so much.
    Great progress this week👍
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @DD265 you have put so much into your home. The 'what if' game can be so hard. There's pros and cons for both moves. I don't know if the UK does it but here in Canada we can 'port' our mortgage to the new property and only pay an increased blended rate on the additional borrowed amount for the larger property. Not all lenders tell you about that option as they make more money when they just give you a higher rate and start fresh.

    How has this anxiety affecting your BED progress? What's your process to make decisions like this? My tummy is churning with anxiety on your behalf! Ohh the unknowns! Taking a walk or run to clear your head might help your heart to decide.


  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar hubby was on hold for an hour and 20 minutes with the health services but managed to score an appointment cancellation with our assigned medical clinic today and they've diagnosed him with otitis, an inner ear infection. He doesn't have any fever associated with it so they found that strange, but antibiotics are waiting for us at the pharmacy and they told him to expect results within 3 days.
    Fingers crossed!
    I hope you're able to get healed quickly as well.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    I survived Tuesday!

    The ear news is good - no infection, just a very blocked eustachian tube, so it is neti pot 4 times a day instead of my usual once. Hopefully that will get things draining better. I could not start today because I spent the whole day taking the bus to Montreal, having a lovely lunch with a friend (the one bright light of the day), picking up my alto flute from the person who has been holding on to it for me since before the holidays, and then sitting in the bus some more to get home. Useful, but way too much sitting in a bus. And then I had pizza for dinner. It was good!

    @PlaneMonkey I hope your hub's ear feels better fast. Those can really hurt like crazy :grimace:

    @Gidgitgoescrzy thanks for the numbers and the news. I'm very glad to hear you back is doing well and that you are only working one job now :astonished: Your cruise goal will keep you making a good example of yourself, I'm sure!

    @DD265 wow - those kinds of decisions can really ramp up the excitement (nice stress) and the anxiety (not so nice, but sometimes useful in looking at problems from all angles). Keep taking those walks and many deep breaths. Whichever way it goes, I'll bet you're going to make it work. You and your OH seem like a great team.

    I'm thirsty and need to get on the bike to rev out some of the excess crazies resulting from a trip to the big city!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Wednesday people all ready to go? Let's see those numbers - thanks!


    a couple of late posts - get 'em in!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar the scale was unusually high -1.2 higher then yesterday- so I am going to double check it tomorrow. My calories were about 100 over yesterday, but I also crushed my workout and my tummy is very rumbly this morning. It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. I am glad your ear is ok.

    @micki48 that sounds so scary!!! I am glad they made you get checked out.

    @DD265 That is exciting, but I also get the anxiety. We had to move into a bigger house a few years ago (after baby 3) and it was definitely stressful. We actually backed out of one house because it had more damage then we wanted to take on. I LOVE the house we ended up with. Best decision ever.

    @eggfreak you got this! You just need to find balance. When you are not socializing, make good choices and log it. You can't and shouldn't avoid life to lose weight
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    edited January 2023
    @micki48 I went through the exact same thing a few years back - lost all vision in my left eye while driving for about a minute. It was an ocular migraine after they ruled out all the other scary things. I have never had one again, so I hope yours is the same. Hugs!!!

    And more of those to you @KellyBgetsfit @DD265 and @eggfreak Challenges all around, but you're all amazing people who will meet them, I'm sure. :heart:
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    No change for me this week unfortunately! @jugar
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    Weigh In: Wednesday
    PW: 149.0
    CW: 150.0

    Frustrating week. But I'm within 5 lbs of my goal weight and I knew the last 5 lbs would be tough. I'm just going to keep plugging away!
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 192 Member
    Username: Bowens1973
    pw: 193.6
    Cw: 193.2
    I am traveling this week so I need to weigh in a day early. Pizza last night. It was needed, but generally screws things up for a couple of days.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 279 Member
    @Micki48 Hope it's just occular migraines, I get them atleast a few times a year. There is no rhyme or reason, and they are apparently harmless. I can actually tell when I am about to get one now, which is good, because you do not want to be driving when one comes on. Drs don't have a reason why, apparently, they are just something some people get. - But if you've never had one, they are very scary.

    @DD265 How exciting about a possible new house, hopefully all of the work you've done on the current one will raise the price enough to make it such a not so hard decision.

    @Eggfreak You got this !
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Don’t quit on a bad day

    I just heard this and It absolutely resonated with me. So many times I have quit on a bad day to only recognise two days later things weren’t really that bad 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Thanks everyone for your concern. Went to the ophthalmologist. He was great. Said my eyes are healthy, no sign of detachment. Said it was an ocular migraine. Just like you all said nothing to worry about. Stress can bring them on. I had a little stress last week with my daughter’s news of a new house and moving. He did find I had mild cataracts, which I did not know. I have had more trouble seeing at night though. And I’m high end of normal for glaucoma, so we’ll keep an eye on that. No pun intended. 😂

    I’m STILL waiting for my eyes to UN-dialate. It takes my eyes forever. Good news in all this, in addition to being ok, is I logged all of my food and was under.

    @DD265 I totally understand the stress of deciding to move or not to move. It’s a biggie, especially if it puts having a family on hold. I like your plan to find your answer. Good luck sending you all good vibes.

    @jugar @gidgitgoescrzy Thanks for the reassurances having had them yourselves.
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Had a scare at end of school day today. Had a very sudden sever visual disturbance. Like ink swirling in front of my eye. Think the aliens in the movie Arrival. So very weird. It was scary. Our business manager insisted I go to the ER. My daughter took me over. It is less than a mile from my school. Once we arrived, they called for critical care in the ER over the PA. Little did I know it was for me!! They were amazing and rushed into action. Must have had 15 people on my case. Had CT scans, bloodwork, neurological testing. All came back ok. They are thinking it’s my eye. Possibly retina issue or an ocular migraine. They released me but I have to go to the ophthalmologist in the morning. Still a little headachey. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Stayed under calories!! That’s what four hours in the ER will do. Drinking my water to flush the iodine.


    Definitely sounds like an ocular migraine. They are very alarming, but usually caused by either too little sleep, too much stress or eye strain. The retina needs to be assessed before it’s confirmed of course. I’m surprised they called for critical care! Unfortunately the ER isn’t very equipped when it comes to eye care. They usually wait for an optometrist or ophthalmologist to come see the patient when the patient could have gone straight to the OD or MD directly on their own lol. Keep me posted on your visit.

  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 139 Member

    I should have kept reading the other posts lol didn’t realize you had seen the doc already lol
    Glad it was confirmed. If it happens again try to take Tylenol or Advil at the onset to limit the duration and lessen the headache that may come afterwards. Some get a headache afterwards others don’t. I used to get them in high school often because I barely slept, but never had the headache after. They truly are an interesting phenomenon.

    Cataracts.. don’t worry about as long as the doc said they weren’t ready, make sure you are wearing sunglasses outdoors, totally normal and when they are ready the surgery is super simple to correct.

    Make sure to follow up on the glaucoma suspect diagnosis as glaucoma is easily treated and managed if caught on time. Are they going to make you do a visual field or just watch you yearly?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Hokey Dokey!! Time for a quick update - the suspense is mounting. How is this week going to be??

    Here are the next numbers to come our way:

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