Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 Way to go on not snacking, conquer one thing at a time, you got this! You aren't alone anymore, you have a whole crew behind you now. :)

    @AmbersWay Oh I'm glad your husband is joining you on eating better, that's wonderful. Bill actually isn't a bad influence most the time I think it's more now I have a partner to drag along with me adventuring. He's lost weight since we got together and I gained, figures right?! As far as the grow bags it gets pretty hot here in summer, I think summer squash and zucchini would need to be watered twice when we're in the 100s but I can't water twice a day. Sounds like you had a great day today. I hope your youngest is feeling better soon.

    @macaroo4 I'm glad you don't have to shovel with your back bothering you. Walking is a good plan, I hope you bounce back fast!

    @trooworld Yes the paper ring is exactly what I mean, my dill seedlings grew into it and when I pulled it off they came with it which stunk! Wow I haven't heard of the scan and pay feature, that's awesome at Sam's! I may have to tag along with my folks but have seen Sam's has been having a lot of deals on Groupon. I like Costco but not the crowds and lines. I don't have the patience to deal with the electric cart, it's hard enough to get around people with a normal cart there. Nice increase in water, way to go!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 My absolute favorite bean is garbanzo beans from dried ones. I'm reading The Garden of the Last Days by Andre Dubus III, it's one my neighbor gave me to read. I'm about halfway through her stack but I came home with a bunch of gardening books from the library too. So do you feel making your own nut milks is worth it? A friend of mine loves doing it, just curious what you think. It IS hard to not waste food being single but possible, I'm so worried about things going bad I kind of eat in order of the produce that will go bad first. Great No Zeros and having oatmeal as a snack!

    Hi team! Had another rough night but am in a decent mood despite the flare up from it. I worked out this morning then sent off some packages I had at UPS and stopped at the library to check out their free seed bank, I took more than I realized, now I feel bad! I'm bringing one of them to the greenhouse tomorrow. I also couldn't go in a library and not leave with books, my two favorites all in one place! The seeds are mostly cold weather ones so I'll save most of them for fall. Got my work done and have been reading and cleaning. Tomorrow's the greenhouse then my parents are coming by and we're going to dinner with a telehealth in between the two. I left a message for a volunteer to see if she wanted to come Friday to start seeds at the greenhouse and she got super confused thinking the farm was closing and it would all be growing in the greenhouse, hopefully I straightened it out when she texted but it would've been easier to talk about it. Have a great Friday!

    No Zero Days
    did full workout and extra weights
    ate under calories and healthy food (did my rainbow)
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in: Thursday
    PW: 156.3
    CW: 155.4

    @sleepygirl79 Welcome to the group 🙂 I love your username, lol....

    @Cornanda I love your new buddy, I just want to hug him? her?

    @AmbersWay Mmmmm, zucchini lasagna sounds so good.

    @Becoming_A_Butterfly sinus problems really suck. I hope you feel better soon.

    @trooworld I'm gonna have to try that low carb mcgriddle.

    Hey y'all!

    I had a loss 2 wks in a row, yay me "happy dance" 💃🏼💃🏼 I downloaded an app called "fiton" but, I think I'm gonna delete my account. There's tons of exercises on it but unless you "go pro" you are very limited on what you can do. I can't even cast it onto my t.v. unless I pay for it. Irritating because I've spent a lot of time trying to figure things out on it. Well, I just needed that little vent.

    I have been setting my alarm and setting the coffeemaker and I have managed to get up earlier 2 days in a row. Lol.... I may have called Alexa a couple names this morning but "shshshsh". Lol, I am just not a good morning person.

    I have been struggling in the evening. I just want sweets, sugar, sweets and more sugar. I know the things to do, I would be the first to "preach" it, but practicing what you preach is entirely another story.

    I had a really good workout today, I ate good and I drank all my water. All in all it was a good day.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 318 Member
    @micaroo4 I hope your back is feeling better. I can only imagine the calories burned from shoveling. I think I need some snow.

    @trooworld thanks for the get well wishes. She had a rough night looks much better this morning. I really like the no zeros, mine keep changing or I keep adding more. I really hope this year is for me to move past trauma I had, work on my health and just live. Something I feel I didn’t do for almost 6 years.

    Sorry you had an anxiety attack. I really hope you’re feeling better now. Well done on not grabbing food at that moment. I have been there and it’s a hard cycle to break.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love recipes. Congrats on getting your water in.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 really my dogs are my merry band of misfits, the circus that never ends, the joy of everyones life. 3 rescues (2 came extremely malnourished and one was abused) and now they are thriving and striving. Striving to keep my eyes rolling and smh daily.

    No you are not going to want those clothes but if you have something of value or you are attached to, consider getting it tailored to your new size. I wish I had done that for some of my dresses.

    @Katmary71 I’m glad my husband has joined me and for once I am losing faster then him. I swear cutting the “bad”carbs makes a huge difference. I still have my chocolate turtle/s daily and fit it in my calories and it takes the edge off. It’s great that Bill isn’t a bad influence, its a blessing to have someone who understands the process. I’m really considering to toss seeds in the compost area and see how it goes. 😂 because the surprise watermelon was amazing.

    I hope your feeling better. I read your post and feel the words. I know how it feels to go through that (in my own health journey) and come out the other side with a good mood and be back on track. Sending hugs! May I ask what a telehealth is? I hope you had a nice dinner with your parents. Way to go on the no zeros. The rainbow is nice!

    @DrewsAnna congratulations on the loss!!!

    Sorry about the app not working out. Thats annoying!

    I like something sweet after lunch, so I keep a mini chocolate or something individually wrapped available and that helps. I have a treat without going overboard.

    💐Have a lovely day everyone💐

  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all
    I did a lot more exercise this week but also ate more. Back to my usual plan next week.

    weigh in day Friday
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 238
    CW: 238
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 163.1
    CW: 162.8

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 228.2
    CW: 225.4
    LTD: 22.6
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Good plan. Is that issue only when you eat out? If so, can you get a to-go container when they bring your food and put half of your meal in the container right away? Thanks, yesterday was much better! <3 I'm glad Hunter's visit went well. Which Healthi plan are you on? Last week I switched from Carb Conscious to Better Balance but I ended the week with -87 bites, so I may switch back lol. Food waste--- yeah, we have that problem too. What we've been doing lately is at the end of the week, we take any produce we didn't eat and cut it up and roast it and then eat it throughout the next week. Yay for your NSV!!! That's awesome!

    @Katmary71 Oh good to know! I didn't even know I was supposed to take that off. At what point should I take it off? I find that Sam's Club is less busy, at least in our area. Yeah those Groupon deals are what initially got me to join. Last year, I let my membership lapse and had my husband sign up under the deal. When that expires, I will try to sign up under my own name with the deal. Thanks, I'm trying with the water! I'm sorry about the flare-up. I'm sure the library has plenty of seeds, don't worry! Extra weights, wow, great job! Happy Friday!

    @DrewsAnna Congrats on the loss! Yeah, I love that McGriddle, I put a vegetarian sausage in it instead of pork sausage (just because I like them and to save cals). That's great you've had 2 losses in a row, go you! Too bad about "Fiton". And yay for getting up earlier 2 days in a row! I get it about practicing what you preach, good luck! You had a great day.

    @AmbersWay I'm glad she looks better today. Yeah, I like the no zeros, too. It is motivating to see them, huh? Thanks, I do feel better. I just had to get out of my head. Thanks for your support! <3

    @davidji82 You have been consistent for a long time. No worries about a gain this week, You've got this!

    @Ftofit Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all! Happy Friday. I lost 2.8 lbs this week, yay! I did a lot of hard work for those 2.8 lbs so I would have been disappointed if I didn't lose or had a gain lol. I'm feeling much better since my anxiety attack on Weds. Working at home makes it easy to ratchet my anxiety down, if I am feeling bad, I can just put on a movie in the background while I work.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I did a strength training workout, threw away my husband's chips when I realized they were becoming a problem for me, drank 101.4 oz water, and tracked everything.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Hi MS ....You have a returning member coming your way ... Please welcome @Brigit42 (use to be raquelfit2)
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @Katmary71 - thank you! I don’t know why but when you spoke of napping it sounded so lovely and I’ve napped for the past two days in a row and already yearning for another 😅 I used to nap/sleep all day all of the time. I know now it was my way of dealing with life. Since I moved to my moms I’ve napped twice, once after I first moved here and had very little resting period and then two weeks ago when I took some allergy pills. Somedays I don’t want to get up, other days I’m ready for bed really early, but most days I really enjoy just being awake!! I also stopped energy drinks back in November aside from vitamins that boost energy. I’m sure I was harming myself with how many I drank. Sorry for the randomness there…and you were right…

    @DrewsAnna - my friend has been to that place in Seattle, it’s the same artist! Dale Chihuly and his art is known as Chihuly glass! He’s from Washington, I know I’ve seen his work before but didn’t know much about it or him, I’m fairly new to art and artists….trying to broaden my knowledge a bit 😂 I also had no idea that his largest permanent exhibit is right here in Oklahoma City, I will be going SOON!!!!!!

    @Cornanda - awe cuteness!!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - what’s tatting? Lol I’ve picked up several things over the years, most has stuck with me. I want to learn more but figure I will save knitting and crocheting for when I get older. I did make my daughters curtains and was surprised how easy it was and how much I remembered since I haven’t sewed in about 5 years. That dinner looked amazing! Yay for the victories!!

    @19shmoo69 - it’s pretty much all connected with downtown Bentonville and expanding. I believe they are building a large health complex but also redoing the landscaping around the museum. They had guys fishing for their fish under the bridges and said they will be draining and cleaning the ponds. Even the creek bed is landscaped it was really a gorgeous area to visit!

    @sleepygirl79 - welcome, you will love this group. They are very helpful with ideas and so encouraging!

    @AmbersWay - I hope the sickness leaves your house entirely. My brothers family lives next door and someone over there is always sick. I’m glad it doesn’t travel between the houses too often.

    @micaroo4 - I might be joining you in the winter weather updates, they said our area is expected catastrophic ice storms next week! 😬😬😬

    @trooworld - I’m so sorry about the anxiety attack! Amazing loss!! 😍

    @davidji82 - I sure the results from the extra workouts will shine through next week.

    Thank you all for the kind words! I’ve been getting a lot of random “You look so happy” messages from Facebook friends who hardly ever talked to me before. Guess I wasn’t as good at pretending as I thought I was and who knew actually being happy was so easy!!! 😁😁😁

    I did make it to the gym with my daughter but first I did the Muscle Burns Fat Dynamic Recovery workout from Beachbody and I have been so sore for the past two days!!! I finally got her liking the kettlebells!!!
    Wednesday mom and I watched little Athena’s memorial service via livestream.
    Back to the gym late that night!
    Cousins funeral yesterday and visit with my older brother all evening. My other cousins memorial service will not be until February 3rd.

    My younger brother has missed a few breakfasts and dinners here lately, I’ve been sleeping in most days and skipping breakfast altogether but we are all still making great choices. Last night I made beef patties topped with pepperjack cheese and rotel, fried cabbage with bacon, and hot corn!
    Hot corn is my family’s recipe and it doesn’t sound quite appealing to most people but is really the best thing ever!!! My great grandpa had a garden with only corn, onions, and jalapeños but also had pigs and chickens. They say he threw all of the things he had on hand together and hot corn was born, we have it at every family get together…

    Crispy fried bacon crumbled into bits.

    Sauté peppers and onions in the bacon grease.

    Add corn (sweet corn is best) stir the bacon bits back in and add eggs. Usually one egg per can of can of corn, cook until egg is scrambled together with corn!!

    So good! If anyone gives it a try let me know what you think!

    I also went to talk to a lady at my tribe that helps get you started working she was going to have me start at a desk job next week that was only temporary, but this morning I got a call back for the overnight ER Tech position that I applied for! My interview is Monday!!! I’m really excited about this opportunity so y’all send all the prayers and good vibes my way that y’all can! I will be working with my daughter a few hours a night before she gets off at 11:30pm

    We had plans to go hiking today but her sleep schedule is still messed up and I’m not sure she will be able to get up to go before she has to be back at work. I’m pretty used to staying up super late and trying to change to being an early bird has started to wear on me so I don’t think I will have a problem working a night shift. 🤞🏼@bethanie0825 and @tammymccrady6278 y’all will have to give me pointers on dealing! 😜
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 175.2
    CW: 173.9


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Quick pop in- been a busy week with the new beast. Hubs and I decided we were maybe ready to get a dog. Barely started looking and found this little guy. The stars all aligned and two days later, he was here with us. Whoa! He was "rehomed"- didn't get along with another dog at the home. I really don't see how- he is so chill.

    He's 7 months old, and a complete sweetie. He is maltese, yorkie and poodle. He's also much more potty trained than his previous owner said it was- that's a relief! @trooworld - his occupation is trying to get his belly rubbed 24/7.

    I'm in love!

  • Brigit42
    Brigit42 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi MS ....You have a returning member coming your way ... Please welcome @Brigit42 (use to be raquelfit2)

    Thanks Megan!

    Not sure if anyone remembers me but I was here last year under the name (Raquelfit2) thought I'd choose a different name this time. (Trying to keep it interesting...lol)

    I took a MFP break and gained back all the weight I lost. So I'm back to try again.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day- Thursday
    PW: 135.2
    CW: 136.2
    This week was a party week, with 2 birthday diners out and 3 deserts gatherings. All delicious and gain completely worth it! To be honest I expected more. Went in with only one rule: maximum one fun serving per day, either drink or desert.

    MFP names- it used to be max 2 changes after the initial setup, done directly in settings, and if any were wanted after, then contact MFP for support. Not sure what’s now.

    It’s almost February and I didn’t see any snow this season.
    Can the excess from your places be sent over here, please ? 😁😁
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Hi MS..Another new member joining your team ...Please welcome @txcritter69 :)
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 205 Member
    I love how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I have a question for the vets here before we get Feb challenge started. My body does not like lettuce after the fact (you know what I mean). Therefore, salads are non-existent in my diet. I wish I could eat them as a healthy alternative. Does anyone have any suggestions for a substitute? Too many veggies are not great for me either ☹️ Thanks
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @Katmary71 – I’m so jealous of your free seed section at your library. I just bought an 8-pod hydroponic growing system (one for me, one for Hunter). I’m going to buy seeds tomorrow. I hate having to buy packets of 100 when all I need are a few. I think I’m going to do lettuce, spinach, basil and chives. Yes, I definitely think it’s worth it to make my own milk. I bought a one pound bag of raw almonds for about $6 and it only takes 2 Tablespoons to make 1 cup. I add a date if I want it sweetened. And that’s it! I’m researching recipes now for the pulp that’s left over. Hate to waste it. I also bought a bag of soybeans and I’ll make some soymilk sometime this weekend. I’ll report back on how that turns out :) Anyway, Rancho Gordo has both regular and black garbanzo beans. I’ve never tried the black ones, but the regular ones are good. If I were you, I’d pick one or two other beans to try…if you’re not feeling too adventurous, go with vaquero and alubia blanca.
    @DrewsAnna – I am not a morning person either! Good job getting up 2 consecutive days!
    @AmbersWay – I didn’t even think of having anything tailored! Thanks!
    @davidji82 – Hang in there! It seems that exercise does that to most people.
    @trooworld – Unfortunately, overeating happens regardless of it being restaurant food, comfort food, or even healthy food. I just need to get in tune with my satiation cues better. I was doing Better Balance for the longest and had the same issue…too many negative bites. Found it to be too discouraging and eventually just stopped bothering to enter anything. Conquer Cravings is working good for me so far. Been doing this one since the beginning of January. Love your end-of-the-week roasted veggie idea! And WOOT WOOT on the almost 3# loss!!!
    @shaunarlr83 – Tatting is how you make lace. Like doilies and edging. It’s very intricate. It’s actually not as hard as it looks, but you definitely have to pay attention to what you’re doing. Prayers going up and fingers, toes and eyes crossed for your interview!
    @Cornanda – Congrats again! What is your little guy’s name?
    @Brigit42 – Welcome back!
    @GabiV125 – That gain is excellent for the number of parties! Good job keeping it reined in!
    I am so glad it’s Friday. Just want to relax, do some stamping, and get some walking in (we’ll see about the walking since it’s 24F today). I got some new stamping products, so those of you who’ve already given me your addresses, I’m going to work on sending happy notes to you :) For anyone else, you can send me a friend request. After I accept it, then you can private message me your name and address and I’ll put you on the list, too! All the creating helps keep me out of the kitchen :)
    Drink your water and eat your veggies!
    No Zero Days logging:
    1. Cook bean/grain: B)
    2. Weigh all food: B)
    3. Log all food: B)
    4. 30 minutes activity: :s (still really struggling with this one)
    5. Stop eating when pleasantly full: B)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Not a great day, because of a night of insomnia. Taking in too many calories to try to make up for lack of sleep which of course doesn't work. On the other hand, it's a beautiful sunny day, warm for January, and I had a great walk plus a workout this morning on the elliptical and some yoga to round things out. Worked on my current crochet project for a while but then ran out of yarn. Sent for 2 more skeins so that I can finish it. It will be 5-7 days before it arrives. Grrrrr. I knew when I started that I was probably going to run out of the white, but I needed to wait until I ran out so that I could estimate how much more I would need. I've got plenty of the other colors leftover. I'll probably make some hats with the leftovers.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    The new month's chat thread is open! Continue to weigh in here through the end of Saturday. Go to February for (re)introductions, goal setting, and idea sharing -

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Weigh In Day Saturday
    PW 127.0
    CW 127.0

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - His name is Gus.

    I will do a longer post tomorrow.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in week: 4
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 217.4
    Todays Weight: 219.8
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,882 Member
    Hi MS...Another new member joining your awesome team ...Please welcome @OliviaGarciaSmith :)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Welcome @OliviaGarciaSmith !

    Seems like this team had a great month of January! Ready to rock February!!

  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 238.3
    CW 236.7

    I’m nights this week so I’m so very excited to be down. I don’t get my steps in and I have to fight the urge to snack all the time. I work privately in someone’s home as a nurse so not much to do at night. Not like in a hospital or long term care where u always are going. That’s why I haven’t been on here much this week. I am covering for the night girl who is on vacation. Almost done just tonight and tomorrow left then back to normal.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,008 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 222
    Todays Weight: 218
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Sunday weigh in

    SW: 228
    PW: 217.8
    CW: 216

    Had some setbacks this week. It’s going to be a long recovery.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    edited January 2023
This discussion has been closed.