WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Greetings again!

    Before I forget, here are my exercise and step stats for the last 7 days:

    Sunday 5th February - 7256
    Monday 6th - 5881 / 42 mins HR12W3.0 Day 9 - Full Body Metcon
    Tuesday 7th - 4299
    Wednesday 8th - 13541
    Thursday 9th - 4632
    Friday - 3144 / 39 mins HR12W3.0 Day 10 - Toned Thighs & Hip Mobility
    Saturday - 2987

  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 467 Member
    @jugar - I've unexpectedly out of town and won't be able to weigh in. Can I defer to next week?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    How are everyone's No Zero days going?

    I'm finding it helpful to make sure there is at least one thing that makes the tomorrow me healthier and grateful. Today was a good long brisk walk instead of snowshoeing - less exertion, but more steady striding along. It felt good. I'm going to balance it with a few push-ups and I did about 20 minutes of Pilates just to use the muscles more.

    We have no Tuesday weigh-in people, but a few more Sunday-Monday folks yet to check in:

  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited February 2023
    @conleywoods that dress is gorgeous on you!

    @KellyBgetsfit I'm definitely feeling the carb cravings, so trying to redirect those towards low-GI carbs or a small amount of carbs & protein/fibre as per my dietician.

    Yesterday I managed to resist the cravings somehow - messaging OH to say I wanted something sweet helped even though he wasn't able to respond straight away, I think avoiding 'secret eating' might be a good thing. Also, whilst he tries to empathise, he doesn't understand my struggles with my weight (he's never had any himself) so if I'm more open about it, he might start to 'get it'.

    The cold is way worse today, which I think means I'm on the mend. These things always seem to get worse before they get better. I pushed my training session to the end of the week and I am glad of that as I would not be up for it this morning. A couple of years ago I'd have just cancelled, but these days I try to reschedule and miss as few as possible.

    OH wanted pancakes for Valentines (despite the fact that it's pancake day next week) which goes totally against everything the dietician said because I have them with Nutella. She did suggest oatcakes with peanut butter as a snack (I tried it yesterday and oatcakes fine, peanut butter not fine) so I'm debating swapping the pancakes for oatcakes but then I feel like I'm being awkward. It's just one meal.

    Plan for today? Die quietly, stick to 1 reasonable-portion treat, go for a walk/treadmill even if just 1 minute. Additional snacks are fair game but aim for low GI options. Also, try apple & peanut butter as a combo.
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ CarolAnnM2 Well done! Sounds like you are working hard and its paying off :smiley:
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    @ conleywoods You look fabulous in your dress. Sounds like a nice time out
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    @nightfeeding1 Thanks!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,251 Member
    @conleywoods that is a beautiful dress and looks great on you!

    @DD265 that's a good term, secret eating. I don't necessarily binge, just hide what I eat. My husband is overweight himself, but doesn't understand why I would hide what I am eating. I am trying not to keep cash on me so I can't go out and buy sweets.

    Today was a gorgeous day in NC, 67F and sunny! It's my half day at work, so I went to the gym after work and then sat outside to eat lunch 😊 Soaking up some natural vitamin D!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @conleywoods looking great!

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I hope you're feeling better and those headaches give you a break.

    @KellyBgetsfit way to refocus after all those birthdays.

    I did my plank challenge today and I adjusted the water in my hot tub so it's a no zero day for me! With my new training class I'm out of the house for all daylight hours which saps my energy and motivation to do much else. Tomorrow is my tabata class and I'm hoping Thursday I will be asked to play hockey (I'm not scheduled) so that will help me burn some energy. I haven't been logging but portions have been reasonable.

    I just added apples to my shopping list to eat with peanut butter! That will be a good 'school' snack.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    I just brought home some new freshly ground peanut butter today. For apples. You all are making me feel like this was absolutely the right thing to do!

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 279 Member
    Pw - 172.4
    Cw 170.8

    Have a great day
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @jugar @planemonkey I did not try apples with peanut butter yesterday. I should do today. I am not convinced I like peanut butter so I may have put it off. ;)

    Anybody know what the least-strong nut butter is?

    We had our pancakes and I did enjoy them but I also noticed that the first ingredient in Nutella is sugar (50g+ of sugar per 100g) so they tasted OTT sweet to me. OH originally wanted steaks for V-day, but we didn't need anything else from the butchers and my Saturday morning was already busy. So we're going to have steaks on pancake day instead. Otherwise I stuck to my healthy eating guidelines (not "rules" - I'm feeling a bit restricted and want to reframe!) and I think I drunk about 4L of water; mouth breathing makes me thirsty!

    I'm planning to do is print off some of the guidelines and stick them on the insides of cupboard doors, so portion sizes etc are easily available to both of us. I'll probably do one for snack ideas that I like as well. As I said previously, I need to reframe the feeling of restriction into 'choosing healthier options'. I'm trying to stick with it because much like the muesli that I didn't enjoy at first, I will get used to it.

    I worked a half day yesterday to cover my meetings and took the rest off. I feel brighter today - not 100% by any means, but like I have more than 1 functioning brain cell. :D Despite outside being very cold, it's sunny so I am going to try and get some fresh air in at lunch and/or after work. I would like to check on/top up the bird feeders at the allotment, which would be a short and enjoyable errand.
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    Weigh in Day: Wednesday
    PW: 144.2
    CW: 145.0

    I hate that I had a small gain this week, but am really not surprised by it. Time to get back on track and make better choices!
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    @jugar I need another week to weigh in, dealing with a bacterial infection in my chest and nose after my pretty substantial cold 😢
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 279 Member
    Has anyone heard of pickleball, it looks like it's like ping pong, but on the ground... LOL

    Anyway, the husband signed us up for a membership at a club that is big into the pickleball, they have alot of courts, but they also have a pool, which is why we even went there in the 1st place. But now that I've seen it, I'm kinda excited to learn and play pickleball... Looks a bit easier than tennis.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I want to play pickleball! It looks so fun. Our municipality has a league and when I went to sign up for the beginner level, I found out that it had sold out the first hour of registration. My aunt and uncle love it so much they painted a pickleball court on their driveway.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    @jugar @planemonkey I did not try apples with peanut butter yesterday. I should do today. I am not convinced I like peanut butter so I may have put it off. ;)

    Anybody know what the least-strong nut butter is?
    For a long time I would only use sunflower seed butter - but almond butter is great too, as long as you get one that only contains almonds and nothing else.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Well hrrrumph! I thought I had posted a message last night, but it just sat here not saying a word. Then it disappeared when I refreshed the page - usually the "drafts" function is annoying and you can't get rid of something, but this time it disappeared no problem :neutral: In any case, the Wednesday people went un-nagged this week. I'll re-nag here!

    First of all, though, @Gidgitgoescrzy I suggest you give a neilmed neti pot a try. My ENT recommends we use one 3-4 times per day in winter, especially if you tend to get sinus infections, have allergies, or get plugged up ears. I find it incredibly effective. They're easy to find in just about any pharmacy - but I would stick with the funny looking little blue pot, not the fancy pump thing or whatever. I hope you get relief - sinus infections are the very very bad dog of ailments.

    Nagging refresh - due through end of Wednesday:

  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    I want to play pickleball! It looks so fun. Our municipality has a league and when I went to sign up for the beginner level, I found out that it had sold out the first hour of registration. My aunt and uncle love it so much they painted a pickleball court on their driveway.

    We have Pickleball at our apartments and I got a free lesson from a professional seeded player when I first moved here (Rain has stopped play over winter and apparently the cold affects ball performance).

    I have been through every stage of this video and our neice bought us Pickleball rackets for Christmas. As soon as it warms up, we’ll be playing again 😁
  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 136 Member
    Keeping up with my goal to check-in here midweek eventhough I'm still pretty sick. I did manage to get out of bed today, shower, and work a bit. But I'm achey, shuffle, and exhausted now. Scale is up - probably salt. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @jugar sorry, we had an unexpected snow day. I did not weigh in. I will weigh in tomorrow.

    I had productive day off. I got several loads of laundry done, went to Costco, did some meal prep, and worked out. I am ready to move my body more, eat less junk, and shake off this winter weight!!!
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