Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2023



  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member
    🎉Well done to our leaderboard makers!!!🎉

    Love the note 🗒️ on the leaderboard. Water weight!

    @askewcr oh dear! I hope you get some relief. Big HUGS!

    @Cornanda oh my Gus is a handful of fun. We went through the puppy months and oh my was it something. So glad to be past those crazy days 🤪

    I so feel you on the goals and things happening. Definitely don’t quit, just regroup and carry on. That’s what I tell myself. The challenges help me a lot too. They push me to get moving.

    @trooworld congrats on getting back to tracking. You sound so busy. Holidays keep us on our toes, don’t they? I hope you had a lovely Easter.

    Oh husbands and kids with caps! Mine are constantly putting things back half closed. I’m sure this is what started me talking to myself. 😂

    I’m going back a bit. Another Hungarian. Yay! Our house was so traditional. My grandmother was from Belgium but she did everything Hungarian. I miss those days. Back when I could eat it all and it not make a difference in lbs. 🤪 Today at the hospital the Ultrasound tech was so confused by my 11 letter last name. I told her Hungarian and she was like ahhh. Typically they think Russian.

    @tammymccrady6278 glad to see you back.

    @txcritter69 a renph tape measure???? I need one of those! Thanks for sharing. I never looked past my scale. Sounds like you have a good plan set for you and Diesel. Thanks for sharing fitbark. I need to look into it for my girls. I have apple airtags on them but would love to see their amount of exercise.

    @DrewsAnna you crack me up, Easter grapes! I will forever call jellybeans Easter grapes and credit you. 😂

    I pray your biopsy goes well and perfect results. ❤️

    @sleepygirl79 wow that’s still quite a bit of snow!! I can imagine it gets old. I love snow and search it out in the winter, it’s been years since I lived in weather like yours.

    @laurelfit57 well done on skipping the taste tests. SO MANY OF US (me, I mean me) don’t count those extra calories and boy can they add up.

    @Katmary71 I hope you had a lovely Easter with your family. I want to thank you for the Sydney Cummings videos. My arms, chest and back were feeling it. Definitely what I was looking for.

    Well, my WI was disappointing yesterday but today looks good. 😂 the luck. I know my exercise was great but I had some foods that I know slow things down. I haven’t meal prepped this week and it shows. I’m ready though, I went grocery shopping and today is the day!

    I had my abdominal U/S today and the gal 2nd the 2nd opinion that the abdominal cyst doesn't look to be from where they thought. Which I hope may be better news, possibly. Maybe then they can aspirate it and I can move on. They can’t do surgery, since I’m considered high risk for surgery. So tomorrow I see the doc for all my results. Wohoo! Plus maybe he’ll take me down to my neuro doc to discuss my medication. Doesn’t hurt to ask again. Then I am done until summer break when I am back in Istanbul to see my surgeon there. Oh the fun. This is my every 6 months here and then a check up in the summer. Wohoo. Still thankful though.

    Other than that, happy, nauseated, woozy and chilled out. Kids and hubby are great. Doggies are getting spa dates at the end of the week. Happy me! Well I’d be happier if I got the spa date. 😆

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,398 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 216.8
    Todays Weight: 219.2
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    Congrats to the whole team for making it onto the leaderboard! 3rd place by both percentage AND pounds! Woo hoo! And special congrats to @Jactop @19shmoo69 @shaunarlr83 for leading the way!

    @Cornanda Thank you! I vote cinnamon roll too lol! You are almost halfway to your 90-day goal! That's really good, maybe it's not the rate you want but you are losing. I get what you are saying, I think I am having a similar problem. LOL Gus!!! I can see him leaping now. Violet has a bit of separation anxiety as well: when we first got her, she chewed the wall and the baseboard (we lock the dogs in the hallway when we are gone). She's better about it now. That's great Gus is up to 13 mins. I hope Gus can get the leash walking so maybe you can take him with you on your walks. That's a shame that you had to stop. Venting here...Violet is NOT housetrained. She is doing pretty well but she will not let us know when she has to go, she will just sneak off somewhere and go. Half the time, she will go on the pee pad that is by the door, half the time, not. Grrrrh. Also, another vent, she goes ballistic when she sees people and/or dogs. Something we are working on. We have a good trainer now, we've had one session and she learned a lot in that. We will be joining a group class soon with that trainer. Gus WILL be a good dog, he's a good dog now just needs some help! <3

    @askewcr I've heard allergies are really bad this year. I hope you are feeling better now.

    @AmbersWay Thanks! Yes, busy busy busy lol. Holidays do keep us on our toes. I did have a lovely Easter, thanks! I think caps half-on are a great reason to talk to yourself lol. That's cool that your house was traditional Hungarian. I didn't grow up with my father's side (the Hungarian side), so I missed out on that. My father's last name is very short compared to your 11 letter last name but I hear it is a common last name. Are you the one that told me about the by Terry lip balm? If so, I bought some and I love it! I hope they can figure something out for the cyst. Spa date sounds nice.

    @19shmoo69 Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. I was too tired and lazy after getting home from Easter lunch so didn't make the ham etc. for dinner, I will make it on Thursday, hopefully. I made a beautiful pie crust that came out perfectly BUT...it slid off the table and half fell out of the pan and onto the floor so I couldn't use it. Luckily, I had a frozen pie crust I could use. Not as good but it was what it was lol.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Didn't overeat Easter lunch.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 180 Member
    Just hopping on to let you all know I contacted support about the issues with the app and website. They seem to be aware of the issue, but don’t have any immediate resolution ejwtuelpcx5i.png
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 695 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 195.6
    CW: 199.8
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 695 Member
    edited April 2023
    I had a good week although you wouldn’t know it by the scale grrrr. Starting my 4th week on keto and managed to bypass all Easter goodies. I made some Chocolate Chip keto cookies to help me through it. @laurelfit57 I didn’t have to work at the Chocolate Store this year thank goodness. Not sure I would’ve been strong enough. The smell alone would’ve did me in since I’m not immune to it anymore

    Exercise was good this week. 2 full body weight workouts and 4 cardio. I did Silent Stretching 5 days and forgot on the other 2 days oops. And I have to be silent because I make so much noise getting up and down off the floor I sound like I’m dying or at least severely injured so my dog hovers over me and licks my face.

    @Cornanda I’m excited to try the stretching video you posted. I’ll see if I can do it quietly lol

    I have an appointment with a Natural path this week who specializes in straightening out your hormones so I’m hoping she can figure out why I’m gaining weight on keto. I don’t want to change what I’m doing yet with diet and exercise but it would be nice to see some positive results for a change.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So I dropped off the face of our little planet. Nothing tragic happened (thank God) but my body is doing odd stuff. I literally gained 10 lbs in a few days. My TOM was also horrible last month and I just gave up. Not so much on the eating but no tracking. No walking. Nothing.

    I was super discouraged and horrified so I did what I usually do and froze and hid. Just stopped everything.

    I've moved to days at my job so I'm sleeping normally. I quit snacking between meals and have been working on getting more water in, just not moving as much. Still gaining weight. So my Dr has ordered a slew of bloodwork which I'm having done Wednesday. I have a feeling some stuff is out of whack. It's been a year so this will be fun. She said we'll go with what the bloodwork and says and do what we need to do. I have a feeling it's hormonal, had a few days of hot flashes. I'm 38 so it's the super fun stuff.

    Everything else in my life has been good. I hope everyone is doing well. I'd like to cheer you guys on till I get going again!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    @Cornanda Vannie was hospitalized about three years ago, she ingested some thing, and we almost lost her as she went into renal failure. Anyway… She had to stay in an emergency hospital for four days. When she got out of there, she had such severe separation anxiety, that if I tried to leave her alone, she would try to claw through the front door with her paws, even trying to bite it, and she basically went nuts in here. I had to take her to a place to help work through it, they were great. Not saying that you are going through the same thing with Gus, just that it can be worked through! I know that you guys will get there♥️.

    @askewcr yikes! I hope that you are doing better!

    @Ambersway hmmm… maybe we should book a spa day for ourselves every time we book one for our dogs… I think that should become a thing😁

    @trooworld one thing about a rescue dog, you are always fixing things that a previous owner did, or didn’t do, which can be kind of a pain. Up until Vannie I always had rescue dogs, and was quite surprised by some of the things they couldn’t do, when they were a year or two years old. Definitely takes longer to potty train them when they are older. I know that you are going to get there with Violet working with that trainer and in a group setting!
    Oh no about the pie crust! I have never been able to make a decent pie crust to save my life.

    @sleepygirl thanks for the update on the forum! Do you live in Canada, your pictures seem familiar with the snow, I am in Alberta.

    @jactop I do a lot of moaning and groaning some days when I’m getting off the floor as well lol! Good for you on bypassing all the Easter goodies!! Good luck with the natural path!

    I did not even attempt to track dinner last night. Can I just say I enjoyed every morsel from beginning to end, as well as the two glasses of wine! This morning I was still full, I met my daughter at the gym, and we did a spin class. I typically do my weight training after that, but I was just too tired. I came home, finished cleaning up the kitchen, then after I am done posting here I am going to take a little nap:-) :-). My plan is to go back to the gym, I was able to get into the hot Yin yoga class this afternoon and would like to go there an hour early to get my weight training in. That is my plan. :-) :-)
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    ⚖️WEIGH IN⚖️

    Weigh day Monday
    Previous weight - 169.4
    Current weight - 169.8

    Easter celebrations got me! 😂
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @DrewsAnna So glad you're starting to feel better, that's great news! Haha Easter grapes, too funny. What concert are you going to later this year? Prayers on the biopsy.

    @txcritter69 Get down with that Bowflex! I have a feed friend who uses one often, if I ever see one being given away I'm going to bring it home as she's in amazing shape.

    @trooworld That strawberry pie sounds incredible! I'm glad you had that pie crust, no way you can pick something off the floor with pets, that's a 5 second rule deal breaker!

    Woohoo Mission Slimpossibles, we're on the leaderboard this week! Special congrats to @Jactop @19shmoo69 @shaunarlr83 on awesome losses!

    @Cornanda I know what you mean about not doing everything all at once, it says a lot that you're still doing most of it though, it's pretty easy to be gaining back weight and letting it all go once one thing isn't working. How close are you to the next jean size? May be some white shorts for summer now right?! That was one of my mistakes, I don't have anything white but figured since I was finally thin I needed white pants, I garden and have nothing to wash them with so that didn't last long! I hope Gus gets better at walking, training dogs is definitely not easy, I've been watching my brother's family with their hyperactive puppy and I'm glad she's not mine even though I love her!

    @AmbersWay You got this! Glad the video worked out for you, I need to try that one too! Prayers for your appointment to get results, thinking of you!

    @askewcr Oh no, I'm glad you were helped there and hope they calm down!

    @sleepygirl79 Hopefully the delay won't last much longer.

    @Jacptop Chocolate chip Keto cookies sound awesome, that was smart to make for yesterday. Wonderful exercising, LOL about restraining the grunting and moaning for the pup! You need a foam roller around your pup and it will learn how to dial 911 if you complain as bad as I do doing that! I hope the natural path visit goes well and they can help.

    @bethanie0825 Glad to see you back! Oh no, sorry to hear about the awful TOM and weight gain, I used to gain like that every month and it stunk. I hope you get some answers with the blood work.

    @laurelfit57 Hope you made it back to the gym for the hot yoga class, twice in a day is very ambitious! I didn't track yesterday either.

    @fairymange Sounds like you did great over the weekend, way to go!

    Hi everyone, not feeling too hot, I was up hurting all night then have had a stomach bug so spent most the day in bed. I did get 6 basil varieties and a few other things started and did my charity meeting minutes so the day wasn't a complete waste. Bill went to the ER yesterday with chest pain and has a blood clot, he's home recovering on blood thinners. Easter with the family was good. I have to stop wearing black when my photo is going to be taken in spring as I'm always so pale and stand awkward since I'm hurting, I'm not sharing those photos on here or looking at them again! Have a great Tuesday, I'll be at the greenhouse and may run by the pain clinic to reschedule my appointment, have an afternoon appointment as well.

    No Zero Days
    good food and under calories
    gardened a bit
    great water
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,583 Member
    Username: AustinRuadhain
    Weigh-in: Mondays
    SW: 265.2
    PW: 205.9
    CW: 205.9

    Sorry, team! It was a crazy week, family-wise. I did super great on exercise, but only so-so on food. Okay most of the week, and then went to the Renaissance Festival yesterday. Onwards!

    Today has been crazy because my husband and I needed to drop everything and help my mom with something. That is under control, and I am promising myself to hit it on both food and exercise this week.

    No zero's today: walking! I squeezed in a 48 minute brisk walk. Off to finish class preps and getting ready for the rest of the week!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    @Cornanda Gus will get there. Chipper used to get all crazy like that. I took him for puppy training and he did alright. Lol, He thinks come, sit, down and stay all means the same thing. However though, he definitely understands "NO" so, I took that and ran with it. He's 4 1/2 now and does so much better.

    @Katmary71 my sister and I are going to see "Pink". I love her music. Lol, I've been to 1 country concert, and a lot of rock concerts, this is my first pop concert. Lol, my sister and I are going to dye our hair pink for this. I'm so excited.

    Hay y'all! I hope everyone had a great Easter. Mine was great. Today, I tried to get back on track and for the most part I did pretty well. I had a healthy breakfast and lunch. I did a workout early and after dinner I walked through the house for about 20 min to reach my step goal. I really bombed diner.

    Tomorrow is the last brand new day.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m so sorry I’m late again. Just treading water to keep my head above at this point.

    April 9 weigh in Megnolia82

    Current weight: 219.2
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @sleepygirl79 Thank you for that.

    @Jactop Congrats on your good week! I hate when the scale doesn't reflect my hard work. :( I'm glad you didn't work at the chocolate store this year. That's cute about your dog. :D Good luck with your appt.

    @bethanie0825 Sorry about the wackiness with your body. That's good you are on days now. Do you want to be moved to cheerleading or do you want to still submit weigh-ins?

    @laurelfit57 Yes, this is something I've been learning since we rescued Louie (the mean pug). Unfortunately, there is always something! It's not their fault but it's frustrating. Thanks, I think we'll get there, too! This pie crust was delicious and it was so sad to bring the pie in a store-bought crust lol. I'm glad you enjoyed dinner. Yay for the exercise! Did you go back to the gym?

    @fairymange Woo hoo! Congrats on the loss!

    @Katmary71 It was so good and it would have been even better with a homemade crust! Yes about the 5 second rule deal breaker! LOL I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, I think I have a stomach bug too. Unfortunately, I have to go to work and I've taken all the medication I can. I may have to leave work early if I can't get it under control. I wish Bill a speedy recovery, that sounds dangerous. I'm glad you had a good Easter. Good job with your no zeros!

    @AustinRuadhain Great job with your exercise! A Renaissance Festival sounds fun, I've never been to one but would love to go. Great job with the walking!!!

    Hi all. I am not feeling my best, I think I also have a stomach bug. I still have to go to work, I hope I make it lol.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Drank more water than the day before, had a healthy breakfast and dinner.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning all ! I hope you all had a great Easter! I worked all weekend but didn’t do too too bad with food. I was over a bit all weekend but am now back at it. I’m starting my walks again now that we r getting nice weather so hopefully that will help with everything. My dogs will certainly appreciate it. Found out that my stepdaughter is getting married on Halloween this year so now we are planning a trip to New Zealand. She lives in Auckland so that is exciting. We have never been. Today I am going to try my hand at beginner yoga so wish me luck. How hard can it be right? Lol. Have a great day
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 225 Member
    Good Morning!

    It was a great Easter with family. Love hangout with my kids. Not happy about food choices and what I have gained. But No Worries.
    Yesterday Diesel and I started our morning walks routine. It was as usual,he wants to walk me and chase cars. We will be heading out again here in a few.
    @Cornanda you are not alone. We did have a bad moment with Diesel on Easter. My Sister in law and I were in the back yard with Diesel and was headed to the front and as we came around the side of the house the little dog from across the street was in the front yard. Before for I could grab Diesel he has running after it. He ran up to it and the little dog charge him and Diesel grabbed it and started shaking it. All I could do was pray that he was going to let go of it. The little dog is ok but did have some injuries on its hind leg. I just don't know what to do. He is the first dog I have had with this temperament. The beginning of next month I am going to contact this trainer and set up a meeting with her.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    🌺Kindness is like coffee☕

    🌿It awakens your spirit
    and improves your day.🌿

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Congrats to @Jactop @19shmoo69 @shaunarlr83 on awesome losses!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140

    PW: 137.2
    CW: 136.2

    Hi Team, its warming up here. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with your families. I thought I did terrible last week; I don't know how I lost. I ate extra of everything and tasted all my husband's foods. I didn't exercise and I ate the nuts, which I felt guilty about most of the week. I was good on Easter only eating half of a piece of chocolate, omg it was so good white chocolate and orange.
    It was 95 degrees in Lake Elsinore yesterday. I went to Walmart to buy a bunch of cat litter to donate to the local animal shelter. I thought I was going to die. I got it dropped off and they were very thankful, they are stocking up for kitten season. We also donated money so they can buy dog and puppy chow and treats too. I figured it was easier just to give them the money vs me buying the food and trying to load it into my car.
    I hope everyone has a great week. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. Be your best friend. Loving yourself and accepting yourself is a huge part of losing weight and maintaining. Plus, building in alternative ways to eat. I wake up in the night sometimes and eat, but now I keep fruit ready to eat in the fridge. Every little bit helps.
This discussion has been closed.