WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member

    steps today 14634 + not much else worth counting. Planting and wandering. Kale and carrots planted!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,332 Member



    Team Results
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    By Pounds

    Individual Results
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    Team Winners
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Thursday weigh in CW 173.1
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    Sunday: 2,978
    Monday: 5,420 + 60 minutes body pump class
    Tuesday: 5,146
    Wednesday: 4,937 + 45 min HIIT class
    Thursday: 3,050
    Friday: 4,460
    Saturday: 8,475 + 60 min body pump class

    My month of me focusing on myself and food started off ok, then definitely went off track! I felt relieved not having to worry about the scale and just focus on food and movement and before I knew it I'm sneaking snacks and cookies again 😕 Anyway, @jugar I would like to join the regular team again next month. Can my weigh in days be Tuesdays? I will weigh in this Tuesday to get my starting weight for the month.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    Oh wait, this month has 5 weeks. @jugar I will weigh in next Tuesday for my starting June weight.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    Oh wait, this month has 5 weeks. @jugar I will weigh in next Tuesday for my starting June weight.

    Yep! That'll be the 30th of May. Gives you an extra week to get back into the tracking habit. It is amazing how easily those cookies and things sneak back in, isn't it? I'm glad you took the break though. It's all good information. Tally ho!
  • IDebraK
    IDebraK Posts: 139 Member
    I truly cannot be responsible to weigh in on Sundays.
    I need to change my day back to Saturday.
    Life is messy over here. We're finally getting the house put back together after the rat fiasco.

    I have GOT to get my life in order!
    I think I forgot to weigh in last week. I don't even know anymore.

    PW: 132.4
    CW: 134.4

    I am not giving up. I work two days next week, and then I am off for 6.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    @IDebraK I'm glad to see you back, and glad that you will be having some time off after this crazy and difficult time. I have moved you to Saturday weigh-ins, and recorded this CW as if it was submitted yesterday. Enjoy those days off after your 2 work days :smiley:

    @ashleycarole86 I think I was with you in spirit yesterday and had a might out of control eating disaster too! We really have to stop the telepathic stuff. It'll get us into trouble for sure. Or maybe not - we did great on our steps on the last 2 weeks' challenges, so now it is time to get our food game up to scratch. Go!

    Monday peeps - here you go too:

    Still a few Sunday weigh-ins due:

    Thanks! Let's hope we'll have a green week, following the lead of our top greenies for week 3 @project_shan @wishfuljune and @adrimango - you inspire, and we need it!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @jugar it is Monday, so I hope your boy is on the move and with you soon

    I had a ridiculously full weekend, but it did feel long as a result. Friday I worked in the morning then we did lots of shopping. Saturday I got a bit of time in at the allotment, went to two charity plant sales, then we went to my in laws for MILs birthday. It was lovely, but we didn't get back until 9pm in the end. Yesterday I spent the morning doing chores/errands, and the afternoon was 5 hours at the allotment, planting a lot of what I'd bought - and catching quite a bit of sun.

    I'm back at work today (boooo) and feeling pretty worn out. But the weather is due to stay decent, so it's back down the allotment tonight to make the most of it!

    I've been forgetting to track, but I've decided that I don't need to log the timings of my meals and it's better to log 'muesli & milk' against breakfast, rather than not at all. Photos of my snacks and evening meals (occasionally lunches) are the most important as that's where sugar content or portion size is questionable.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 7,770
    Mon 15,728
    Tues 16,015
    Wed 16,297
    Thurs 16,673
    30 min Barre
    Fri 23,510
    Sat 11,637
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    We had Malia's Graduation party on Sat. There were probably 60ish people that are by but we have a ton food left over. Her Graduation ceremony is today. Tonight, Addison, my middle schooler, get inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Wednesday I have Kindergarten Promotion and Friday is my last day of work. I barely did anything yesterday. I am exhausted.

    Heckuva super mom! That sounds like a lot of pride and even more exhaustion. Barely doing anything on the day after all that is required. And maybe for some more time too! Hats off to you :heart:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,192 Member
    May 14-20 exercise

    May 14 - 10395 steps
    May 15 - 10895 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
    May 16 - 5051 steps
    May 17 - 8187 steps
    May 18 - 11160 steps
    May 19 - 10055 steps
    May 20 - 7084 steps
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