Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It’s yet another beautiful day but after a leisurely shower and hair wash, plus getting laundry out to dry, I decided to only walk George and Betty round the block before visiting Sheila. She can barely walk and has to hold on to things to steady herself but has another telephone appointment with her GP later in the week so may find out what is available to repair the damage. George and Betty sat in her garden while we chatted although at one point we saw George walking along the top of a boundary wall! There was quite a drop on the other side into a forgotten garden that apparently belongs to a cottage some distance away. No one has been in there since lockdown so it’s a mystery what’s happened to the owners. I lifted George off but 15 minutes later he got up there again so we moved all the dogs to the front where we could keep an eye on them. We have agreed to meet for a coffee at the Post Office on the moors Saturday so long as Sheila can drive.
    I’m now home, contemplating more garden jobs. Nothing too strenuous!

    Sorry to read of all the aches and pains. We have to remember we aren’t 18 anymore!

    Monday, Monday! 🎵 🎶 🎶
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Monday! :) Speaking of pain I wake up every morning with pain in my left thigh until I take the mild pain pill given to me for the scoliosis. I am hoping therapy will help strengthen my problem.
    Here is what I think my condition is:
    What is scoliosis in adults over 70?
    How Scoliosis Affects Life for Elderly People?
    Degenerative scoliosis, which is also called adult-onset scoliosis, occurs as a result of spinal degeneration. With this type of scoliosis, the spinal wear and tear that naturally occurs with aging causes the spine to curve sideways. Many cases of adult scoliosis are at least in part impacted by spinal degeneration.

    It isn't like children get with the whole spine involved, it is just a small curve at the bottom of the spine that causes discomfort. Mine is more in my left upper leg around my butt area.

    I think I am going to go to Home Depot and get a couple of plants for my balcony. I did love the lavendar and mint plants I had last year so hopefully I can find them. My hummingbird feeder has been up for a while but I only saw him twice so far. I haven't seen my regular buddy yet so I hope he is okay.
    I also ordered groceries to be delivered later this afternoon so I can also get my car washed.
    Tomorrow is therapy and Wednesday is sitting and Marisa's graduation.
    Rob just let me know Ewok's ultra sound showed nothing wrong with his kidneys as they thought.
    From blood work they thought he had a kidney problem which sounded so serious. So grateful he is fine.

    Everyone suffering pain I wish you a speedy recovery and try to enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello, well I have been up and down today. Whenever the pain became too rough, I went up stairs and laid on my right side. That helped and then I went back to work. I finished my cards for charity, just have to get them boxed and an address label filled out.

    I sent my BP readings to my doctor as he requested. It looks as if they will charge me for an office visit for taking his time to read my email!

    I spoke to the Assessor’s office and got the info on which form to fill out to claim the +65 extra credit. Took quite a bit of research to find everything needed on the form. Hope I did it properly.

    Filed a claim for reimbursement on my Rx from an annual bit of money I receive for medical expense reimbursements.

    Crushed more boxes and wheeled the bin out to the curb. Still working on the other trash bin.

    Glad some people are having good weather. It was hot here today. No rain expected until perhaps the end of the week. Tomorrow morning I will need to water the containers again.

    Jackie, George is a daredevil! Glad he didn’t take a fall.

    Anne, I hope you are feeling better now and got some sleep today.

    Sandy, glad Ewok had good test results. And I hope your day went well.

    I need to try and finish my last chores for the day. Fading fast.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) I got my errands done yesterday including my car washed. The only problem was that some of my items were out of stock in my delivery so I will have to go to the store today to get them.
    I have therapy on my back at 1:00 so will stop after.
    It's another beautiful day and I hope it lasts through the weekend when our pool should open. I have a base tan from Florida so I don't want to lose it and yes I wear sunscreen.
    Marisa graduates high school tomorrow night so will be rushing home from sitting to shower and get ready to be there by 7:00 pm. Her party will be a week from Sunday do to Memorial Day.
    Then I dog sit for two dogs for 8 days. Should be interesting and exhausting.

    I hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves. I am doing well although I do miss Babe and wish he could have seen his granddaughter graduate.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello everyone. This morning I took George and Betty early to the moors because Linda was picking me up at 10am and I needed to make a flask of coffee to take with us. I spotted David just setting off on his walk so joined him to climb to the top but was shocked when we got back to the car park to see we had taken nearly 90 minutes so I had little time to get home and make that coffee. Luckily, as I rushed about Linda arrived at my door so I explained why I was running late then brewed the coffee while she waited. We spent about 4 hours digging out the steps from her friends’ garden down to the area she grows her fruit and veggies but although we were both tired by the time we finished, we were delighted by the result.

    Her friends returned home just as we were packing up so we sat on the patio steps sipping peppermint tea before leaving.
    Back home and both pooches are still tired after our long morning walk, plus it is rather humid with a lot of clouds about. I’ve watered all my pots and seedlings so will rest my feet and think about what sort of salad to prepare this evening.

    Lin, could your back ache be from sitting over your card making for too long? Just a thought but hope today it feels easier. That’s a very clever teapot design and in a weird way I rather like it!

    Busy times for you Sandy! I don’t know how you do it!

    Happy Tuesday to everyone else.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Ran some errands and started cleaning out some papers when my back went to intolerable. Tylenol helped for a while but I have gone to bed….maybe some sleep will help.

    Be well everyone.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning friends....

    Another relatively quiet day for me. All is well here. A day with 79 expected, which is a nice break from the heat we have been having. Keep looking at all of the pruning that needs to get done, which my gardener doesn't seem to be doing anymore. After 8 yrs he has really slacked off. It is time to find a new gardener. I end up doing a lot of it over a long period of time and it isn't getting any easier for me. I really want to retire from this and just do a few pots. Keep dreaming Diane.

    Jacque has been doing better this past week. It got to the point he was hardly eating because he doesn't care for the carb diet the vet put him on. No protein and he isn't happy. We were just watching him go down hill and it was as hard on us as it was on him. Decided to go back to his Caesars canned food with peas and guess what.....he ate well for 4 days, but has slacked off a bit today. We have decided we rather have a happy dog for the period that he is around with us. Easy for the vet to say not to give him protein. He still gets his animal cookies and gold fish for his carb (haha) treats.

    We also drove around our housing community looking at the 3000 homes for ideas on what to paint our house. Per the community office records it was last painted in 2009 from the last owner, so it is way past due. We have a paint chip selection that we need to use according to the elevation of the house. Next we need to find a good painter and some one to power wash the roof tiles that need to have the moss cleaned off before the update. So that is this years project....we can't put that off any longer. Tending to think of a gray home with white trim and maybe a white garage. We have choices from a list for the front door and shutters. Shall be glad when this gets done.

    Sounds like life is getting back to your normal early summer activities around the gardens. Take it easy...a little at a time so as not to create some pains that are not welcome at our ages. Yes it is my back too, so my yard work gets done quite slowly now. There is always tomorrow as they say.

    It is getting late, so I need to end for now. Get your rest when your body tells you too. Thinking of all of you.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Morning. Not much from old misery Anne. I’ve been in agony with my right foot. Red and swollen but didn’t want to go to ER because of the long weekend and queues of folk waiting for X-rays and crutches etc. I think I caused it by wearing old sandals and maybe twisted the bone below the big toe down to the instep. The result was I didn’t sleep for two whole nights. Yesterday I fed Bean and myself lunch and decided to try for a long Tylenol nap. Just dropped off and the phone rang, ignored. It rang again, ignored and then my iPad did its happy Sherwood Forest hunting horn sound. It was Michael. Was I alright. Yes and I explained I needed a nap. Settled down and had just dropped off when the phone rings again. Ignored. Rings again and I decide I better answer it, it’s Sandy, Mikes friend. I’m half asleep and try to tell her I can’t talk as I’m just not with it being half asleep. I fall asleep again and the doorbell rings. It’s Mark and Mary Jo checking on me because Michel had called them from work because Sandy had phoned him at work because she was sure I was ready for the after life, despite explaining to all. At which point I gave up! I’m so grateful they all care mind you. So I staggered around until 8 pm when Bean and I went to bed for a long blissful much needed sleep. She woke me up at 6 am by pointing her head at the window to show me it was daylight. She’s a very clever little thing. The family are amazed how much she understands.

    Anyway after much foot peering Mark and Mary Jo tactfully asked me if I should consider a decent senior home who would allow Jilly as well. That would mean of course I wouldn’t burn the house down when cooking my shepherds pies etc. or twist my foot when weed pulling. I know the home and it’s expensive of course but Mark says he would help out should my small savings run out before I do. Up to me, I’m told.

    This will take much thinking about!!! Because I’m annoyingly independent.

    Oh, and the Cottage would remain in the family because the grands simply can never afford a house in this area, so that’s a comfort as I love my 100 year old house.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) I didn't have to sit after all today so I got my normal sleep and I don't have to rush to get ready for graduation later. Cheryl will pick my up so I don't have to drive which is always a bonus.
    I bought a brace for my back to help with my posture. I am slouching and I don't like it so I am trying this to see if I can improve. I will let you know in the future if it works or not. I also went to therapy and it seems my hips are a little out of line so he is working on that to correct that as well. This getting old is not fun but still beats the alternative.

    Anne, it is hard to give up independence for all of us. I like living alone and doing what I want but I am sure there will be a day my kids will disagree with me. You might like a smaller place as long as Jilly can be with you and knowing your grandson will love his grandma's house will be reassuring. Don't make any rash decisions and please have that ankle checked out. If you fractured a bone and wait to long they might not be able to fix it.

    Diane, I am glad to hear Jacque is doing better and agree that I would rather have my dog happy in his final years than having him sad and not enjoying life. One of Babe's faults was holding on to our sick dogs for too long doing whatever possible to help them and their quality of life was awful. With Daisy I insisted he let go when the time was right to make it easier on her and he did listen. Good luck on the house painting, I like the gray and white idea.

    Lin, don't you think it is time to see a doctor on your back pain? It could be a simple fix but better to be safe than sorry. I feel better after only one day of therapy.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope the sun is shining for you.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A beautiful day again with a gentle breeze at home that turns into a chilly gale on the moors. First thing I shopped at the local supermarket where I thought I hadn’t bought much so the bill wouldn’t be high. Wow, what a shock but then prices of everything I like have been rocketing. Both pooches seemed reluctant to walk far so I chose a shorter route and on the whole, they’ve been quiet all day. I’m pottering in my greenhouse and delighted to see Basil and Coriander seeds that Charmaine sent to me are sprouting. Linda has negotiated borrowing a neighbour’s greenhouse which is great news because I can now move on a dozen tomato plants which in turn will give me room to get more seeds growing.

    A cup of tea enjoyed so I will get back to pottering for another hour. Happy Wednesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello. A hot day today but a lower temperature than it could have been due to poor air quality. I made a trip to the library this morning, a stop at the gas station, on to the local nursery where I snared a couple of tomato plants since the ones pre-ordered never showed up, and then a stop at Goodwill to drop off some donations.

    My back was giving me fits again so I tried a few different things and did some prowling around online. I used a foam roller on my neck and upper back. I slapped on one of those heated pain patches which was quite difficult as I cannot reach the exact spot where I wanted it. It seemed to help.

    Apparently this pain could actually be from a neck and or shoulder issue. All I know is the combo of things helped. Feeling okay right now. Oh, and of course, cause of the problem could be getting old according to several articles!

    I am going to plant my new tomato plants tomorrow morning if all goes well. My green beans have all sprouted, maybe I will plant more of them tomorrow too. We will see. I am guessing they will be targets for the birds!

    Jackie, yippee, a place for a dozen tomato plants. That will free up space for you indeed! I had a number of detours on my travels today due first to a car accident that closed the main way to get to the nursery. Then another detour due to road construction caused a bit more zig zagging to get to the donation drop off. I thought of you driving on your narrow roads—I am not used to much inconvenience. Oh, and congratulations on your sprouting seeds! Isn’t that just so exciting!!

    Sandy, glad you didn’t have to zip about all day. Enjoy the graduation this evening.

    Diane, wishing Jacque happy days with you and your hubby. ❤️❤️ Take care and I hope you find a gardener that gets to all of the needed jobs. My handyman only did about half of the things on my list last year but he got to the most essential things so I guess I cannot complain. A friend and her husband are looking for someone who will faithfully mow and trim their yard weekly. The guy they have now just shows up when he has time I guess.

    Anne, I hope you are feeling better. Poor darling. It is miserable to hurt your foot. Or any other part for that matter! Your boys would have moved me out of my house by now. I hurt my foot earlier this year and spent 3 weeks with a cane and/or a walking stick. I was glad that healed up.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) I walked for two hours this morning, then watered the zucchini, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds that I planted. Later I pulled weeds and spread bark for an hour and finished the day by riding my exercise bike while watching several episodes of "Breaking Bad" with Jake. Jake is in charge of the tomato plant which will be planted in the raised garden bed in a few days.

    :'( Sorry to hear about all of you with pain.

    :) My dog walking friend is home from her Alaska cruise and finished with her self designed quarantine to be sure she didn't pick up anything and will be walking with Bessie and me again tomorrow morning.

    :)Lin That is an exceptional tea pot.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all. With the help of Tylenol I had five hours of good sleep last night.

    Oh LIN did you actually have to walk with a cane for three whole weeks earlier this year? How on earth did you manage to drive? Mary Jo suggested a walking stick for me but I’m so clumsy I’d probably trip over one. And now you have been suffering with your neck and shoulder. I’m so sorry - and for all of us. Wouldn’t you think evolution could have dreamt up something better than brittle bones. Rubbery ones for instance.

    Actually, when I think of Jackie and her hip replacement and all what her friends have gone through or are going through in the UK and what you dear folks are going through over here, I’m amazed how brave you all are coping with advancing years. What a very resilient brave group. I’m proud and lucky to have met you all.

    Meanwhile, I might have another Tylenol before I climb the mountain that’s the old bath tub and wash my hair in the shower before trying to look a little more human. Don’t think I’m ready for the senior place just yet, although a modern building with a walk in shower in one’s own bed sitter room, plus no cooking or vacuuming sounds very tempting!


    Hope everyone’s day is wonderful and PAIN FREE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Thursday! :) Graduation was a success and a bonus graduation for Charlie who graduated pre-school. Charlie's school just took pictures of the kids to send to their parents, there was no ceremony. Marisa's ceremony was about two hours but it took forever to get out of the parking lot since there were about 700 graduates and each student got 8 tickets for family. Her party is a week from Sunday but we did stop and grab a bite to eat after her graduation.

    Meeting today and later therapy which seems to be working so far. The back brace also seems to be working and hopefully I will be walking up right instead of slouching.

    I hope all those with aches and pains are feeling better and can enjoy a beautiful day.
    It is chilly here but the weekend is supposed to be beautiful.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    <3 Barbie
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Sandy…..two cuties. Glad you are happy with the brace. Im thinking I need one for my knee.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Barbie….wow..good walking. I can barely do 10 minutes… goal is to build up to 30.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, hope the pain settles down. For my arthritis I bought the 8 hour Tylenol and its time released and helps me.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Yesterday was a hot and busy day. So much for pottering! Instead when Linda popped round to collect her tomato plants and some wild Salvia that I grew from seed because they are on the endangered list, she suggested we drive to a recycling centre to purchase bags of compost they call Cornwall Black Gold! There weren’t any men to help us load up the heavy bags but Linda spotted a truck arrive to a site next door whose driver seemed lost so she offered to go and find out where he should go while he loaded her car. It worked! No one to help at this end though but we managed with a wheelbarrow…. Slowly!!
    Today, Barney will be here to cut hedges and a couple of large shrubs. I’ve already walked for an hour across the moor where there is a cool breeze and now enjoying a fruity breakfast in an effort to lose some weight. The battery in my scales has died so I need to buy a new one. That’s my excuse anyway!

    Great photos Sandy.

    Anne, Wow, a care home? Lots to digest and think about for sure.

    A fabulous cat teapot Lin.

    Barbie… 👩🏻‍🌾

    Hello Joy and our absent Patsy. ❤️

    I’m thinking I will get on with housework while Barney works in the garden and hopefully our long walk will mean two tired pooches! The sun continues to shine here!

    Enjoy Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    I’m on the mend. Who ever thought a sprain could be so painful!! Going over I guess whilst trying to garden in strappy sandals. Now in the dustbin and the last of strappy sandals for me and I LOVE being an (old) girl.

    NO, JACKIE, I’m NOT going into a care home YET. Actually when on top form me and my boisterous pup would drive everyone, staff and old folks alike, nuts and we’d get thrown out anyway. Joking apart I was beginning to wonder if maybe I should throw in the towel, but today after a chat with the two Ms who showed up yesterday to take Jilly Bean for a walk, me still struggling with a still red foot, I’ll hang about until I’m at least 90 which ain’t that far off! come to think of it. I think I’ve just got to resign myself to old age and adapt. Which means less cooking and baking and forgetting to turn ovens off. I haven’t done that yet, cross fingers but I did forget to turn the tap off yesterday when washing the dishes and decided to limp to the bathroom. Caught almost in time and nice clean terra cotta floor tiles to show for it. All squeaky clean and dried by the time Mark and Mary Jo showed their faces.

    So……if anyone has any ideas about micro or toaster oven cooking they would be most welcome. At least tardy summer will eventually show up so lots of salad and fruit in the coming sticky months. I’ll look like a hot cross bunny. Enough Anne!!

    Enjoy your day fellow achy sufferers,

    Anne. 🐰🍃🍃
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! 😁 I am at the hospital for my tests. I am finished with echo and have the IV and medicine for the nuclear stress test but have to wait 45 minutes. Then the test and another 45 minutes after that. Total 2 1/2 hour test. Won’t get results probably for 5 days.
    Going out with Cheryl and her SIL tonight to listen to one band.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello, just putting along here. Yesterday, I fell asleep after a day of chores and didn’t wake up in time to write a post.

    Another busy day. Sorting things and trying to toss out and/or make another stack of things to donate to goodwill and another for the library. Give me a couple of years and I may make some progress. 👀 really!

    I did call to cancel my tv service this morning. Fairly long wait as they couldn’t get the change to process. A tag team of 2 service representatives finally said they had it figured out. Should not renew on June 1st. And I have to drive downtown and stand in line to return that Android box they just installed. Probably on Wednesday.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Back to work.


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Sandy, I am having those tests done in August. Fingers crossed for good results.
    Lin dear, you are always very busy. Hope your aches and pains are a little better now.
    My family is arriving for the weekend, so chores today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Had a fun night last night but did not sleep well. The kiddos should be arriving any minute so their parents can go to funeral. I was hoping to go to pool but it might be too chilly.
    There is always the playground if they get bored inside.

    No time to chat, have a nice day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    I wasn’t going to take George and Betty on the moors this morning but in the end it made sense to go later, then meet Sheila at the Post Office for our coffee and cake. I was a bit early so sat on a bench seat overlooking the village green with the pooches to watch the cute lambs bouncing about with their mums. It was sunny and warm so we sat outside with our coffee and slice of delicious ginger and treacle cake! The hard wooden seat soon made Sheila’s back ache so when we finished we strolled along a level, quiet road until she could straighten up then it was home to plant a few more veggies in a raised bed. This time it was dwarf beans, Chinese cabbage and turnips. A pot of peas in pods hadn’t taken so I’ve got more planted with fingers crossed.
    This afternoon I had a long telephone conversation with my dear friend Anne. We were at school together and at one point we were trying to remember when I spent Christmas with her and her family and how much we knew about another mutual friend’s family saga a million years ago!!

    It’s a beautiful evening so I will water plant pots then chill. George has been to bark at someone in next door’s garden, as ever on guard! Another Bank holiday weekend for us and what with the recent Coronation long weekend we are all feeling this is one too many!

    A pretty teapot Lin. 🍇🍇

    Happy Saturday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi! I haven’t done much today. Sorting out some books to donate. Pretty much just in misery all the time.

    Well, hope to find some sort of solution.

    Be safe everyone.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Another busy day trying to get somethings done that were past due. Have done a thorough house cleaning the last 2 days including dusting all of the items that collect dust sitting up on top of the kitchen cabinets. It was also time to rearrange the items in my glass door cabinets, which is part of the entertainment center. Sure I will shuffle some of those items around a time or two. I won't tell you when I did this last.

    I purchased some new walking shoes yesterday, which I am trying to decide if I will keep them. I have a hard time finding shoes to fit me. Breaking both baby toes in the past 5 yrs has something to do with that. Still keep a medical boot around here just in case I have foot issues again. Anne I sure hope you are getting some support for your foot. Have you thought of at least wrapping it in an ace bandage ? It needs to heal properly so you don't take a fall. So important of you want to stay in your charming little place. Thinking of you.

    Cooler today up to 80 allowing us to have the slider open for the day. It was windy, but it keep the warmer air quite comfortable. I will take any of these cooler days I can get knowing the real heat is just around the corner.

    I see most of you are in the midst of planting some vegetables. I am just trying to get to the nursery to get another couple of plants for a front flowerbed. All of our rain this past winter killed a few plants. The soil is hardpan, so it is a job to replant there again. Hubby made an attempt a month ago to dig one of the holes to plant one of the new plants when we get them. Just hoping the two I plan on planting survive. The last one had to be at least 15 yrs old. I thought we were losing our camellias too, but with the warmer weather, sunshine and appropriate watering I think they are coming back. Saw a flyer on another house in our community, which had much less yard work to be done, plus the interior remodeling was already done. However the thought of moving again even if minimal blocks away isn't intriguing enough to check it out.

    Take care everyone and hello to those we don't hear from too often.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Had a wonderful almost pain free day yesterday! Then went to bed and somehow twisted it again in the bed sheets. I think I will wrap the instep in one of those bandages that Diane mentioned. Thanks DIANE. I’ve broken my big toe and little ones in the distant past. I was running on a beach once and struck a rock and lost some toe nails at the same time. One of the joys of old age is us girls don’t run girlishly on sandy rock strewn beaches any more.

    Pretty teapot LIN, but I wouldn’t like to wash it! Far too clumsy. Hope you feel better very soon.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    It’s a beautiful day and we still have a north easterly breeze that I’m beginning to think will be with us forever but at least it’s stopping the Atlantic storms hitting us. I took George and Betty for an early walk round the block and am now nibbling a light apple and cheese lunch while planning some major repotting of tomato plants. George is having one of his annoying barking moods that no amount of me talking to him stops. Betty is snoozing happily!
    Yesterday afternoon a huge swarm of honey bees flew overhead on their way to the lower village and for once I was grateful my hives have been moved away. I wonder if someone now has bees in a chimney or under the eaves! It was fun while it lasted but beekeeping can be hard work.

    Hi Diane. After looking about at different properties I think like you, too much effort to up sticks at my age. My property does have a lot going for it so I’ll continue to ignore the annoying neighbours!

    Another cute teapot Lin but like Anne, I would probably snap those branches in no time! Sorry to see you are still suffering and Anne with your foot. Strapping it at bedtime might be a good idea.

    Lunch finished so time to get those tomato plants repotted. Charmaine’s seeds she sent are doing well. I have a line of beetroot in a raised bed together with pots of Basil and Coriander all sitting up. There is a small envelope of pretty blue Morning Glory that I’m tempted to grow up the other side of netting my French beans are beginning to cling to.

    Hello to everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Its going to be a beautiful day for the pool and that's where I will be all afternoon.
    Kids went for a short time yesterday but the water is still very cold. They didn't seem to mind and we were there for about an hour. Parents came back in time for me to make it to Mass so a good day in all.

    Nothing exciting going on here so I wish you all a great day.
    One Day at a Time