Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    DIANE, very sorry to read about little Jacque. However old they are we miss our little family pets so much.
    I have been having severe food problems as well, and I am beginning to suspect the blood pressure pills I take. They are the first medical subscribed pills I have ever taken in my long life. The timing of taking them seems right as well for me to suspect them.
    Oh well, hey ho,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello Sneakers

    Diane what sad news. I am sorry Jacque is now gone. And then your added health issues, what a rough patch you are going through. I am glad your daughter brought you flowers. Take care.

    Anne, sorry you are having stomach issues. Determining what is causing problems is so difficult. I hope you get it sorted.

    Sandy, hey, that qualifies for gardening. Nice containers!

    Jackie, you are so very busy. Always taking on another task. You are so kind to help so many people. I have another friend with too many tomato plants. No one will take them and she has no place on her lot to plant anything else. She is so upset that the plants may die. Take care as you transport any other giant tomato plants.

    Barbie, the story of the indoor golf accident made me giggle although it probably was not amusing at the time.

    It got quite hot here yesterday and we also had some bad air. Today is worse and the weather folks are recommending N95 masks today. I finally sorted out some bags of books to take for donation. I have a part of a bin left and am wondering whether taking them for resale is worth the time and effort.

    Doing laundry and hoping for a bit of rain.

    Be safe everyone.


    A collection of teapots

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    We have rain! Not a lot but gentle so at least it will soak in rather than run off. I’ve had a most enjoyable morning, first visiting a local, wonderfully grand estate called Port Eliot with Linda, belonging to an old aristocratic family that has opened up the stables and courtyard to allow local businesses to trade. Of course we headed straight for the coffee shop for our usual morning treat and sat amongst an array of potted plants.
    There were many local crafts for sale but very expensive so after a stroll in what was, at that time, sunshine we drove on to a plant nursery a couple of miles away along some very narrow lanes… very exciting when meeting vehicles coming from the other direction! Linda couldn’t remember who told her about this nursery but what a find! The lady running it is developing the business on farmland where they keep livestock and the variety of plants was enormous so we spent lots of time wandering in and out of the poly tunnels until we filled the back of my car!
    The rain has only just arrived so hooray, I don’t have to water tonight!

    Diane, I’m so sorry to read that your Jacque took a bad turn but is now at rest. It’s heartbreaking when we lose a pet member of the family and I’m sending hugs. ❤️

    Sandy, I was reading about Chicago air pollution which must be unpleasant. Your garden made me smile. Is it mint? 😁

    Lin, if your friend is anything like me, young plants become precious so there’s nothing worse than having to dispose of any extras. On the way home from today’s nursery we had to find room in my car for a top heavy Dahlia Linda bought that must have been 3’ high but having learnt from transporting Les’s tomato plant, I sat it on the floor behind the passenger seat! A nice collection of teapots and sitting on a crocheted mat that looks very similar to those my grandmother created about 80 years ago!

    Barbie, I’m wary of talkative strangers too and often think I’m too polite so stand and listen to their nonsense, especially conspiracy theories!

    Anne, I’m sorry Molly the dog wasn’t voted in as mayor but if the person who was will stand up to the premier then that’s a good alternative!

    Time for an afternoon cup of tea then vacuum upstairs while it’s fresher and cool.

    Happy Wednesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) We still have an air alert but the sun is shining, do I or do I not go to pool is the question. I had my MRI yesterday but no results until tomorrow. I doubt I will get the shot before I leave for Ohio Saturday. I will just have to stop every couple of hours to walk around and stretch my legs.
    I booked my ticket for Colorado but today it is $21 cheaper or $42 if I don't mind a 2 1/2 layover in Denver. I have until 9pm to cancel my original ticket so have to think about all this. The problem is the resort doesn't have a free shuttle from the airport and an Uber can cost $80. My grandson better not change his mind about coming with the baby or I will be very upset.

    Jackie, what a beautiful place for coffee. I am glad you finally are getting some rain for your garden.
    Yes, my plants are mint because I was told they keep bees away and they annoy me when they sit on my hummingbird feeder trying to get the sugar water.

    Lin, I love my self watering containers even though I almost have to fill them everyday. They are not messy so won't leak to the patio below. Our air was horrible yesterday but waiting to see what the news says today to see if it is safe to go to pool.

    Anne, could you have any other condition than taking the blood pressure pill? Maybe something that needs to be checked out? My DIL thought she had food poisoning and has been through two colonoscopies because the first one showed ulcers on her colon but the second one was fine. They are thinking some sort of virus. Could the smoke from the fires be affecting you? Hope you feel better soon and get some answers.

    Diane, I am so sorry about Jacque, he fought hard but is now at peace. I agree, it is so hard losing our pets, they are family and will be forever missed. I am also sorry to hear about your health problems but happy your birthday cheered you up a bit. Hang in there.

    Have a good day all. I have a do nothing day and going to take advantage of it.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandy, with all the airline problems, good thing you are driving to Ohio.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, did you see on BBC news today about the little dog that fell off the huge 160 ft high cliff at Flamborough? AND survived! The coastguard Abseiled down the cliff to rescue her before the tide rushed in. I loved to go to Flamborough but you had to be careful when visiting the cave. The sea came in very quickly and many the people who had to be rescued by the lifeboat crew. My Auntie Alice’s favourite charity because Uncle Donald her husband was the captain of very large merchant ships. He survived the Atlantic crossings during the war but only narrowly. He used to tell my then little boys some harrowing tales.

    Here, I’m beginning to wonder if we will ever see a blue sky again this summer. We had downpours of rain but it didn’t put out the Ontario and Quebec wild fires. Very heartbreaking and there’s never been such a bad season before. I’ve kept Jilly indoors today because she is too small to be breathing the air.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy, with all the airline problems, good thing you are driving to Ohio.


    I agree Lin, it's a disaster at the airport.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Sorry that this is so large, but don't know how to make it smaller.

    Here is Jacque....Not sure I ever showed you a photo of him.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Air quality is still bad but I am going to my meeting and possibly having my car washed even though we are expecting rain. I just hope there are no storms while I am driving on Saturday.

    Diane, Jacque is adorable, is he a toy poodle? I had a toy many years ago called Gidget and I loved her.
    I know you miss him and always will but you didn't want him to suffer so you gave him peace. <3

    Anne, we do have sunshine but they keep saying the air quality is really bad so I can't imagine how it is by you. Good thing Jilly knows how to use pee pads and can stay indoors, you do the same, stay indoors I mean not use pee pads. lol

    Have a good day and keep staying healthy, I am trying.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’ve enjoyed a productive day. Our dog walk was early so that I could get to the supermarket before it became busy. Mostly fruit and veggies, plus salad items so it didn’t take long and I was home and pottering in the garden. There was drama when a young sparrow that was nesting under the eaves thought it was time to fly but found itself on the ground with a very excited George trying to catch it. Both disappeared into bushy growth but I don’t think George was successful. I’ve picked lots of strawberries and weeded and watered around the plants because yesterday’s rain didn’t do much to help. I won’t complain because knowing Cornwall, once it really starts we’ll have non stop for weeks!

    That photo of Jacque is adorable Diane. Friends had a female called Cleo a few years ago that was so smart. I’m guessing Jacque was too. ❤️

    Anne, I had missed the story about the dog that fell off the cliff edge so looked it up. It looks so sheer I can’t imagine how it survived with nothing more than an injury to its back but see it was a Cockapoo, so no surprises it ran over the side. My two are always kept on leads if walking along coastal paths but it seems the owners didn’t understand the risk. Visitors don’t always.

    Sandy, your pee pad comment did make me laugh! 😁

    Mentioning a Poo type dog makes me think of Patsy’s Katie and do worry what could have happened to them. Perhaps we’ll never know but that would be awful.

    I’m now going to make myself a cup of tea and soak my sore feet in Epsom salts because they hate hot weather!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I did not sleep well so will be tired all day with lots to do to get ready for my trip including therapy at 11am. I am one pound under my goal which makes me happy and can enjoy my mini vacation. I do hate packing for any kind of trip, I always overpack and stress myself out. I did go through the car wash yesterday to get rid of the sap on my windows and almost made it home before a few drops of rain came down. At least I will be able to see out of my windows.

    I will try and check in from Ohio but tomorrow might be difficult as I will be on the road. Maybe when I stop for a stretch I will pop in and say hello.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone. We have been pretty busy all week and all of a sudden its Friday of a long weekend. I have some clothes in the laundry and a load of towels to do after that. Deb and Cha coming over tomorrow. It going to be triple digits all weekend so maybe some swimming. They have a rolling umbrella, so I will have to be under it in the water. Charlie has been so so busy with his family…..they always call him for one thing or another…so he is hoping to relax in the jacuzzi. I like the air conditioned house when its this hot, sitting under the ceiling fan and reading. Family coming in a couple of weeks, so starting stocking up the pantry too.
    Hope you all are well.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello one and all. It has rained all day; that fine soaking sort, so we didn’t walk until midday when it eased off but never stopped. It’s all good for my garden so I’m not complaining and decided to have a lazy day for once. Not even the vacuum cleaner was switched on! My first cucumber is ready to be picked and I’ve noticed a few bunches of tomatoes hanging at the back of large bushy plants in the greenhouse. Yesterday I picked through strawberry plants outside to remove new runners and found a large amount of ripe fruit that had been protected from the birds so that was a treat!

    Have a safe trip Sandy. Everyone else take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Safe travels Sandy! I hope you enjoy your visit!

    Jackie, wow, a day when you relaxed. That is wonderful. Have another one of those days soon. And enjoy the tomatoes if there are ready to be harvested.

    Joy, a busy week for you as well. An air conditioned house and a good book are a lovely combination. Stay cool!

    Diane, how are you getting along now?

    Anne, I hope you are feeling better. And I hope Jilly is well and happy.

    I am puttering along as usual. Always sorting out things. Today, small framed photos were the things that ended up in the trash with other odds and ends.

    Well, be safe everyone.

    I am going to have some tea.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Wow Lin, that’s a fabulous teapot!
    I’m off to bed with cold feet as I’ve been wandering about the house barefooted!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I will be hitting the road to Ohio this morning, right after I pick up Cheryl's dog from the vet and bring her home. Cheryl and Marisa get home from Italy this afternoon but Rosie had to be picked up by noon. She will be fine by herself until they home as she is used to being alone when Cheryl has to go into the office.

    Have a great weekend.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Safe driving, Sandy. Its a busy traffic weekend. And have fun.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    There was a cold wind when I walked across the moors this morning but it soon warmed up. Sheila met me at the post office for coffee and cake but was in too much pain to empty her shed which suited me! The consultant has been in touch and made an appointment to meet her at our local hospital in 3 weeks so that has cheered her up no end. I have been potting on tomato plants and putting more support canes around the beans and peas so a gentle afternoon with all 3 pets snoozing in the shade.

    Have a safe journey Sandy. ❤️ I weighed myself first thing and not an ounce of change, up or down!

    No ripe tomatoes yet Lin but I live in hope!

    Always lovely to hear from you Joy but I must say you can keep those temperatures! Britain had the hottest June on record so it does seem we are all warming up. 🥵

    Anne’s last post isn’t on this page but I hope everything is good in Ontario.

    Time to prepare a salad meal with Norwegian Gravadlax salmon.
    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi everyone, it is sizzling hot in Ontario. Mike came over and took Jilly for a walk but they didn’t go far because it was too hot for the pair of them. Jill’s tongue is finally back in her mouth after much panting and Michael has gone home with three bags of my groceries now that it appears I can’t eat them. I had an awful night not sleeping being in pain all night. Appears I have lactose intolerance plus trouble digesting certain foods. Things you wouldn’t expect like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beans etc. Aint getting on in years grand. Can’t complain, better than the alternative I guess.

    So not much going on here. I’m doing a lot of research checking on what I CAN eat. It doesn’t look all bad and I’ve found a nice sounding recipe for fresh salmon and rice. I’ll try it out tomorrow.

    Other than that I hope all you ladies are enjoying today which is Canada Day. Fireworks tonight no doubt.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, Sunday morning, the laundry is chugging away and I hope there is online church today. I so miss it when, for whatever reason, it doesn’t appear. And I never hear why. Another mystery in life.

    I did a bit of die cutting, ink blending etc. yesterday for more cards. Also hunted for something appropriate to use to make a birthday card for a recent high school graduate who seems to be interested only in working as a lifeguard and weight lifting. Those are not common themes in card making supplies. 😁

    We had rain again yesterday. Today, it is sunny and forecast to be much warmer. But then, it is summer.

    Jackie, I picked a couple of cherry tomatoes yesterday. But there’s no steady supply on the horizon, yet. I am sort of glad you didn’t have a day of hard work clearing out that shed.

    Anne, I am sorry you continue to battle with digestive problems. ❤️

    Joy, I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

    Sandy, all is well I trust. Hope we see a picture or two from your trip. Enjoy!

    Barbie, are you having hot weather too?

    Off I go. My sinuses are acting up. And the clothes need to go in the dryer.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) LOL Hot weather here is when it gets past 75. Today will be about 70. We have a great air-conditioning system so we are comfortable indoors all day and night. I will work outdoors in the morning on such days and possibly in the shade later. My long walk is always before 8 AM. Today I meet a friend to walk for an hour at 9:30. We are usually chilly when we start and almost too warm by the end of the walk. Due to the tall trees everywhere, shade can make a huge differentce in the temperature from block to block.

    :) As usual we picked up our groceries from QFC at 8 AM. I love this regular adventure. We don't get too much fresh fruit or veggies so going once a week works for us. For our big meal today we'll have turkey burgers (made by me) and corn on the cob. It's one of our favorite meals.

    :) Jake is on the phone with his daughter. They talk about once a week. Last night his son called. They rarely talk and when they do, it's never very satisfying for Jake. His son has a vastly different outlook on life and isn't very diplomatic in expressing his views.

    <3 Barbie

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, we had Michael over yesterday so we didn’t expect him on drizzly gloomy Sunday! Apparently he’d been looking up what I can eat and can’t eat with IBS. And my lovely son came over with groceries I was out of that he bought locally. Luckily I was cooking two fillets of salmon, one for today and the other for tomorrow, so a quick peel of another potato and with a second handful of peas etc I was able to feed him as well as myself. I am very touched by his thoughtfulness because he has quite a long drive back and forth and of course Jilly Bean was over the moon to see him. He’s now gone home to do his laundry.

    Last evening was very noisy with fireworks going off all around us. Boys will be boys.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Made it to Ohio with only one stretch of bad traffic. I got here just in time to unpack and freshen up for a night of dominoes with Gwen’s mother and friends.
    Today I went to Church and it was a beautiful church.
    Their house is beautiful and love their furry children.rujg20skcxwa.jpeg
    Later we are meeting the “gang” as Gwen calls them for dinner at Bob Evans.
    It is great being with my “baby” son and his fiancé but still not sure how long I will be staying.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’ve had a busier day than anticipated because after our long walk across the top of the moors in a rather chilly wind I had a WhatsApp call from my friend Pat who lives about 100 miles away. She has decided to take up gardening by growing veggies and tells me I’m the expert she must refer to because she was never into gardening before and always manages to kill houseplants! She is extremely enthusiastic but with that comes over exuberance so I have advised her that the first rule is to always read labels because it seems she emptied half a container of slug pellets into one pot of growing runner beans rather than scattering a few. A quick trip into town to pick up some pet food then, because it was overcast, I planned to get housework out of the way but instead replanned how to rearrange furniture in the snug, vacuumed and dusted as I went and moved every piece of furniture. I’m pleased with the result, even if it took most of the afternoon!

    It seems everyone is enjoying this Sunday. Lovely photos Sandy, especially the pets! Just kidding. The group of you looks great with all those smiling faces.

    Anne, I missed that you have been diagnosed with IBS. My stepmother suffered the same and I remember her diet sheet was bland and boring. She didn’t stick to it!!

    Lin, I hope you didn’t miss out on the online church service. Another cute teapot.

    I was planning to watch a 1972 Made for TV movie but it’s already 1030pm so perhaps not wise. I’ll check the depressing news instead, eat a satsuma and get to bed.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Monday 😀 Things are going well in Ohio. Went for dinner with the gang then saw Gwen’s mother’s house and her son’s farm. Her son has 6 rescue dogs including 2 puppies and a Great Pyrenees which he rescued from an abused home. Lots of cats, chickens and cattle besides the 400 acres he farms. I don’t know how many acres he actually owns but it was impressive.
    Tonight I am taking Brad; Gwen, her mother and her significant other out to dinner. Deciding if I should leave tomorrow on the 4th or Wednesday or Thursday. I feel tomorrow there won’t be any work traffic but really not sure what to do.

    Have a good day and keep safe,
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member

    A pleasant day, walking locally because it looked outside as if torrential rain was on the way. Never happened!
    I noticed an advertising banner hanging on scaffolding on a property that gave the business and phone number of the builder who amongst other things, does lime mortar repointing. I’m sure the outside wall at the front of my cottage hasn’t been repaired in the almost 200 years it’s been standing so I phoned him for a chat and he will drop in when he returns to that property to collect hessian cloth currently protecting work he carried out on their chimney.

    I’ve pottered, cut long bamboo canes to take with the 2nd tomato plant to Les in the morning, which his private carer asked for, and made plans over the phone with Sheila for her to visit for coffee Thursday morning.

    That’s my day in a nutshell.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hi! Hot, hot, hot day! I worked on a card today, placed an order with Walgreens and drove over to pick it up.

    Oh, and watered plants. There is a chance of rain tomorrow, which would be nice.

    I placed some listings on Facebook marketplace. It would be very nice to sell the items at list price with no angst.

    Nothing interesting here otherwise.

    Sandy, love those photos. Looks like fun! As far as driving back, I wonder when everyone else will be returning home?

    Jackie, another task for you! Now you are a vegetable raising coach. 👍🏻👍🏻 I am sure you can be helpful but new folks are often quite eager.

    Nice to hear from Barbie and Anne. Joy🙋🏼‍♀️, hi!

    Be safe everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good morning. I’m about to walk, then visit Les and his sister who is recuperating from illness so staying with him.

    Enjoy your Independence Day American friends.

    Jackie 🥰