Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Last day of sitting this week. I thought Robby missed his bus and my son and I panicked a little since we didn’t have a booster seat to put him in my car. We were ready to keep him home and then his bus showed up. It’s hard enough with the three kids after he gets home so was grateful the bus was only late because of snow. The hardest is Ewok, he spends a lot of time in his crate or attached to the door handle. I give him lots of attention as does my son, so he is well loved.

    Hoping the streets are cleared later so I can go to bingo and be with adults. Lol

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited February 2020
    Hello! A sunny morning and no snow has fallen. Yes!! I have loads of little chores on my mental list of things to do so I will be flitting around the house today. But first saying ‘hi’ to everyone.

    Anne, I love that set. It looks too lovely to use! And wow, what a dream. I note you kept the old furniture in the basement rather than getting rid of it. Must have been in the back of your mind? Time will tell if any of the older things will come back in fashion. I wouldn’t place a bet either way.

    Sandy, what a baby sitting day. Loved the Facebook post with Ewok biting at soap bubbles. 😃

    Jackie, I hope you will be able to get back to beekeeping. But my post of bumblebees wasn’t a hint to get honeybees again! Just found it interesting as we see few bumblebees here and I doubt I would get close enough to figure out which type I was looking at!

    Buzz, you sound much better now. Yes! All I know about the set is it was all included in one photo. I think the handles would be usable. But mainly, I just found them interesting and lovely. Very good research on your part. People only reveal bits of information about themselves. Maybe we all believe people will be able to intuit the rest of the information. But we cannot.

    Patsy, good morning. I hope you survived the debate. I listened to some sound bites. But otherwise, we are hearing more about the coronavirus. Our state is telling us to prepare, it will arrive here and we should have plenty of food in our homes. But only the same preparations that you would take for the regular flu. Hummm, no one has told us to keep supplies on hand for the regular flu. Keeps me distracted!

    We had a nice Mardi Gras party/Mah Jongg game yesterday. Everyone was in a good mood and we chatted non-stop. 😃

    I have been busy finding out how to replace the wrist strap for my Fitibt Charge 3. It is breaking. I see I have had this one (in a long string of Fitbits) since January of last year. Luckily many companies make replacement straps so I will likely not be paying the Fitbit price and it is out of warranty so might as well pay less.

    Nothing much interesting— laundry, replacing batteries, online banking, maybe finally some prep for my tax appointment, finishing a mystery I have been reading, cleaning bathrooms. Argh. 🙄

    Hugs and be well.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Beautiful work. ❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, are you saying he went back to making the kind of formerly rejected
    designs he USED to make? HMMmmm! Interesting note about queen bees! Who knew they were temperamental?----Thank you for the note about dealing with bipolar people. I must not allow myself to personalize her rejections! Her father's mother had serious psychological conditions And to some degree, I think my 3 have varied forms. One is on medication for bipolar and is a much happier person now . I wish I dared approach this one with the suggestion, but she has a favored psychologist to whom she goes periodically who seems never to have picked it up! By the way, DD graduated as a psychology major!!! I do feel incompetent dealing with her, And her IQ far exceeds most intelligent people! Too much for me! Thank you for your suggestion!
    SANDY, rest well so your immune system is not compromised, And enjoy your pre-birthday celebration with adults lol!
    ANNE, abrupt style change with the Japanese set! I'm almost embarrassed to admit my preference is the Art Deco! I've never been too fond of much embellishment, but that's what makes the World go round and remain interesting!
    I went down to the Bistro for breakfast "on the house" today, And everything was sparkling shiny! We were served everything And not allowed near counters or food. And as we entered we were wiped down with all kinds of things including my chair And its wheels! Staff dedication is unbelievable here, And all with a cheerful smile! But I think I will not go down at dinnertime , so I ordered something to eat away from crowds! I don't want to go through this again, And now several people came down with it a second time! A nearby University is badly hit,too. 100 students now in the hospital!
    I'm using WordPad And it's a whole new experience! I'll have to learn editing as it's vastly different for someone with my limited knowledge. Finally manage to change the font; not simple! If I change the spacing of the first 2 words in this paragraph, I now would have to retype everything following!---Oh, I just figured it out. wow! And I've been using notepad always! OK, in transferring, I'm learning a lot and eventually will be more comfortable with word as I come to understand what makes it tick!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!......................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ - The Japanese set (and it comes with plates, saucers and cups so china thin they are like eggshells) was thrown out by the wife of my aunts employer, a doctor. She couldn't stand it. He brought it back from Japan about 90 years ago and the wife chucked it out when he died. Auntie grabbed it literally out of the dustbin and passed it on to me. Different strokes for different folks for sure.

    Just had some news from the UK about my cousins widower Roy. We thought he had early dementia. Well, 3 days ago he got dizzy and fell down. At the hospital they discovered he's suffering from vascular dementia. Two veins between his skull and his brain had snapped flooding his brain with blood. (A bit like what happened to my eye with the blood pressure pills.). The surgeons were reluctant to operate on him at 88 years but they did. I've just heard from Roy's stepson, my cousin, that he's doing very well and much brighter than he's been for ages. And that's a bit of good news for today! At this point though the docs aren't sure if he will be able to cope in his home on his own or not.

    Bean and I ambled through the falling snow to the mailbox, well she ambled. It was darn cold and me saying "come ON Jilly". No tax slips as of yet. Darn it! I like to get the taxes done with.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not a bad day in that we saw the sun for a few hours. I took the dogs to the woods then did a small shop before coming home to housework. It must be the sunshine that has me Spring cleaning with enthusiasm and the conservatory is now sparkling as well as houseplants trimmed, watered and encouraged to grow!

    Yes Buzz, our Smithy Robbie is back to a roaring fire in his forge, hammering hot irons and creating all manner of fire accessories and all things metal. He told me he’s making more horse shoes for people to hang on their walls than for horses and ponies to wear. I find sometimes those with above average IQ’s miss out on the practicalities of life? I don’t know if that’s because their heads are full of what is to them incredibly important complex questions and answers that have no bearing on day to day living but certainly I do at times struggle with 2 members of my family who, despite their Doctorates and degrees, amaze me with their lack of empathy and understanding of us normal mortals!

    Anne that is good news about your Roy and hopefully now he’s in the system as we say, he will be offered the best and safest options when he comes out of hospital.

    Lin, another fancy teapot requiring regular cleaning and polishing! At least it has its own burner to heat the water.

    Sandy, Buzz as ever is right, don’t compromise your own health by tiring yourself out. I’m exhausted just reading about your routine! 😮

    Nearly midnight and I must get to bed! The rain is pouring again and I do hope those poor souls in flooded areas north of me keep safe tonight as water levels continue to rise.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. Off to join the former library ladies this morning and then to a book club. Back later.

    Buzz, your community is certainly doing their utmost to get everyone well again. Stupendous! You did pick a wonderful place. Hope you continue to recover. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, what long days you put in! Spring on the way is not kicking me into high gear!

    Anne, best wishes for Roy. Amazing that he lived through such a horrendous event.

    Sandy, bingo, bingo, bingo. 😉

    Patsy, hello! Any sunshine in your area?

    I did get some tax prep work completed. Not all and must double check even when finished before mailing to my tax attorney. One of the partners retired and my attorney, the one who is left, told me she is not inclined to bring in another attorney. She has two assistants who have been preparing farm taxes for several years and a few really good ladies who work in the offices (several locations).

    A bit of cleaning, finished another book, worked on cards and that is about all.

    Hugs and best wishes.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    A more traditional set I believe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today, then to lunch and of course some gambling. Will catch up tomorrow since I am short on time.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2020
    It's been sunny and cold today and the only rain and hail I experienced was halfway round our moorland walk... typical! 😏 My kitchen and shower room floors got washed before I drove to my hairdresser in the next town for a tidy. We compared notes on dog food and she sung the praises of the raw food that's available now and I'm tempted to buy for Betty and George because she told me how both her dogs have settled tummies, something they struggled with before, much like George. Only worry is the company she recommends sells in bulk and my freezer is small but she said they give lots of telephone advice so worth a call. I'll let you know.

    Enjoy your birthday lunch Sandy and hopefully win a little too. ☺

    I could be wrong Lin but that tea service with its heavy pattern could be Victorian... such a glum generation!!
    Watch out for a great new drama, Flesh and Blood, a who dunnit when we don't actually know until the end what has been done! Gorgeous scenery around Beachy Head in Sussex too.

    In the post today was my tax notification from the government listing 4 different tax codes that wipe out most of my personal allowance but although I've questioned this in past years they continue to place 20% tax on my small pensions... grrr 😲😢😬

    Already close to 6pm so I'll light the fire and think about what I fancy to eat this evening then research car insurance.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there, spring chickens! It is sunny but cold here. A chilly breeze makes us zip up our jackets and pull on a wool watch cap. But it is sunny! Birds are chirping and neighbors are out moving dirt and hammering on something. This requires much barking from Katie. She comments on the events and activities in the area.

    Must run, Amazon order at the door to be signed for....back later

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited February 2020
    Hello, long day but parts of it were quite pleasant! I think I am becoming quite paranoid about the health of others. Two of our former library ladies seemed unwell today. One had a very bad headache and a very flushed face. She admitted to the lady sitting next to her that she did not feel well. One other lady had very little voice, a cough, and she also had a very red flushed face. I really hope neither had anything to spread along to us. I washed and washed my hands. I think I will go through lots more soap and hand spray over the next few months.

    The more I hear, the more I am convinced that while much of the health care community is trying, they really do not know what is going on or what will come next. Take care of yourselves my friends.

    Jackie, yes, that tea set is not Art Deco. I am just attracted to tea/coffee sets. Doesn’t have to be of any particular period. I happened to like the tray included with the set I shared today. I hope you are finding an excellent option for car insurance.

    Going to read for a while. I have decided no tax mess this evening and no cards either.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, JACKIE, your observations are so meaningful to me, as well as releasing some of my guilt! Again, thank you! As far as your taxes, do the truly wealthy pay a lower tax rate? Here, the most for trillionaires is 15%!
    SANDY, hope both the luncheon and bingo went swimmingly well!!! What are your plans for your March birthday?
    ANNE, what a miracle story about your uncle! May he be more comfortable from now on!
    LIN, the renderings are well done though I'm a bit puzzled by the teapot spout! extra line at top?
    PATSY, it's sunny and cold here, too! Are you an Amazon addict, too?
    Have you heard the latest? The coronavirus and the stock market crash are Democratic frauds to get Trump! Some woman on Fox has investigated and discovered THE TRUTH!!!
    Gotta go catch Rachel Maddow's take on who's killing whom in the bunch hoping to dump Trump!Heaven help us!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!.....................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2020
    Why am I here so early? Dum-Dum! A NEIGHBOR/friend heard me speak of my pleasure with Instacart grocery shopping and decided to try it. She started to call me every 5 minutes for instructions, complaints, and more of both. I finally suggested she call them, but she couldn't figure out how. Eventually, she somehow checked out, and 2 hours later, she called to tell me the order never arrived. No phone calls, the gate man vaguely remembered the car, what should she do? I stayed up for hours trying to communicate and eventually sent a complaint to Instacart with a copy to her (Which was returned as undeliverable) only to find her email address in our listing is incorrect; so I was up all night trying to figure out"what to do"!! Only because she has Parkinson's did I feel sorry but the incompetence became my problem, reluctantly. So now, SHE's sleeping , and I'm unable to! I feel guilty for feeling annoyed! Perhaps I'll go down for breakfast, which I'm owed for having missed 2 dinners! Waffles anyone?
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!....................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello girls, I've woken up to a snowy, blowy, world. A message on email from the grocers saying my delivery will be late today because of the road conditions. However, the sun is shining and the temperature should climb again on Sunday.

    Nothing to report from us. I did manage to totter down the icy drive with the garbage cans last evening. There's world shattering news for you! One thing JACKIE, I don't have to worry about mud....yet!
    Hoping to hear how cous in law Roy is doing today. No news yesterday and no news is good news I hope.

    Another interesting thing for me, I now have 26 in the flesh friends - the majority in the U.K - who are now into their eighties. Three are older than yours truly, and my old school friends are roughly the same age. So as long as these virus's don't finish us off we are all doing remarkably well. Did anyone see the good looking old chap on BBC who hails from Hull in Yorkshire? He's about to become the oldest MAN in the entire world at 111 years. Said he hadn't gone out of his way to avoid buses etc, wasn't bothered about money, hundred and eleven years just happened, but he reckoned a sense of humour helped and the world should lighten up. Here, here!

    I've told my lads that they are only halfway on the life path! Especially Mike who was born in the premature baby hospital in Hull. Maybe the water!

    Whatever the weather, enjoy today!

    Anne and of course her trusty pest Jilly Bean! Who by the way ignores kibble, cans of manufactured dog food and only eats chicken, rice, carrot and VERY occasionally the odd lamb chop. Not adverse to a bit of mashed spud, a teaspoonful of oatmeal, the odd pea and indeed any human fodder she can get her paws on.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Hello, I signed up for a lunchtime presentation today at a local senior center. I am thinking of canceling as I have a food delivery coming today. Have no idea when it is arriving. I am sure I will live without whatever information is being presented. 😉

    Buzz, oh my, you are just too nice to people. I hate to hear you lost so much sleep trying to help your neighbor. And I also hope you get some well deserved rest today.

    Anne, I agree, no news is probably good news when it comes to Roy’s condition.

    I am making photocopies of my 1099s and related documents to send in my packet to my tax preparer. I had thought of making a PDF and emailing it but I think actual mail may be safer now.

    Nothing else new here.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited February 2020

    It’s blue and gold and I love that color combination.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Remember the warning that my order between 10 and 12 could be delayed because of road conditions? Well the remarkable Dorio showed up at 8:55 am. Everything top notch and I'm just cooking the beets.
    I also ordered for the first time Milky Bone Good Morning Vitamin Treats. The Bean circled the treat like an apache circling a wagon train, sniffed at said treat suspiciously, then decided I wasn't going to poison her and gobbled it up.
    I wish my tax slips would show up. Itching to get the darn thing over with for another year.
    Mark is in total shock at the price builders charge to demolish a house and build a new one. I'm sitting tight for now!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooooooh! Wet and foggy and cold...just plain nasty out. We have a slow start for the weekend. It is going to be a weekend that I will try to get a few tasks accomplished along with more contact with our son and daughter. I am trying not to get seriously panicked over the virus. So far, we are okay but everyone here is preparing for total shutdown. We have a teacher friend who said their principal has begun the prep for closing the school. Teachers will be teaching from home on their computer. A couple of students are being set up with iPads. We can’t help but be concerned. When all around is in total battle mode. Just be safe, dear sneakers.

    I am making chili and cornbread tonight. That will be a weekend kind of meal. John loves cornbread and I love hot spicy food. Perfect!

    Son Damon has a side business designing and making specialized decorator items for movies, TV, and interior decorators. Because he has a lifelong interest in boats and the sea, in general, his design firm is called steamship designs. We have a lot of fun looking at various movies and watch for some design elements that are his. He alerts us to movies etc that use his designed effects.

    Anyway, his designs have inspired me to do a few paintings in that theme.

    Buzz: my thoughts about your neighbor is that if you will allow yourself a great long nap...where is the harm? You must be sure you get enough rest.

    Anne: contact with old schoolmates sound jolly. I can’t even remember many of mine. Most have passed away, unfortunately. Holding good thoughts for your cousin Roy. I remember how devoted to you he is. Dare I say, I think he has a crush on you!
    Hello everyone. Stay safe and do whatever you can to stay healthy.