Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am sitting all day after spending the night. So far so good. Just dropping in to say good morning, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello, errand running, day 2. My more manageable list for a Tuesday has been completed. Just book club this afternoon. By the way, yesterday, I was surrounded with people but pushed back from the table so I could cross my legs. I also kept my little herbal spray hand cleaner at the ready. One lady next to me coughed a bit periodically but it sounded quite like me when sinus drainage causes a clearing of the throat. No one in the room had any sort of continual cough. Today’s book club is usually just a few people so all should be okay.

    Meanwhile, in the U.S. it turns out we haven’t been testing for the virus so it is probably quite wide spread by now. So the government wants to keep everyone calm, I get that. But an emergency rate cut today by the Fed tells a bit of a different story as does the information that not just goods manufacturing is pretty much all in China these days, which is causing shipping and distribution problems, hey folks, they have the supplies of many elements of prescription drugs. The government apparently does know which drugs are affected but is keeping this from the public, again to keep folks calm.

    I will be more cautious than usual. If you haven’t heard me harp on it before, my grandfather’s parents both died in a flu epidemic. I suspect that keeps the possibility more real to me.

    Speaking of not seeing things, yipes, I was out shopping and grabbed what I thought was a product I purchase from time to time, and when I got home I found out it was the same bottle, same brand, but a different product than the one I wanted. Subtle label difference. Now it has to go back. Must look things over more carefully. (So another errand on my list for tomorrow.)

    Anne, good job forging through all of your books, I still have quite a stack since I get quite an additional supply from the library. It is windy today, very windy. The guy at the bank said it is a very good thing, it is blowing warmer weather and spring our way.

    Jackie, ouch, icy fingers sound very uncomfortable. Indoors, hot tea, sound just the right thing to do. Since your puzzle is almost finished, time to get a new one? Or only a past time for winter months?

    Sandy, have a good day with the kiddos. And Ewok!

    Patsy, I think the Democratic leaders are trying to boost Biden in and feel they need to block Bernie. It was odd how many candidates dropped out and threw support to Biden just before Super Tuesday. We shall see I guess.

    Air Hugs (😂❤️❤️😂)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Today’s offering. ❤️😀❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What is it about loo rolls Anne?. When the result of our Brexit referendum was announced we were told we would soon run out so panic buying took hold. Of course it didn’t happen but I expect those same people will now be delving into cupboards to count them and rush out for more! Our government seems to be following a rational common sense approach and testing everyone who might be infected so they can be quarantined which should slow the spread. All sorts of plans in place too should things get worse which seems to be their assumption.

    Nothing wrong with being cautious but goodness Lin, your government is having to play catch up with testing then? I’d be cautious too! Not telling you much to keep you all calm or to cover up inadequacies I wonder. I think all leaders are learning that reliance on one foreign country for most supplies is ok until problems like the current one crop up. Some small British businesses that lost out to cheap Chinese imports are already booming again so hopefully we won’t go back to our old ways when things calm down.
    My jigsaw has been a great distraction and George’s groomer has offered to pass on some of hers so I will continue because it’s so relaxing. A time waster too but who cares!
    That teapot looks a similar design to one my parents had that I think had been a wedding present. I’ve no idea what happened to it when they separated but assume mother took it with her.

    By the time I was ready to walk this morning the sun was winning so I drove to the moors. That was after I had a panic with my relatively new Bosch washing machine that went into child lock mode at the end of its cycle so I couldn’t hang out my washing. Luckily the instruction book was in a kitchen drawer so I found out how to release the lock. More tidying in the garden after lunch where a huge queen bumble bee buzzed around in the sunshine. 🐝. My arms are aching but the fire is glowing and my feet are up with Betty lying across my knees while I sip a cuppa.

    Enough rambling! 😛🤤🤫
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    I hope that when this virus is gone all the business people who closed down our factories in favour of making money in China and other cheap labour countries learn from the lessons of the past.
    PS. Mark and Mary Jo just been to say goodbye before they embark on their month long trip, could be longer of course if they are quarantined. Still think they are nuts.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Jackie, yes, we had virtually no test kits and only the CDC was allowed to test. Now the number of test kits has been ramped up and testing can be done locally but in the meantime, people in general travel came back to this country without even having their temperature checked. They seemed well. Big mistake. They have been very slow with action but not with their mouths.

    I want essential manufacturing moved back to our country. It is just plain stupid to leave vital and strategic supplies to be out of our reach when we didn’t need to be in this position.

    Mismanagement. 🤬

    Lin😷 who against all advice does indeed have a supply of face masks. Yes, the N95 type.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BUMP!, Well, at least I'll say Hi! Oly nws today is I thin my battery on the wheelchair is about to die! Finished that project that baffled me and was wondering if I should even bother to deliver it when a phone call came asking if it were finished. So I hesitantly delivered it and got a big fat kiss because he thought i was perfect! I bit my lip, trying to keep it because to me it was not quite a failure! Now awaiting results from Super Tuesday. Was taken by surprise by the firing of Chris Matthews. I always kind of liked him despite his talking over everyone and spitting while talking! Yawn...very sleepy....
    .<3 Buzz
    ......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Woke up to spring the sweet spring! Plus 2 C, so it's still cool, but the sun is shining, the birds are a twittering and I found a large spider trekking across my duvet this morning. Things are a-stirring.

    Mark and Mary Jo, Derek and Bev head for BUZZ land today and then the Caribbean cruise. They came over yesterday with leftover oranges, tangerines, a lemon, celery, tomatoes and a huge bag of onions, things that won't keep for the month they are away. Not to be left out, Jilly Bean received two packets of her favourite treats.

    I mailed off my taxes, hopefully done correctly as I had great trouble with the print as you all know.
    Lovely morning, makes me want to spring clean........but is it worth it with my iffy future here. Any excuse!!! Which reminds me I need new jam jams in the worst way. Maybe I can persuade Mike to drop me off at the mall on Friday.
    Hope you all are also full of the joys of spring,
    Anne. ❤️🙃🐶❤️🌷
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. It is sunny this morning and I must report I had 2 robins hopping around my backyard yesterday. What a pleasant sight. Weather should be relatively pleasant today with the wind much more calm than yesterday.

    Day 3 of my errands will start soon. Progress each day. I am mailing my information off to my tax preparer today. I worked on it last night and decided I would just mail it today and hope I did enough proof reading. 😉

    Anne, wishing your travelers safe and happy days until they return. I hope you are able to do your shopping and find some new night wear. What would they have on the shelves now? Light summer weight items?

    Buzz, I am sure your efforts are much appreciated. Now rest up and charge your batteries and the wheelchair battery. I heard Chris Matthews walked out but never checked further on the circumstances. Well, Bernie is not derailed yet. Stay tuned right?

    Sandy, home today?

    Patsy, did I miss your post yesterday?

    Wishing everyone well. ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Hey Jackie, I found quite the photo this morning.

    1960 Citroen AMI 6


    My, vehicles do change over time!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Back to my usual theme.


    Love the color..
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Spring came and went I fear..... back to rain, rain, rain!! I did an early grocery shop before walking the pooches locally but since then haven't done much constructively. I have made a phone call to arrange a survey on my garage roof which is very old asbestos so needs experts to remove and replace it.

    Last night I was interested to read that Amazon and Ebay are removing thousands of items of hand gel for sale a day that are listed at extortionate prices but they just get put back by the sellers so curious, I took a look and it's true, a small bottle usually for sale in supermarkets for 99p are on the Ebay site for £8!! You did make me smile about your face masks Lin and I'm guessing if I checked Ebay or Amazon they would be selling packs for a fortune too but at the moment all I've done is increase the amount of times I wash my hands! :)

    That's a healthy goody bag you've been left Anne. I love my fruit and returned from the supermarket today with British Braeburns, bananas, easy peel satsumas and a large pack of mixed grapes. Perhaps I'll soon begin to lose some of the excess weight I've gained since Christmas!

    I'd better do something before the day is over. I'll start with some washing up and vacuuming!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Interesting JACKIE, our fruit bowls match.
    Me: oranges, tangerines, bananas, apples, and green grapes.
    Happy munching.
    We are just off for a walk while the sun still shines!
    I've actually washed up, cleaned the kitchen and made the bed. And that's it, so far! Oh well, it's still early. Almost 10 -am BUT it's also coffee time!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Anne, the loo paper saga continues!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's just too weird. I've actually got an ancient bidet in my ancient bathroom! Luxury indeed in this day of shortages! Actually if toilet rolls disappear this house could be worth a fortune with its very own bidet.
    It's funny, I always think of sun bronzed Aussies going out into the bush with nothing but a frying pan and a boomerang, and here they are, just like the rest of the world, clamouring and fighting over toilet paper of all things. Nowt so Queer As Folk!
    Anne, bemused as always.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) All rested from my day of sitting and believe me I needed rest. I have a dentist appointment today and maybe some grocery shopping. I will try to visit my friend with the bad leg who is in the hospital again with an infection. This has been going on since October, will it ever heal??
    Babe had his heart shocked last week but woke up yesterday with his heart rate sky high so he is going to the heart doctor this afternoon. My gut feeling is that he needs a pace maker but we will see.
    Speaking of my friend I want to give her a call before eating breakfast and getting ready.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Coincidence! I've just got a text from Michael which reads
    "Just been to Costco. You should see the people stocking up on toilet paper!"
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Interesting article Jackie. I had to stop at WalMart this morning and there is not one container of hand sanitizer in the store. I also saw my first folks wearing masks today. The latest news here is worry about an FBI raid on a home in the vicinity. Quite a number of agents were there carrying things out of the house all day. They were wearing masks and gloves etc. They will not comment on what was going on except to say the Corona virus was not involved.

    So lovely today, a male Cardinal has been singing outside my house. Love it. And what a splash of color!

    It is discount day at the grocery store so I am going to amble over since the weather is nice today.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Hit the grocery store and the drug store. Weather is just lovely! Out of curiosity I checked both places and just like WalMart, there is nary a container of any type of hand sanitizer. That must be our equivalent of toilet paper.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Toilet paper? Really? We are no exception. We bought a big plastic bag of tp rolls at Costco. They are now running low or even out of tp until they get a new shipment. Remember that old movie, Omega Man? Or the later one called, I am legion? Zombies are everywhere. Wearing masks and buying hand cleaner and Clorox. We are at virus central here PNW.