Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Going to the funeral home to pay my respects to a great guy who was the husband of a bingo friend. There will be a luncheon to follow so I should be gone all afternoon. We are expecting sunny warm weather today so it should be a pleasant day.

    I again do not have a lot of time so have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    Happy Sunday from me too! Home from church with a stop at the library. It is kind of overcast this afternoon but oh so warm, 58 degrees F right now. Wahoo!

    I am working on Easter cards once again. Making a tiny bit of progress. Looking for a nice something to put inside the secular cards. Maybe not too long if I a, actually going to write it! Religious ones, done.

    Meanwhile, I have many errands for tomorrow morning with a book club at 1pm. That club is discussing “Born A a Crime” by Trevor Noah. Very interesting. It seems he has always had a very compelling personality and apparently wiggles out of a lot of troublesome situations because of it.

    So bank tomorrow, several grocery stores and maybe a Walmart and the gas station. Better have my running shoes on. 😂😂

    Sandy, another busy day for you. Take care.

    Anne, and saying farewell to part of your family for a few weeks. Argh. I am certain you will miss them and so will Jilly. How do they have so much time to go on vacation? Seems a lot.

    Buzz, I hope you are napping my friend. You have put in some long hours recently. And I hope you are still feeling well.

    Jackie, lost posts!! Beyond annoying. I hope you and your fur babies are all tucked in, warm, and enjoying the evening.

    Patsy, hello, good to hear you are feeling better. I hope that continues.

    Hugs. Wishing everyone health and happiness.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Beautiful to look at but not something any of us would want to maintain right?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello LIN. They've all been at the same job for such a long time the "kids" get 5 weeks vacation so they still have a week left over if they take a month long break. Well Mark and Mary Jo do. Derek of course only manages two weeks a year but Bev is a teacher. Michael is frugal with his 5 weeks taking usually only a week at a time. At 58 he says he doesn't want to return to his job if he takes longer!

    I've spent the afternoon struggling with the tax forms. Supposedly easier this year, I find the new forms much harder to follow and the print is not designed for senior eyesight!

    Just done the working copy so far and I'm not confident it's right. I seem to owe a lot of tax on a mediocre income! Given up for now!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    For Monday, to our dear dear friend:
    We will all celebrate our good luck in knowing you 😘
    LIN, this ornate coffee/tea set is one I back off from, as it is the exact opposite of simplicity! My dear Mother would have probably loved it! My preferences run to the Scandinavian crafts.
    Well, the sanitizing has been moved up again to perhaps tomorrow afternoon for my corridor. As long as it really stops the spread of this Norovirus, it is well worth it, but still a pain in the know where! Our Physical Therapy department just set up an appointment to evaluate my needs and see what it will take to get me into better condition for walking, balance, etc.! It's really time for me to get serious about shaping up! And controlling my sleep habits! My son will be moving to Florida in less than a month, and I want to enjoy going places with them!
    I shall start right now by preparing a small but tasty supper from among all my leftovers during this past week, and hope the coronavirus doesn't affect their leaving Germany, as it has hit there as well as many countries nearby.
    <3 Buzz
    ......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...............................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Finally I've spent a couple of hours pruning roses and Hydrangeas in sunshine.. what a treat that was! I just let George outside and it's raining again so just a short reprieve but at least I know the sun is still up in the sky! As well as gardening I have caught up with a couple of friends on the phone and enjoyed a relaxed day. The final series of Last Tango in Halifax is airing Sunday nights and it has me laughing out loud in between it's more sensitive moments... well worth a watch!

    My new car isn't ready for collection yet and it will probably be the end of the week before I get to drive it home. Oh well, it gives me time to get another collection of rubbish together for the tip before its final vacuum!

    An interesting silver tea service Lin. Nortb African or maybe Middle East?

    I must get myself to bed but send hugs to you all. 🤗
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another dash for the car this morning when our walk in sunshine was disrupted! It was 7c when I drove into the car park with George and Betty but as snow and hail swept over us on the way out that dropped to 1c. We were all relieved to take shelter.
    Nothing planned today because I thought I'd be collecting the car so I'll make a pot of coffee then concentrate on housework.

    Oh dear, I've just seen house sparrows investigating a gap behind a fascia board that's on the handyman's list of jobs to be replaced. A month of rain has put him behind with outdoor jobs but I'll ask him to leave them a small gap once he does get round to it.
    Coffee is calling so Happy Monday everyone. 💁‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Another beautiful dramatic photo JACKIE. Gorgeous.....if cold!

    After yesterday's fiasco trying to read the small print...NOT designed for seniors...I gave up in despair on the taxes at the working sheet point and then spent the next two hours trying to figure out why I had lost the internet and none of my passwords worked. The sons who contact me via text each day to make sure I'm still breathing were all set to gallop over this morning to put everything right but I surprised them AND me by finally figuring it all out. Shame for Bean though as she loves them coming over but just as well because it's dark and gloomy outside and we are having a day of rain.

    So here I am still on the internet....... again, lol,

    Anne the techie!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. Errands are not going that well. I have fallen way behind so I am adjusting my list for today. Guess I will be working on these all week! 😂.

    Jackie, my goodness, another frightening storm. What dark dark blue! And snow and hail included. Yipes. Glad you got back to the car. And speaking of cars, sorry your car is not ready yet. Are birds looking for nesting places already?

    Anne, good job indeed. Fixed your own technology issue. Wahoo!! No sunshine here today but our temperature is not bad. We are up around freezing. Certainly not as nice as yesterday but overall, the week is set to be nice.

    Buzz, how long do you have to wait for your PT appointment? I hope not long.

    A local school spent the weekend disinfecting a school. Someone who had been in Wuhan China and who had cleared quarantine visited the school last week. They said they were utilizing an abundance of caution. Wow!

    Well, back to my list.

    Hugs and wishes for a happy and healthy day. ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The service for my friend's husband was lovely. Her daughter sang Swing Low Sweet Chariot and two young girls in the Marines came and folded the flag and gave it to her young grandson at the request of her deceased husband. He evidently made all his own arrangements and they were followed through. We then went to the luncheon where I had a couple of drinks so this morning hasn't been pleasant. I have to make up my mind that my body doesn't like alcohol anymore. :s
    Before leaving for the service yesterday my son texted me and asked what I was doing because Lisa had been rollerblading with Ewok and took a bad fall. She drove herself to urgent care and ended up with three stitches on her chin. Rob was worried about a concussion but she was fine so I didn't have to cancel my plans. I did forget my phone at home which almost put me through withdrawal but I managed to go a whole day without.
    Our weather is pleasant this week with temps in the high 40's and low 50's. I am sitting early tomorrow so I will be spending the night with the kiddos.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I see the virus has now reached the Caribbean and cruise ships are testing passengers. Still think Mark and Mary Jo are nuts. Anne.
    Mind you if Dorio picks the virus up as he delivers the groceries maybe they will be safer than me here. 25 cases here now.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Hi Anne, I think they are nuts. But I think my friend’s grown children who are leaving today for 2 weeks in Japan are also nuts. They are taking both of their little kids.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, wash your hands every time you see someone, anyone, and keep about 6' distance between you and you should be fine. If they sneeze over you hit them!!! :p I've always washed my hands after a visit to the shops because I think a lot of people don't bother and who knows what they've been up to. :s
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    I have heard from two friends. Both are ill, one doesn’t know what she has but has been feeling poorly for 7 days. She keeps urging her husband to take her to the store to stock up on supplies. Wisely he is ignoring her. The other has barely gotten out of bed since Friday nite. Her husband took her to an urgent care clinic and they say she has a virus. I play Mah Jongg with her, that is cancelled for tomorrow. She actually called me, argh, her cough sounds terrible.

    So you totally do not know what you are running into out there. Going to book club and cannot stay 6’ away. Hummmmmm. If there’s coughing, maybe I will be rude and leave.

    Off to get a snack and will keep washing my hands.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Okay here we are in a true tizzie over this virus. I am actually more concerned about this than our political issues. Knowing me as you do...that is saying a lot! I am trying to do all of the things everyone suggested. We however still have tour boats coming to town and they have thousands of people on board. Do they all practice good health habits? Are they all healthy? Where are they going locally? What have they touched?i am going over the edge now......

    Sandy: I understand about alcohol. I have recently given up my nightly glass of red wine. John still has his one glass of wine. Change is inevitable and often means giving up habits we enjoyed. I have substituted a cup of herbal tea as a bedtime drink. Not nearly as much fun!

    Jackie: that sky looked very angry and full of fury. Glad you made to home with your little buddies. John went out for a supply run yesterday. He met several people in masks and people were preparing for the worst. I can see we will not be going out for lunch again for months. There is much to do right here and I guess we will strive for making the most of this by staying busy.

    Lin: as always, your tea pots make me smile and I always think of my grandmother. She was Irish and was the worlds worse cook. But she always had tea and cookies with us after school. Stay safe my friend. You are not being rude to avoid getting infected.

    Buzz: I have been impressed by Bloomberg and for me, i would vote for him. Or Biden as a second choice. Not that any of you very considerate ladies asked. But you know I am a maniac. As John often says, with Patsy, there is no ambiguity.

    Anne: about those tax forms...I assume you have a large magnifying glass at your elbow! I have a great little device that son Damon got me. It is a plastic sheet that is the size of a normal sheet of paper. It magnifies the entire page. There is a catalog filled with handy things for us oldies. It is called Golden Violin. Some items are sort of creepy. He also got me a device to help put on my bracelets.
    And the week begins.......
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oops SANDY! I mistook the date so don't read your greeting until the 10th!!
    JACKIE, if that photo had been snapped in Florida, I would have ducked the 2 tornados forming in the rear!
    LIN, if in doubt, stay OUT! Sickness, you don't need!
    Must run down about a poster I'm asked to make. 2 new virus cases here over the weekend!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We've got three new virus cases today in our area, 18 now locally, 28 across the country. The latest are folk returning from Egypt and Iran. Jackie is quite right about folks not washing their hands after visiting the toilet, just stand in a public washroom drying your hands under the dryer and watch the mainly young doing a quick dash in and out. Wonder how many stock food shelves or work the grocery cash registers. I won't go into hygienic change products......oh boy!
    My magnifying glass is pretty useless Patsy. I think governments should send larger print tax forms! Having said that how about instructions on packets and bottles. I'm sure it's not just me thinking that ingredients and instructions are getting smaller and smaller. I find extremely small red print the worst.
    Just stay safe ladies!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. The day has begun with sunshine and icy showers so I’m planning a shorter walk rather than having to rush across the moors again! Yesterday afternoon I tried to get some gardening done but my fingers soon turned to ice so when another hail shower arrived I gave up, came in to make a cup of tea then worked on my jigsaw. It’s almost finished, just sky and trees to complete.

    I’ve got one of Patsy’s plastic magnifying sheets and it’s a Godsend. Since my cataracts were removed
    my long distance sight is 20/20 but reading labels is impossible without glasses so I hold the sheet in one hand and wave whatever I’m trying to see underneath.

    The constant virus news continues but I did see an American health official say yesterday the media is overreacting and maybe because I endured over 3 years of similar coverage concerning our leaving the EU I’m not listening to much.... life has continued and the sky didn’t fall in! The best advice I’ve seen is to be alert but not scared. I certainly do think that avoiding countries that are struggling to contain the virus is common sense because I gather everyone returning to the Uk from these areas is supposed to self quarantine but I’m guessing a lot either don’t bother or don’t realise they’re infected, hence the increase in numbers.

    On that cheery note it’s time to walk! Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    Agree JACKIE. No point in reacting to all the hype. We either get the virus or we don't. Not much panic in this country although I gather Costcos are running out of toilet paper. TV News pictures of folks tottering out of the store with laden carts, lol. I figure that seeing I'm about to chuck out all my paper backs I can always use the torn out pages in an emergency! No leaves on the trees yet! Michael tells me his management are considering banning his secretary from work for two weeks quarantine when she returns from Vietnam. This might thrill her to bits. Two extra weeks off work to do her spring cleaning. Bonus! Seven weeks of freedom if she's well! Haven't seen any mask wearing on our walks.
    Whoops. Oatmeal ready.
    PS. Spring arrives on the 19th and should hopefully kill off the virus.