Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well he did ask me to marry him 20 years ago! I galloped off as fast as I could, completely horrified! I'm fond of him in an in-law cousinly way, but marriage!!! Yikes!!!
    I'm still in contact with Margaret and Gordon, Dawn, Noreen, Wendy, and Jane but June passed away last year unexpectedly. I'm the only schoolgirl friend who ventured far from Yorkshire and I'm the only one who ended up deserted three years after arrival in Canada. My cousin Helen suffered the same fate when she and the girls followed her husband to Australia. Must be something to do with wanderlust in males seeking pastures greener in their forties.
    Ain't complaining, I've had a lovely adventurous life once I dusted myself off. And of all my friends and remaining family except for Margaret and Gordon, all the girls are sadly widowed now.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN - That pot is from the '39 world's Fair held in Queens, New York! It shows the Trylon and the Perisphere! I went there at the age of 12 with my parents (Bostonians, all) and there we 1st learned someday we would SEE each other on telephones! It was pretty darned exciting and your teapot almost made me cry from memories too pleasant !

    To bring up-to-date last night's fiasco, I did get hold of Instacart this morning but my neighbor's email address was possibly the real problem! I read it as Well, that was how it was listed on my sheet here. It actually should have read! Plus aol seems to name their folders "new" and "old" and much of her new mail lands in OLD!!! Somehow, everything got really screwed up, but after I sent the correct information she was called and being sent a fresh new order today! I could barely make out what she was saying when I called her, due to what Parkinson's has done to her voice!
    Lesson to be learned: Do not use in addresses or passwords letters or numbers that can be mistaken for others, such as 1 and l, 0 and O,----perhaps there are others, but those can be mistaken too easily!
    Very cold here, and I will definitely nap later, but my waffle was slightly soggy but delicious! You're right, ANNE, no harm other than lost sleep and feeling good about helping someone far less fortunate than I!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!...................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MY NEIGHBOR'S NEW GROCERY ORDER HAS ARRIVED though bananas were missing, and she is so happy now YAY!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) A day to myself to rest up and do laundry. Our lunch was wonderful and each lady brought me a bottle of wine and other surprises. We did go gambling and I lost at the first place but recovered it at the second, so it was a good day.
    My tummy wasn't happy that I had some alcohol but at least I am finding out what bothers it.
    Another busy week with taking Joe to church tomorrow, a funeral luncheon on Sunday followed by spending the night at kiddos Monday night to sit all day Tuesday. Dentist on Wednesday, meeting and grocery shopping on Thursday and my son and his wife arriving on Friday through Monday. Tuesday on my actual birthday Rob and Lisa are taking me out to dinner with another sleepover on Thursday to sit all day Friday. I have a yearly physical on the 16 and then St. Paddy's dinner on the 17th. We go to the casino on the 23 -25. Whew I am tired already. :o

    Buzz, you are indeed a kind person but don't get worn down and get sick again. I didn't know anyone still used AOL for an email address except one friend who is afraid to change it to gmail. I am glad your friend is getting her order today. My SIL also suffers from Parkinson's and has many falls. Her husband is a saint and takes good care of her.

    Anne, it still must have been flattering to have the proposal, come on admit it. lol You are very lucky to have Dorio, I am thinking of ordering again but this time through Walmart where you pick up your groceries. I did not like the stew meat from the last place it was on the tough side and I want to make the low carb stew for my son and dil.

    Patsy, I am more upset with the stock market plummeting due to the coronavirus. I would love know which films your son designed elements so I can look out for them.

    Lin, I like that tea pot very much, it is very cool. I suppose we are all better off staying home until they find a cure for this virus but that seems impossible for me. I don't think you are being paranoid just cautious. One of the ladies had a cold and wanted to cancel which I wish she did, so hopefully I don't get another cold, the last one was bad enough.

    Jackie, good luck with insurance, I hate shopping around for insurance because then I get bombarded with sales calls or emails. As far as tax forms, Babe and I still file jointly so most of the work is his, I just bring him what I get in the mail.

    Ok ladies, time to put the clothes in the dryer for the next wash load.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Buzz, this was the caption with the teapot photo. So wonderful that you recognized it!

    ”New York World's Fair teapot by Hall China, 1939.”
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Sandy, I have several email addresses. One is AOL.😉
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I just lost the longest post and cant face retyping it all. Another storm has arrived, this one called Jorge, pronounced Horhay which is Spanish for George!! It's going to be a noisy night and I cant imagine where all the rain is going since so many areas are already seriously flooded.

    Stay safe but try not to get caught up in all the media frenzy about the latest virus. Percentages show few are dying from it and many don't even know they've got it!! ❤

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2020
    Oh JACKIE, here we are all frozen and you are in for yet more rain. I think if I could return to the UK I would live in a houseboat and purchase a dinghy for shopping. It's absolutely freezing cold here.

    Mark and Mary Jo are departing for Florida for a whole month with a two week cruise next week. I think they are nuts. I can't imagine how boring it will be if they get stuck in a quarantine cabin for 14 days. But like Jackie says a lot of the news is probably media frenzy. I barely noticed the SARS a few years ago when Toronto was the hot bed.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, there's always media frenzy BUT I have just come through a complete 3 community quarantine and we are still going through total decontamination misting of every apartment and area of the entire place! It has been horribly contagious and some have come down with it a second and even third time! Of course, Fox TV and the White House declare it's a Democratic scheme to keep OrangeHead from winning! Also the stock market drop! Everything is now Fake News! I will finally go down to the dining room Saturday evening. We now think there were one or two initial unreported cases in December, and it really blew up! BUT it was NOROVIRUS, not CORONAVIRUS! I am also finally
    getting my strength back (for what it's worth!!!). I have napped or slept so much I'm wide awake!
    LIN, for what it's worth, I recall so vividly m visit inside that Perisphere in 1939! I don't think it was ever removed from the site, but am not certain.
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!.................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning as I cook my porridge and read the news. Jilly Bean is still in bed!
    I see cuddly Donald says the virus is a democratic hoax. Will he change his mind if he picks the bug up at one of his rallies and of course say he's been infected by a democratic "plant"?. What an old windbag.
    I believe we have 15 cases in Canada with 7 in our area. I asked Dorio if he'd heard of anyone infected seeing he's out and about, and he hadn't, but Mike is wondering if his secretary will get quarantined on her return from an Asian hiking trip everyone advised her not to go on.
    Hey oh, the world continues spinning regardless,
    My porridge is ready,
    Bye ladies,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So there we were, my pooches and me, stepping out across the sunny moors in the eye of the storm when I glanced to our left and saw the next blast from Jorge hurtling in our direction!
    I tried my best to hurry the dogs back to the car but what with George sniffing every blade of grass we were soon under those black clouds being hammered by stinging hail. George was fine in his current fluffy Winter coat and I had luckily strapped Betty into one of his raincoats but goodness, my poor face was under attack!
    Home now and contemplating chores while the dogs sleep off their exercise. Definitely avoiding the news that seems to be all about one man in Surrey that's contracted Coronavirus.... so how many have died of flu this month and why aren't we talking about them? Even our normally staid and steady BBC are getting their knickers in a twist!! As you say Anne the world keeps spinning, although I did see a story the other day about a massive swarm of locusts devastating farmland somewhere so who knows!!! 😒😯🙄 (excuse my British humour!)

    Lunch first I think.... happy Saturday everyone. 🙋‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The good news JACKIE, despite my magnifying glass I can't see a swarm of locusts sweeping in with the thunderclouds out on the Cornish moors! LOVE the stark photo, but no locusts or indeed anything else devouring the landscape!! Not here either! It's minus 10 and not a self respecting, warm blooded locust in sight! OR a mosquito! A lot to be thankful for, no Donald either, lol.
    Coffee time coming up. Anne.😎😷🙃♥️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Feeling good today, no tummy issues. Warmer day today but tomorrow near 60!!! B) Looks like next week will also be warm, can spring be coming soon???
    Going to Mass with Joe and out to eat and so happy the weather is better for me to put and take his walker out of my trunk. :)
    I did read this morning not to panic over the flu and to not wear masks as they really don't help. They want them saved for the professionals taking care of the ill.

    Anne, I am envious of Mike and Mary Jo, I can't wait to go to Florida in April. I also read about Donald telling us that the virus is a Dem hoax, is he really that dumb? When do they expect your weather to warm up???

    Jackie, it might be a dangerous storm but the picture is beautiful. Sorry you lost a long post, we all know how frustrating that can be. Is the fireplace done?

    Buzz, I don't know about the stock market being fake news but I know that I am losing a lot of money because of the flu. I am glad you are feeling better but still get plenty of rest so it doesn't come back.

    Lin, I have three emails, one for my personal use, one for when I don't want to be bothered with spam emails and the other from when I lived with Babe. I have them all under Outlook though so I can check them easier. What are your plans for today? Is your weather like mine?

    Patsy, I hope all is well by you with some cases of flu being reported from California and Oregon. I think one of the big things is to keep washing our hands when out in public.

    Have a great day everyone and stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The weather climbs to 45F on Monday SANDY and then drops a little bit on Tuesday. I was thinking, I haven't had a vacation for 10 years in May. Maybe a month in Florida and the Caribbean would be worth taking a quarantine risk! If like you I had a daughter down there I'd certainly be off!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good day. I have been doing some online banking. A number of my online banks are doing maintenance tomorrow through Monday morning. I wondered if it a leap years thing. Several of my accounts that do not credit interest to my accounts until the 1st of the month had already credited it this morning. Got my transfers in place.

    Sandy, We have sunny weather. It was cold this morning but the temperature has been increasing along with the wind. Tomorrow is forecast to be lovely. And I also have 3 email accounts but do not use Outlook. I get to all of them via the web although I have an AOL app.

    Buzz, I checked, the World Fair site of 1939 was also used for 1964 I believe. Most of the buildings are gone or remodeled into something else in the little bit I read. Which may not be true, who knows. Here are several photos from the archives.


    Jackie, that storm looks fierce. My gosh, I would have run for the car dragging the dogs along. Yikes! And very sorry for the lost post. Extremely irritating.

    Anne, I cannot remember when I last had a vacation. I think it may have been a trip to St. Martin but that was a very long time ago. Luckily I am quite happy here. 🙌🏻❤️🙌🏻

    Patsy, good day to you. I hope all is well.

    Well, I will be very cautious. Celiac sprue is an auto immune disorder, not an allergy. My doctor has said many of us have compromised immune systems. I have just me, myself, and I. I always avoid crowds during the regular flu season each year.

    We have had loads of coverage about travel and the flu here due I suspect from being a college town. Well and actually many spring break trips by high schools and orchestras and choirs are coming up fast. Re-routing destinations etc., already happening college having students return home early, and much more covered quite heavily. It is news of course since it affects many families in this area. Oh, and this is the destination for both the girls and the boys high school basketball tournaments also coming up fast. The metro is packed with people for those weeks.

    Hugs. ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited February 2020
    Today’s tea/coffee set. Beautiful porcelain. As a plus, I adore Iris. ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Me too!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy here. But the crazy part is my strange malady that currently has departed! Thank goodness. Nausea, aches and in general poopy feeling. gone now!

    That tea set is way too tempting. Glad I am not walking down a store isle to run into that set. Temptation is a terrible thing. The last thing I need is more pretty things I don’t use. Watched the news and I see Tom pulled out of the race. The thinning of the herd has begun.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh darn, this post went missing on clicking REPLY. Well nothing really new. The sanitizing program is already running about 3 days behind schedule....very slow! Instead of last Friday, I am now scheduled for around Tuesday/Wednesday!
    Did I mention our new Security Chief grew up in Boston and his wife went to school with Bloomberg? She says he is totally decent, philanthropic, admits mistakes and is a self-made millionaire! Lousy debater, excellent leader, and honest. He didn't inherit from an enabling father!!! And he knows scads of truths about our infantile prez's history and will use them in a campaign! Oops, I just fell off the soapbox!
    PATSY, sorry about you malaise and glad it's over!
    LIN, Iris's always grabbed my heart, too! And I don't recall our trip to the 1964 FAIR the way I remembered '39! Just that we DID take all 3 kids ad it was a big expense!
    JACKIE, this has been a bad year for flu! Your photo is so dramatic!
    SANDY, so sorry you'll be so far away in April. Wish we could plan a lunch!
    ANNE, have you ever tried a chocolate -covered locust? They were quite fashionable when I lived in Providence! Source of cheap protein :s !
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh BUZZ! No I haven't eaten a locust, nor any insect unless the unsuspecting little thing wandered into my open mouth in sleep! Despite living once near the North Sea I haven't eaten a lobster or a winkle or a mussel either (have tried crab) and I like snails far too much to eat one. I have glass snails on the window ledge. Frog legs are also a no no in this unadventurous culinary household.
    Watched a Canadian programme last night about the lofty one and sad to say the conclusion was - wait for it - he will be elected again!
    On that sad note off for my bath.
    Anne. 🦀🐜🦐🕷🐌🦀