Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Teatime. Yes! Just in time for my morning coffee LIN.

    Not much to say it being big wash day and all it entails. Sheet washing, duvet cover washing etc etc. For once, I didn't see anybody yesterday. Actually I rather enjoyed a bland sort of day. The knee wasn't to be trusted, but I did get out and about a bit treating it gingerly. I swear the change in temperature does this job on the old bones. Today I feel fine, but tomorrow when the temperature plummets again, I bet I'll be having another whine.

    World news appears to have forgotten the Donald's, the Harry's and the Meghans in favour of the Corona virus which doesn't seem to be dying down.

    I did see Donald and wife outside the Taj Mahal. Never fear PATSY, all things pass and in time so will Donald just like the builder of that beautiful tomb.

    Rugby is a bit like American football but more dangerous because the players don't wear protective clothing just their shorts and tees. They have been known to lose their shorts in the scrums. I know because I used to go to rugby matches with my dad as a kid. Dad would cover my eyes when someone lost their shorts, lol. Actually one always spotted an old rugby player in my youth because many sported "cauliflower" ears.

    And that's me done and dusted,
    Anne, soon dashing away with a smoothing iron.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Tummy is better this morning so hopefully I will be back to normal soon. I will continue to watch what I eat and drink which might not be easy at Rob's. I will bring my own breakfast food and possibly a chicken breast but will see. I think he is making tacos tonight for Bryanna but I will see how I feel to decide if I will eat them or not. I can always have soup. :p

    I will be packing clothes for two days and something other than sweats for bingo.
    With the snow coming I might not even go to bingo, everything is wait and see mode.

    My friends are taking me out to eat for my birthday on Thursday after my meeting. I was willing to wait until April but they want to get it over with I guess. More gambling in my future.

    I will bring my IPad and try to check in as long as the kiddos let me. I know by Friday I will be exhausted but it is what helps keep me young. (at least that is what I tell myself)

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :D I see the silly predictive text on my iphone didn't like the words Art Deco yesterday but went for a deck instead... how funny! I'm on my laptop now so not even spellcheck to interfere (or help!) Love today's set Lin although I'm not sure pink is a good colour for tea! Hopefully I will pick up the new car next Monday since new car registrations begin in March. Apart from a final clean and vacuum inside as well as collecting up all the bits that have been left in the glove and side compartments I just have to sort out some insurance.

    Of course it's been raining sideways again which entailed another soaking when I finally gave in and took the pooches out. I've also been to a local store to buy more large rigid plastic sheets to clip round the hens' run as they are still getting too wet each day with no chance to dry and pick the mud off their feet. It took a couple of hours to erect it all in the rain then just as I finished they went into their house showing no appreciation at all!! It's cup of tea time now then I'll light the fire and get something to eat.

    Lucky you Anne if you're hearing nothing of the "happy" couple or much of Mr T. although I must say he does give me a good laugh every day when he appears on our BBC news talking gibberish! We still hear far too much about the royals now living in Canada as the family feud goes from bad to worse. Methinks the young man is being led by the nose!!
    Rugby rules have been tightened up so much now there are few injuries and certainly the nastiness that used to go on in a scrum has generally disappeared. I did notice an Irishman lost his shirt yesterday and became very cross although I didn't see any English player walking away with it!!

    A busy week for you Sandy and I'm pleased you are feeling better so should be able to enjoy the celebrations.... yours and Bryanna's. Maybe sip water instead of wine :s I know, there's no fun in that!!

    Haddock fishcakes tonight with steamed veggies but I'd better get that fire going first because my feet are so cold they're hurting.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Kept down the oatmeal, broth and banana and am about to shower for the first time in 4 days !UGH!
    JACKIE, I wish I were as certain as you about the orange terror disappearing before permanent damage is done to this earth and my country!! He acts on his belief that Global Warming is a hoax so is getting rid of all the environmental rules! Somehow this devil gets away with everything and can't be stopped! Brags about how his is the best ever economy and then cuts raises for Federal Employees due to "the poor economy"!!! I won't go on, but be prepared for 4 more least (unless he changes THAT rule, too!)
    Meanwhile, I think my logic went down the sink with certain other things the past few day, as I've really goofed some important papers! I'm recovering limply!
    SANDY, have a great time at Bryanna's celebration, but don't get tummy problems again!
    LIN's pink set is delightful.
    ANNE, thanks for my laugh of the day!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    A busy week for you Sandy and I'm pleased you are feeling better so should be able to enjoy the celebrations.... yours and Bryanna's. Maybe sip water instead of wine :s I know, there's no fun in that!!

    No wine Jackie, I will wait until Thursday to have one drink. My hairdresser is letting me come today instead of Friday so I will welcome the color and trim and be ready for all celebrations.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ, if Donald is stopping federal government raises there's a good chance the unhappy employees won't vote him back don't you think? Maybe a chink of light in a long tunnel. White is the funeral colour of India and whilst it could be considered appropriate for Mrs T to wear it at a tomb, I'm not sure it was appropriate when she tried her hand at spinning Donald a Gandhi type loin cloth. Lol.
    Actually, it's going to be rather dull when Donald heads for the retirement home but I hope it isn't yours dear lady.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, unfortunately there are those who who welcome him here!
    We are continuing the quarantine Tuesday, (tomorrow) as it is not yet over. Our administrator invited is for a Bistro breakfast on Wednesday, when she hopes to return to normal. Labs returned the fact that it was NOT food born, and Thursday the state's verdict is expected, but they do think it's Norovirus, more common on cruises. I've had a sleepy but uneventful day, though now that I'm holding down my meds, my Blood Pressure has gone from 200/100 to 134/75! Some drop, huh?
    I wrote but forgot to post about a new series I've been watching on Sunday night at 9 PM, EST on MSNBC.Named "What's Eating America?", The travelling photo journalist shows us how oysters, perch and various other fish are disappearing, as are huge farm lands! Farming is moving indoors to huge tall warehouse type built to hold soil and produce!!! Glad I won't be around to see the new world! Thank you Donald!!! Meanwhile, the existing fish are feeding on poison algae, so be careful what you choose. Alaskan salmon seems still safe!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always try to believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!........................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a quick pop in at the moment.
    BUZZ, I read that not only is vegetable growing moving indoors but the clever lads (sarcasm) in their lab coats are experimenting growing them in a sort of man made plastic foam. I suppose this could be interesting for me when I end up in a high rise, and won't have to worry about soil spillage, but what a sad future world.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2020
    Bright skies and sunshine when I first got up this morning had turned to dark and gloomy hail and rain filled clouds by the time I was making porridge. I did manage to walk during a break although a freezing cold gale made life uncomfortable. Betty got to wear one of George's jackets just in case the hail returned... a tight squeeze that occasionally flapped when the Velcro straps pulled apart but she still managed to trot happily. George is currently wearing his thick winter coat.
    We're now enjoying wet snow and the occasional sunny break so housework rather than pruning my hydrangeas and fuscias that are in dire need of attention.

    BuzzI read recently that New Zealand muscles are dying in their millons in warming seas much as they did off California and Oregon last summer so the eco system is collapsing and we'll soon find most seafood won't be edible! Diseased algae on your Pacific coast was also mentioned.

    Anne I saw a news item about old foam mattresses being used like oasis to grow veggie seeds. Sections are cut off and given to Syrian refugees in camps because apparently a high number of them were farmers before war broke out and the delight on their faces at being given an opportunity to grow food for their families again was wonderful to see.

    I'll finish for now, laughing at Mr T in the background visiting India on BBC news... such a hypocrite!!

    Looking forward to seeing today's tea set Lin! 😁
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, I saw that as well JACKIE. I suppose not such a bad idea in desert, stony countries. I had a terrible sleep last night because my mind kept wandering to a current problem. Nothing I can change, but it's amazing how the grey cells won't switch off. A coffee is called for.!
    Think I'll start throwing out old paper back books today. I've started weeding out ancient clothes from my office days. Totally out of fashion, not that I'm a fashion plate!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good day, late again. Must get to the post office and then off to Mah Jongg. We will have a tiny Mardi Gras celebration with beads and treats. Pretty tame!

    I think something must be wrong with me as I just cannot fathom the way things are going. I won’t comment further, my blood pressure will surely rise.

    Hugs all round. Be happy! ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Today’s set, coffee or tea?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Okay, I did not know about the diversity of bumblebees in Britain


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2020
    24 species I think Lin. So I’ve just counted your display, only up to 22 until I noticed 2 buzzing round the top title!! 🐝.

    Wow to the Art Deco set that I’m guessing is designed for coffee but you never know.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Neither LIN. It's a listening device for alien space signals. 🤖🤖🤖 Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! Sunny but very nippy out. Katie has been out and about at least 20 times. She is demanding a ball game but honestly it is just cold enough to make me try to put her off for an hour or so.

    I was amazed at the tea and coffee sets. There was a time when those sets were treasured and used. Lovely to see but I have way too much unused but interesting items gathering dust in my china cabinet. I cringe when I see these items. What to do with them? Who will want them? No one uses these things any more!

    I am very sensitive about unused and unwanted things now. The town and area I grew up in has been abandoned and is decaying. I am not talking about our old ranch house, I am talking about an entire town and surrounding area. There was a YouTube video about it. Ranger, Texas. It gives me such a strange haunted feeling. What happened to the schools and park and cemetery? When I was a kid there were at least 10,000 people living in and around Ranger. Everyone just picked up and left. Oooooooh......why?

    Don’t dispare Anne. Indoor gardens may not be quite as much fun as outdoor gardens but still fun to see what can be done. As far as living in the high rise, you will have a great new experience. Different and exciting. You still might relocate to that cottage Michael was talking about. I think change is harder to think about than to actually make the physical change. Embrace the winds from a different direction, I always say.
    “Don’t let aging get you is too hard to get back up!”
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OOOOH! LIN< that teapot is the sexiest design I seen in years! Just the kind of piece I want to run my hands around! I doubt it belongs to the other set below in the picture, but what handsome pieces! Upon examination, do you think the coffee pot and creamer would be easy to pour with those handles? But visually, I really love them!
    I just learned (by looking up her website!) it is decided my DD does NOT have lymphoma or any other CA! She never bothered to tell me and I'm trying not to be hurt! She has run hot and cold since her teens, when her entire personality changed! WHen she is loving, she is amazing, and then she can turn completely without explanation and I can do nothing right! Well at least thank goodness, cancer is not her threat now!
    JACKIE, what is the status of your beekeeping ? I saw a wonderful advertisement for honey, showing the beekeeping procedure, equipment, etc and thought of you.
    ANNE, the indoor farmspace was like one huge warehouse inhabited by all separate areas of floor spaces, hanging there is space. I guess very scientific!
    PATSY, how awful about Ranger. Are we a throwaway society? As far as collectables, yes I was caught up in a field for which there is little demand today! And yet other crafts are flourishing!
    I've forgotten my pills, so I think it's a sign I'd better go take care of things. I'm feeling almost back to normal...
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always try to believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!......................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Interestingly, to me anyway, our local Smithy Robbie who lined my chimney and fitted the new multi fuel stove told me he only took on this kind of work because a few years ago his real job creating ornate metal gates, stove canopies, companion sets and hearth surrounds dried up. Not fashionable customers told him so he had to diversify. It seems the next generation loves the old style of fire places so he’s returning to doing what he loves which tells me Patsy that even the unwanted contents of our China cabinets will one day get snapped up by keen discerning homemakers!

    Buzz my beekeeping has been on hold for nearly 2 years now what with past dodgy hips that led on to the area of garden my beehives stood in becoming a bit of a jungle. If it ever stops raining my plan is to finish clearing that area so I can set up the hives and get going again. I have been offered a colony if I wish or I can wait for a swarm to set up home but sensibly the former would be best because I’d know their history and temperament. A swarm can be difficult if their queen is feisty which is often the case and why she probably decided to take off From her previous home.
    Did you once mention your DD is bipolar? A friend of mine is but recognising those mood swings I take them as they come but know it can’t be at all easy when it’s a loved one’s conflicting personality.

    Gone midnight so I must get to bed with the sound of hail crashing on roof... not pleasant out there!
    Jackie 😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday night! :) Long day of sitting but kids were pretty good until their mom came home. Lol
    I am tired and will go to bed early here as I have another day of sitting tomorrow. I hope to go to bingo tomorrow as long as there is no snow storm. They called off most of the snow so I think I will be fine. Birthday lunch onThursday and so far my tummy is doing well.

    Have a good night,
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mentioning the old coming back in style, I woke up this morning having dreamt my Ercol sofa and armchairs now confined to the basement had been restrapped and reupholstered in a very pretty pale apple green! They looked so pretty I wanted to chuck out all the modern stuff up here, order the strapping from the Ercol company and have them redone!
    I also woke up to snow back on the ground.

    Just for fun here's my very old Japanese teaset.